GOP House FBI Investigation Ends

Trump just thought he was being investigated.


  • House Intelligence Committee Chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) made it clear when he was in the minority that he wanted to open a more aggressive Russia investigation.
  • House Ways and Means Chair Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA) could well try to get Trump’s tax returns.
  • House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY) could investigate Trump’s Saudi Arabia policy in the wake of Jamal Khashoggi’s murder.
  • House Judiciary Committee Chair Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) will be on the lookout for inappropriate interference with the Justice Department.
Karma, Karma, Karma


This makes our country better how? Divisive your post was.

The left is covering up treason and blackmail crimes and the men knows this

Watch the big change coming
House GOP Quietly Ends Probe Into FBI's 2016 Actions

Much like the "voter fraud commission"...this existed for no other reason than to say that it did exist.

There was never any "there" there

The senate has closed the investigation into Hillary too but you won't hear any republicans talking about that.

The reason it's closed is because there was no crime that Hilary committed.

The republicans just waste our money on needless and endless investigations that always end up with the same results, clearing Hillary of any charges of crimes.
House GOP Quietly Ends Probe Into FBI's 2016 Actions

Much like the "voter fraud commission"...this existed for no other reason than to say that it did exist.

There was never any "there" there

Unfortunately, the House Committee had no power to file charges against anyone. I think this is one of the problems, we really need to have a Special Persecutor's office to look at the FBI which is out of control. Such a counsel would be able to file charges when people lie or obstruct.

Back in 1939, the NKVD - the Soviet Union's answer to the FBI- was out of control. The director Nick Yezhov was very partisan and had no consideration for the truth. President Stalin took decisive action
House GOP Quietly Ends Probe Into FBI's 2016 Actions

Much like the "voter fraud commission"...this existed for no other reason than to say that it did exist.

There was never any "there" there

The senate has closed the investigation into Hillary too but you won't hear any republicans talking about that.

The reason it's closed is because there was no crime that Hilary committed.

The republicans just waste our money on needless and endless investigations that always end up with the same results, clearing Hillary of any charges of crimes.

Wrong they have just sent a letter to Whitaker to investigate and appoint a special counsel

This 2nd probe will prove the mueller investigation was black mail to stop trump from charging the real crimes done by the deep state

Trump has the men on his side
How does one investigate another when the other has shit on you? LOL These investigations on one side or the other to catch someone who lied or pulled some crap years ago go no where and the only way they will ever if someone doing the investigations has walked on water their whole lifetime. Just takes up time and the the taxpayers money.

In other words give it up someone always has some shit on you that you don't want coming out.
The American people will see the results of these 2 proves

The men already sees the first probe was blackmail to cover up real deep state crimes

This 2nd probe will make the majority men for trump much larger and dare the women and deep state to try to stop justice
Trump just thought he was being investigated.


  • House Intelligence Committee Chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) made it clear when he was in the minority that he wanted to open a more aggressive Russia investigation.
  • House Ways and Means Chair Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA) could well try to get Trump’s tax returns.
  • House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY) could investigate Trump’s Saudi Arabia policy in the wake of Jamal Khashoggi’s murder.
  • House Judiciary Committee Chair Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) will be on the lookout for inappropriate interference with the Justice Department.
Karma, Karma, Karma


This makes our country better how? Divisive your post was.

:206::206::206: ^^^^^^^^^^^

The Trump Cartel doesnt get their way now that someone can question them :boo_hoo14:

talk to Trey Gowdy, and the Republican Congress about divisive tactics.
Trump has the men and the deep state has the women

This means women's rights will be took away

The best solution will be a high logical ability test for voters that will limit the women with their lower logic that gets brainwashed by crooks
Trump has the men and the deep state has the women

This means women's rights will be took away

The best solution will be a high logical ability test for voters that will limit the women with their lower logic that gets brainwashed by crooks

from "The Good Ol Boys Conservative Club" ?

what page in the handbook is that on ?
Trump just thought he was being investigated.


  • House Intelligence Committee Chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) made it clear when he was in the minority that he wanted to open a more aggressive Russia investigation.
  • House Ways and Means Chair Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA) could well try to get Trump’s tax returns.
  • House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY) could investigate Trump’s Saudi Arabia policy in the wake of Jamal Khashoggi’s murder.
  • House Judiciary Committee Chair Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) will be on the lookout for inappropriate interference with the Justice Department.
Karma, Karma, Karma


This makes our country better how? Divisive your post was.

:206::206::206: ^^^^^^^^^^^

The Trump Cartel doesnt get their way now that someone can question them :boo_hoo14:

talk to Trey Gowdy, and the Republican Congress about divisive tactics.

Grow up. I never defended Gowdy or the GOP. You just jumped to conclusions like a typical Leftist Fascist. You’re such a child.
The senate investigation of the deep state is taking over

Remember it's the men on trumps side
the senate has now sent a letter to Whitaker to appoint a 2nd special council

This will prove that muellers witch hunt was nothing but blackmail to try to stop the admin from charging the traitors

The House just shut DOWN their idiotic FBI investigation

The senate leaders are now taking over. They have sent Whitaker a letter saying there Needs to be a 2nd counsel to investigate the traitors

So there will be 2 special counsel probes

The 2nd probe will show muellers was a black mail crime to scare trump to cover up the deep states traitors crimes

Remember the men is on trumps side and the women the opposite

That shows what will happen

Even in the current Obama military they go for trump by 1 %

The current Obama military women is 68 % against trump compared to 62 % of the female population against trump

That shows Obama has run in the people that are totally biased for liberalism

And with the military women so high against trump The military men are totally for trump

This shows these groups hate each other

Now look at the military before Obama much higher for trump 20.4 mil compared to 1.3 active Obama people

But still today's military men are totally for trump
And against Obama and the military women

Big change in history is coming fast

With men disagreeing with women so strongly. These men will force a change to stop the destruction of the nation
I do t know if you noticed, but we already have a special counsel investigating the traitors.
the senate has now sent a letter to Whitaker to appoint a 2nd special council

This will prove that muellers witch hunt was nothing but blackmail to try to stop the admin from charging the traitors

The House just shut DOWN their idiotic FBI investigation

The senate leaders are now taking over. They have sent Whitaker a letter saying there Needs to be a 2nd counsel to investigate the traitors

So there will be 2 special counsel probes

The 2nd probe will show muellers was a black mail crime to scare trump to cover up the deep states traitors crimes

Remember the men is on trumps side and the women the opposite

That shows what will happen

Even in the current Obama military they go for trump by 1 %

The current Obama military women is 68 % against trump compared to 62 % of the female population against trump

That shows Obama has run in the people that are totally biased for liberalism

And with the military women so high against trump The military men are totally for trump

This shows these groups hate each other

Now look at the military before Obama much higher for trump 20.4 mil compared to 1.3 active Obama people

But still today's military men are totally for trump
And against Obama and the military women

Big change in history is coming fast

With men disagreeing with women so strongly. These men will force a change to stop the destruction of the nation
I do t know if you noticed, but we already have a special counsel investigating the traitors.

It's the men had already judged who are the crininals and traitors

It's the men st This Time even before the senate investigates the deep state and then much more men will judge the democrats and mueller probe as pure black mail
I never defended Gowdy or the GOP

Good to hear, They are shills

You don’t get off that easily. Progressive Leftists in my opinion are as dangerous as the Alt Right. So to me you may as well be part of the KKK. You are an evil person.
That makes NO fucking sense

Of course not. Me calling a KKK member evil makes no sense to them either. Doesn’t make them any less evil. They think they are right just as you do. Because you’re both idiot fascists.
The Corrupt Democrat Congressman Jerry Nadler has vowed to cover-up all of Hillary Clinton's epic crimes.

Jerry Nadler Vows to End House Probe into DOJ-Democrat ...
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), the incoming chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, revealed Friday that he will end the Republican-led probe into decisions made by the FBI and Department of Justice during the 2016 presidential election.
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House GOP Quietly Ends Probe Into FBI's 2016 Actions

Much like the "voter fraud commission"...this existed for no other reason than to say that it did exist.

There was never any "there" there

The senate has closed the investigation into Hillary too but you won't hear any republicans talking about that.

The reason it's closed is because there was no crime that Hilary committed.

The republicans just waste our money on needless and endless investigations that always end up with the same results, clearing Hillary of any charges of crimes.
Hillary's secret email server was illegal
Hillary destroying hard drives was illegal
Hillary's pay to play fake charity was illegal
Hillary not paying taxes on the bribes that she took is illegal

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