GOP House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Spoke At White Supremacist Conference

Don't you own google?

Just like Scalise tried to lie and say he couldn't google this group because google didn't exist in 2002. (When of course it did).

But here ya go Mr. do-it-yourself.

Scalise should step down from
Don't you own google?

Just like Scalise tried to lie and say he couldn't google this group because google didn't exist in 2002. (When of course it did).

But here ya go Mr. do-it-yourself.

[URL='']Scalise should step down from GOP leadership - Chicago Tribune

GOP leadership - Chicago Tribune[/URL]

Yeah, making you back up your assertion is so new in debate. Then he links us to a story we need a subscription to read. Nothing says "my assertion are credible" like dodging providing proof for them. An opinion piece? Really?

Just nevermind, dude. You clearly fail at debate miserably.

Twelve years before he was elected by his colleagues as House majority whip, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) spoke at a conference hosted by the white supremacist group European-American Unity and Rights Organization.

Louisiana political blogger Lamar White Jr. dug up a number of posts on Stormfront, one of the original white supremacist websites, that place Scalise at the 2002 EURO gathering. According to one user who attended the conference, Scalise -- then a state representative -- spoke to the organization at a workshop "to teach the most effective and up-to-date methods of civil rights and heritage related activism."

Two years after speaking at the conference, Scalise was one of just six state representatives who voted to oppose making Martin Luther King Jr. Day a state holiday in Louisiana. That was at least the second time Scalise had voted against an MLK holiday. He was one of three lawmakers to vote against it in 1999, too.

Founded in 2000 by former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke (who served as a Louisiana state representative from 1989 to 1992), EURO seeks to fight for "white civil rights." The group is recognized as a white nationalist hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

More: House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Spoke At White Supremacist Conference In 2002

Well, shucks, this won't look good on his resume - except in red states.
If you want to see full of shit in action, what a liberal or democrat wag their finger at the GOP on this when it was they who stood shoulder to shoulder with a KKK leader as their Senate majority leader and who have no problem with an attorney general ignoring Voter Intimidation tactics by the Black Panthers because they are "his people."
two wrongs make a right?

I find it hard to equate actually being in the KKK with speaking at a conference you actually didn't know had some people affiliated with an ex-Klansman and all around racist asshole.

It's a non-story except to nutters. BTW.. how many visits has that race-baiting, anti-Semite Al Sharpton made to the WH? 82?

Nary a peep over that....

1) The evidence indicates he lied about not knowing who was in the group. He's associated with them before.

2) No one said these two wrongs were equal. But just because there exists someone in history who did something worse - that doesn't make ALL lesser wrongs negligible.

3) Just sound like desperate attempts to defend a guy - when obviously you're not up on all the information. Makes me wonder why someone would feel so adament and so compelled to do that? Hmmmm ......
The Republican supporters keep making this sorry story of their leadership incompetence better and better. They don't understand the concept of shutting up when they continue to promote themselves as jackass's each time they remind folks of that kind of jackassery they are guilty of. Making this Scalise fella a leader in the House of Rep's was a stupid move.
Don't you own google?

Just like Scalise tried to lie and say he couldn't google this group because google didn't exist in 2002. (When of course it did).

But here ya go Mr. do-it-yourself.

Scalise should step down from
Don't you own google?

Just like Scalise tried to lie and say he couldn't google this group because google didn't exist in 2002. (When of course it did).

But here ya go Mr. do-it-yourself.

Scalise should step down from GOP leadership - Chicago Tribune

GOP leadership - Chicago Tribune

Yeah, making you back up your assertion is so new in debate. Then he links us to a story we need a subscription to read. Nothing says "my assertion are credible" like dodging providing proof for them. An opinion piece? Really?

Just nevermind, dude. You clearly fail at debate miserably.

1) I have NEVER made something up.

2) YOU apparently only have the information you were spoon fed. You even claimed ignorance of what was posted in the original post and demanded links to THAT.

3) NOT doing your own research just leaves you open to attack the messenger rather that the facts contained. VERY dishonest and I believe you to be smart enough to realize that.

4) So given those facts, it's hard to have a lot of confidence in what you have been posting here. It reeks of someone desperately casting to defend a guy that he really knows absolutely nothing about and knows very little about his history and even this incident.

I have no desire to do a B.S. pissing match with you. I haven't seen you do that in debate that often, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But "your game" hasn't been at it's best here, dude.
David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke issued a warning to Republicans who have criticized House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) for speaking to a white nationalist group in 2002, saying they "better be looking over their shoulders."

In an interview with Fusion, Duke said he has ties to politicians on both sides of the aisle, and he is ready to release names if criticism of Scalise continues:

Overall, Duke was rather flabbergasted by the new focus on Scalise. He said he has hosted both Democratic and Republican legislators at everything from conferences to his children’s birthday parties. He said he has met with Democratic legislators at least 50 times in his political life.

And he delivered a warning to both Republicans and Democrats: Treat Scalise fairly, and don’t try to make political hay out of the situation. Or he said he would be inclined to release a list of names of all the politicians — both Republicans and Democrats — with whom he has ties.

“If Scalise is going to be crucified — if Republicans want to throw Steve Scalise to the woods, then a lot of them better be looking over their shoulders,” Duke said.​

More: David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

I hope Grand Wizard David Duke makes good on his threat to release names.
David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke issued a warning to Republicans who have criticized House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) for speaking to a white nationalist group in 2002, saying they "better be looking over their shoulders."

In an interview with Fusion, Duke said he has ties to politicians on both sides of the aisle, and he is ready to release names if criticism of Scalise continues:

Overall, Duke was rather flabbergasted by the new focus on Scalise. He said he has hosted both Democratic and Republican legislators at everything from conferences to his children’s birthday parties. He said he has met with Democratic legislators at least 50 times in his political life.

And he delivered a warning to both Republicans and Democrats: Treat Scalise fairly, and don’t try to make political hay out of the situation. Or he said he would be inclined to release a list of names of all the politicians — both Republicans and Democrats — with whom he has ties.

“If Scalise is going to be crucified — if Republicans want to throw Steve Scalise to the woods, then a lot of them better be looking over their shoulders,” Duke said.​

More: David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

I hope Grand Wizard David Duke makes good on his threat to release names.

I agree! Let's see just how deep the problem goes on both sides of the aisle. No politician should be associating with a self proclaimed racist like David Duke. Publish the list now by all means.
two wrongs make a right?

I find it hard to equate actually being in the KKK with speaking at a conference you actually didn't know had some people affiliated with an ex-Klansman and all around racist asshole.

It's a non-story except to nutters. BTW.. how many visits has that race-baiting, anti-Semite Al Sharpton made to the WH? 82?

Nary a peep over that....

1) The evidence indicates he lied about not knowing who was in the group. He's associated with them before.

2) No one said these two wrongs were equal. But just because there exists someone in history who did something worse - that doesn't make ALL lesser wrongs negligible.

3) Just sound like desperate attempts to defend a guy - when obviously you're not up on all the information. Makes me wonder why someone would feel so adament and so compelled to do that? Hmmmm ......

There's nothing to defend... it's only an issue to an idiot. Scalise is from my neighborhood, I personally know the man. He's no racist by any stretch of the definition.
David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke issued a warning to Republicans who have criticized House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) for speaking to a white nationalist group in 2002, saying they "better be looking over their shoulders."

In an interview with Fusion, Duke said he has ties to politicians on both sides of the aisle, and he is ready to release names if criticism of Scalise continues:

Overall, Duke was rather flabbergasted by the new focus on Scalise. He said he has hosted both Democratic and Republican legislators at everything from conferences to his children’s birthday parties. He said he has met with Democratic legislators at least 50 times in his political life.

And he delivered a warning to both Republicans and Democrats: Treat Scalise fairly, and don’t try to make political hay out of the situation. Or he said he would be inclined to release a list of names of all the politicians — both Republicans and Democrats — with whom he has ties.

“If Scalise is going to be crucified — if Republicans want to throw Steve Scalise to the woods, then a lot of them better be looking over their shoulders,” Duke said.​

More: David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

I hope Grand Wizard David Duke makes good on his threat to release names.
Good. I hope he does. All sides. Outtem.
David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke issued a warning to Republicans who have criticized House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) for speaking to a white nationalist group in 2002, saying they "better be looking over their shoulders."

In an interview with Fusion, Duke said he has ties to politicians on both sides of the aisle, and he is ready to release names if criticism of Scalise continues:

Overall, Duke was rather flabbergasted by the new focus on Scalise. He said he has hosted both Democratic and Republican legislators at everything from conferences to his children’s birthday parties. He said he has met with Democratic legislators at least 50 times in his political life.

And he delivered a warning to both Republicans and Democrats: Treat Scalise fairly, and don’t try to make political hay out of the situation. Or he said he would be inclined to release a list of names of all the politicians — both Republicans and Democrats — with whom he has ties.

“If Scalise is going to be crucified — if Republicans want to throw Steve Scalise to the woods, then a lot of them better be looking over their shoulders,” Duke said.​

More: David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

I hope Grand Wizard David Duke makes good on his threat to release names.
Figures a racist shithead like you would find Duke credible.
David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke issued a warning to Republicans who have criticized House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) for speaking to a white nationalist group in 2002, saying they "better be looking over their shoulders."

In an interview with Fusion, Duke said he has ties to politicians on both sides of the aisle, and he is ready to release names if criticism of Scalise continues:

Overall, Duke was rather flabbergasted by the new focus on Scalise. He said he has hosted both Democratic and Republican legislators at everything from conferences to his children’s birthday parties. He said he has met with Democratic legislators at least 50 times in his political life.

And he delivered a warning to both Republicans and Democrats: Treat Scalise fairly, and don’t try to make political hay out of the situation. Or he said he would be inclined to release a list of names of all the politicians — both Republicans and Democrats — with whom he has ties.

“If Scalise is going to be crucified — if Republicans want to throw Steve Scalise to the woods, then a lot of them better be looking over their shoulders,” Duke said.​

More: David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

I hope Grand Wizard David Duke makes good on his threat to release names.
Figures a racist shithead like you would find Duke credible.

I have no doubt that Duke can name names. Do you?
"I agree! Let's see just how deep the problem goes on both sides of the aisle. No politician should be associating with a self proclaimed racist like David Duke. Publish the list now by all means."

That's really all we can ask for. Let's find out who pandered (at the very least) to racists. Then everyone can make up THEIR OWN minds about what is an issue and what is not.
David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke issued a warning to Republicans who have criticized House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) for speaking to a white nationalist group in 2002, saying they "better be looking over their shoulders."

In an interview with Fusion, Duke said he has ties to politicians on both sides of the aisle, and he is ready to release names if criticism of Scalise continues:

Overall, Duke was rather flabbergasted by the new focus on Scalise. He said he has hosted both Democratic and Republican legislators at everything from conferences to his children’s birthday parties. He said he has met with Democratic legislators at least 50 times in his political life.

And he delivered a warning to both Republicans and Democrats: Treat Scalise fairly, and don’t try to make political hay out of the situation. Or he said he would be inclined to release a list of names of all the politicians — both Republicans and Democrats — with whom he has ties.

“If Scalise is going to be crucified — if Republicans want to throw Steve Scalise to the woods, then a lot of them better be looking over their shoulders,” Duke said.​

More: David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

I hope Grand Wizard David Duke makes good on his threat to release names.
Figures a racist shithead like you would find Duke credible.
Yet you believe every word of racist shithead Duke's campaign manager, Kenny Knight.

David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke issued a warning to Republicans who have criticized House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) for speaking to a white nationalist group in 2002, saying they "better be looking over their shoulders."

In an interview with Fusion, Duke said he has ties to politicians on both sides of the aisle, and he is ready to release names if criticism of Scalise continues:

Overall, Duke was rather flabbergasted by the new focus on Scalise. He said he has hosted both Democratic and Republican legislators at everything from conferences to his children’s birthday parties. He said he has met with Democratic legislators at least 50 times in his political life.

And he delivered a warning to both Republicans and Democrats: Treat Scalise fairly, and don’t try to make political hay out of the situation. Or he said he would be inclined to release a list of names of all the politicians — both Republicans and Democrats — with whom he has ties.

“If Scalise is going to be crucified — if Republicans want to throw Steve Scalise to the woods, then a lot of them better be looking over their shoulders,” Duke said.​

More: David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

I hope Grand Wizard David Duke makes good on his threat to release names.
Figures a racist shithead like you would find Duke credible.

I have no doubt that Duke can name names. Do you?
I can name names too. That doesnt make any of it true. Or did you miss that point?
David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke issued a warning to Republicans who have criticized House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) for speaking to a white nationalist group in 2002, saying they "better be looking over their shoulders."

In an interview with Fusion, Duke said he has ties to politicians on both sides of the aisle, and he is ready to release names if criticism of Scalise continues:

Overall, Duke was rather flabbergasted by the new focus on Scalise. He said he has hosted both Democratic and Republican legislators at everything from conferences to his children’s birthday parties. He said he has met with Democratic legislators at least 50 times in his political life.

And he delivered a warning to both Republicans and Democrats: Treat Scalise fairly, and don’t try to make political hay out of the situation. Or he said he would be inclined to release a list of names of all the politicians — both Republicans and Democrats — with whom he has ties.

“If Scalise is going to be crucified — if Republicans want to throw Steve Scalise to the woods, then a lot of them better be looking over their shoulders,” Duke said.​

More: David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

I hope Grand Wizard David Duke makes good on his threat to release names.
Figures a racist shithead like you would find Duke credible.
Yet you believe every word of racist shithead Duke's campaign manager, Kenny Knight.

Really? Post where I said I did.
David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke issued a warning to Republicans who have criticized House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) for speaking to a white nationalist group in 2002, saying they "better be looking over their shoulders."

In an interview with Fusion, Duke said he has ties to politicians on both sides of the aisle, and he is ready to release names if criticism of Scalise continues:

Overall, Duke was rather flabbergasted by the new focus on Scalise. He said he has hosted both Democratic and Republican legislators at everything from conferences to his children’s birthday parties. He said he has met with Democratic legislators at least 50 times in his political life.

And he delivered a warning to both Republicans and Democrats: Treat Scalise fairly, and don’t try to make political hay out of the situation. Or he said he would be inclined to release a list of names of all the politicians — both Republicans and Democrats — with whom he has ties.

“If Scalise is going to be crucified — if Republicans want to throw Steve Scalise to the woods, then a lot of them better be looking over their shoulders,” Duke said.​

More: David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

I hope Grand Wizard David Duke makes good on his threat to release names.
Figures a racist shithead like you would find Duke credible.
Yet you believe every word of racist shithead Duke's campaign manager, Kenny Knight.

Really? Post where I said I did.
You've posted that believe the "alibi / story" by Kenny Knight about him not being at the EURO conference. Kenny Knight = KKK.
David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke issued a warning to Republicans who have criticized House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) for speaking to a white nationalist group in 2002, saying they "better be looking over their shoulders."

In an interview with Fusion, Duke said he has ties to politicians on both sides of the aisle, and he is ready to release names if criticism of Scalise continues:

Overall, Duke was rather flabbergasted by the new focus on Scalise. He said he has hosted both Democratic and Republican legislators at everything from conferences to his children’s birthday parties. He said he has met with Democratic legislators at least 50 times in his political life.

And he delivered a warning to both Republicans and Democrats: Treat Scalise fairly, and don’t try to make political hay out of the situation. Or he said he would be inclined to release a list of names of all the politicians — both Republicans and Democrats — with whom he has ties.

“If Scalise is going to be crucified — if Republicans want to throw Steve Scalise to the woods, then a lot of them better be looking over their shoulders,” Duke said.​

More: David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

I hope Grand Wizard David Duke makes good on his threat to release names.
Figures a racist shithead like you would find Duke credible.
Yet you believe every word of racist shithead Duke's campaign manager, Kenny Knight.

Really? Post where I said I did.
You've posted that believe the "alibi / story" by Kenny Knight about him not being at the EURO conference. Kenny Knight = KKK.
You know thats a lie, how?
David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke issued a warning to Republicans who have criticized House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) for speaking to a white nationalist group in 2002, saying they "better be looking over their shoulders."

In an interview with Fusion, Duke said he has ties to politicians on both sides of the aisle, and he is ready to release names if criticism of Scalise continues:

Overall, Duke was rather flabbergasted by the new focus on Scalise. He said he has hosted both Democratic and Republican legislators at everything from conferences to his children’s birthday parties. He said he has met with Democratic legislators at least 50 times in his political life.

And he delivered a warning to both Republicans and Democrats: Treat Scalise fairly, and don’t try to make political hay out of the situation. Or he said he would be inclined to release a list of names of all the politicians — both Republicans and Democrats — with whom he has ties.

“If Scalise is going to be crucified — if Republicans want to throw Steve Scalise to the woods, then a lot of them better be looking over their shoulders,” Duke said.​

More: David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties

I hope Grand Wizard David Duke makes good on his threat to release names.
Figures a racist shithead like you would find Duke credible.
Yet you believe every word of racist shithead Duke's campaign manager, Kenny Knight.

Really? Post where I said I did.
You've posted that believe the "alibi / story" by Kenny Knight about him not being at the EURO conference. Kenny Knight = KKK.
You know thats a lie, how?
We know Kenny Knight lied.

This was posted earlier. Keep up.

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