GOP immigrants Cruz and Rubio running for president

Do we have to splain the difference between legal and illegal immigrants to the low information left yet again? Cruz's personal life is no secret but where was everybody when Barry Hussein waved around a (doctored?) photocopy of his BC that couldn't even get you a drivers license in some states?
Even Trump gave that shit up about Obama. But I'm sure it makes you feel good to beat that dead horse some more.

Obama is a natural born citizen for the same reason... his mother was a natural born U.S. citizen.

only if he was born on US soil.


his mother was under the age of majority, she had been out of the US for 5 years, his father was Kenyan. But if he was born in Hawaii as claimed, none of that matters. If he was not born on US soil, a strong argument can be made that he was not born a US citizen.

But at this point none of it matters, and Cruz and Rubio can legally run for president (or vice president if Trump chooses one of them)
Which one of them got college scholarships and grants that were reserved for foreign students? Which one of them had his college records sealed from public view? Which one of them paid lawyers to keep his college and passport records from being disclosed? Which one of them has a birth certificate that describes his father's race as "African"?

BTW, when did African become a race?

Birthers are funny

Which one of them had their state certify their birth? Or in the case of Cruz, had a foreign country cerify?
Which was a Canadian citizen until a year ago?
Which one of them got college scholarships and grants that were reserved for foreign students? Which one of them had his college records sealed from public view? Which one of them paid lawyers to keep his college and passport records from being disclosed? Which one of them has a birth certificate that describes his father's race as "African"?

BTW, when did African become a race?

Birthers are funny

Which one of them had their state certify their birth? Or in the case of Cruz, had a foreign country cerify?
Which was a Canadian citizen until a year ago?

I am sure that both of them will produce a BC if asked. Dual citizenship is legal.

But you didn't tell us when African became a race. Can you answer that?
Do we have to splain the difference between legal and illegal immigrants to the low information left yet again? Cruz's personal life is no secret but where was everybody when Barry Hussein waved around a (doctored?) photocopy of his BC that couldn't even get you a drivers license in some states?
Even Trump gave that shit up about Obama. But I'm sure it makes you feel good to beat that dead horse some more.

Obama is a natural born citizen for the same reason... his mother was a natural born U.S. citizen.

only if he was born on US soil.


his mother was under the age of majority, she had been out of the US for 5 years, his father was Kenyan. But if he was born in Hawaii as claimed, none of that matters. If he was not born on US soil, a strong argument can be made that he was not born a US citizen.

But at this point none of it matters, and Cruz and Rubio can legally run for president (or vice president if Trump chooses one of them)

If he was not born on US soil, a strong argument can be made that he was not born a US citizen.
I thought you were referring to Cruz, not Obama.

all 3, (+Obama, Cruz, and Rubio), are citizens and qualified to run for president.
Which one of them got college scholarships and grants that were reserved for foreign students? Which one of them had his college records sealed from public view? Which one of them paid lawyers to keep his college and passport records from being disclosed? "

Both of them.

Easy to check- since you can't find any of those records for either candidate.

And both of them are paying for lawyers for their campaigns.

Those sneaky immigrants......LOL....

The really funny part is- Cruz is of course eligible- but his eligiblity is based entirely upon his mother being a U.S. citizen when he was born.

The proof of that?

We have none- and no one cares- not Redfish- not any Birther.

Nor will any of them care.
Which one of them got college scholarships and grants that were reserved for foreign students? Which one of them had his college records sealed from public view? Which one of them paid lawyers to keep his college and passport records from being disclosed? Which one of them has a birth certificate that describes his father's race as "African"?

BTW, when did African become a race?

Birthers are funny

Which one of them had their state certify their birth? Or in the case of Cruz, had a foreign country cerify?
Which was a Canadian citizen until a year ago?
Which one of them got college scholarships and grants that were reserved for foreign students? Which one of them had his college records sealed from public view? Which one of them paid lawyers to keep his college and passport records from being disclosed? Which one of them has a birth certificate that describes his father's race as "African"?

BTW, when did African become a race?

Birthers are funny

Which one of them had their state certify their birth? Or in the case of Cruz, had a foreign country cerify?
Which was a Canadian citizen until a year ago?

But you didn't tell us when African became a race. Can you answer that?

No one can- since African isn't a 'race'-and neither is 'African American' but look- African American is on the U.S. census. as a racial identity.

African was an identity many Africans used in the 1960's.

Of course since people self identify their race, anyone could put down whatever they wanted to on a birth certificate- Mexican- Japanese....
Do we have to splain the difference between legal and illegal immigrants to the low information left yet again? Cruz's personal life is no secret but where was everybody when Barry Hussein Sotoro allegedly claimed to be an alien in order to get a break on college tuition and Barry Hussein Obama waved around a (doctored?) photocopy of his BC that couldn't even get you a drivers license in some states?

LOL- whitehall with his batshit Birther claims again- talk about 'low information' idiots....

  • Cruz's personal life is no secret- I challenged you before- and you ran away like a little girl- I would be glad to compare the published records of either Cruz's or Obama's personal lives- for instance- what is the name of Cruz's kindergarten teacher?
  • but where was everybody when Barry Hussein Sotoro- who are you talking about- there is no Barry Hussein Sotoro
  • allegedly claimed to be an alien in order to get a break on college tuition- 'allegedly' meaning Birthers have made the batshit claim with no evidence? Where is the proof that Cruz and Rubio didn't claim to be aliens in order to get a break on college tuitiion.
  • And really- what kind of idiots are Birthers- aliens do not- and did not- get breaks on tuition.
  • and Barry Hussein Obama waved around a (doctored?) photocopy of his BC that couldn't even get you a drivers license in some states?
Except of course- Hawaii says otherwise- unlike for Rubio or Cruz- not that Whitehall will ever ask for any proof of anything from Cruz or Rubio

With all the hate mongering by the cons about immigration, how are Cruz and Rubio going to get the nomination of the republican party?

Rubio should be considered an "anchor baby" from Cuba.

Cruz is already fighting the fact he was born in Canada.

Are they unable to see the writing on the wall? Like Carson, not white enough for the GOP?

Go back to sleep.... both are natural born American citizens.
So are anchor babies. But not Cruz.

Apples and oranges... anchor babies are not born to U.S. citizens; they are born to illegal aliens. Cruz and Rubio were both born to U.S. citizens. Nowhere in the constitution does it say that just being born in the U.S. makes one a citizen; that's absurd.

The U.S. Constitution doesn't say anything about citizenship for people born outside the United States.

But the 14th Amendment does say that anyone born in the United States- and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States- is a U.S. citizen.
You think if you take your pregnant wife to France and she has a baby in Paris the kid is a French citizen?


Depends entirely on the laws of the country you go to.

Canada- yes- which is why Cruz was born both a Canadian and U.S. citizen. France no- if Cruz was born in France he would be only a U.S. citizen at birth.
Do we have to splain the difference between legal and illegal immigrants to the low information left yet again? Cruz's personal life is no secret but where was everybody when Barry Hussein waved around a (doctored?) photocopy of his BC that couldn't even get you a drivers license in some states?
Even Trump gave that shit up about Obama. But I'm sure it makes you feel good to beat that dead horse some more.

Obama is a natural born citizen for the same reason... his mother was a natural born U.S. citizen.

only if he was born on US soil.

The issue is moot- since he was born on U.S. soil- unlike Cruz

Let me get this straight....

Hillary begins losing to Obama in 2008 and one of her 'surrogate' political attack groups leaks out the question about Obama's true nationality....

Some Conservatives 'jump on the train', and the Liberals end up accusing the GOP of starting it, condemn them for it, and coin the phrase 'birther'.

Alan Grayson raises the ugly Liberal head of 'birther'ism once more, this time to attack a Republican instead of Liberals attacking one of their own, and once again Liberals are blaming Republicans (some of whom are stupid enough to join Grayson)?!


LOL- good old Conservative 'revisionist' history.

2008- March- Conservative bloggers start spreading a rumor that Barack Obama was born in Kenya.
  • By election November 2008, Birtherism is at home in the fringe right wing nuttery- WND, Stormfront, Orly Taitz, Jerome Corsi
  • 2011- GOP Presidential hopeful Donald Trump revives Birtherism by claiming that President Obama has no birth certificate
  • 2011- President Obama shows his official certified copy from Hawaii- and Trump continues to claim he doesn't know where Obama was born
  • 2015- Trump mentions several times that Cruz may not be eligible because of his birth in Canada
  • 2015- Grayson raises the Canada issue- the first Democratic politician to raise the claim.
  • 2016- Trump doubles down and raises the issue again
  • 2016- Republican- Conservative talking head Ann Coulter raise Cruz's birth
  • 2016- Conservatives blame Birtherism on Hilary
There's your apples and oranges....dems don't have a problem with it,

Then why did Hillary's team bring it up against Obama?
Then why did Grayson bring it up?
Your own party leaders / reps say, 'YOU LIE!'

Hilary's 'team' didn't bring it up.
Trump brought it up before Grayson did.
Conservative Birthers have been claiming Cruz is not eligible for months and months.
Ann Coulter is bringing it up now.

Grayson is an idiot- and the only Democrat to raise the issue- you have the GOP front runner raising the issue.
Syriusly, get serious. EVERYONE knows the Hillary camp questioned Obama's nationality through proxies. She may not have been the 1st but she did...and Libs gave her a pass for doing so. Same thing now with Grayson. Libs won't even say his name and the word 'birther' in the same sentence. The hypocrisy is suffocating.

There is nothing - NOTHING - Hillary would not say or use to destroy her opposition.
There is nothing, as Grayson has proved, that Liberals will not do...and then attack the GOP.
Personally I think ANYONE mentioning the issue or using the word 'birther' is desperately grasping for straws.
Syriusly, get serious. EVERYONE knows.

The last refuge of Birthers: 'EVERYONE knows'

While I really find the idea that you think that Trump was being manipulated by Hilary to be hilarious- it doesn't match the facts.

The first time the claim that Barack Obama was born in Kenya was raised was March 1, 2008 on the Conservative nutjob blog- Free Republic:

Barackryphal: The Secret Origin of the Birthers

Trump is the leading GOP candidate- and he is the one keeping the claims about Cruz's Canadian birth making him ineligible in the public eye- now taken up by Conservative pundit Ann Coulter.

Grayson is an idiot Birther-like Trump- and I have said so in every thread this has come up in. Your claims are just as idiotic.
Personally I think ANYONE mentioning the issue or using the word 'birther' is desperately grasping for straws.

Quoting eastt65

Personally I think ANYONE mentioning the issue or using the word 'birther' is desperately grasping for straws

Some Conservatives 'jump on the train', and the Liberals end up accusing the GOP of starting it, condemn them for it, and coin the phrase 'birther'.

Libs won't even say his name and the word 'birther' in the same sentence.
With all the hate mongering by the cons about immigration, how are Cruz and Rubio going to get the nomination of the republican party?

Rubio should be considered an "anchor baby" from Cuba.

Cruz is already fighting the fact he was born in Canada.

Are they unable to see the writing on the wall? Like Carson, not white enough for the GOP?

At least they are there. What Hispanic has been promoted by the Democrats?
Personally I think ANYONE mentioning the issue or using the word 'birther' is desperately grasping for straws.

Quoting eastt65

Personally I think ANYONE mentioning the issue or using the word 'birther' is desperately grasping for straws

Some Conservatives 'jump on the train', and the Liberals end up accusing the GOP of starting it, condemn them for it, and coin the phrase 'birther'.

Libs won't even say his name and the word 'birther' in the same sentence.
Thanks for proving you couldn't mention Grayson by name and use the word 'birther' in the same sentence.
Personally I think ANYONE mentioning the issue or using the word 'birther' is desperately grasping for straws.

Quoting eastt65

Personally I think ANYONE mentioning the issue or using the word 'birther' is desperately grasping for straws

Some Conservatives 'jump on the train', and the Liberals end up accusing the GOP of starting it, condemn them for it, and coin the phrase 'birther'.

Libs won't even say his name and the word 'birther' in the same sentence.
Thanks for proving you couldn't mention Grayson by name and use the word 'birther' in the same sentence.

Thanks for proving you are a liar- from the post just previous to that one- quoting myself:

Grayson is an idiot Birther-like Trump- and I have said so in every thread this has come up in. Your claims are just as idiotic.

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