GOP immigrants Cruz and Rubio running for president

Personally I think ANYONE mentioning the issue or using the word 'birther' is desperately grasping for straws.

Quoting eastt65

Personally I think ANYONE mentioning the issue or using the word 'birther' is desperately grasping for straws

Some Conservatives 'jump on the train', and the Liberals end up accusing the GOP of starting it, condemn them for it, and coin the phrase 'birther'.

Libs won't even say his name and the word 'birther' in the same sentence.
The Big Quack and Cruz aren't far apart on issues. Although I doubt the Big Quack would shut down govt over obamacare, but that's really not an issue. But the Big Quack can't criticize Cruz on issues, because the Big Quack's supporters share some core values (a wall and a ban on muslims). You can dislike Cruz, but he's not a RINO, which ironically is where the Big Quack hits the others ... whilst conveniently ignoring his own history of supporting RINOS and even centrist dems for decades.

So, the Big Quack quacks about birtherism, knowing that it will keep him in the news, and remind everyone he led the charge against the negro potus.
Do we have to splain the difference between legal and illegal immigrants to the low information left yet again? Cruz's personal life is no secret but where was everybody when Barry Hussein waved around a (doctored?) photocopy of his BC that couldn't even get you a drivers license in some states?
Even Trump gave that shit up about Obama. But I'm sure it makes you feel good to beat that dead horse some more.

Obama is a natural born citizen for the same reason... his mother was a natural born U.S. citizen.

only if he was born on US soil.

The issue is moot- since he was born on U.S. soil- unlike Cruz

View attachment 59085

Its moot because he has been in office for 7 years and has done massive damage to the USA, most sane people are counting the days until he is out of office and returns to being a Chicago rabble rouser-------the only job he has ever been qualified for.
Personally I think ANYONE mentioning the issue or using the word 'birther' is desperately grasping for straws.

Quoting eastt65

Personally I think ANYONE mentioning the issue or using the word 'birther' is desperately grasping for straws

Some Conservatives 'jump on the train', and the Liberals end up accusing the GOP of starting it, condemn them for it, and coin the phrase 'birther'.

Libs won't even say his name and the word 'birther' in the same sentence.
The Big Quack and Cruz aren't far apart on issues. Although I doubt the Big Quack would shut down govt over obamacare, but that's really not an issue. But the Big Quack can't criticize Cruz on issues, because the Big Quack's supporters share some core values (a wall and a ban on muslims). You can dislike Cruz, but he's not a RINO, which ironically is where the Big Quack hits the others ... whilst conveniently ignoring his own history of supporting RINOS and even centrist dems for decades.

So, the Big Quack quacks about birtherism, knowing that it will keep him in the news, and remind everyone he led the charge against the negro potus.

if you don't like trump, vote for the hildebeast. No one cares about your juvenile rants and name calling.
Do we have to splain the difference between legal and illegal immigrants to the low information left yet again? Cruz's personal life is no secret but where was everybody when Barry Hussein waved around a (doctored?) photocopy of his BC that couldn't even get you a drivers license in some states?
Even Trump gave that shit up about Obama. But I'm sure it makes you feel good to beat that dead horse some more.

Obama is a natural born citizen for the same reason... his mother was a natural born U.S. citizen.

only if he was born on US soil.

The issue is moot- since he was born on U.S. soil- unlike Cruz

View attachment 59085

Its moot because he has been in office for 7 years and has done massive damage to the USA, most sane people are counting the days until he is out of office and returns to being a Chicago rabble rouser-------the only job he has ever been qualified for.

LOL- what I find funny is you claiming to know what sane people are thinking....
Even Trump gave that shit up about Obama. But I'm sure it makes you feel good to beat that dead horse some more.

Obama is a natural born citizen for the same reason... his mother was a natural born U.S. citizen.

only if he was born on US soil.

The issue is moot- since he was born on U.S. soil- unlike Cruz

View attachment 59085

Its moot because he has been in office for 7 years and has done massive damage to the USA, most sane people are counting the days until he is out of office and returns to being a Chicago rabble rouser-------the only job he has ever been qualified for.

LOL- what I find funny is you claiming to know what sane people are thinking....

I also know what insane people like you are thinking. But you are free to check obama's approval ratings if you doubt what I said.
Obama is a natural born citizen for the same reason... his mother was a natural born U.S. citizen.

only if he was born on US soil.

The issue is moot- since he was born on U.S. soil- unlike Cruz

View attachment 59085

Its moot because he has been in office for 7 years and has done massive damage to the USA, most sane people are counting the days until he is out of office and returns to being a Chicago rabble rouser-------the only job he has ever been qualified for.

LOL- what I find funny is you claiming to know what sane people are thinking....

I also know what insane people like you are thinking. But you are free to check obama's approval ratings if you doubt what I said.

LOL- that you think you know what sane or is insanity is still just as funny.
only if he was born on US soil.

The issue is moot- since he was born on U.S. soil- unlike Cruz

View attachment 59085

Its moot because he has been in office for 7 years and has done massive damage to the USA, most sane people are counting the days until he is out of office and returns to being a Chicago rabble rouser-------the only job he has ever been qualified for.

LOL- what I find funny is you claiming to know what sane people are thinking....

I also know what insane people like you are thinking. But you are free to check obama's approval ratings if you doubt what I said.

LOL- that you think you know what sane or is insanity is still just as funny.

insane = wanting to let thousands of unvetted muslim immigrants into this country, wanting to open our borders to anyone who wants to come in

sane = wanting to cease all immigration until a reliable vetting system can be put in place.
With all the hate mongering by the cons about immigration, how are Cruz and Rubio going to get the nomination of the republican party?

Rubio should be considered an "anchor baby" from Cuba.

Cruz is already fighting the fact he was born in Canada.

Are they unable to see the writing on the wall? Like Carson, not white enough for the GOP?

Go back to sleep.... both are natural born American citizens.
So are anchor babies. But not Cruz.

Apples and oranges... anchor babies are not born to U.S. citizens; they are born to illegal aliens. Cruz and Rubio were both born to U.S. citizens. Nowhere in the constitution does it say that just being born in the U.S. makes one a citizen; that's absurd.
Rubio's parents were born in Cuba...So was Cruz's. As much as cons hate immigrants, you sure are acting like you're going to vote for one. Lots of Hippo in your crit.

their parents were in this country legally. Do you understand the difference between legal and illegal? The so-called anchor baby rules apply to ILLEGAL immigrants.

Conservatives do not hate immigrants, we welcome legal immigrants, we expect our government to adequately vet ALL immigrants, we expect immigrants to become americans, to speak English, and adopt American culture.

The hate always comes from the left. You fools hate everyone who does not share your moronic views of life.
Yeah, I understand that Cubans that make it to U.S. soil are "legal", but Mexicans are not. Cons accept immigrants that have money. Cons don't mind educated immigrants that come here and take the good jobs, but don't like Mexicans that come here and do menial jobs, like picking crops. They'd rather have Americans doing those jobs. That's why cons are trying so hard to destroy education, so they have lots of American peasant workers. That's also why cons are trying so hard to destroy unions, so they can pay those peasant wages to Americans.
Go back to sleep.... both are natural born American citizens.
So are anchor babies. But not Cruz.

Apples and oranges... anchor babies are not born to U.S. citizens; they are born to illegal aliens. Cruz and Rubio were both born to U.S. citizens. Nowhere in the constitution does it say that just being born in the U.S. makes one a citizen; that's absurd.
Rubio's parents were born in Cuba...So was Cruz's. As much as cons hate immigrants, you sure are acting like you're going to vote for one. Lots of Hippo in your crit.

their parents were in this country legally. Do you understand the difference between legal and illegal? The so-called anchor baby rules apply to ILLEGAL immigrants.

Conservatives do not hate immigrants, we welcome legal immigrants, we expect our government to adequately vet ALL immigrants, we expect immigrants to become americans, to speak English, and adopt American culture.

The hate always comes from the left. You fools hate everyone who does not share your moronic views of life.
Yeah, I understand that Cubans that make it to U.S. soil are "legal", but Mexicans are not. Cons accept immigrants that have money. Cons don't mind educated immigrants that come here and take the good jobs, but don't like Mexicans that come here and do menial jobs, like picking crops. They'd rather have Americans doing those jobs. That's why cons are trying so hard to destroy education, so they have lots of American peasant workers. That's also why cons are trying so hard to destroy unions, so they can pay those peasant wages to Americans.

you are so full of liberal PC bullshit. Many Mexicans are here legally, we welcome them.

The USA has always welcomed legal immigration (except for a short time in the 1920s when all immigration was stopped to allow current immigrants to assimilate).

However, we expect the government to do a thorough check of everyone entering this country and to stop all who have any connection to terrorists groups, as well as any who cannot be identified adequately.
So are anchor babies. But not Cruz.

Apples and oranges... anchor babies are not born to U.S. citizens; they are born to illegal aliens. Cruz and Rubio were both born to U.S. citizens. Nowhere in the constitution does it say that just being born in the U.S. makes one a citizen; that's absurd.
Rubio's parents were born in Cuba...So was Cruz's. As much as cons hate immigrants, you sure are acting like you're going to vote for one. Lots of Hippo in your crit.

their parents were in this country legally. Do you understand the difference between legal and illegal? The so-called anchor baby rules apply to ILLEGAL immigrants.

Conservatives do not hate immigrants, we welcome legal immigrants, we expect our government to adequately vet ALL immigrants, we expect immigrants to become americans, to speak English, and adopt American culture.

The hate always comes from the left. You fools hate everyone who does not share your moronic views of life.
Yeah, I understand that Cubans that make it to U.S. soil are "legal", but Mexicans are not. Cons accept immigrants that have money. Cons don't mind educated immigrants that come here and take the good jobs, but don't like Mexicans that come here and do menial jobs, like picking crops. They'd rather have Americans doing those jobs. That's why cons are trying so hard to destroy education, so they have lots of American peasant workers. That's also why cons are trying so hard to destroy unions, so they can pay those peasant wages to Americans.

you are so full of liberal PC bullshit. Many Mexicans are here legally, we welcome them.

The USA has always welcomed legal immigration (except for a short time in the 1920s when all immigration was stopped to allow current immigrants to assimilate).

However, we expect the government to do a thorough check of everyone entering this country and to stop all who have any connection to terrorists groups, as well as any who cannot be identified adequately.
No, you expect Trump to deport 11 million Mexicans that are NOT terrorists, and build a wall like the communist "Iron Curtain". And you expect Americans to believe that Trump can actually make Mexico pay for it. Con shit don't flush.

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