GOP: listen to women, minorities, Hispanics, etc, or continue to lose

Sil, you are getting creepy.

We are a Constitutional republic not a Jacksonian Democracy.
I responded to Blackhawk in another thread because he has no idea to get women, minorities, Hispanics, etc. to vote for the GOP.

If we don't, the Dems will be the majority party for a long time to come.

So many far right reactionaries are so full of nonsense about Catholics, and Hispanics, and other folks, like women and minorities, the needs of which they have no idea how to resolve.

They can talk to those groups until they are blue in the face and nothing will happen, nothing good for the GOP, UNTIL the reactionaries start LISTENING.

The far right wants to tell those groups what they must do instead of listening to them telling the GOP want they want it to do.

If the GOP continues to not seriously listen and act, those groups will continue to tune the GOP out.

Sil, you are getting creepy.

We are a Constitutional republic not a Jacksonian Democracy.

Translation: "It's OK to suppress millions of hispanic votes about defining the core of their culture [marriage] when it's the far left dems doing it. But when the GOP wants to restrict the power of the hispanic vote [for what they surely believe are good and compelling reasons], suddenly it's a bad thing?

Neither is a good thing. We'll see which side is intelligent enough to figure that out in the many days now? Just a little over a week?

Like I said, for anyone who wants to see how to win hispanic votes, look no further than the polls here:

Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 184 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Should Churches Be Forced to Accomodate for Homosexual Adoptions Page 21 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
But we did not want to work with the Dems, and when push came to shove last fall, Boehner did the right thing in calling for up and down votes on the budget and the deficit.

The small minority far right reactionaries do not, and never will, run this country.
Sil is creepy. She ignores the national polling showing Hispanics voted 71-27 for Obama, while posting her two irrelevant silly polls on USMB.
The left lives by emotion, assumption and wishful thinking. Racist democrat propaganda tells Black people that they are incapable of functioning in the modern world or even obtaining a photo I.D. unless they depend on the federal government for their existence just like the good old plantation days when Black people needed to be cared for. Democrats assume that the hoard of illegal aliens flowing over the border will someday be the democrat party base so they disregard the health and welfare of citizens including their own constituents border states at their peril. Americans are smarter and better informed than they were back in the days of Wally Cronkite and Dan Rather but emotional democrats still treat Americans as though they were fools.
I responded to Blackhawk in another thread because he has no idea to get women, minorities, Hispanics, etc. to vote for the GOP.

If we don't, the Dems will be the majority party for a long time to come.

So many far right reactionaries are so full of nonsense about Catholics, and Hispanics, and other folks, like women and minorities, the needs of which they have no idea how to resolve.

They can talk to those groups until they are blue in the face and nothing will happen, nothing good for the GOP, UNTIL the reactionaries start LISTENING.

The far right wants to tell those groups what they must do instead of listening to them telling the GOP want they want it to do.

If the GOP continues to not seriously listen and act, those groups will continue to tune the GOP out.

The left lives by emotion, assumption and wishful thinking. Racist democrat propaganda tells Black people that they are incapable of functioning in the modern world or even obtaining a photo I.D. unless they depend on the federal government for their existence just like the good old plantation days when Black people needed to be cared for. Democrats assume that the hoard of illegal aliens flowing over the border will someday be the democrat party base so they disregard the health and welfare of citizens including their own constituents border states at their peril. Americans are smarter and better informed than they were back in the days of Wally Cronkite and Dan Rather but emotional democrats still treat Americans as though they were fools.
I gotta tell you. I grew up in an area that was essentially Mexico/America. I went to school with and have interacted with the hispanic culture for nearly all of my life. That culture is not going to favor the far left agenda. They have VERY conservative values in their culture. The GOP should be SPRINTING to welcome their votes. All they'd have to do is assure them that their idea of marriage will be preserved...along with their vote to keep it that way. Bingo. Lifelong devotees.

It's rock solid. Dick Cheney's daughter is the only one standing in their way.

As for the cure for the immigration problem it is quite simple. It always has been. Allow them to come in and work ONLY for agriculture. Period. Any other employer caught with illegal employees gets fined hard. Maybe even jail time. Those illegals caught here doing crime or working at other employment go on ag work camps for no money at all to serve their sentence.

Then when illegals are contemplating crossing our borders, they will think to themselves...hmmm...if I make it there, my only option at making money is to work like a dog in the fields. Some of the very young and strong ones will do this still. The rest will say to themselves..."nah, not worth it".

Problem solved. You're welcome.
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Democrats are funny ... a black man runs for office as a republican he's an uncle tom. A woman runs for office as a republican she's a dumb ass slut. A white male democrat switches party to run as a republican and he's the greatest thing since sliced white bread. Then they have the balls to claim republicans are pushing out minorities and women.
Democratic policy on Illegal Immigration...........Get Votes.............

Propose a bill to grant Amnesty knowing it will never pass..........Yell and scream on the media about how the GOP hates Mexicans.............Let the measure fail and continue the same old tired BS...............and Get Latino votes.............based on a lie as they knew it would never pass.

Then they change course and play illegal immigration is businesses fault...........They are hiring them for cheap labor......but yesterday they were saying we need them here............but business is guilty of hiring them, which is why we have an Illegal immigration problem............

Because now they play the CLASS CARD..........Don't leave home without it.

In other words............If we want to beat the Dems on Latino votes WE NEED TO LIE LIKE THEY DO...............

I don't think so.............
Republicans could start by staying out of women's wombs.
On another thread here one of the die hard leftist slipped up on immigration policy.........Ditching me for being Racist and the normal shit for wanting to secure our borders and enforce immigration laws.....................

Then the numb nuts turned around and said the real problem is Legal they are taking Americans jobs and lowering our pay scales..............I basically stated you gotta be kidding me........You are ditching me for wanting to stop the problem of illegal immigration and calling me Racist and then turn around and say you want LEGAL IMMIGRATION STOPPED...................

I kid you not..........These types LIE THEIR LIBERAL BUTTS OFF..................because I don't think they are that ignorant.
Republicans could start by staying out of women's wombs.
I don't agree with late term abortions.............I think they are BS............and I will continue to have that opinion..............

Perhaps accountability need apply..........Use birth control.............
Republicans could start by staying out of women's wombs.
I don't agree with late term abortions.............I think they are BS............and I will continue to have that opinion..............

Perhaps accountability need apply..........Use birth control.............

Or perhaps you could stay out of someone else's business that has nothing to do with you.
Republicans could start by staying out of women's wombs.
I don't agree with late term abortions.............I think they are BS............and I will continue to have that opinion..............

Perhaps accountability need apply..........Use birth control.............

Or perhaps you could stay out of someone else's business that has nothing to do with you.
Or perhaps we will continue to disagree..........I think that their is a person and a soul there................So I will continue to disagree with it.
Sil, I grew up in a Mexican American town. You and I can have both ideas and thoughts about what that means to us. But . . . our feelings don't count.

Nether your nor I have anything to do with the polls and averages that show the Hispanics are not lining up on your side.
And the far right continues to preach instead of to listen.

And they will fail.

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