GOP plans to start a Council to investigate voting irregularities


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.

I'm sure THIS time they will!

And Hillary will go to jail!

And so will Obama!

And JadeHelms!

And Birth CErtificate!


That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.

I'm sure THIS time they will!

And Hillary will go to jail!

And so will Obama!

And JadeHelms!

And Birth CErtificate!

Be careful now. A democrat could go to jail for the first time since time began.

You never know about these things.

That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.
And if they find nothing will those that yelled the loudest over something that didn't happen be charged with the cost of the investigation?

That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.
Didn’t they already do that after the 2016 election? (And found absolutely nothing)

That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.
A partisan ‘council’ contrived in bad faith with the sole intent of propagating the lie that there’s ‘widespread’ voter ‘fraud.’

That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.

It will be as successful as trump's committee was:


That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.
Here is a prediction. That probe will go the same way as Trump’s Voter Fraud Commission. It will find nothing and then disband in the middle of the night in utter humiliation.
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That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.


That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.

Didn't they try this already with the Election Integrity Commission that collapsed without finding any evidence of widespread voter fraud?

That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.

You mean like President Trump's Election Commission, which he created to look into the voter fraud that lead to Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote in the 2016 election? The one that disbanded because they couldn't find any voter fraud?

This election has already been looked into and certified as the most honest election in recent history. But have at it. Waste taxpayer money to find look into stuff that isn't a problem, while letting the voter suppression, gerrymandering, and other forms of election cheating, stand uncontested.
That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.
The whole mess should be dropped in the laps of the Council for Non-Existent Problems.

That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.

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That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.

The Republican Council of Irregularities. Don't tell me, Jimbo Jordan and Ted Cruz heading it up? Hopefully they don't allow Louis Gohmert anywhere near it. Looks like there is already enough stupid gathering around this effort.
Damn, the Republican Party needs to go. Quickly.

That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.

The Republican Council of Irregularities. Don't tell me, Jimbo Jordan and Ted Cruz heading it up? Hopefully they don't allow Louis Gohmert anywhere near it. Looks like there is already enough stupid gathering around this effort.
Damn, the Republican Party needs to go. Quickly.

Is the first thing they're going to investigate the US army's firefight to seize CIA severs in Europe that killed the CIA director?

Or perhaps the ballots boated in from North Korea.......oddly, through Maine?

Or the CIA supercomputer from 1993 that hacked the 2020 election?

Or maybe how Hugo "I've been dead since 2013" Chavez threw the 2020 election to Biden?

That's right everyone. The GOP will form a Council to investigate voting irregularities. And I'm sure when they find evidence they might even go so far as to create a committee to decide on how to do virtually nothing about it while the media completely ignores it all.

Guess I should have read further down. The list of morons is quite impressive. Truly, the best of the best. :auiqs.jpg:
"The group, led by Rep. Lance Gooden (R-Texas), includes several prominent conservatives, such as Reps. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), and Jody Hice (R-Ga.)".
What they really need to create is a panel in each state to scrub the party’s rolls of those who either fail to live up to the Conservative ideology of the party or who fail to support those ideals once in office.

Understandably, the GOP will be nearly extinct in certain areas of the country after these purges, but that’s life and it will allow the party to put time, energy and money into the areas it can actually win.

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