GOP policies "win", GOP base "loses"?



The GOP base is so proud of their recent "wins". So what have the actually gained? Anything?

Cuts to education. Blocking healthcare. Blocking minimum wage. Where are the "wins".

If immigrants aren't allowed to come in for jobs the GOP base isn't qualified for, those businesses for sure, will move out of the country or move to Blue States. How can the base not understand that?

What are their "gains"? Anything? Can they name anything? I would like to know.
The GOP base is so proud of their recent "wins". So what have the actually gained? Anything?

Cuts to education. Blocking healthcare. Blocking minimum wage. Where are the "wins".

If immigrants aren't allowed to come in for jobs the GOP base isn't qualified for, those businesses for sure, will move out of the country or move to Blue States. How can the base not understand that?

What are their "gains"? Anything? Can they name anything? I would like to know.
So, you took two stupid pills this morning, I see.
Dweeb, we have partially stopped the bleeding and informed Dear Leader that tin pot dictators have to go through Congress in this country.

Sorry that pisses you off,(oh hell, no I'm not) but damned glad it pisses obama off
well in nc they did not raise taxes but cut deductions to the bone....i had well over 15 k in medical bills and still paid nearly 600 in nc state taxes plus what i had already paid.....but no they didnt raise taxes lol fucking dumbasses keep voting for republicans....cut out federal unemployment extension for benefits but are all for corporate welfare
Another thread by a partisan flammer. If only this silly crap, from both sides, would stop.

We all need to realize there is little difference between the two parties....they only care about money and power, which is why they both do the bidding of the oligarchy.

And...the oligarchy loves this partisan sniping because it divides us, while they continue to conquer us...and sadly millions of Americans are blind to it.
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Thank goodness, R-Derp! I hadn't seen a mindless rant against the GOP from you in days, little buddy! I was getting concerned...
To you, these are mindless: Cuts to education. Blocking healthcare. Blocking minimum wage.
Thank goodness, R-Derp! I hadn't seen a mindless rant against the GOP from you in days, little buddy! I was getting concerned...
To you, these are mindless: Cuts to education. Blocking healthcare. Blocking minimum wage.
We spend more than enough on education. The money could be better spent on educating kids than on making sure teachers can't lose their jobs and get full pay at retirement.
No one wants to block health care. We just want you to take responsibility for your own.
Minimum wage increases cost jobs, drive businesses to bankruptcy and cause inflation, but Progressives would cheer those results because more people would be beholding to them for their food and shelter and they could blame it all on evil corporations.
So far the GOP Congress makes a $20 whore look like she has high standards, and morals. They stand up like this:
How many employees have bosses that applaud and reward them for doing nothing?
Very uncharacteristic post from you, Chief.
If my employees do nothing, I reward them with a hearty "Get the fuck out." I may applaud after they leave.

Then why do you applaud and reward your NaziCon leaders in Congress for doing nothing?
They are not doing nothing. They are doing exactly what we elected them to do, which is to make sure obama does nothing more to fuck up the country.
How many employees have bosses that applaud and reward them for doing nothing?
Very uncharacteristic post from you, Chief.
If my employees do nothing, I reward them with a hearty "Get the fuck out." I may applaud after they leave.

Then why do you applaud and reward your NaziCon leaders in Congress for doing nothing?
They are not doing nothing. They are doing exactly what we elected them to do, which is to make sure obama does nothing more to fuck up the country.
Just what the country needs, people who say no to everything. Oh well, that's what Obama will do as well. So be it.
The GOP Establishment are doing EXACTLY what they promised to do.

They promised to just be obstructionists. If you expected them to actually solve problems, then you weren't listening!
How many employees have bosses that applaud and reward them for doing nothing?
Very uncharacteristic post from you, Chief.
If my employees do nothing, I reward them with a hearty "Get the fuck out." I may applaud after they leave.

Then why do you applaud and reward your NaziCon leaders in Congress for doing nothing?
They are not doing nothing. They are doing exactly what we elected them to do, which is to make sure obama does nothing more to fuck up the country.
Just what the country needs, people who say no to everything. Oh well, that's what Obama will do as well. So be it.
Not to everything, just to fundamentally changing America.
How many employees have bosses that applaud and reward them for doing nothing?
Very uncharacteristic post from you, Chief.
If my employees do nothing, I reward them with a hearty "Get the fuck out." I may applaud after they leave.

Then why do you applaud and reward your NaziCon leaders in Congress for doing nothing?
They are not doing nothing. They are doing exactly what we elected them to do, which is to make sure obama does nothing more to fuck up the country.

they kept him from passing Keystone and F'n up the country.

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