GOP Problem

Well, Herman Cain withdrew last time because he didn't want his family dragged through the mud. Dr. Ben Carson is most probably the most honest of all the candidates but he is not really Presidential material. Rand Paul would probably make a decent President and one that would look out for the interests of the people and not be a war hawk but the people wouldn't support him. Hillary is in the pockets of anyone who has a dollar to give her and Bill as so are Cruz, Rubio, and Bush. It has come down to the interests of Super Pacs and billionaire donors funding an election that will end up costing a billion dollars. The politicians will say and do whatever it takes to get elected and once elected they will be totally owned by the special interests, the Super Pacs, and the billionaires. America loses. America always loses.

At least Trump is self funding and not in the pockets of all these special interest groups though he is far from being what Americans claim and I do say claim they want. He also says he will only take $1.00 per year in salary. None of the others have even offered anything like that.
You would have to be nutty to want to get involved in this. Why dont you set limits for campaign spending ?

they can't.... citizens united and all.
The 2 leading Republican candidates seem to be a religious nut and a guy who isnt even a republican.

Trump appeals to people of low intellect and there are always plenty of them to go round.

Cruz seems to base his appeal on fringe religious extremists.Some of the stuff I have read is horrific.

I cant see that either is electable.

Where is the Republican party in all of this ?

The voice of reasonable conservatism seems to have been drowned out.

Im not looking for a knocking thread,so behave.

How did it become a freak show ?

the angry, obamas-deranged, insane "base" turned it into a freak show.

Yeah should have been intellectual like Dems

The 2 leading Republican candidates seem to be a religious nut and a guy who isnt even a republican.

Trump appeals to people of low intellect and there are always plenty of them to go round.

Cruz seems to base his appeal on fringe religious extremists.Some of the stuff I have read is horrific.

I cant see that either is electable.

Where is the Republican party in all of this ?

The voice of reasonable conservatism seems to have been drowned out.

Im not looking for a knocking thread,so behave.

How did it become a freak show ?
they're sick of being lied to by Establishment- types

On both sides of the aisle.
The 2 leading Republican candidates seem to be a religious nut and a guy who isnt even a republican.

Trump appeals to people of low intellect and there are always plenty of them to go round.

Cruz seems to base his appeal on fringe religious extremists.Some of the stuff I have read is horrific.

I cant see that either is electable.

Where is the Republican party in all of this ?

The voice of reasonable conservatism seems to have been drowned out.

Im not looking for a knocking thread,so behave.

How did it become a freak show ?

It became a freak show because Washington has stopped working for the people and people have finally had enough of it. Trump is hitting on issues that Republicans have been wanting action on and he sound serious about it so they are lining up behind him. I would argue that Bernie Sanders on the D side also appeals to people with low intellect, at least those who flunked out of first grade math class, but he too is hitting on the things the far left base of the Democratic Party has long wanted.
Im not saying that I accept your analysis but if that were the case any normal mainstream Republican should be guaranteed the top job.I dont think that is the case.
Sanders and Clinton both appear to be mainstream to me but Clinton looks to be a corporate stooge. Sanders may be too radical in american terms. But both appear to be leading world statesmen compared to the Cruz/Trump freakshow.
Outside of America little is known about Cruz but Trump is a figure of fun. I actually think Cruz is a bigger threat to civilisation.
Any Republican running can be guaranteed scorn and ridicule from the other side of the aisle.

Who would want to run.

There are no true Statesmen any longer.

Sanders and Clinton are not Statesmen.

Our election process is a joke.
Well, Herman Cain withdrew last time because he didn't want his family dragged through the mud. Dr. Ben Carson is most probably the most honest of all the candidates but he is not really Presidential material. Rand Paul would probably make a decent President and one that would look out for the interests of the people and not be a war hawk but the people wouldn't support him. Hillary is in the pockets of anyone who has a dollar to give her and Bill as so are Cruz, Rubio, and Bush. It has come down to the interests of Super Pacs and billionaire donors funding an election that will end up costing a billion dollars. The politicians will say and do whatever it takes to get elected and once elected they will be totally owned by the special interests, the Super Pacs, and the billionaires. America loses. America always loses.

At least Trump is self funding and not in the pockets of all these special interest groups though he is far from being what Americans claim and I do say claim they want. He also says he will only take $1.00 per year in salary. None of the others have even offered anything like that.
You would have to be nutty to want to get involved in this. Why dont you set limits for campaign spending ?

Because that would require a Congressional act and all of Congress are guilty of receiving the backing and funding themselves. Our whole political system is corrupt and rotten to its core.
The 2 leading Republican candidates seem to be a religious nut and a guy who isnt even a republican.

Trump appeals to people of low intellect and there are always plenty of them to go round.

Cruz seems to base his appeal on fringe religious extremists.Some of the stuff I have read is horrific.

I cant see that either is electable.

Where is the Republican party in all of this ?

The voice of reasonable conservatism seems to have been drowned out.

Im not looking for a knocking thread,so behave.

How did it become a freak show ?

The GOP is doing just fine. All 6 remaining candidates are far and above better than the barking dog and the socialist. The Dems have nothing.
they are all at the bottom rung of the ladder...all 8 of once again America will get a half-ass president....

I agree Bernie and Hillary are bottom of the ladder. However, any of the 6 remaining GOP would be good.
a biased must be one of them party people.....
The 2 leading Republican candidates seem to be a religious nut and a guy who isnt even a republican.

Trump appeals to people of low intellect and there are always plenty of them to go round.

Cruz seems to base his appeal on fringe religious extremists.Some of the stuff I have read is horrific.

I cant see that either is electable.

Where is the Republican party in all of this ?

The voice of reasonable conservatism seems to have been drowned out.

Im not looking for a knocking thread,so behave.

How did it become a freak show ?

the angry, obamas-deranged, insane "base" turned it into a freak show.

You always draw the idiot into any conversation.
The 2 leading Republican candidates seem to be a religious nut and a guy who isnt even a republican.

Trump appeals to people of low intellect and there are always plenty of them to go round.

Cruz seems to base his appeal on fringe religious extremists.Some of the stuff I have read is horrific.

I cant see that either is electable.

Where is the Republican party in all of this ?

The voice of reasonable conservatism seems to have been drowned out.

Im not looking for a knocking thread,so behave.

How did it become a freak show ?

It became a freak show because Washington has stopped working for the people and people have finally had enough of it. Trump is hitting on issues that Republicans have been wanting action on and he sound serious about it so they are lining up behind him. I would argue that Bernie Sanders on the D side also appeals to people with low intellect, at least those who flunked out of first grade math class, but he too is hitting on the things the far left base of the Democratic Party has long wanted.
Im not saying that I accept your analysis but if that were the case any normal mainstream Republican should be guaranteed the top job.I dont think that is the case.
Sanders and Clinton both appear to be mainstream to me but Clinton looks to be a corporate stooge. Sanders may be too radical in american terms. But both appear to be leading world statesmen compared to the Cruz/Trump freakshow.
Outside of America little is known about Cruz but Trump is a figure of fun. I actually think Cruz is a bigger threat to civilisation.
Any Republican running can be guaranteed scorn and ridicule from the other side of the aisle.

Who would want to run.

There are no true Statesmen any longer.

Sanders and Clinton are not Statesmen.

Our election process is a joke.
Any Republican running can be guaranteed scorn and ridicule from the other side of the aisle.
and its not that way with the other side? that what you are saying?....
a biased must be one of them party people.....

I don't much like the Republicans, but get some perspective; this is fucking Hillary we are talking about. Charlie Manson looks at her and says "get some character bitch."
no shit......i was commenting on what he said about those 6 half-assed dip shits running for the republicans,not Hillary....
The 2 leading Republican candidates seem to be a religious nut and a guy who isnt even a republican.

Trump appeals to people of low intellect and there are always plenty of them to go round.

Cruz seems to base his appeal on fringe religious extremists.Some of the stuff I have read is horrific.

I cant see that either is electable.

Where is the Republican party in all of this ?

The voice of reasonable conservatism seems to have been drowned out.

Im not looking for a knocking thread,so behave.

How did it become a freak show ?

It became a freak show because Washington has stopped working for the people and people have finally had enough of it. Trump is hitting on issues that Republicans have been wanting action on and he sound serious about it so they are lining up behind him. I would argue that Bernie Sanders on the D side also appeals to people with low intellect, at least those who flunked out of first grade math class, but he too is hitting on the things the far left base of the Democratic Party has long wanted.
Im not saying that I accept your analysis but if that were the case any normal mainstream Republican should be guaranteed the top job.I dont think that is the case.
Sanders and Clinton both appear to be mainstream to me but Clinton looks to be a corporate stooge. Sanders may be too radical in american terms. But both appear to be leading world statesmen compared to the Cruz/Trump freakshow.
Outside of America little is known about Cruz but Trump is a figure of fun. I actually think Cruz is a bigger threat to civilisation.
Any Republican running can be guaranteed scorn and ridicule from the other side of the aisle.

Who would want to run.

There are no true Statesmen any longer.

Sanders and Clinton are not Statesmen.

Our election process is a joke.
Any Republican running can be guaranteed scorn and ridicule from the other side of the aisle.
and its not that way with the other side? that what you are saying?....
Oh, I can assure you that would also be the case.

This thread is about the GOP problem.

I dislike it coming from both sides.

I'm sick of it and our Country is for the worse because of the partisan bickering.

I may make jokes about it, and ridicule both sides.
"Seem to be a religious nut"? The freaking Hussein administration advised Americans that it might be a federal offense to insult a Muslems and the (international lefties?) decide to characterize U.S. Senators as "religious nuts". Here we are in American history where (most?) radical lefties feel free to criticize Christians while the Muslem jihad is threatening the entire freaking world.
The 2 leading Republican candidates seem to be a religious nut and a guy who isnt even a republican.

Trump appeals to people of low intellect and there are always plenty of them to go round.

Cruz seems to base his appeal on fringe religious extremists.Some of the stuff I have read is horrific.

I cant see that either is electable.

Where is the Republican party in all of this ?

The voice of reasonable conservatism seems to have been drowned out.

Im not looking for a knocking thread,so behave.

How did it become a freak show ?

How did YOUR coward nation, England, become a cheap Islam whore who facilitated the rape of THOUSANDS of young girls, YOU ENGLISH COCKSUCKING PIGS!!!! And you have the AUDACITY to look down on us yanks who DON'T feed our young females to the muslim fuck machine, you English, limey, pommie, nightcrawling imitation of a real lifeform!!! You muslim-cocksucking FILTH of my race, you English PIG!
Trump appeals to people of low intellect and there are always plenty of them to go round.

...morons have an IQ of 51–70 mostly uneducated democrats vote Obama and democrat, which comprise of a majority of 100 million uneducated welfare voters, ghettos, trailer park, dropouts, thugs, illiterates, baby mamas, laborers, and illegals.

These are the low information voters that want something free from the government.'re a slave to the gov. Anytime a citizen has to be dependent upon the gov to handle their affairs, they are your masters who dictate what they will provide you in health care, wages and welfare. You don't decide the outcome.

The 2 leading Republican candidates seem to be a religious nut and a guy who isnt even a republican.

Trump appeals to people of low intellect and there are always plenty of them to go round.

Cruz seems to base his appeal on fringe religious extremists.Some of the stuff I have read is horrific.

I cant see that either is electable.

Where is the Republican party in all of this ?

The voice of reasonable conservatism seems to have been drowned out.

Im not looking for a knocking thread,so behave.

How did it become a freak show ?

the angry, obamas-deranged, insane "base" turned it into a freak show.
I see you forgot all about the Bush years. Drugs?
Vote YES to more more illegals

Vote YES to more drugs from illegals bringing it across border

Vote YES to more murders from drugs wars from illegals,

Vote YES to more rapes from illegals stalking your daughters from school to abduct her, then take her back across the border to be sold as sex slaves,

Vote YES to more unemployment when the illegals come and take your jobs for less pay,

Vote YES to more illegals overcrowding your community and the property value goes down,

Vote YES to more illegals so you will pay for their stay through welfare with your taxes and have to feed their babies out of your pocket,

Vote YES to more taxes going higher as more illegals cross border,

Vote YES to more illegals bringing illegal guns from the border,

Vote YES to gun violence to go even higher from the illegal gun owners crossing border,

Vote YES to more debt when Bernie spends money to get your free stuff,

Vote YES to more free stuff so your children and grandchildren will pick up the tab when the rich are all tapped out from paying for everything and then the rich decide they had enough and move to another country to avoid paying taxes,

Vote YES to more insanity!

Vote YES to Bernie this primary and Feel the Money Bern!

Burn Baby Bern!

He and libs will have America Bern in HELL!

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