GOP’s tough love isn’t inspiring the unemployed

Good grief,
Republicans are much better at hate than love.

have you been in any Palin threads and LOVE from the left/liberals give her?
and they hated on Joe the plumber for getting a job

I guess if you aren't doling out money to the people, that means you hate
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The sooner Republican party can get over their fears of losing their job and think of those who have the better. When the Republicans do lose their jobs it will be a fault of their own.

Have you noticed that the middle class makes less money today than they were 5 years ago?
Have you noticed that unemployment among blacks are higher now than they were 5 years ago? Have you noticed that the majority those who didn't have health insurance before obummercare aren't signing up?
Or, do you just turn your blind eye to reality and go with your talking points from the echo chamber.
Friggin' libs will always be friggin' libs :eusa_whistle:
The tea party model is that of the lower class in China or India. Sucks if you're not successful!

wow, and people like you who stands with the Democrat party model, is nasty and just plain hateful

I think it is even more hateful to dream of every single day of making someone choose between pills and food.

Some of these people already work hard and don't deserve it. Where is the humanity? Corporations that I support are making record profit and sending jobs over sea's for slave wages. Is this the morals of our nation??? I happen to believe Obamas plan to invest and reestablish a system that's pro-American is the best way.

What we should be worried about is our middle class. That's the true engine of what made us great!
The tea party model is that of the lower class in China or India. Sucks if you're not successful!

Define successful? :eusa_whistle:

100k per year.

Someone that had a good upbringing and a family that could afford a good education. Happened to become someone that advanced based on it...

Not saying they didn't work hard....I am a support of corporations as I love innovation and Apple, intel, google and amd are great as far as I am concerned.
The tea party model is that of the lower class in China or India. Sucks if you're not successful!

Define successful? :eusa_whistle:

100k per year.

Someone that had a good upbringing and a family that could afford a good education. Happened to become someone that advanced based on it...

Not saying they didn't work hard....I am a support of corporations as I love innovation and Apple, intel, google and amd are great as far as I am concerned.

I see successful much different than you.
You see it as a greedy materialistic sort of person.
I feel sorry for you, Matthew. :eusa_eh:

You get em hungry enough they'll work. ....or die. Either way it saves the tax payer money.

As sick as that is it must be the way the Republicans think. There is no other way to explain their actions except for that one could give the poor money to help them get a job but then the poor, but employed, might not vote Republican. Because of the second they are willing to risk the first?

:D I love baiting libs.
The tea party model is that of the lower class in China or India. Sucks if you're not successful!

Define successful? :eusa_whistle:

100k per year.

Someone that had a good upbringing and a family that could afford a good education. Happened to become someone that advanced based on it...

Not saying they didn't work hard....I am a support of corporations as I love innovation and Apple, intel, google and amd are great as far as I am concerned.

Oh my the a typical far left response. WOW! Although you are a bit off it is consider 250,000 now as spouted by the far left Obama. Do try and keep your far left propaganda programming up to date.
Define successful? :eusa_whistle:

100k per year.

Someone that had a good upbringing and a family that could afford a good education. Happened to become someone that advanced based on it...

Not saying they didn't work hard....I am a support of corporations as I love innovation and Apple, intel, google and amd are great as far as I am concerned.

I see successful much different than you.
You see it as a greedy materialistic sort of person.
I feel sorry for you, Matthew. :eusa_eh:

As do I, but the far left has to measure it some way so they can tell you who to blame and hate for all your problems.
omg, the leeches to government screeching and wailing...Unemployment benefits wasn't set up to be used this way,but now they have created another class of whiners who expects US TAXPAYER to support them..

PMSmbc= pathetic reporting and just plain ole garbage for shit stirring for the Democrat party

2 million Americans are leeches? They are sucking the blood of America? They want to grow America. You would deny them a little help to that ends because why? Is it anything out of your pocket? No, it is not. It would actually grow the economy. So why do you do it? I would honestly like you to explain this to me. If you are doing it because you don't like Democrats that is pretty messed up. You would have 2 million Americans suffer because you don't like a political party. Beautiful man, just beautiful.
Under the guise of allowing the federal government to help anyone, for any emotional reason, the federal government will then do anything, for any tyrannical reason.

I doubt very much that you care about these 2 million unemployed, because if you did, YOU would be screaming at Obama and Congress to do something to help business to create jobs.

Instead, it is likely YOU have supported every pie-in-the-sky spending plan that does nothing to create jobs.

Spare us you compassion, because the unemployed can little afford it.
Ha! Take that you conservative elitists.

GOP's tough love isn't inspiring the unemployed | MSNBC

In sum, the GOP’s tough-love stimulus of allowing long-term UI benefits to expire has produced no detectable effect on employment, or improvement of any other kind, for the long-term unemployed. We can allow this cruel experiment to continue, but the only group likely to benefit would be congressional Democrats eager to use UI benefit cancellation against the Republicans in the next midterm election. A better solution would be to restore long-term UI benefits to the two million people (including 200,000 veterans) who’ve lost them.

Conservatives are suppose to be afraid of an op-ed from MSNBC, especially one that uses melodramatic phrasing such as "cruel experiment"?
Ha! Take that you conservative elitists.

GOP's tough love isn't inspiring the unemployed | MSNBC

In sum, the GOP’s tough-love stimulus of allowing long-term UI benefits to expire has produced no detectable effect on employment, or improvement of any other kind, for the long-term unemployed. We can allow this cruel experiment to continue, but the only group likely to benefit would be congressional Democrats eager to use UI benefit cancellation against the Republicans in the next midterm election. A better solution would be to restore long-term UI benefits to the two million people (including 200,000 veterans) who’ve lost them.

You get em hungry enough they'll work. ....or die. Either way it saves the tax payer money.

There's more people than jobs. These things happen when big companies close down factories and find cheap labor in other countries. Didn't you learn that at the EIB school of advanced conservative studies, taught by professor Limbaugh? Demand your tuition money back.

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