GOP Senator Susan Collins Throws Support Behind Law Protecting Same-Sex Marriage

Sassy I want you to understand people deserve love ,it doesn't matter if they are straight or not
There are different types of love. The Greeks have five words that all mean love. I love ice cream
I love my dog. I love my sisters and brothers. I love my friends. I love my wife or husband. What kind of love are you talking about?
It is encouraging to see bipartisan legislation that is positive for the people. Especially when the elected official has to go against so many in her party.

Positive for WHAT? Gays have been recognized for YEARS AND YEARS able to form unions with all the rights of any married couple. More democrat snow to blow up your ass.

Meantime we have 10,000 really huge, important issues that democrats ain't doing SQUAT about. Now that "protected" gay couple can lose their job, be unable to pay their mortgage, and have to struggle to buy food and basic needs along with the rest of us! But thank god they're "protected!"

this bill doesn't force society to accept gay marriage, in fact it protects religious liberty by saying private people don't have to recognize gay marriage in their personal life and business practices. this bill just says government should protect all marriages equally

even the mormon church have endorsed this bill

How is government supposed to protect gay marriage? No one is threatening gays from getting married. Of course gays can't really procreate so that should be taken into consideration. Maybe under the handicapped umbrella? Give 'em $$$$ to STFU. That's what Democrats do.
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Positive for WHAT? Gays have been recognized for YEARS AND YEARS able to form unions with all the rights of any married couple. More democrat snow to blow up your ass.

Meantime we have 10,000 really huge, important issues that democrats ain't doing SQUAT about. Now that "protected" gay couple can lose their job, be unable to pay their mortgage, and have to struggle to buy food and basic needs along with the rest of us! But thank god they're "protected!"

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Recognized? Until the SCOTUS ruling, gays could be overruled by the family where healthcare choices are concerned. They could not adopt together, so if one died the child was taken from the other and returned to the state. And many, many more things.

How do the straight couples lose their job that gays can't? The answer is both can lose their job.
How is government supposed to protect gay marriage? No one is threatening gays from getting married. Of course gays can't really procreate so that should be taken into consideration. Maybe under the handicapped umbrella? Give 'em $$$$ to STFU. That's what Democrats do.

My 2nd wife could not reproduce. But all we had to do was walk in a courthouse with a few dollars and we were married. It is not about reproducing. It is about the +/- 1,400 benefits bestowed on married couples by federal, state and local gov'ts.
Recognized? Until the SCOTUS ruling, gays could be overruled by the family where healthcare choices are concerned. They could not adopt together, so if one died the child was taken from the other and returned to the state. And many, many more things.

How do the straight couples lose their job that gays can't? The answer is both can lose their job.
A homosexual couple is not equal to a heterosexual couple. Can you understand why?
My 2nd wife could not reproduce. But all we had to do was walk in a courthouse with a few dollars and we were married. It is not about reproducing. It is about the +/- 1,400 benefits bestowed on married couples by federal, state and local gov'ts.
Yes and rightly so for heterosexual couples. Why would we want to promote homosexual couples? Homosexuality is an outlier except for entertainment and TikTok.
Yes and rightly so for heterosexual couples. Why would we want to promote homosexua couples? Homosexuality is an outlier except for entertainment and TikTok.

Promote? We are talking about equality in the eyes of our gov't.
In the eyes of the gov't? No, I cannot understand why.
Well, because heterosexual couples procreate and create family units that strengthen America. Homosexual couples cannot do that, they can only prey on heterosexuals and convince them to give them their children because of false statements that gender is malleable. This is a lie. Natal gender is not malleable and should be supported. Today, 'gender assignment' in the left, is perfectly acceptable. It's OK to cut off a woman's breasts or chop off a penis if it makes the person 'feel good' about themselves. This is gross and horrible!!!!
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Well, because heterosexual couples procreate and create family units that strengthen America. Homosexual couples cannot do that, they can only prey on heterosexuals for breeding purposes.

So every straight couple that does not reproduce is not equal to those who do?
So every straight couple that does not reproduce is not equal to those who do?
No, as long as they have the potential. WTF are you trying to promote? 'straight couples that do not reproduce?' Exactly why? Procreation is what humans do. Wanna bet those 'straight couples' will eventually procreate?
No, as long as they have the potential. WTF are you trying to promote? 'straight couples that do not reproduce?' Exactly why? Procreation is what humans do. Wanna bet those 'straight couples' will eventually procreate?

No, I am trying to get across to you that reproducing is not the entire point of marriage. Most married couples do reproduce. Same sex couples can do it with a little outside help. And just FYI, when they get a sperm donor or a surrogate, they are not preying on them. When same sex couples adopt children, they are not preying on anyone.

And there are an estimated 11 million single parent families in the US. Oddly, the safest estimates of how many people are LGB is around 11 million.

Does anyone think we are underpopulated?

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