GOP Senator Susan Collins Throws Support Behind Law Protecting Same-Sex Marriage

No, I am trying to get across to you that reproducing is not the entire point of marriage. Most married couples do reproduce. Same sex couples can do it with a little outside help. And just FYI, when they get a sperm donor or a surrogate, they are not preying on them. When same sex couples adopt children, they are not preying on anyone.

And there are an estimated 11 million single parent families in the US. Oddly, the safest estimates of how many people are LGB is around 11 million.

Does anyone think we are underpopulated?
The State saw fit to make heterosexual marriage special. Heterosexual coupling creates new human beings. That's what we want. We don't give a shit about your fetishes.
Recognized? Until the SCOTUS ruling, gays could be overruled by the family where healthcare choices are concerned. They could not adopt together, so if one died the child was taken from the other and returned to the state. And many, many more things.

Wow! So sorry for you! I had not realized that near continuous democrat party rule of the government for ages had caused so much misery to so many!
The State saw fit to make heterosexual marriage special. Heterosexual coupling creates new human beings. That's what we want. We don't give a shit about your fetishes.

It is not about fetishes or sex. In fact, more straight people engage in the sex acts that you fear than gays (because there are far more straight people).

This is about couples in love who want to make a committment and a life together, including all the benefits others are given by the state.
Wow! So sorry for you! I had not realized that near continuous democrat party rule of the government for ages had caused so much misery to so many!

Sorry for me? lol Feel sorry for those who live in terror of the total collapse of the institution of marriage, as they are told will happen (despite all evidence to the contrary).
It is not about fetishes or sex. In fact, more straight people engage in the sex acts that you fear than gays (because there are far more straight people).

This is about couples in love who want to make a committment and a life together, including all the benefits others are given by the state.
Yes, I realize that but, they cannot contribute new human life. That is what heterosexual marriage-coupling is about. How is it you do not know this?
Sorry for me? lol
Yeah, YOU. You're the one who RAISED the issue so it must matter to you PERSONALLY.

Feel sorry for those who live in terror of the total collapse of the institution of marriage,
How could people not married suffer the collapse of the institution? Marriage is the holy union of man and wife in the presence of God for the purpose of raising a family of their creation; this is the cornerstone of an orderly, moral society--- Two gay people in love may live together and have all the feelings in the world for each other and the government may vainly CALL it a marriage, but they are still just two people of the same sex who for all their efforts can only at best adopt a kid or two to raise which I suppose beats being an orphan, but I'm just glad it isn't me.
Yeah, YOU. You're the one who RAISED the issue so it must matter to you PERSONALLY.

How could people not married suffer the collapse of the institution? Marriage is the holy union of man and wife in the presence of God for the purpose of raising a family of their creation; this is the cornerstone of an orderly, moral society--- Two gay people in love may live together and have all the feelings in the world for each other and the government may vainly CALL it a marriage, but they are still just two people of the same sex who for all their efforts can only at best adopt a kid or two to raise which I suppose beats being an orphan, but I'm just glad it isn't me.
Yes, humanity is advanced through heterosexual coupling. It’s science.
It was never necessary to change the meaning of the word "marriage", but it seemed important to a small group so we did it. It isn't necessary for Congress to be wasting time on such a minor thing when there is so much to do that would benefit so many more, but waste it they will. Priorities are completely confused.
Ben Shapiro tells any Republican senator voting for the codification of same-sex marriage: "You should not be in the Republican Party"

I am dead sick of talking about gender and sexuality. Dead sick of it.

I want to start taking out billboards: if you are a grown adult, over the age of 20, stop obsessing about who you do and your pronouns. Do something. Go places. Be productive.

Your obsession with your genitals and your feelings are BORING and overplayed

Yeah, I said it
Yes, I realize that but, they cannot contribute new human life. That is what heterosexual marriage-coupling is about. How is it you do not know this?

I know about reproduction. But I also know that there are no restrictions on the gov't benefits for those straight couples who do not reproduce. Want proof? If a couple cannot, biologically, reproduce they can still get married. If she has been through menopause or even had her uterus removed, they can still marry.
Yeah, YOU. You're the one who RAISED the issue so it must matter to you PERSONALLY.

How could people not married suffer the collapse of the institution? Marriage is the holy union of man and wife in the presence of God for the purpose of raising a family of their creation; this is the cornerstone of an orderly, moral society--- Two gay people in love may live together and have all the feelings in the world for each other and the government may vainly CALL it a marriage, but they are still just two people of the same sex who for all their efforts can only at best adopt a kid or two to raise which I suppose beats being an orphan, but I'm just glad it isn't me.

It does matter to me personally. Equality should matter to everyone.

The bill in the OP protects religious institutions. It also protects same sex marriage. This idea that marriage is based on the ability to bear children is ridiculous.
I'm still laughing at you fools.

Gays are no more pedophiles than heterosexuals are.

Stop perpetuating the myth.
Im not. I am talking about Democrats.
You know, like the incestuous pedo in the WH that you defend deflect and gas light for DAILY
Come on, you are better than this.

There is no connection between same sex marriage and "going after kids"
Again, I am referring to Dems. Not gays.
When gays started getting married, I started hearing how next Dems will be going after kids. I didnt believe it.
Now they are.

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