GOP sure gets dumber by the moment

One of my long time clients is a gay lawyer in Atlanta, Ga. I met Jimmy years ago when he worked for Alston & Bird, a law firm with offices all over the planet with over 100 lawyers in Atlanta alone.
Jimmy has been in the Log Cabin Republicans for years and is a fiscal conservative owning part of a nice restaurant in Buckhead.
He tells me young gays are split on politics with many wanting to vote Republican but the gay boogeyman issue holds them back.
Sports fans, this is the deep south here but us red necks can wade through the BS to see that these gay folks really are no different than us other conservatives except they happen to fall in love with people of the same sex and want committed relationships with them.
I guess I am a little different as I played sports for many years at a time when I started very young integration happened. I was fortunate that my mother was from up state NY with Quaker background and she met my Dad before the big war in NC in 1941. The rest is history.
My point is the gay issue will haunt the GOP and will be used against them until they change their platform. I hate to lose. It is 4th and 1 and I want to run wham it zero on set power split 3 pull inside on ready for 6 and win.
While it's obvious why the Dems brought it up, it's not a non issue to the people living in those 30 states where they can be fired simply for being gay.

Which states are those?


Where's the link for this POS?
One only has to look at the politics of the left to see how this fucks the GOP.
First Obama was against gays in the military and gay marriage.
Then he was for it.
And he will serve 8 years as President and GOP stands to lose the House seats next year.
Imagine the horror show if the scare crow hundred million dollar insider trader dementia laden Nancy Pelosi becomes speaker of the house.
But the hard right could care less about that. Picking on gay folk is much easier sport and hey now, The Bible says gays are an abomination and shrimp cocktails are sinful.

Again, picking on the gays is how Bush won in 2004.

Kind of like George Wallace enjoyed a national career in the 1960's just before there was a tipping point on racial issues.

Probably going to take a few election cycles before this dog won't hunt.

Wallace was a Democrat btw........

Just sayin......

Everyone in the south then was a Democrat.
All of them are now Republican. Not saying any of them are bad folks now but that is afact as I was born and raised here in the deep south. County I live in now north of Atlanta was 100% Democrat in 1983 when I moved here. 100% Republican now.
One of my long time clients is a gay lawyer in Atlanta, Ga. I met Jimmy years ago when he worked for Alston & Bird, a law firm with offices all over the planet with over 100 lawyers in Atlanta alone.
Jimmy has been in the Log Cabin Republicans for years and is a fiscal conservative owning part of a nice restaurant in Buckhead.
He tells me young gays are split on politics with many wanting to vote Republican but the gay boogeyman issue holds them back.
Sports fans, this is the deep south here but us red necks can wade through the BS to see that these gay folks really are no different than us other conservatives except they happen to fall in love with people of the same sex and want committed relationships with them.
I guess I am a little different as I played sports for many years at a time when I started very young integration happened. I was fortunate that my mother was from up state NY with Quaker background and she met my Dad before the big war in NC in 1941. The rest is history.
My point is the gay issue will haunt the GOP and will be used against them until they change their platform. I hate to lose. It is 4th and 1 and I want to run wham it zero on set power split 3 pull inside on ready for 6 and win.

Hey, this is 2013. No one gives a shit if someone is gay. They do give a shit if it gets waved in their face or they are told they are mean bigoted hate mongers because they teach their kids that homosexuality is contrary to their religious beliefs.
Gays are among the biggest bigots out there.
5 People Who Were Fired for Being Gay, And The 29 States Where That Is Still Legal

1. Lisa Howe (Tennessee)
This former Belmont University soccer coach was fired in December 2010 after she came out to her soccer team that she is a lesbian and announced that she and her partner were expecting their first child. While the university’s official statement at first said that she had resigned, it was soon amended to say that the decision had been mutual, and that her continuing to work for Belmont would not be beneficial to her or the university. Demonstrators protested Howe’s termination, as she was a highly successful and popular coach, and they called for an official apology, which they never received. Although Belmont had terminated its ties with the Tennessee Baptist Church in 2007, chairman of Belmont’s board of trustees Marty Dickens told The Tennessean that, “We expect people to commit themselves to high moral and ethical standards within a Christian context.”

2. Vandy Beth Glenn (Georgia)
In 2005, Vandy Beth Glenn began working as the legislative editor of the Georgia General Assembly while still presenting as a man, Glenn Morrison. Glenn was fired in October 2007 for revealing to her supervisor that she planned to transition from male to female. Her boss, legislative counsel Sewell Brumby, allegedly told her that “her gender transition and presentation of herself as a woman would be seen as immoral, could not happen appropriately in the workplace in which Glenn worked and would make other employees uncomfortable.” This story has a happy ending, however: Glenn sued, and U.S. District Court Judge Story ruled that she was illegally fired based on sex discrimination. The judge ordered that she be compensated for wages during the appeals process. Finally, in December 2011, the appeals court ruled that she should be allowed to return to work.

3. Michael Carney (Massachusetts)
This police officer from Springfield, MA was one of the witnesses in the Congressional hearing on the Employee Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) after Congressmen Barney Frank (D-MA) and Richard Neil (D-MA) asked him to testify. He initially left his job as a police officer due to the stress of remaining closeted, but his former employers refused to hire him again after he came out. Carney fought for years to be allowed to work again, a battle that he eventually won. His success highlights the struggles others still face, as he pointed out to Midweek Politics when he said that if he “was a federal officer, or didn’t live in Massachusetts,” he probably wouldn’t have been allowed to continue working.

4. Jodi O’Brien (Wisconsin)
O’Brien, a sociology professor at Seattle University who is openly a lesbian and writes about sexuality, was originally offered a job as dean of one of Marquette University’s colleges. In May 2010, her offer was rescinded. The Roman Catholic and Jesuit-run University told the New York Times that she lacked “the ability to represent the Marquette mission and identity.” University President Rev. Robert A. Wild argued that the choice not to hire O’Brien wasn’t due to her sexuality, but rather to her academic writing, in which he found “strongly negative statements about marriage and family.” O’Brien has written extensively about the topic of gay marriage; if this isn’t discrimination based on sexual orientation, it’s certainly discrimination based on beliefs about sexual orientation. Is there a substantial difference between the two?

5. Peter TerVeer (District of Columbia)
This case is playing out as we speak. Until April 2012, TerVeer was a management analyst for the Library of Congress. He claims that he was harassed and fired because of his sexual orientation, and he has filed a discrimination complaint. WJLA reported that he received emails in 2009 from his boss referencing bible passages that speak against homosexuality, and that “he stated that as a homosexual I could never succeed because it was against God’s law.” The trouble apparently all started when TerVeer “liked” a page on Facebook called Two Dads.

Lisa Howe was local so I am sort of familiar with the case. She was fired (or left or whatever) because she lied on her job application. Yes, lying will get you fired.
The others probably the same.
But here we see exactly the problem with ENDA: no matter what a gay does, when they get fired it will solely for being gay. And that will action a suit.

No you aren't even "sort of" familiar. You heard some right wing spin and latched on like the bigot you are.

Belmont gets it all wrong in ousting woman's soccer coach Lisa Howe

If it was for lying, you'd think the school's official statement on the issue would say so.
5 People Who Were Fired for Being Gay, And The 29 States Where That Is Still Legal

1. Lisa Howe (Tennessee)
This former Belmont University soccer coach was fired in December 2010 after she came out to her soccer team that she is a lesbian and announced that she and her partner were expecting their first child. While the university’s official statement at first said that she had resigned, it was soon amended to say that the decision had been mutual, and that her continuing to work for Belmont would not be beneficial to her or the university. Demonstrators protested Howe’s termination, as she was a highly successful and popular coach, and they called for an official apology, which they never received. Although Belmont had terminated its ties with the Tennessee Baptist Church in 2007, chairman of Belmont’s board of trustees Marty Dickens told The Tennessean that, “We expect people to commit themselves to high moral and ethical standards within a Christian context.”

2. Vandy Beth Glenn (Georgia)
In 2005, Vandy Beth Glenn began working as the legislative editor of the Georgia General Assembly while still presenting as a man, Glenn Morrison. Glenn was fired in October 2007 for revealing to her supervisor that she planned to transition from male to female. Her boss, legislative counsel Sewell Brumby, allegedly told her that “her gender transition and presentation of herself as a woman would be seen as immoral, could not happen appropriately in the workplace in which Glenn worked and would make other employees uncomfortable.” This story has a happy ending, however: Glenn sued, and U.S. District Court Judge Story ruled that she was illegally fired based on sex discrimination. The judge ordered that she be compensated for wages during the appeals process. Finally, in December 2011, the appeals court ruled that she should be allowed to return to work.

3. Michael Carney (Massachusetts)
This police officer from Springfield, MA was one of the witnesses in the Congressional hearing on the Employee Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) after Congressmen Barney Frank (D-MA) and Richard Neil (D-MA) asked him to testify. He initially left his job as a police officer due to the stress of remaining closeted, but his former employers refused to hire him again after he came out. Carney fought for years to be allowed to work again, a battle that he eventually won. His success highlights the struggles others still face, as he pointed out to Midweek Politics when he said that if he “was a federal officer, or didn’t live in Massachusetts,” he probably wouldn’t have been allowed to continue working.

4. Jodi O’Brien (Wisconsin)
O’Brien, a sociology professor at Seattle University who is openly a lesbian and writes about sexuality, was originally offered a job as dean of one of Marquette University’s colleges. In May 2010, her offer was rescinded. The Roman Catholic and Jesuit-run University told the New York Times that she lacked “the ability to represent the Marquette mission and identity.” University President Rev. Robert A. Wild argued that the choice not to hire O’Brien wasn’t due to her sexuality, but rather to her academic writing, in which he found “strongly negative statements about marriage and family.” O’Brien has written extensively about the topic of gay marriage; if this isn’t discrimination based on sexual orientation, it’s certainly discrimination based on beliefs about sexual orientation. Is there a substantial difference between the two?

5. Peter TerVeer (District of Columbia)
This case is playing out as we speak. Until April 2012, TerVeer was a management analyst for the Library of Congress. He claims that he was harassed and fired because of his sexual orientation, and he has filed a discrimination complaint. WJLA reported that he received emails in 2009 from his boss referencing bible passages that speak against homosexuality, and that “he stated that as a homosexual I could never succeed because it was against God’s law.” The trouble apparently all started when TerVeer “liked” a page on Facebook called Two Dads.

Lisa Howe was local so I am sort of familiar with the case. She was fired (or left or whatever) because she lied on her job application. Yes, lying will get you fired.
The others probably the same.
But here we see exactly the problem with ENDA: no matter what a gay does, when they get fired it will solely for being gay. And that will action a suit.

No you aren't even "sort of" familiar. You heard some right wing spin and latched on like the bigot you are.

Belmont gets it all wrong in ousting woman's soccer coach Lisa Howe

If it was for lying, you'd think the school's official statement on the issue would say so.

I was right. Some editorial in a sports magazine doesnt really trump my familiarity with the case.
And your typical accusations of bigotry illustrate why gays will ultimately be revealed as the bullies and bigots they truly are.
One only has to look at the politics of the left to see how this fucks the GOP.
First Obama was against gays in the military and gay marriage.
Then he was for it.
And he will serve 8 years as President and GOP stands to lose the House seats next year.
Imagine the horror show if the scare crow hundred million dollar insider trader dementia laden Nancy Pelosi becomes speaker of the house.
But the hard right could care less about that. Picking on gay folk is much easier sport and hey now, The Bible says gays are an abomination and shrimp cocktails are sinful.

Again, picking on the gays is how Bush won in 2004.

Kind of like George Wallace enjoyed a national career in the 1960's just before there was a tipping point on racial issues.

Probably going to take a few election cycles before this dog won't hunt.

Bush realizes the big mistake he made and his wife and Cheney told him so.
The very people that helped him get elected twice, the hard right, turned on him on the immigration issue.
Bush had a very good bi-partisan immigration billon the table with support to pass.
Then the hard right through Limbaugh and all of right wing talk radio blasted it.
Both our Senators Isackson and Chambliss changed their position on it as they at first supported it.
Same with the gay issue as first time Bush ran he had some support from Log Cabin Republicans and I believe spoke to one group of them.
The come reelection he changed his mind and Laura Bush spoke about that on some talk show after the 2nd term as she supports gay marriage and I suspect Bush did too but politics had the platform oppose it so he had to go with that.

I am so sick of this shit. Arguing about gay folk. Why any straight person that is content with being straight 100% would ever worry about gay folks is crazy to me.
Sure, there are going to be lawsuits in this.
How else does someone that is being discriminated against seek equity other than filing a law suit when a law has been violated?
One of my long time clients is a gay lawyer in Atlanta, Ga. I met Jimmy years ago when he worked for Alston & Bird, a law firm with offices all over the planet with over 100 lawyers in Atlanta alone.
Jimmy has been in the Log Cabin Republicans for years and is a fiscal conservative owning part of a nice restaurant in Buckhead.
He tells me young gays are split on politics with many wanting to vote Republican but the gay boogeyman issue holds them back.
Sports fans, this is the deep south here but us red necks can wade through the BS to see that these gay folks really are no different than us other conservatives except they happen to fall in love with people of the same sex and want committed relationships with them.
I guess I am a little different as I played sports for many years at a time when I started very young integration happened. I was fortunate that my mother was from up state NY with Quaker background and she met my Dad before the big war in NC in 1941. The rest is history.
My point is the gay issue will haunt the GOP and will be used against them until they change their platform. I hate to lose. It is 4th and 1 and I want to run wham it zero on set power split 3 pull inside on ready for 6 and win.

I guess the GOP hasn't learned how to be for something and against it at the same time.

Perhaps it's the conservative vote that needs to establish different priorities. Jesus never dwelled on homosexuality. Why should we?
Not seeing a problem here.

This is settled law. You can't refuse to do business with someone because you don't like them.

A business is a public accommedation.

If she refused to sell flowers to an interracial couple because of her religious beliefs, would you take the same position?
If she refused to sell flowers to a neo Nazi would you support that? You can choose to do business with anyone you want, with certain exceptions. "We reserve the right" is often spelled out.

I think you can make a better case to not do business with a Nazi if you can honestly claim that you would be associated with their hateful beliefs. Just like print shops can refuse to run literature for candidates they don't agree with.

Sexual orientation falls more into line with race or religion on discrimination issues.

Are the black pages discriminatory to white owned businesses?
Liberal fanatics routinely discriminate against some religions.
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The conservative right wing has demonized homosexuality for centuries in America.

It is time they stopped and followed Jesus on the issue, who never said anything about it.
The conservative right wing has demonized homosexuality for centuries in America.

It is time they stopped and followed Jesus on the issue, who never said anything about it.

Get a bible.

Yes he did...

LEVITICUS 20:13-- If a man has sexual relations with a man, as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death: their blood will be on their own heads.
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Boehner will not allow House members to go on record of being for it or against it

It's a breathless attempt by desperate Democrats to bring back their voters.

They need something to counter the ruin they're bringing upon us.

Nope. Has nothing to do with Dem voters and everything to do with another picture being painted of an out of touch House of Representatives. Of course, they couldn't paint the picture if the House GOP wasn't so out of touch and out of step.

Poll: Big support for anti-discrimination law

Isn't that an example of creating something out of nothing?

That is what painting a picture is.

Reality may be totally out of touch with the picture you created. Painting an abstract rather than an impressionistic picture so to speak.

Something that is an accurate depiction rather than a distortion of the truth?
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The conservative right wing has demonized homosexuality for centuries in America.

It is time they stopped and followed Jesus on the issue, who never said anything about it.

Are you coming out of the closet now, or are you simply supporting something you wouldn't do yourself?

Does it bother you to know that the reason Obama is president is because he sucked a lot of old shriveled white dick when he was a kid?

You said you worked in insurance ?

Insurance underwriting is done on an assembly line?
You're a liar !!!
How many times have you been proven a liar?
Are you not ashamed?
Or are you proud to be a liar.
Your Obamacult demands you be more like the obamessiah.
So you lie , religiously!

No, I did NOT say I worked in insurance.

I said that the insurance company that underwrote my company at my last job (a packaging distributor) insisted that the company fire people who had serious medical issues. Which I had in 2007.

Seriously, Double Wide, if your reading comprehension is this low, I just don't know what do do for you.

You are lying.
You said you knew how insurance worked, you worked in the industry for years .

You can't remember the lies you told!!
You still haven't provided the post you allege I made, the one that don't exist!!
Fucking liar.

You said you worked in insurance ?

Insurance underwriting is done on an assembly line?
You're a liar !!!
How many times have you been proven a liar?
Are you not ashamed?
Or are you proud to be a liar.
Your Obamacult demands you be more like the obamessiah.
So you lie , religiously!

No, I did NOT say I worked in insurance.

I said that the insurance company that underwrote my company at my last job (a packaging distributor) insisted that the company fire people who had serious medical issues. Which I had in 2007.

Seriously, Double Wide, if your reading comprehension is this low, I just don't know what do do for you.

You are lying.
You said you knew how insurance worked, you worked in the industry for years .

You can't remember the lies you told!!
You still haven't provided the post you allege I made, the one that don't exist!!
Fucking liar.

That's a lie. An absolute, bald-faced fucking lie.

If you can prove that, I will OWN that Insurance Company. But you can't.... Because you are a bald-faced fucking lying piece of shit.
The conservative right wing has demonized homosexuality for centuries in America.

It is time they stopped and followed Jesus on the issue, who never said anything about it.

True but everyone did including Democrats did also for most of that time.

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