GOP tax bill will devastate Puerto Rico - Governor vows revenge!

Why are you so stupid? Is it a talent or do you practice daily?

This will be my last response until you stop calling me stupid, idiot, dumbass etc etc etc
Speaking of which, you never got back to me on the dozen or so links I spent the time to dig up about the absolute ease of buying guns without a background check.
Cat got yer tongue
:dunno: :confused-84:
Why are you so stupid? Is it a talent or do you practice daily?

This will be my last response until you stop calling me stupid, idiot, dumbass etc etc etc
Speaking of which, you never got back to me on the dozen or so links I spent the time to dig up about the absolute ease of buying guns without a background check.
Cat got yer tongue
:dunno: :confused-84:

I don't normally respond to lies and bogus websites which I never saw, even for a dumb ass like you!

I'm sorry for calling you what you are. A 5-year old could see the flaws in your thinking. You didn't even quote the post to show the obvious lack of mental aptitude you showed in that post.

If you would just stop posting, the average IQ in this forum would jump upwards. You can't carry on a discussion without resorting to your apparent plethora of lies, and fake websites to back them up.

Keep up the good work, and I will still be there to show everyone what you are. You just won't defend yourself anymore, like that was doing you any good to start with! It just further convinced people how inept you truly are.
We should annex Puerto Rico to Florida, or cut them loose from the country. Right now, they're nothing but parasitic brats.
So the GOP tax bill will put the thriving commonwealth of Puerto Rico into bankruptcy?
I don't normally respond to lies and bogus websites which I never saw, even for a dumb ass like you!

I'm sorry for calling you what you are. A 5-year old could see the flaws in your thinking. You didn't even quote the post to show the obvious lack of mental aptitude you showed in that post.

If you would just stop posting, the average IQ in this forum would jump upwards. You can't carry on a discussion without resorting to your apparent plethora of lies, and fake websites to back them up.

Keep up the good work, and I will still be there to show everyone what you are. You just won't defend yourself anymore, like that was doing you any good to start with! It just further convinced people how inept you truly are.

Last time I press the "show ignored content" button Tory. I actually had (and showed) respect for you and your military history and articulate opinions (in particular your experience with LGBTQs which surprised me actually).

You didn't bother with half an hour of research I did on your behalf which included highly respected and well-known sites and the lesser known ones that included backing links regarding the gun issues. You didn't bother, because your opinions are set in stubborn-stone.

I've never blocked anyone on any of the pol-forum sites I frequent. Gonna make you the exception buddy. I can put up with your everyday Trumptard who posts stupid stuff that is fun to read and make fun of.

You're just an asshole
Buh-Bye :bye1:
I don't normally respond to lies and bogus websites which I never saw, even for a dumb ass like you!

I'm sorry for calling you what you are. A 5-year old could see the flaws in your thinking. You didn't even quote the post to show the obvious lack of mental aptitude you showed in that post.

If you would just stop posting, the average IQ in this forum would jump upwards. You can't carry on a discussion without resorting to your apparent plethora of lies, and fake websites to back them up.

Keep up the good work, and I will still be there to show everyone what you are. You just won't defend yourself anymore, like that was doing you any good to start with! It just further convinced people how inept you truly are.

Last time I press the "show ignored content" button Tory. I actually had (and showed) respect for you and your military history and articulate opinions (in particular your experience with LGBTQs which surprised me actually).

You didn't bother with half an hour of research I did on your behalf which included highly respected and well-known sites and the lesser known ones that included backing links regarding the gun issues. You didn't bother, because your opinions are set in stubborn-stone.

I've never blocked anyone on any of the pol-forum sites I frequent. Gonna make you the exception buddy. I can put up with your everyday Trumptard who posts stupid stuff that is fun to read and make fun of.

You're just an asshole
Buh-Bye :bye1:

Praise God! Now you won't be embarrassed when I post about your idiocy! Good for you!
Republican bastards stick it to those damn brown "foreigners"

Two new proposed taxes in particular are at issue: an excise tax of 20 percent on products manufactured by subsidiaries of U.S. companies located outside the U.S., and a 12 percent tax on income derived from intangible assets (such as patents and intellectual property) by American companies outside the U.S.

But why do these taxes involve Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory and not a foreign nation? Because the tax bill considers Puerto Rico to be outside the U.S., a foreign country like Mexico or Venezuela.

Sounds crazy? It should.​

The Republican tax bill will devastate Puerto Rico's economy even further | Opinion

But not to worry - they're going to make 'em pay - Say so long to Florida in particular! :)

Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló says he plans to mobilize 5.3 million Puerto Ricans living on the mainland to shake up the midterm elections in states ranging from Florida to California.

“We’re not just going to stand by. We are going to take action.”

The 3.4 million U.S. citizens living on the island have no vote in Congress, but they do have 5.3 million fellow Puerto Ricans scattered across the mainland who do have a vote. It’s that political power Rosselló plans to leverage.​

Puerto Rico governor vows midterm revenge for tax bill
Mainland Puerto Ricans are switching their votes fro GOP to Dem? Is there more than a half dozen?
Mainland Puerto Ricans are switching their votes fro GOP to Dem? Is there more than a half dozen?

Puerto Rico, even though it has the independence of a foreign country, all of its citizens can freely immigrate to America. And, many of them have fled that tropical paradise turned into a shithole by Puerto Rican libtards. But, no doubt, most of them are already owned by the libtard Democrat party. And, the ones who are Republicans aren't going to switch parties because a country that doesn't pay taxes (income taxes to the IRS) is being treated, this one time, like a country that doesn't pay taxes.
"During the 1950s and 1960s the United States used its bases in Puerto Rico to extend its influence throughout the Caribbean and to keep watch on its Cold War rivals – Cuba and the Soviet Union."

How about now?

Who gives a fuck Billy - there are a couple million left there and 6+M here.
They're pissed and it gonna bite ya! ;)
"During the 1950s and 1960s the United States used its bases in Puerto Rico to extend its influence throughout the Caribbean and to keep watch on its Cold War rivals – Cuba and the Soviet Union."

How about now?

Who gives a fuck Billy - there are a couple million left there and 6+M here.
They're pissed and it gonna bite ya! ;)


There are many paths.
We shudda dumped Hawaii before Obama found that fake birthcertificate. (-:

Seriously but isn't it weird that drugs manufactured in PR and for countries are so much cheaper?
"During the 1950s and 1960s the United States used its bases in Puerto Rico to extend its influence throughout the Caribbean and to keep watch on its Cold War rivals – Cuba and the Soviet Union."

How about now?

Who gives a fuck Billy - there are a couple million left there and 6+M here.
They're pissed and it gonna bite ya! ;)

My grandsons other grandfather is from Puerto Rico. He is married to an African-American woman from Georgia. They live in Pennsylvania where he is a pastor of a church. He was blinded in an industrial accident in his youth. Sounds like a perfect card-carrying member of the Democrat Party, correct?

He is a Republican, like every other Puerto Rican I have ever met. They all see that being a Democrat has gotten Puerto Rico nowhere, and that's why they left!
He is a Republican, like every other Puerto Rican I have ever met. They all see that being a Democrat has gotten Puerto Rico nowhere, and that's why they left!

Every Hispanic who immigrates to America, legally or illegally, is fleeing the shit caused by socialism, yet they overwhelming vote for socialism when they vote in America. Hillary got 65% the Hispanic vote. I don't expect Puerto Ricans to be any different. (At least Trump performed better among Hispanics than the 2012 Republican candidate, Romney.)

Don't confuse your circle of acquaintances with something that represents the whole population.
He is a Republican, like every other Puerto Rican I have ever met. They all see that being a Democrat has gotten Puerto Rico nowhere, and that's why they left!

Every Hispanic who immigrates to America, legally or illegally, is fleeing the shit caused by socialism, yet they overwhelming vote for socialism when they vote in America. Hillary got 65% the Hispanic vote. I don't expect Puerto Ricans to be any different. (At least Trump performed better among Hispanics than the 2012 Republican candidate, Romney.)

Don't confuse your circle of acquaintances with something that represents the whole population.

Did I claim all Puerto Ricans are Republicans? Maybe you need to work on those reading skills or you could slip into liberalism.

Also, as a little aside, have you never fucked with a pollster's mind by telling them what they want to hear instead of the truth? You have no idea if these people were telling the truth or not.
Puerto Rico isn't technically "outside the U.S." despite whiny claims by democrats. The island will enjoy the extortion of funds from the U.S. for years to come.
Puerto Rico isn't technically "outside the U.S." despite whiny claims by democrats. The island will enjoy the extortion of funds from the U.S. for years to come.

Yes. They run their country independently of the US, not even paying income taxes to the IRS. Puerto Rico costs US taxpayer more than any state in the union, because we support them with most federal services, buy they pay nothing in return.

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