"GOP, the elite's Party"

No, I don't. I haven't contended that I did. And, in fact, it is entirely irrelevant to my point. Why, do YOU know what Obama thinks?

Actually its relevant to (in your eyes) anyone calling Obama an elitist, since they would need to know what he thinks via your own definition.

Damn...that was some nice partisan drivel...thank you for perfectly illustrating what I mean...some people parrot talking points that they know are untrue or silly...but they like the way they sound. For instance, I think Larkinn knows better...but has a bug up his butt about me calling him and others out on it and expecting better from them.

Your the one who should know better. I fully understand the difference between elite and elitist, but when the claim is made that Obama is elitist, the evidence given is that he is elite. THAT is where the connection is made, and that shows the utter idiocy of the claim.
People don't call Obama "elite" they call him AN ELITIST.

Because he THINKS HE'S BETTER than other, because he thinks he is held to a different standard, because he thinks he and his buddies have a right to think and do for others, without having to answer to those same people.

Get it?

That your opinions are based upon what Obama THINKS, which you don't know, and its basically made up bullshit?

Yeah I get it.
Man, I haven't seen this much time wasted arguing the definition of a word since Billy looked up the word "is".

That your opinions are based upon what Obama THINKS, which you don't know, and its basically made up bullshit?

Yeah I get it.

No, based upon how he acts and what he says.

I'm not like you. I don't read minds....
simplecan, you pussy...stop peddling your snake oil all over the net :badgrin:

do you ever support anything? no, not your communist-hybrid-nazi jackboots, i mean like assertions....
the corporations take your money, while providing you place to slave at to make that money, and because of that money, which you crave, they demand and demand more tribute.... da Doeton
the corporations take your money, while providing you place to slave at to make that money, and because of that money, which you crave, they demand and demand more tribute.... da Doeton

nice try, but an utter failure....

corporations do NOT force you buy their product, e.g., taxes

corporations also do NOT force you to apply to work at their company

but good attempt, the best i have seen so far, but you still lose.....
And they still don't get it.




Fucking morons.

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