GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

Government shutdown threat points to seismic shift in Congress

only a minority of Americans want the debt limit to be left where it is.

hopefully the GOP will listen to The People and raise the debt ceiling.

Don’t count on it.

Most House republicans will listen only to the radical TPM extremists in their home districts.

omg, you and your hardon for the Tea Party...
you're becoming a one trick pony...Dirty Harry and Democrats scapegoat them, so in rides their sheep to do the same
ah yes, in order to be a progressive you have to REGRESS to the past

and with Reagan as well with Bush, Obama and all the Democrats and their rabid base ALL PROTESTED the raising of the debt ceiling at that time


A Democrat is President, that is what CHANGED...The same for wars..they were against and now are FOR THEM

do you have evidence that the majority of Democrats protested the raising of the debt ceiling under Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush 2?
ah yes, in order to be a progressive you have to REGRESS to the past

and with Reagan as well with Bush, Obama and all the Democrats and their rabid base ALL PROTESTED the raising of the debt ceiling at that time


A Democrat is President, that is what CHANGED...The same for wars..they were against and now are FOR THEM

do you have evidence that the majority of Democrats protested the raising of the debt ceiling under Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush 2?

not playing this game...go look it up yourself...
I lived through it, maybe you weren't born then...most of you act like you were just born under Obama
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not playing this game...go look it up yourself...
I lived through it, maybe you weren't born then...most of you act like you were just born under Obama

sorry sweety, but when you make a claim its your burden to prove it.

frankly, I don't believe the Democrats made a major stink about the debt ceiling during Reagan, Bush, and Bush II.
I really hope they shut down all non-essential parts of this government for at least a week or two. Only then may some of use come to the realization that we don't really need the excess spending we are doing. Just look at the claimed disaster that would befall us due to sequestration. What happened? Nothing of consequence. We "lived" on government spending levels that were 40% less under the Clinton Administration. We should do our best to get spending back to those levels. Note: This has nothing to do with SS/Medicare which are funded pension plans that have nothing to do with this debate.
not playing this game...go look it up yourself...
I lived through it, maybe you weren't born then...most of you act like you were just born under Obama

sorry sweety, but when you make a claim its your burden to prove it.

frankly, I don't believe the Democrats made a major stink about the debt ceiling during Reagan, Bush, and Bush II

well of course you DON'T...they were all just saints like they were with Iraq war...
my gawd, go jump through some hoops for the Democrats, turn yourself into pretzel or balance a ball on your nose for them
well of course you DON'T...they were all just saints like they were with Iraq war...
my gawd, go jump through some hoops for the Democrats, turn yourself into pretzel or balance a ball on your nose for them

honey, why should I simply take your word for it?

this is a discussion forum.

we trust BUT verify. You know, that's what Ronald Reagan said. :)
Gingrich: Obama's big debt limit deception

By Newt Gingrich, CNN Contributor

updated 3:47 PM EDT, Fri September 20, 2013

The last government shutdown

Editor's note: Newt Gingrich is a co-cost of CNN's new "Crossfire," which airs at 6:30 p.m. ET weekdays. A former speaker of the House, he was a candidate in the 2012 Republican presidential primaries.

(CNN) -- As a historian and a former speaker of the House who negotiated successfully through two government shutdowns, a successful welfare reform bill, the first tax cut in 16 years and four balanced budgets, I am offended and a little frightened by President Barack Obama's deliberate dishonesty about the debt ceiling.

On Wednesday, speaking to the Business Roundtable, Obama said:

"You have never seen in the history of the United States the debt ceiling or the threat of not raising the debt being used to extort a president or a governing party and trying to force issues that have nothing to do with the budget and nothing to do with the debt."

This is just plain false, and he knows it. That he would say something so factually false in a prepared text is very worrisome.

First of all, issues such as Obamacare don't have "nothing to do with the budget" and the idea that it is unusual for Congress to bring them into the debt ceiling debate is absurd. Far from having "nothing to do with the budget and nothing to do with the debt," Obamacare is a major part of the budget, and it is now projected to cost twice what the president promised.

The president's historical claim is completely wrong, as well. Let's set the record straight.

Debt ceilings have been used since President Dwight Eisenhower in the 1950s to enable conservatives to put limits on government spending.

The concept of using the debt ceiling as a vehicle to force negotiations really took off under President Richard Nixon in the early 1970s.

Under President Ronald Reagan, one of the most important changes in spending, the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act, was attached to a debt ceiling provision.

Presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton also signed debt limit increases tied to spending agreements. When we reached a deal to balance the budget 1997, it included a debt limit increase.

As Speaker John Boehner pointed out, "In fact, every major effort to deal with the deficit over the past 30 years has been tied to the debt limit."

all of it here
Opinion: Obama's big debt limit deception -
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well of course you DON'T...they were all just saints like they were with Iraq war...
my gawd, go jump through some hoops for the Democrats, turn yourself into pretzel or balance a ball on your nose for them

honey, why should I simply take your word for it?

this is a discussion forum.

we trust BUT verify. You know, that's what Ronald Reagan said. :)

see above post honey, a little research will go a long way
Hmm..of the 232 GOP members only TWO did not vote for this budget bill. 9 Democrats voted FOR it...
A lot of republicans? Are you sure you don't want to change your story?

Are you sure you aren't a fool? Both Bushes called it a bad idea as well as Chris C and Bobby J amongts others. Don't be so close minded oh never mind impossible.

No sir. You said "a lot of republicans"...Focus on that.
Both of those gentlemen are concerned with their own political futures. Each of them have decided that moving to the center is a clearer path to other offices.

Well isn't it at least until you get into office? Just Curious i notice the extream right ideas that Mccain,Mitt haven't gotten the needed traction that they needed to re-take the White house.
ah yes, in order to be a progressive you have to REGRESS to the past

and with Reagan as well with Bush, Obama and all the Democrats and their rabid base ALL PROTESTED the raising of the debt ceiling at that time


A Democrat is President, that is what CHANGED...The same for wars..they were against and now are FOR THEM

do you have evidence that the majority of Democrats protested the raising of the debt ceiling under Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush 2?

I haven't even checked the stats because why would big government Democrats object to raising the debt ceiling? The bigger, more intrusive, more expensive the government, the better they like it. So I can assume they would be really happy to raise the debt ceiling at any time.

However, if you were intellectually honest, you would acknowledge that at least some Democrats in the past, including your messiah Barack Obama, have strenuously opposed and condemned raising the debt ceiling under George W. Bush. And that this evidence has been posted in this very thread. But that would require a little effort on your part.

Feel free, however, to show how enthusiastic your beloved Democrats have supported most Republican initiatives over the years. That would be a good start toward having a reasoned discussion.
I haven't even checked the stats because why would big government Democrats object to raising the debt ceiling? The bigger, more intrusive, more expensive the government, the better they like it. So I can assume they would be really happy to raise the debt ceiling at any time.

However, if you were intellectually honest, you would acknowledge that at least some Democrats in the past, including your messiah Barack Obama, have strenuously opposed and condemned raising the debt ceiling under George W. Bush. And that this evidence has been posted in this very thread. But that would require a little effort on your part.

Feel free, however, to show how enthusiastic your beloved Democrats have supported most Republican initiatives over the years. That would be a good start toward having a reasoned discussion.

just because the debt ceiling goes up doesn't mean the size of govt. grows.
the Hufferhostra, one of the Obama goons from his truth squad?

has all his talking points down PAT
I really hope they shut down all non-essential parts of this government for at least a week or two. Only then may some of use come to the realization that we don't really need the excess spending we are doing. Just look at the claimed disaster that would befall us due to sequestration. What happened? Nothing of consequence. We "lived" on government spending levels that were 40% less under the Clinton Administration. We should do our best to get spending back to those levels. Note: This has nothing to do with SS/Medicare which are funded pension plans that have nothing to do with this debate.

If the GOP wants to rescope the size of Government, then do it. They never manage to to it when they are calling the shots

But to arbitrarily shut down government after a summers worth of furloughs for no reason other than temper tantrums and inability to get along with others is despicable
Elections have consequences. Just because Republicans control the House doesn't mean the Democrat Senate can't come to the table with an honest intent to come to some agreement that both sides can happily walk away from. Reid is just as guilty as Boehner and the House does not exist to rubberstamp anything the Senate wants.
The Republicans want to kill ObamaCare. We understand that.

But they don't have enough votes to do it in the Senate.

They should stop trying to kill this program until they know they have the votes to do it.

Holding the nation hostage to their hatred of ObamaCare, is disgusting.
Elections have consequences. Just because Republicans control the House doesn't mean the Democrat Senate can't come to the table with an honest intent to come to some agreement that both sides can happily walk away from. Reid is just as guilty as Boehner and the House does not exist to rubberstamp anything the Senate wants.

I agree with this.
I really hope they shut down all non-essential parts of this government for at least a week or two. Only then may some of use come to the realization that we don't really need the excess spending we are doing. Just look at the claimed disaster that would befall us due to sequestration. What happened? Nothing of consequence. We "lived" on government spending levels that were 40% less under the Clinton Administration. We should do our best to get spending back to those levels. Note: This has nothing to do with SS/Medicare which are funded pension plans that have nothing to do with this debate.

If the GOP wants to rescope the size of Government, then do it. They never manage to to it when they are calling the shots

But to arbitrarily shut down government after a summers worth of furloughs for no reason other than temper tantrums and inability to get along with others is despicable

I would agree except that isn't what they are doing. They are refusing to support something that, according to EVERY recent national poll, a growing majority of Americans do not want supported. They are not only opposing a very bad piece of legislation passed wholly by Democrats who never read the bill (and probably still haven't), but are doing the bidding of the American people who elected them to represent the people.

What is so despicable about that?

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