GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

Because Obama WON an election doesn't mean that people lay down their freedoms to a wannabe DICTATOR...or the Marxist left as YOU. GET ready for a FIGHT.

there will be no fight.

once the govt. is shutdown, the polls, emails, and phonecalls will blame the GOP for this crisis.

and the GOP will cave. :)
Keep thinking that. Seriously. YOU have NO idea what you and your compatriots are in for...HUNKER DOWN...It's gonna get ugly.
Keep thinking that. Seriously. YOU have NO idea what you and your compatriots are in for...HUNKER DOWN...It's gonna get ugly.

yes, its gonna get very ugly for YOU in 2014.

The People will remember your act of legislative terrorism and will vote accordingly.
Keep thinking that. Seriously. YOU have NO idea what you and your compatriots are in for...HUNKER DOWN...It's gonna get ugly.

yes, its gonna get very ugly for YOU in 2014.

The People will remember your act of legislative terrorism and will vote accordingly.
Ugly for me? Really? Keep on partisan hack.

Keep going...a force is about to be unleashed that will leave YOU breathless and shitting in your shorts. Have plenty on hand sport.
i don't hate america. i support american and the constitution. you clearly don't. you want the house to not have a voice. the house of REPRESENTATIVES.

if they can compromise, great. that is the whole purpose of checks and balances. you're almost ready to accept the truth.

you don't support the Constitution.

You think the House should be able to kill a program by holding hostage the entire country.

that's called legislative terrorism.
Because Obama WON an election doesn't mean that people lay down their freedoms to a wannabe DICTATOR...or the Marxist left as YOU. GET ready for a FIGHT.

I wonder how much Hoffstra protested that the Democxrats refused to allow any interference with Freddie and Fannie and the growing danger of the housing bubble when President Bush sounded that alarm 17 separate times? Had they acted when requested by the hated Republican, we might have been able to prevent the worst of the crash of 2008. President Bush started calling for additional regulation in 2001 and repeated that request over his entire term, vastly escalating it when the danger became apparent to just about everybody by 2006. But by that time the Democrats had retaken Congress and no reform was going to be allowed by either Pelosi or Reid.

The Republicans don't have clean hands on this either, but they at least made some effort to correct the situation but were blocked by threatened filibusters by the Democrats in the Senate. And in the midst of the Iraq war, most of the attention and energy was directed toward the war effort.

A few Democrats with vision and integrity are doing the right thng re Obamacare. All the Democrats should do the right thing, pass the bill to fund the government, and then turn their total focus on what will happen to Obamacare as a stand alone issue.
you don't support the Constitution.

You think the House should be able to kill a program by holding hostage the entire country.

that's called legislative terrorism.
Because Obama WON an election doesn't mean that people lay down their freedoms to a wannabe DICTATOR...or the Marxist left as YOU. GET ready for a FIGHT.

I wonder how much Hoffstra protested that the Democxrats refused to allow any interference with Freddie and Fannie and the growing danger of the housing bubble when President Bush sounded that alarm 17 separate times? Had they acted when requested by the hated Republican, we might have been able to prevent the worst of the crash of 2008. President Bush started calling for additional regulation in 2001 and repeated that request over his entire term, vastly escalating it when the danger became apparent to just about everybody by 2006. But by that time the Democrats had retaken Congress and no reform was going to be allowed by either Pelosi or Reid.

The Republicans don't have clean hands on this either, but they at least made some effort to correct the situation but were blocked by threatened filibusters by the Democrats in the Senate. And in the midst of the Iraq war, most of the attention and energy was directed toward the war effort.

A few Democrats with vision and integrity are doing the right thng re Obamacare. All the Democrats should do the right thing, pass the bill to fund the government, and then turn their total focus on what will happen to Obamacare as a stand alone issue.
Probably is confused...and thinks it's wonderful the Gubmint is in charge and rolls over HIS liberty as he laughs NOW at ours being taken away...Dipshits like him are cocky until it directly affects them...NOW what's he gonna do? HE paints himself into a corner...looking for a way out...and then the blame game starts.

NO blame here but HIS SIDE that created this mess, and other Administrations that never addressed it. Never trifle with the people...WE have the ultimate power...and these elitists had better be afraid...VERY afraid...

As I stated? A reckoning is coming. And it's gonna get ugly.
If the Democrats cave in now, next year the Republicans will do the same thing with the DEA, ATF, EPA, FEMA, every agency and department they can't kill legislatively.

No, we cannot and will not let this legislative terrorism stand.

Legislative terrorism? It's a check and balance specifically built into the system. It's why Congress controls the purse strings and why we have two separate houses of Congress. It's not a flaw, it's a feature designed to make sure we get the best laws possible and not something just jammed down our throats. The Huse of Represetnatives, the direct voice of the American people, said no, we don't want Obamacare and we're spending money on it. Sorry if the Senate and the White House don't like it, but that's how it goes. The House does not exist to rubberstamp anything the Senate or President or Courts want.
If the Democrats cave in now, next year the Republicans will do the same thing with the DEA, ATF, EPA, FEMA, every agency and department they can't kill legislatively.

No, we cannot and will not let this legislative terrorism stand.

Legislative terrorism? It's a check and balance specifically built into the system. It's why Congress controls the purse strings and why we have two separate houses of Congress. It's not a flaw, it's a feature designed to make sure we get the best laws possible and not something just jammed down our throats. The Huse of Represetnatives, the direct voice of the American people, said no, we don't want Obamacare and we're spending money on it. Sorry if the Senate and the White House don't like it, but that's how it goes. The House does not exist to rubberstamp anything the Senate or President or Courts want.
He's pissed it's not going so good for the elitists...the TYRANTS he supports.
Keep thinking that. Seriously. YOU have NO idea what you and your compatriots are in for...HUNKER DOWN...It's gonna get ugly.

yes, its gonna get very ugly for YOU in 2014.

The People will remember your act of legislative terrorism and will vote accordingly.

legislative terrorism? WTF? why do you hate the constitution and america?

this should be considered a godwin...terrorism...fuck off
If you're stupid enough to think you can gin up a whirlwind by expecting everyone to be as stupid and deliberately gullible as you, you just bring it on ahead. I'm dying to see you try to convince people "The GOP is at fault because WE didn't compromise and they wouldn't surrender".

your personal attacks shows how you lost this debate.

:lmao: Dear GOD, you're pathetic. That shit may work in your kindergarten, bubba, but out here in the adult world, it just makes you look desperate.

I repeat, if the government shuts down, it is the fault of the DEMOCRATS for demanding that they be given everything they want without giving anything back, NOT the fault of the GOP for not giving them everything they want.

And you are stupid, gullible, and a laughingstock. Oh, and done here. You can stop waving your white flag now.
if that happens, the american people have spoken. until then....quit crying and quit holding the government hostage over a stupid program.

the proper way to kill a program, or Federal agency, or Federal dept., is to pass legislation that kills the program.

holding a continuing resolution hostage isn't the way to do it.

The American people understand this.

if the Dems give in now, next year the Republicans will do the exact same thing with the EPA, FEMA, the Department of Education, etc etc.

wrong again. defunding happens all the time.

go tell your mom you need a civics book for 5th graders.
Keep thinking that. Seriously. YOU have NO idea what you and your compatriots are in for...HUNKER DOWN...It's gonna get ugly.

yes, its gonna get very ugly for YOU in 2014.

The People will remember your act of legislative terrorism and will vote accordingly.

legislative terrorism? WTF? why do you hate the constitution and america?

this should be considered a godwin...terrorism...fuck off
Ditto. This guy has no clue. I wonder if he will start this op elsewhere? His track record is known. Hoffstra is NO friend to liberty...and supports the very tyrants WE fight.
And when this backfires and the GOP is sent packing in 2014 what then? If the extreme right platform didn't work in the last two Presidential elections why do you seriously think it will work for the house? Causing a shutdown over one bill will make the GOP look like what we already think.

if that happens, the american people have spoken. until then....quit crying and quit holding the government hostage over a stupid program.

Didn't the american people already speak Obama won two terms. :confused:

yes they did. and the american people spoke and the pubs won the house.

not sure what you're confused about. you seem to think the only valid branches of government are the ones controlled by your party. pretty shallow thinking.
i don't hate america. i support american and the constitution. you clearly don't. you want the house to not have a voice. the house of REPRESENTATIVES.

if they can compromise, great. that is the whole purpose of checks and balances. you're almost ready to accept the truth.

you don't support the Constitution.

You think the House should be able to kill a program by holding hostage the entire country.

that's called legislative terrorism.

right....checks and balances is now terrorism to far left wingfucks like you

seriously, fuck you
I really hope they shut down all non-essential parts of this government for at least a week or two. Only then may some of use come to the realization that we don't really need the excess spending we are doing. Just look at the claimed disaster that would befall us due to sequestration. What happened? Nothing of consequence. We "lived" on government spending levels that were 40% less under the Clinton Administration. We should do our best to get spending back to those levels. Note: This has nothing to do with SS/Medicare which are funded pension plans that have nothing to do with this debate.

If the GOP wants to rescope the size of Government, then do it. They never manage to to it when they are calling the shots

But to arbitrarily shut down government after a summers worth of furloughs for no reason other than temper tantrums and inability to get along with others is despicable

Arbitrarily? ROFL Obuma care was never approved by the house, it was an unfunded Senate vote. The house owns funding. Don't like it? Start a revolution, win the war, then write a new constitution.
If the Democrats cave in now, next year the Republicans will do the same thing with the DEA, ATF, EPA, FEMA, every agency and department they can't kill legislatively.

No, we cannot and will not let this legislative terrorism stand.

Hyperbole much, dumbass?
if that happens, the american people have spoken. until then....quit crying and quit holding the government hostage over a stupid program.

the proper way to kill a program, or Federal agency, or Federal dept., is to pass legislation that kills the program.

holding a continuing resolution hostage isn't the way to do it.

The American people understand this.

if the Dems give in now, next year the Republicans will do the exact same thing with the EPA, FEMA, the Department of Education, etc etc.

wrong again. defunding happens all the time.

go tell your mom you need a civics book for 5th graders.

So whats next defund education? Social security? Military benefits?

Where does it end?
Keep thinking that. Seriously. YOU have NO idea what you and your compatriots are in for...HUNKER DOWN...It's gonna get ugly.

yes, its gonna get very ugly for YOU in 2014.

The People will remember your act of legislative terrorism and will vote accordingly.


And you lecture us on legislative terrorism. So, what exactly was Obamacare?

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