GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

The Republicans knowingly passed a budget continuation bill that fails to fund a new program that was passed by the House, Senate, and signed by the President.

This is an act of obstruction, as they know the Senate will not approve such a bill.

The House should send the Senate a bill that they know will be passed.

are you just going to repeat yourself over and over and hope people buy it
Republicans BETTER do what their bosses (we the people) are telling them to do..

DEFUND this monstrosity and start OVER...

you will be BLAMED for ANYTHING anyway, by the nasty Democrats AND their even nastier base of voters, the LYING lapdog media will be in the Dnc corner like usual

so do the will of the people who put you in the house
It was? The House Republicans lost 8 seats in the next election--a historical low triggered by a bad campaign run by Bob Dole far more than any backlash for forcing welfare reform. Actually it was a net loss of 7 seats since they picked up a formerly held Democratic seat. They easily retained their majority. They gained 2 seats in the Senate. Hardly a disaster.

What DID lose them their majority in the House and Senate was going along with unconscionable spending and entitlement bills between 2002 and 2007. We conservatives did get fed up with that and without our votes, the GOP couldn't hold on to the power. And they will be punished again I think if they don't stick to their guns on doing the right thing now. Or at least they will be unless the Democrats get so much worse that we just can't stomach that any more.

The GOP's maintaining a majority under Clinton was only due to conservative fear of unified Dem government. Then the 9/11 attacks led Americans to mistakenly believe that only the GOP could be trusted to be tough on terror and have a competent military and foreign policy strategy.

By 2006 the voters realized what a terrible mistake that was, and voted for the Dems to take back Congress. Medicare D and other big spending by the GOP had nothing to do with it. If it did, there'd be more votes to defund Medicare D than there has been, which is zilcho.

Medicare D is one of the very few government programs that is coming in UNDER budget.

Yes, socializing costs through government action can do that. Thanks for noticing. We're all better off. It's just hugely hypocritical for the GOP to claim to be the party of free markets and personal responsibility when they have the creation of Medicare D in their recent history. They need to stfu about being the party of free markets and personal responsibility.
Winning is winning and still winning the big states including Ohio is a bigger blow to the GOP then a lose to the Dems.

Did I say they lost, or are you just an idiot?

Your saying the Dems felt a blow i am saying you are incorrect as they still won the White house which after all is the biggest prize.
Hmm. It's just one branch of government. And as we've seen, when there is opposition, POTUS often cannot further his agenda without making deals.
Obama is so far left, and so egotistical, he believes his word is law. This is why Obama reacts with such emotional vitriol whenever he feels anyone has defied him.
That is pretty much what i said. Even a lot of Republicans are calling this an awful awful tactic that will backfire.
Hmm..of the 232 GOP members only TWO did not vote for this budget bill. 9 Democrats voted FOR it...
A lot of republicans? Are you sure you don't want to change your story?

Are you sure you aren't a fool? Both Bushes called it a bad idea as well as Chris C and Bobby J amongts others. Don't be so close minded oh never mind impossible.

No sir. You said "a lot of republicans"...Focus on that.
Both of those gentlemen are concerned with their own political futures. Each of them have decided that moving to the center is a clearer path to other offices.
Republicans want to shut down the Federal government and default on our national debt.

I wonder what the financial results of this will be.

I wonder what the election results in 2014, will be.

Gee, seems like the Republicans have become suicidal.

They’ve clearly forgotten how to govern responsibly.

They’ve forgotten their responsibility is to do what’s best for the Nation, not their party.

And if they believe ‘getting rid’ of the ACA is what’s ‘best for the Nation,’ they’re at liberty to yet again address that issue at a later date, after they’ve ensured the government is properly funded.

If something is wrong with the law. Why not fix it?
Because fixing it would indicate there are things wrong with it. And Obama's enormous ego cannot allow that.
They’ve clearly forgotten how to govern responsibly.

They’ve forgotten their responsibility is to do what’s best for the Nation, not their party.

And if they believe ‘getting rid’ of the ACA is what’s ‘best for the Nation,’ they’re at liberty to yet again address that issue at a later date, after they’ve ensured the government is properly funded.

If something is wrong with the law. Why not fix it?

Then republicans should act to fund the government, once that responsibility is discharged they can work with Congressional democrats and the WH to address the Act’s deficiencies. Or they can offer their own legislation to ensure all Americans have coverage and healthcare.

The ACA is a republican plan, anyway - no reason why they can’t participate in improving it.

Fundamentally, the issue has nothing to do with the ACA, but the right’s refusal to act to address the problem of millions of Americans suffering without health insurance and adequate coverage.

For example, if Congressional republicans were to agree to implement a single payer system, democrats and the WH would have no problem repealing the ACA and replacing it with an expanded Medicare program.
Oh..This is hilarious. ACA is a 'republican plan'....
Republicans want to shut down the Federal government and default on our national debt.
This is a lie, as you know your statement is false.

Further, anyone who states that a failure to increase te debt ceiling necessitates a default on the debt is either a liar, or ignorant.


none of them have any shame in lying if it's for the PARTY and their leader
Republicans want to shut down the Federal government and default on our national debt.
This is a lie, as you know your statement is false.

Further, anyone who states that a failure to increase te debt ceiling necessitates a default on the debt is either a liar, or ignorant.

This Hofstra guy is here to spew lib talking points....Knows very little.
If the GOP allows the govt. to shutdown and the USA to default on its debt, all due to ObamaCare, they will pay the price in November 2014.
Republicans want to shut down the Federal government and default on our national debt.
This is a lie, as you know your statement is false.

Further, anyone who states that a failure to increase te debt ceiling necessitates a default on the debt is either a liar, or ignorant.

This Hofstra guy is here to spew lib talking points....Knows very little.

yep, one of many of those here
ah yes, in order to be a progressive you have to REGRESS to the past

and with Reagan as well with Bush, Obama and all the Democrats and their rabid base ALL PROTESTED the raising of the debt ceiling at that time


A Democrat is President, that is what CHANGED...The same for wars..they were against and now are FOR THEM
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