GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

They DID...YOU don't like it. There IS a resolution to replace OCare...Get with the program.

FUCK the election. WHY do decisions HAVE TO hinge on elections?

YOU demonstrate WHY YOU are a partisan HACK.

Wrong. Get RID of it NOW. That way it can't take hold. Nice try Hack.

interesting how you think everyone that disagrees with you is a hack.

maybe you're projecting?
And you are why Republicans haven't been in the White house for the past 5 years+ Because of extreme right wingers such as yourself. Clearly you don't understand or see facts and facts are the Republicans/GOP Pulls this and you all will be out on the street come 2014.

the GOP doesn't want to ever again win the White House or Senate.

they are content just having the House. That's it.
They DID...YOU don't like it. There IS a resolution to replace OCare...Get with the program.

FUCK the election. WHY do decisions HAVE TO hinge on elections?

YOU demonstrate WHY YOU are a partisan HACK.

Wrong. Get RID of it NOW. That way it can't take hold. Nice try Hack.

interesting how you think everyone that disagrees with you is a hack.

maybe you're projecting?
Because YOU approach it from Party ...YOU show it in your posts...GUESS what that makes YOU?


I am an Independent Conservative...
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They DID...YOU don't like it. There IS a resolution to replace OCare...Get with the program.

FUCK the election. WHY do decisions HAVE TO hinge on elections?

YOU demonstrate WHY YOU are a partisan HACK.

Wrong. Get RID of it NOW. That way it can't take hold. Nice try Hack.

interesting how you think everyone that disagrees with you is a hack.

maybe you're projecting?

The Fact that he has to call names and come off as a Prick is interesting as it clearly shows he doesn't have a leg to stand on in this debate.
Couple of points.

  • Not raising the debt ceiling is not defaulting on the debt....

  • You are an idiot.

if they don't raise the debt ceiling, we will default on our debt.

looks like you are the idiot.

No we will not. All not raising the debt ceiling means is that the government cannot borrow any more money to buy new things. It is the equivalent to maxing out your credit card if you are a real person, you still have money to pay the bills, and even the credit card, and you can spend more money once you pay down the card.

You are definitely the idiot.
they didnt. There was a year long discussion on it, and a massive SCOTUS ruling over it. Maybe you where around for it?

also your statement is rather gay. Stop projecting

That so called discussion was necessary to get the last two Senate votes to pass the ACA. In the real world it is called bribery.

Read more: EDITORIAL: The $300 million Louisiana purchase - Washington Times
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After a week of legislative high drama, it turns out what Sen. Ben Nelson really wanted was... a basket of goodies for his home state of Nebraska. Nelson, the most determined of the Democratic holdouts on health care reform, announced this morning that he will vote for cloture on the bill, shutting down debate so that the Senate can hold an up or down vote on passage. But he only did so after securing handouts for his home state of Nebraska.

Ben Nelson Gets a Basket of Goodies, Senate Democrats Get 60 Votes For Health Care Reform - Hit & Run :
how do you think most bills are passed? dont be naive. Welcome to politics, been going on since man first walked around.
SO if the deal making benefits what you want passed, all is right with the world..When what gets passed when it's not in your best political interest, you want the government to reform the process, correct?
why is the GOP insisting that the ACA not be funded or they will shut down the govt?

Why do the Democrats insist on ramming the ACA down our throats? If through no other means they can convince the democrats to scrap the bill and start over, they will resort to things like this to push their point.

they didnt. There was a year long discussion on it, and a massive SCOTUS ruling over it. Maybe you where around for it?

also your statement is rather gay. Stop projecting

There was a year long debate on it? Can you provide a link to all the CSPAN coverage of the debate? The only thing I remember is when Obama got together with everyone to pretend he was being reasonable and telling us tha he won so he is going to do it his way. He is using the same tactic now by lying about the debt ceiling, and you go along with it because your brain refuses to work when you see the black man.
The bill was shown to the American people for three days before voting. That's not really a long time to read 2000+ pages, digest it, debate it, and let our representatives in DC know where we stand on it.

Thankfully, the Dems just cut out the middle man and just passed it.:doubt:
Why do the Democrats insist on ramming the ACA down our throats? If through no other means they can convince the democrats to scrap the bill and start over, they will resort to things like this to push their point.

they didnt. There was a year long discussion on it, and a massive SCOTUS ruling over it. Maybe you where around for it?

also your statement is rather gay. Stop projecting

There was a year long debate on it? Can you provide a link to all the CSPAN coverage of the debate? The only thing I remember is when Obama got together with everyone to pretend he was being reasonable and telling us tha he won so he is going to do it his way. He is using the same tactic now by lying about the debt ceiling, and you go along with it because your brain refuses to work when you see the black man.

There was NO Debate...only arm twisting and backroom deals...(Wouldn't it be NICE if CSPAN had cameras in those backrooms so the people could see the dirty dealings against them...I mean Really REAL Reality Television)?

Good form QW...
And Now things are WORSE...Have an explanation for this hack?

Yup. Things got a LOT worse. Which is why Obama lost his super majority in 2010, just two years after he had control of everything which is the ONLY way he could ever have gotten that monstrosity of an ACA passed by Congress. But the damage had been done, the bill was passed, even though Obama himself has been systematically dismantling it at the pleas of his crony friends.

The ONLY reason this dog hasn't been put down already by both sides is to avoid embarrassing the messiah himself. Just not PC to do.

Conservatives make me laugh. The 2008 and 2012 elections were great for the Democrats, and much larger numbers of people voted in them than in 2010. The 2010 elections was from a far smaller number of voters and conservatives hilariously conclude "The People Have Spoken". Too funny.

The only mistake that liberals and Democrats made in 2010 was not showing up to vote in the same numbers that they did 2 years earlier. That's all. They did nothing else wrong. There were no other lessons to learn.

Obama got fewer votes in 2012 than he did in 2008 and the Democrats felt the same blow, but yo u think they got more.

The bill was shown to the American people for three days before voting. That's not really a long time to read 2000+ pages, digest it, debate it, and let our representatives in DC know where we stand on it.

Thankfully, the Dems just cut out the middle man and just passed it.:doubt:
"We'll just have to pass it so you can see what's in it..." (Paraphrase of Twerpette Pelosi)...
Yup. Things got a LOT worse. Which is why Obama lost his super majority in 2010, just two years after he had control of everything which is the ONLY way he could ever have gotten that monstrosity of an ACA passed by Congress. But the damage had been done, the bill was passed, even though Obama himself has been systematically dismantling it at the pleas of his crony friends.

The ONLY reason this dog hasn't been put down already by both sides is to avoid embarrassing the messiah himself. Just not PC to do.

Conservatives make me laugh. The 2008 and 2012 elections were great for the Democrats, and much larger numbers of people voted in them than in 2010. The 2010 elections was from a far smaller number of voters and conservatives hilariously conclude "The People Have Spoken". Too funny.

The only mistake that liberals and Democrats made in 2010 was not showing up to vote in the same numbers that they did 2 years earlier. That's all. They did nothing else wrong. There were no other lessons to learn.

Obama got fewer votes in 2012 than he did in 2008 and the Democrats felt the same blow, but yo u think they got more.


Winning is winning and still winning the big states including Ohio is a bigger blow to the GOP then a lose to the Dems.
The very same like the UNIONS that are bitching to Obama about it? What planet are you on? Say what?

funny, my union isn't complaining.

and its a very big union.

And you will lose your precious medical benefits and finally have to start paying your own premiums for a change.
Assuming you earn in excess of 400% of the poverty line, you'll not be subsidized. 18% of your gross earnings will go towards your new "free" health insurance. Good luck with getting used to money cost for less care.
Oh, you say Obamacare is cheaper than private insurance or that which is provided by employers? Well yeah. Of course. But that low cost premium comes at another price. You will be stuck with 40% of your medical expenses. That's fine. Your labor collective has you by the balls. Nice.
Unions are on their way out anyway. They are dinosaurs.
Am I to be impressed by their stupidity? JUST wait until the layoffs start Shorter hours to comply with OCare and how it sits with your ill-gotten entitlements.........and THEN we will see where the rubber hits the road...TIME is NOT on your side.

I already have employer provided health insurance.

They are happy to provide us with health insurance.

Their costs aren't increasing, and even if they were our hours would never be cut due to this.

You are living in your own self created reality.
Do you really believe the business owners are just going to absorb the new costs and make no adjustments?...LOL...
Ahh yes..Let the spin begin..Nice try. won't wash. The House sent a legitimate budget proposal up to the Senate. Sans funding for Obamacare. A law that has very little support, save for democrats loyal to Obama....

so this is how things are gonna work?

what if next year, the GOP-run House sends the Senate a spending bill that funds everything but the EPA, DEA, ATF, Medicaid, and SNAP?

should the Senate just compromise and accept that bill too?
Oh..So now we have questions. do we? No no no...You said so yourself, the American people WANT ACA.. And its the job of the House to give the Senate bills it will pass.
BTW, the all or nothing straw man act does not cut any ice with me. Sell it to someone who is interested.
All of the depts you mentioned above are funded in the House version.
And never never ask "what if" questions. They are nonsense.

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