GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

Maybe. Maybe not. People don't like being conned, and ACA was first-class bait and switch. I for one will be much more inclined to vote Republican if they succeed in throwing a wrench in ACA - something I've never done before.

But they won't succeed.

ObamaCare, the ACA, will get its funding.

The GOP will flinch. They will cave.

And they will cave with the debt limit too.

Its what they do. :)

Probably. And in that case they won't get my vote.
I am assuming the Republicans never want to get back into the white house........

They force a shutdown and they will be literally fucked. Ask the millions of Americans who gave Obama another term. Pretty sure those on Social security and disability and the Veterans and military would just be so thrilled.

they assume the American people won't remember a month-long shutdown.

but you know what? in the end we all know that the GOP will cave.

the GOP will be the ones to flinch.

....but the damage will have been done. Plus the games they are gonna play with the debt limit will seal their fate.

November 2014 is gonna be cleanin-House time!!!!!! :)

That is pretty much what i said. Even a lot of Republicans are calling this an awful awful tactic that will backfire.
Maybe. Maybe not. People don't like being conned, and ACA was first-class bait and switch. I for one will be much more inclined to vote Republican if they succeed in throwing a wrench in ACA - something I've never done before.

But they won't succeed.

ObamaCare, the ACA, will get its funding.

The GOP will flinch. They will cave.

And they will cave with the debt limit too.

Its what they do. :)

Probably. And in that case they won't get my vote.
Don't give up the ship just yet.
NO they won't cave. The game is SET. Start sweating for your heroes. THEY will blink. The ONUS is on them.

sure they're gonna cave.

once they see the polls showing that the majority of Americans blame the GOP for the shutdown, they will cave.

and I will giggle. :)
It's simply amazing how many different threads and times the Left will try to lie about the supposed impending Government Shutdown.

The Republican Controlled House has passed a bill that fully funds the Government and all it's debts. It simply fails to fund Obama-care, which has not gone into full implementation yet.

If the Senate Democrats or or the Democrat in the Oval offices refuses to allow that bill to become law, they are the ones who shut down the Government, not the Republicans.

Most Americans won't see it that way. The GOP will take the blame, as they should. I'm looking forward to being vindicated.

When the GOP tried the shutdown tactic in the 1990s under Clinton, it was a policy and political fiasco for the GOP. The Gomers & Old People haven't learned a thing.

Most Americans? And who might that be?
Most of the polls, from both sides of the aisle show UNDERwhelming support for Obamacare.
Opposed are: unions, small business, large employers, moderates, etc. Already many large companies are marching to the White House seeking exemptions.
The unions are screaming that their members will lose their cadillac health insurance plans. So the unions are opposed.
The Obama admin must have seen trouble with this thing because it has already exempted business from implementation of ACA until 2015.
I am assuming the Republicans never want to get back into the white house........

They force a shutdown and they will be literally fucked. Ask the millions of Americans who gave Obama another term. Pretty sure those on Social security and disability and the Veterans and military would just be so thrilled.

Maybe. Maybe not. People don't like being conned, and ACA was first-class bait and switch. I for one will be much more inclined to vote Republican if they succeed in throwing a wrench in ACA. And voting Republican is something I've never done before.

And i doubt the elderly and Military will like not being paid..... Thus not being able to pay there own bills.
I am assuming the Republicans never want to get back into the white house........

They force a shutdown and they will be literally fucked. Ask the millions of Americans who gave Obama another term. Pretty sure those on Social security and disability and the Veterans and military would just be so thrilled.

they assume the American people won't remember a month-long shutdown.

but you know what? in the end we all know that the GOP will cave.

the GOP will be the ones to flinch.

....but the damage will have been done. Plus the games they are gonna play with the debt limit will seal their fate.

November 2014 is gonna be cleanin-House time!!!!!! :)

That is pretty much what i said. Even a lot of Republicans are calling this an awful awful tactic that will backfire.
And those REPUBES will be voted OUT of office by those that see ObamaCare as POISON as it IS.
I am assuming the Republicans never want to get back into the white house........

They force a shutdown and they will be literally fucked. Ask the millions of Americans who gave Obama another term. Pretty sure those on Social security and disability and the Veterans and military would just be so thrilled.

And this is WHY they Oppose Obamacare? JUST to get in office? Really? Principle much? Obviously NOT.

Go away partisan HACK.

You are one fry short of a happy meal.
But they won't succeed.

ObamaCare, the ACA, will get its funding.

The GOP will flinch. They will cave.

And they will cave with the debt limit too.

Its what they do. :)

Probably. And in that case they won't get my vote.
Don't give up the ship just yet.

I'm not on a ship. Certainly not 'on board' with the Republicans' phony libertarian schtick. I suspect most establishment Republicans are just as eager to establish federal control over health care as their Dem cousins. I'm hoping to be proven wrong here, so I'll be cheering for them to go through with it, but seriously doubt they even want to.
Most Americans? And who might that be?
Most of the polls, from both sides of the aisle show UNDERwhelming support for Obamacare.
Opposed are: unions, small business, large employers, moderates, etc. Already many large companies are marching to the White House seeking exemptions.
The unions are screaming that their members will lose their cadillac health insurance plans. So the unions are opposed.
The Obama admin must have seen trouble with this thing because it has already exempted business from implementation of ACA until 2015.

Most Union support the ACA.
they assume the American people won't remember a month-long shutdown.

but you know what? in the end we all know that the GOP will cave.

the GOP will be the ones to flinch.

....but the damage will have been done. Plus the games they are gonna play with the debt limit will seal their fate.

November 2014 is gonna be cleanin-House time!!!!!! :)

That is pretty much what i said. Even a lot of Republicans are calling this an awful awful tactic that will backfire.
And those REPUBES will be voted OUT of office by those that see ObamaCare as POISON as it IS.

Then you are an idiot. Shutting down the Government over ObamaCare is ludicrous.
Couple of points.

  • Not raising the debt ceiling is not defaulting on the debt....

  • You are an idiot.

if they don't raise the debt ceiling, we will default on our debt.

looks like you are the idiot.
The house already voted to fully fund federal expenditures for FY 2014...It's up to the Senate to pass that budget. Of course the Upper Chamber has every right to defeat the budget. It's their call.
I am assuming the Republicans never want to get back into the white house........

They force a shutdown and they will be literally fucked. Ask the millions of Americans who gave Obama another term. Pretty sure those on Social security and disability and the Veterans and military would just be so thrilled.

And this is WHY they Oppose Obamacare? JUST to get in office? Really? Principle much? Obviously NOT.

Go away partisan HACK.

You are one fry short of a happy meal.
Really? So say unprincipled poster Partisan HACK.

Oh? Was I supposed to be HURT by your post?

Sorry...Gonna take MUCH MORE than that son to ruffle my feathers...YOU are like a gnat...annoying.
Why don't Republicans just come up with a bill to sustain the Gov until the next election and then if/When they get to the White house in 2016 repeal ObamaCare. Good things happen to those who wait.
Why don't Republicans just come up with a bill to sustain the Gov until the next election and then if/When they get to the White house in 2016 repeal ObamaCare. Good things happen to those who wait.

good idea.

the next Presidential election will be a mandate for or against the ACA.
Why don't Republicans just come up with a bill to sustain the Gov until the next election and then if/When they get to the White house in 2016 repeal ObamaCare. Good things happen to those who wait.
They DID...YOU don't like it. There IS a resolution to replace OCare...Get with the program.

FUCK the election. WHY do decisions HAVE TO hinge on elections?

YOU demonstrate WHY YOU are a partisan HACK.
Why don't Republicans just come up with a bill to sustain the Gov until the next election and then if/When they get to the White house in 2016 repeal ObamaCare. Good things happen to those who wait.

good idea.

the next Presidential election will be a mandate for or against the ACA.
Wrong. Get RID of it NOW. That way it can't take hold. Nice try Hack.
Why don't Republicans just come up with a bill to sustain the Gov until the next election and then if/When they get to the White house in 2016 repeal ObamaCare. Good things happen to those who wait.
They DID...YOU don't like it. There IS a resolution to replace OCare...Get with the program.

FUCK the election. WHY do decisions HAVE TO hinge on elections?

YOU demonstrate WHY YOU are a partisan HACK.

And you are why Republicans haven't been in the White house for the past 5 years+ Because of extreme right wingers such as yourself. Clearly you don't understand or see facts and facts are the Republicans/GOP Pulls this and you all will be out on the street come 2014.
The GOP's maintaining a majority under Clinton was only due to conservative fear of unified Dem government. Then the 9/11 attacks led Americans to mistakenly believe that only the GOP could be trusted to be tough on terror and have a competent military and foreign policy strategy.

By 2006 the voters realized what a terrible mistake that was, and voted for the Dems to take back Congress. Medicare D and other big spending by the GOP had nothing to do with it. If it did, there'd be more votes to defund Medicare D than there has been, which is zilcho.

And Now things are WORSE...Have an explanation for this hack?

They're not worse. They're better, and Mitt's humiliating defeat is all the evidence I need. Live with it, loser boy.

Better for whom?
Unemployment still near 8%...Home values not recovering. GDP growth for every quarter since 1Q 2009 has been flat ,fallen and has not exceeded 2% growth. That is the sign of a stagnant economy. What's holding us back IS Obamacare.
Why don't Republicans just come up with a bill to sustain the Gov until the next election and then if/When they get to the White house in 2016 repeal ObamaCare. Good things happen to those who wait.
They DID...YOU don't like it. There IS a resolution to replace OCare...Get with the program.

FUCK the election. WHY do decisions HAVE TO hinge on elections?

YOU demonstrate WHY YOU are a partisan HACK.

And you are why Republicans haven't been in the White house for the past 5 years+ Because of extreme right wingers such as yourself. Clearly you don't understand or see facts and facts are the Republicans/GOP Pulls this and you all will be out on the street come 2014.
ONE problem with YOUR THEORY? *I* am NOT a REPUBLICAN...


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