GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

The GOP would rather shut down the govt. than fund ObamaCare.

The American people see that.
Apparently, the American people, and I mean all of them, seem to be in a drug induced state if they believe that.

Reality paints a different picture.
NO, the PEOPLE don't want or require Obamacare. It isn't the GOP you MORON.

Huh, and yet The People re-elected lots of folks who voted for ObamaCare.

Don't you ever get tired of that? You realize that the GOP ALSO won elections.. So many in fact, that the House and most state governments are now GOP.

It has nothing to do with the very unpopular Obamacare.

I'm out for the night.
NO, the PEOPLE don't want or require Obamacare. It isn't the GOP you MORON.

Huh, and yet The People re-elected lots of folks who voted for ObamaCare.

Don't you ever get tired of that? You realize that the GOP ALSO won elections.. So many in fact, that the House and most state governments are now GOP.

It has nothing to do with the very unpopular Obamacare.

I'm out for the night.
Thanks DW. This cat has no clue, and lives in a dreamworld...
The very same like the UNIONS that are bitching to Obama about it? What planet are you on? Say what?

funny, my union isn't complaining.

and its a very big union.
Am I to be impressed by their stupidity? JUST wait until the layoffs start Shorter hours to comply with OCare and how it sits with your ill-gotten entitlements.........and THEN we will see where the rubber hits the road...TIME is NOT on your side.
Am I to be impressed by their stupidity? JUST wait until the layoffs start Shorter hours to comply with OCare and how it sits with your ill-gotten entitlements.........and THEN we will see where the rubber hits the road...TIME is NOT on your side.

I already have employer provided health insurance.

They are happy to provide us with health insurance.

Their costs aren't increasing, and even if they were our hours would never be cut due to this.
because a vast majority of the country is opposed to this piece of garbage legislation that was rammed down our throats....

a vast majority of the USA wants the entire ACA repealed?

that's not so.
Am I to be impressed by their stupidity? JUST wait until the layoffs start Shorter hours to comply with OCare and how it sits with your ill-gotten entitlements.........and THEN we will see where the rubber hits the road...TIME is NOT on your side.

I already have employer provided health insurance.

They are happy to provide us with health insurance.

Their costs aren't increasing, and even if they were our hours would never be cut due to this.

Get ready for it to go away as YOU are forced to a Gubmint PLAN YOU won't like. YOUR choices will be few, and what YOU won't like. Keep drinkin' that kool-aid though. YOU deserve what YOU get. WAKE UP.
NO, the PEOPLE don't want or require Obamacare. It isn't the GOP you MORON.

Huh, and yet The People re-elected lots of folks who voted for ObamaCare.


And they fired a lot of people who did vote for it. 2010 ring any bells? It isn't like anyone getting raped on payday when it comes to insurance premiums and taxes are happy.
Republicans want to shut down the Federal government and default on our national debt.

I wonder what the financial results of this will be.

I wonder what the election results in 2014, will be.

Gee, seems like the Republicans have become suicidal.
Ahh yes..Let the spin begin..Nice try. won't wash. The House sent a legitimate budget proposal up to the Senate. Sans funding for Obamacare. A law that has very little support, save for democrats loyal to Obama. So, the Senate has two options. Pass what was sent to them and keep the government running or they can reject the plan and shut down the government.
It's their choice.
The people have spoken. Their representatives have listened. There were democrats in the House that voted for the House proposal. It has bi-partisan support.
I think the Senate will cut a deal to delay the start of Obamacare because there are so many democrats who are stepping away from supporting this thing.
So the ball is in the Senate's court. They can take it and cut a deal or they can shut down the government.
Ahh yes..Let the spin begin..Nice try. won't wash. The House sent a legitimate budget proposal up to the Senate. Sans funding for Obamacare. A law that has very little support, save for democrats loyal to Obama....

so this is how things are gonna work?

what if next year, the GOP-run House sends the Senate a spending bill that funds everything but the EPA, DEA, ATF, Medicaid, and SNAP?

should the Senate just compromise and accept that bill too?
The Senate will not approve the House bill.

so what will the House do? will the House submit a new bill that funds the government and the ACA?

if the House cares about America, they will submit a bill that the Senate will pass.

as for the debt, we must pay our debts.

The House approved spending. They must now approve debt to pay for that spending.

Otherwise we will be a deadbeat nation.

What is supposed to happen is that both bills come to the table and they reach a compromise. Democrats just won't compromise.
The Senate will not approve the House bill.

so what will the House do? will the House submit a new bill that funds the government and the ACA?

if the House cares about America, they will submit a bill that the Senate will pass.

as for the debt, we must pay our debts.

The House approved spending. They must now approve debt to pay for that spending.

Otherwise we will be a deadbeat nation.

No...That is not how it works. The decision is in the Senate's hands. The House did its job. They are out of it.
So desperate are you to exonerate the democrat party of any responsibility, you are willing to make up stuff as you go to in order cover for them...
Senate's fault, comprised of dems. If house were run by dems and a repub senate didn't pass the bill to fund the govt it would be the Rs fault.

The House writes, votes on, and submits bills to the Senate.

Its stupid for the House to submit a bill to the Senate that they KNOW will not pass.
I see you carefully perused Obama's campaign speech at the auto plant in Missouri yesterday.
Your recollection of that speech is spot on. So much so that you took two points from the speech and regurgitated them right here in this the 45th thread about this issue.

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