GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

It's simply amazing how many different threads and times the Left will try to lie about the supposed impending Government Shutdown.

The Republican Controlled House has passed a bill that fully funds the Government and all it's debts. It simply fails to fund Obama-care, which has not gone into full implementation yet.

If the Senate Democrats or or the Democrat in the Oval offices refuses to allow that bill to become law, they are the ones who shut down the Government, not the Republicans.

Most Americans won't see it that way. The GOP will take the blame, as they should. I'm looking forward to being vindicated.

When the GOP tried the shutdown tactic in the 1990s under Clinton, it was a policy and political fiasco for the GOP. The Gomers & Old People haven't learned a thing.

It was? The House Republicans lost 8 seats in the next election--a historical low triggered by a bad campaign run by Bob Dole far more than any backlash for forcing welfare reform. Actually it was a net loss of 7 seats since they picked up a formerly held Democratic seat. They easily retained their majority. They gained 2 seats in the Senate. Hardly a disaster.

What DID lose them their majority in the House and Senate was going along with unconscionable spending and entitlement bills between 2002 and 2007. We conservatives did get fed up with that and without our votes, the GOP couldn't hold on to the power. And they will be punished again I think if they don't stick to their guns on doing the right thing now. Or at least they will be unless the Democrats get so much worse that we just can't stomach that any more.
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..Who is holding the government hostage? Those who demand they get their own way no matter what?...

why is the GOP insisting that the ACA not be funded or they will shut down the govt?

Why do the Democrats insist on ramming the ACA down our throats? If through no other means they can convince the democrats to scrap the bill and start over, they will resort to things like this to push their point.
..Who is holding the government hostage? Those who demand they get their own way no matter what?...

why is the GOP insisting that the ACA not be funded or they will shut down the govt?

Why do the Democrats insist on ramming the ACA down our throats? If through no other means they can convince the democrats to scrap the bill and start over, they will resort to things like this to push their point.

And there IS a Bill to replace it...Obama and the Marxist DEMS won't hear of it...
If the GOP shuts down the govt. and defaults the USA on its debts, they will reap the whirlwind in November 2014.
It won't BE the GOP shutting down will Be Obama, REID, and the DEMOCRATZ...Democratz are given ALL they want except ONE detail...OBAMACARE that well over half the country wants GONE.


partisan hack is partisan.....
..Who is holding the government hostage? Those who demand they get their own way no matter what?...

why is the GOP insisting that the ACA not be funded or they will shut down the govt?

Why do the Democrats insist on ramming the ACA down our throats? If through no other means they can convince the democrats to scrap the bill and start over, they will resort to things like this to push their point.

they didnt. There was a year long discussion on it, and a massive SCOTUS ruling over it. Maybe you where around for it?

also your statement is rather gay. Stop projecting
It's simply amazing how many different threads and times the Left will try to lie about the supposed impending Government Shutdown.

The Republican Controlled House has passed a bill that fully funds the Government and all it's debts. It simply fails to fund Obama-care, which has not gone into full implementation yet.

If the Senate Democrats or or the Democrat in the Oval offices refuses to allow that bill to become law, they are the ones who shut down the Government, not the Republicans.

Most Americans won't see it that way. The GOP will take the blame, as they should. I'm looking forward to being vindicated.

When the GOP tried the shutdown tactic in the 1990s under Clinton, it was a policy and political fiasco for the GOP. The Gomers & Old People haven't learned a thing.

It was? The House Republicans lost 8 seats in the next election--a historical low triggered by a bad campaign run by Bob Dole far more than any backlash for forcing welfare reform. Actually it was a net loss of 7 seats since they picked up a formerly held Democratic seat. They easily retained their majority. They gained 2 seats in the Senate. Hardly a disaster.

What DID lose them their majority in the House and Senate was going along with unconscionable spending and entitlement bills between 2002 and 2007. We conservatives did get fed up with that and without our votes, the GOP couldn't hold on to the power. And they will be punished again I think if they don't stick to their guns on doing the right thing now. Or at least they will be unless the Democrats get so much worse that we just can't stomach that any more.

The GOP's maintaining a majority under Clinton was only due to conservative fear of unified Dem government. Then the 9/11 attacks led Americans to mistakenly believe that only the GOP could be trusted to be tough on terror and have a competent military and foreign policy strategy.

By 2006 the voters realized what a terrible mistake that was, and voted for the Dems to take back Congress. Medicare D and other big spending by the GOP had nothing to do with it. If it did, there'd be more votes to defund Medicare D than there has been, which is zilcho.
Most Americans won't see it that way. The GOP will take the blame, as they should. I'm looking forward to being vindicated.

When the GOP tried the shutdown tactic in the 1990s under Clinton, it was a policy and political fiasco for the GOP. The Gomers & Old People haven't learned a thing.

It was? The House Republicans lost 8 seats in the next election--a historical low triggered by a bad campaign run by Bob Dole far more than any backlash for forcing welfare reform. Actually it was a net loss of 7 seats since they picked up a formerly held Democratic seat. They easily retained their majority. They gained 2 seats in the Senate. Hardly a disaster.

What DID lose them their majority in the House and Senate was going along with unconscionable spending and entitlement bills between 2002 and 2007. We conservatives did get fed up with that and without our votes, the GOP couldn't hold on to the power. And they will be punished again I think if they don't stick to their guns on doing the right thing now. Or at least they will be unless the Democrats get so much worse that we just can't stomach that any more.

The GOP's maintaining a majority under Clinton was only due to conservative fear of unified Dem government. Then the 9/11 attacks led Americans to mistakenly believe that only the GOP could be trusted to be tough on terror and have a competent military and foreign policy strategy.

By 2006 the voters realized what a terrible mistake that was, and voted for the Dems to take back Congress. Medicare D and other big spending by the GOP had nothing to do with it. If it did, there'd be more votes to defund Medicare D than there has been, which is zilcho.

And Now things are WORSE...Have an explanation for this hack?
It was? The House Republicans lost 8 seats in the next election--a historical low triggered by a bad campaign run by Bob Dole far more than any backlash for forcing welfare reform. Actually it was a net loss of 7 seats since they picked up a formerly held Democratic seat. They easily retained their majority. They gained 2 seats in the Senate. Hardly a disaster.

What DID lose them their majority in the House and Senate was going along with unconscionable spending and entitlement bills between 2002 and 2007. We conservatives did get fed up with that and without our votes, the GOP couldn't hold on to the power. And they will be punished again I think if they don't stick to their guns on doing the right thing now. Or at least they will be unless the Democrats get so much worse that we just can't stomach that any more.

The GOP's maintaining a majority under Clinton was only due to conservative fear of unified Dem government. Then the 9/11 attacks led Americans to mistakenly believe that only the GOP could be trusted to be tough on terror and have a competent military and foreign policy strategy.

By 2006 the voters realized what a terrible mistake that was, and voted for the Dems to take back Congress. Medicare D and other big spending by the GOP had nothing to do with it. If it did, there'd be more votes to defund Medicare D than there has been, which is zilcho.

And Now things are WORSE...Have an explanation for this hack?

Yup. Things got a LOT worse. Which is why Obama lost his super majority in 2010, just two years after he had control of everything which is the ONLY way he could ever have gotten that monstrosity of an ACA passed by Congress. But the damage had been done, the bill was passed, even though Obama himself has been systematically dismantling it at the pleas of his crony friends.

The ONLY reason this dog hasn't been put down already by both sides is to avoid embarrassing the messiah himself. Just not PC to do.
It's simply amazing how many different threads and times the Left will try to lie about the supposed impending Government Shutdown.

The Republican Controlled House has passed a bill that fully funds the Government and all it's debts. It simply fails to fund Obama-care, which has not gone into full implementation yet.

If the Senate Democrats or or the Democrat in the Oval offices refuses to allow that bill to become law, they are the ones who shut down the Government, not the Republicans.

Most Americans won't see it that way. The GOP will take the blame, as they should. I'm looking forward to being vindicated.

When the GOP tried the shutdown tactic in the 1990s under Clinton, it was a policy and political fiasco for the GOP. The Gomers & Old People haven't learned a thing.

The people who won't see it that way will be the highly partisan Media, the left wing knee-padders, and the low information voter who get's all their information from the MSM.

Anyone who actually is honest and logical about it will agree with me. Liars and shill with you.
It was? The House Republicans lost 8 seats in the next election--a historical low triggered by a bad campaign run by Bob Dole far more than any backlash for forcing welfare reform. Actually it was a net loss of 7 seats since they picked up a formerly held Democratic seat. They easily retained their majority. They gained 2 seats in the Senate. Hardly a disaster.

What DID lose them their majority in the House and Senate was going along with unconscionable spending and entitlement bills between 2002 and 2007. We conservatives did get fed up with that and without our votes, the GOP couldn't hold on to the power. And they will be punished again I think if they don't stick to their guns on doing the right thing now. Or at least they will be unless the Democrats get so much worse that we just can't stomach that any more.

The GOP's maintaining a majority under Clinton was only due to conservative fear of unified Dem government. Then the 9/11 attacks led Americans to mistakenly believe that only the GOP could be trusted to be tough on terror and have a competent military and foreign policy strategy.

By 2006 the voters realized what a terrible mistake that was, and voted for the Dems to take back Congress. Medicare D and other big spending by the GOP had nothing to do with it. If it did, there'd be more votes to defund Medicare D than there has been, which is zilcho.

And Now things are WORSE...Have an explanation for this hack?

They're not worse. They're better, and Mitt's humiliating defeat is all the evidence I need. Live with it, loser boy.
The GOP's maintaining a majority under Clinton was only due to conservative fear of unified Dem government. Then the 9/11 attacks led Americans to mistakenly believe that only the GOP could be trusted to be tough on terror and have a competent military and foreign policy strategy.

By 2006 the voters realized what a terrible mistake that was, and voted for the Dems to take back Congress. Medicare D and other big spending by the GOP had nothing to do with it. If it did, there'd be more votes to defund Medicare D than there has been, which is zilcho.

And Now things are WORSE...Have an explanation for this hack?

Yup. Things got a LOT worse. Which is why Obama lost his super majority in 2010, just two years after he had control of everything which is the ONLY way he could ever have gotten that monstrosity of an ACA passed by Congress. But the damage had been done, the bill was passed, even though Obama himself has been systematically dismantling it at the pleas of his crony friends.

The ONLY reason this dog hasn't been put down already by both sides is to avoid embarrassing the messiah himself. Just not PC to do.

Conservatives make me laugh. The 2008 and 2012 elections were great for the Democrats, and much larger numbers of people voted in them than in 2010. The 2010 elections was from a far smaller number of voters and conservatives hilariously conclude "The People Have Spoken". Too funny.

The only mistake that liberals and Democrats made in 2010 was not showing up to vote in the same numbers that they did 2 years earlier. That's all. They did nothing else wrong. There were no other lessons to learn.
And Now things are WORSE...Have an explanation for this hack?

Yup. Things got a LOT worse. Which is why Obama lost his super majority in 2010, just two years after he had control of everything which is the ONLY way he could ever have gotten that monstrosity of an ACA passed by Congress. But the damage had been done, the bill was passed, even though Obama himself has been systematically dismantling it at the pleas of his crony friends.

The ONLY reason this dog hasn't been put down already by both sides is to avoid embarrassing the messiah himself. Just not PC to do.

Conservatives make me laugh. The 2008 and 2012 elections were great for the Democrats, and much larger numbers of people voted in them than in 2010. The 2010 elections was from a far smaller number of voters and conservatives hilariously conclude "The People Have Spoken". Too funny.

The only mistake that liberals and Democrats made in 2010 was not showing up to vote in the same numbers that they did 2 years earlier. That's all. They did nothing else wrong. There were no other lessons to learn.
WHY do you view events through the prism of Partisan hackery?
The GOP's maintaining a majority under Clinton was only due to conservative fear of unified Dem government. Then the 9/11 attacks led Americans to mistakenly believe that only the GOP could be trusted to be tough on terror and have a competent military and foreign policy strategy.

By 2006 the voters realized what a terrible mistake that was, and voted for the Dems to take back Congress. Medicare D and other big spending by the GOP had nothing to do with it. If it did, there'd be more votes to defund Medicare D than there has been, which is zilcho.

And Now things are WORSE...Have an explanation for this hack?

They're not worse. They're better, and Mitt's humiliating defeat is all the evidence I need. Live with it, loser boy.
I really didn't give two SHITS about Romney or his candidacy. I voted frankly for Herman CAIN whom was better qualified from a working man's viewpoint.

I voted for an INDIVIDUAL...YOU are now dismissed...HACK.
Republicans want to shut down the Federal government and default on our national debt.

I wonder what the financial results of this will be.

I wonder what the election results in 2014, will be.

Gee, seems like the Republicans have become suicidal.
The Republicans have already voted to keep government open.

Your facts are wrong.
Republicans want to shut down the Federal government and default on our national debt.

I wonder what the financial results of this will be.

I wonder what the election results in 2014, will be.

Gee, seems like the Republicans have become suicidal.
The Republicans have already voted to keep government open.

Your facts are wrong.
He knows he is...but he just can't somehow get up to speed on facts.
Republicans want to shut down the Federal government and default on our national debt.

I wonder what the financial results of this will be.

I wonder what the election results in 2014, will be.

Gee, seems like the Republicans have become suicidal.
The Republicans have already voted to keep government open.

Your facts are wrong.
He knows he is...but he just can't somehow get up to speed on facts.
Daily talking points are already released and doesn't cover this fact.

They'll have a response by the morning.
The GOP's maintaining a majority under Clinton was only due to conservative fear of unified Dem government. Then the 9/11 attacks led Americans to mistakenly believe that only the GOP could be trusted to be tough on terror and have a competent military and foreign policy strategy.

By 2006 the voters realized what a terrible mistake that was, and voted for the Dems to take back Congress. Medicare D and other big spending by the GOP had nothing to do with it. If it did, there'd be more votes to defund Medicare D than there has been, which is zilcho.

And Now things are WORSE...Have an explanation for this hack?

They're not worse. They're better, and Mitt's humiliating defeat is all the evidence I need. Live with it, loser boy.

You would need a 50-point IQ bump to qualify for "dumb as a fucking rock".
And Now things are WORSE...Have an explanation for this hack?

They're not worse. They're better, and Mitt's humiliating defeat is all the evidence I need. Live with it, loser boy.

You would need a 50-point IQ bump to qualify for "dumb as a fucking rock".


Thanks for the laugh...Dead on... ;)

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