GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

The Republicans knowingly passed a budget continuation bill that fails to fund a new program that was passed by the House, Senate, and signed by the President.

This is an act of obstruction, as they know the Senate will not approve such a bill.

The House should send the Senate a bill that they know will be passed.

Do you honestly think anybody in either chamber of Congress would have passed the ACA if they had known it would turn out as it has? So far the President has exempted Congress and federal employees and unions and all his other cronies from provisions of the bill; the Supreme Court has overturned components of it, and the remainder is hugely unpopular with the general public and acknowledged as an economic disaster by all competent economists. It will cost much more than it was supposed to cost while not covering anywhere nearly all the people it was supposed to cover and has cost millions of Americans their jobs or busted them to part time so that they need to work two or three jobs to support their families. And millions who had insurance no longer have it and will be dependent upon the government to provide it.

The honorable and responsible thing to do is to fund what the Congress MUST fund and deal with the ACA separately.

If your guys don't do that, THEY are the obstructionists.
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Its very Obstructionist to send a bill to the Senate that you know they won't pass.

what's the point?
The Republicans knowingly passed a budget continuation bill that fails to fund a new program that was passed by the House, Senate, and signed by the President.

This is an act of obstruction, as they know the Senate will not approve such a bill.

The House should send the Senate a bill that they know will be passed.


In other words, the House should be the servant of the Senate.
The Republicans knowingly passed a budget continuation bill that fails to fund a new program that was passed by the House, Senate, and signed by the President.

This is an act of obstruction, as they know the Senate will not approve such a bill.

The House should send the Senate a bill that they know will be passed.


In other words, the House should be the servant of the Senate.

Yup. If the Democrats had a majority in the house, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be saying they shouldn't send a bill to the Senate where a Republican majority wouldn't pass it. :)

And he would be calling the Senate the obstructionists instead of the House.
The Senate will not approve the House bill.

so what will the House do? will the House submit a new bill that funds the government and the ACA?

if the House cares about America, they will submit a bill that the Senate will pass.

as for the debt, we must pay our debts.

The House approved spending. They must now approve debt to pay for that spending.

Otherwise we will be a deadbeat nation.

If the Senate cares about America, they will stop being unreasonable and demanding and work with the House.

Otherwise, THEY will be the deadbeats responsible.
Senate's fault, comprised of dems. If house were run by dems and a repub senate didn't pass the bill to fund the govt it would be the Rs fault.

The House writes, votes on, and submits bills to the Senate.

Its stupid for the House to submit a bill to the Senate that they KNOW will not pass.

It's stupid for the Senate to pin the future and well-being of the country on protecting one stinker of a program that isn't able to function yet, anyway.

And it's THEIR fault if the government shuts down because of it.
..Who is holding the government hostage? Those who demand they get their own way no matter what?...

why is the GOP insisting that the ACA not be funded or they will shut down the govt?

Unless you can show us ANY attempt to compromise and work together that the Senate and its Democrats have brought to the table, THEY are responsible for any shutdown. And you can't, because "You didn't give us everything we wanted, so we don't want to play" doesn't cut it.
Republicans want to shut down the Federal government and default on our national debt.

I wonder what the financial results of this will be.

I wonder what the election results in 2014, will be.

Gee, seems like the Republicans have become suicidal.

You mean the far right reactionary TeaP members of the House want to do that.

Boehner let them play in the sand box for a day, and now they will be sent home to mother and the adults will get to work.
If the GOP shuts down the govt. and defaults the USA on its debts, they will reap the whirlwind in November 2014.

If you're stupid enough to think you can gin up a whirlwind by expecting everyone to be as stupid and deliberately gullible as you, you just bring it on ahead. I'm dying to see you try to convince people "The GOP is at fault because WE didn't compromise and they wouldn't surrender".
If you're stupid enough to think you can gin up a whirlwind by expecting everyone to be as stupid and deliberately gullible as you, you just bring it on ahead. I'm dying to see you try to convince people "The GOP is at fault because WE didn't compromise and they wouldn't surrender".

your personal attacks shows how you lost this debate.
It's simply amazing how many different threads and times the Left will try to lie about the supposed impending Government Shutdown.

The Republican Controlled House has passed a bill that fully funds the Government and all it's debts. It simply fails to fund Obama-care, which has not gone into full implementation yet.

If the Senate Democrats or or the Democrat in the Oval offices refuses to allow that bill to become law, they are the ones who shut down the Government, not the Republicans.

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! we spinning!
I agree with OriginalShroom. Who is shutting down the government? The party that passed the bill to fund the government? Or the one who refuses to pass such a bill? The House that passed the bill with a substantial majority? Or the Senate that will refuse to bring it to a vote? The party that achieved consensus on a compromise that keeps the government running through December, or the President who threatens to refuse to sign it?

And yes, Hoffstra could have participated in any of the other dozen threads on this topic, Roo, but it does give us a chance to ask him a direct question that he won't answer. :)

round we go.....!
It's simply amazing how many different threads and times the Left will try to lie about the supposed impending Government Shutdown.

The Republican Controlled House has passed a bill that fully funds the Government and all it's debts. It simply fails to fund Obama-care, which has not gone into full implementation yet.

If the Senate Democrats or or the Democrat in the Oval offices refuses to allow that bill to become law, they are the ones who shut down the Government, not the Republicans.

Most Americans won't see it that way. The GOP will take the blame, as they should. I'm looking forward to being vindicated.

When the GOP tried the shutdown tactic in the 1990s under Clinton, it was a policy and political fiasco for the GOP. The Gomers & Old People haven't learned a thing.
Republicans want to shut down the Federal government and default on our national debt.

I wonder what the financial results of this will be.

I wonder what the election results in 2014, will be.

Gee, seems like the Republicans have become suicidal.

Gee it seems like you have the intelligence of a gnat on quaaludes.

Also either a short memory or a poor grasp of history. He forgets that when the Republicans DID shut down the government before Clinton would agree to welfare reform that he had already vetoed three times. But they easily retained a healthy majority in the Congress. Once Clinton caved and agreed to sign that legislation, it ushered in one of our better eras of prosperity and fiscal accountability.

I just hope our current Republicans have as much backbone and gumption to stick to their guns because they are 100% doing the right thing on this.

this isnt the 90's and the political landscape has changed, but i am enjoying the spin on both sides at this age old game congress and the white house always does. Its even more funny watching you retards ( both sides) argue that its the others fault.

you partisans will never learn
Liberals, Progressives, Democrats and their SHEEP Cult members are in FULL FEAR MONGERING mode...

don't fall for it or BUY INTO IT

Dems need to quit holding americans hostage.

YEP...the people NEED TO WAKE up to see what Party is willing to BRING US DOWN and is acting like the TALABAN in the process

took you literally the next post to look like a fucking hypocritical moron.
Calling the dems the Taliban is fear mongering. its amazing you have made it this far in life without dying from your stupidity
The Senate will not approve the House bill.

so what will the House do? will the House submit a new bill that funds the government and the ACA?

if the House cares about America, they will submit a bill that the Senate will pass.

as for the debt, we must pay our debts.

The House approved spending. They must now approve debt to pay for that spending.

Otherwise we will be a deadbeat nation.

Senate's fault, comprised of dems. If house were run by dems and a repub senate didn't pass the bill to fund the govt it would be the Rs fault.

repubs fault for putting in something they knew would not pass, therefore everything fails.

Its fun playing this game!
Republicans want to shut down the Federal government and default on our national debt.

I wonder what the financial results of this will be.

I wonder what the election results in 2014, will be.

Gee, seems like the Republicans have become suicidal.

Couple of points.

  • Not raising the debt ceiling is not defaulting on the debt.
  • Both parties do this all the time.
  • The GOP actually voted on a bill that would raise the debt ceiling, which means that if something happens, it isn't going to be their fault.
That pretty much sums it up except for..

  • You are an idiot.


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