GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

And, don't forget - This is NOT a budget!!!!

It is a "continuing resolution"


Because The Senate has not presented or passed a budget resolution in more than THREE YEARS!!!
He's trying to peg him...ewww.

Apparently the bottom line in this "argument" is that the right wing lunatics feel that it's perfectly okay for the House to not fund parts of the government they it disagrees with based on the fact that there is a new make-up in the House that has a majority GOP. The house was majority Democrat when the ACA was passed.

Basically it is meaning that since Representative Jane Doe wasn't seated when the ACA passed, she needn't vote to fund it.

This is an interesting gambit by the GOP.

So, proceeding with that mantra; the House and Senate should have to re-pass all legislation since 1789. The SEC act of 1934 should have to be re-ratified everytime we get a new member of Congress.

In other words, if a member dies or resigns, and a new rep takes their place they will have to re-pass everything passed before since I guess since, as stated earlier, Rep. Jane Doe didn't vote for the "new" SEC act of 2013.

No adult with more than 2 brain cells would sign on to such a looney plan but this is what the 2013 Congressional GOP has become...a comical sideshow. Jindal's hope that they would shy away from being the "party of stupid" seems to be fading.

Your back must be aching from all that twisting.
The House has approved funding EVERY SINGLE LINE in the Budget except your Obamessiah's pet Bill.
And, because of that, your party of Lemmings would let everything else collapse.

Why didn't they fund it? Did they forget?

Because it's not the same law that was originally proposed OR passed.

The mandates have been gutted, implementation withheld, waivers, exemptions....all by Executive Privilege, not even EO....which that branch does not have the power to modify a Law, to begin with.

But, hey, it's Obama so it's cool
Because it's not the same law that was originally proposed OR passed.

The mandates have been gutted, implementation withheld, waivers, exemptions....all by Executive Privilege, not even EO....which that branch does not have the power to modify a Law, to begin with.

But, hey, it's Obama so it's cool

The only mandate guted is the medicaid expansion, the supreme court said that the fed can't force the states to expand medicaid. It's still "possible" to expand medicaid, it's just not mandatory now.

The employer mandate isn't guted at all, it's just delayed, once it goes into effect it'll be fine, and won't lead to the part-time nation right wingers are bellowing about.
Because it's not the same law that was originally proposed OR passed.

The mandates have been gutted, implementation withheld, waivers, exemptions....all by Executive Privilege, not even EO....which that branch does not have the power to modify a Law, to begin with.

But, hey, it's Obama so it's cool
The only mandate guted is the medicaid expansion, the supreme court said that the fed can't force the states to expand medicaid. It's still "possible" to expand medicaid, it's just not mandatory now.

The employer mandate isn't guted at all, it's just delayed, once it goes into effect it'll be fine, and won't lead to the part-time nation right wingers are bellowing about.

The waivers and exemptions are what has gutted the mandate, though.

Obama is fine with allowing big businesses to duck out or Congress, even, but no outs for John Q Public
Because it's not the same law that was originally proposed OR passed.

The mandates have been gutted, implementation withheld, waivers, exemptions....all by Executive Privilege, not even EO....which that branch does not have the power to modify a Law, to begin with.

But, hey, it's Obama so it's cool
The only mandate guted is the medicaid expansion, the supreme court said that the fed can't force the states to expand medicaid. It's still "possible" to expand medicaid, it's just not mandatory now.

The employer mandate isn't guted at all, it's just delayed, once it goes into effect it'll be fine, and won't lead to the part-time nation right wingers are bellowing about.

The waivers and exemptions are what has gutted the mandate, though.

Obama is fine with allowing big businesses to duck out or Congress, even, but no outs for John Q Public

Right. ACA isn't so much regulating health insurance, as regulating insurance customers - telling us what we must buy and who we can buy it from. It commits us, and our children, to perpetual indebtedness to the insurance industry. I can't believe we've allowed this to happen.
No no no. It's a tax.:eusa_whistle: Just by buying a product that you don't necessarily need or want you can avoid a tax...a tax that was sold to the American people as not being a tax and a tax that was argued in front of the Supreme Court as not a tax.:cuckoo:

Fuck John Roberts.:mad:
No no no. It's a tax.:eusa_whistle: Just by buying a product that you don't necessarily need or want you can avoid a tax...a tax that was sold to the American people as not being a tax and a tax that was argued in front of the Supreme Court as not a tax.:cuckoo:

Fuck John Roberts.:mad:

Yep. That sunuvabitch sold us down the river.
George Bush has never publicly said what his reaction to that ruling was, but I wonder if he ever regrets nominating John Roberts.
he's just mad I have him on Ignore.

Conservatives get VERY pissed when you ignore their irrational vomit.
Cool...YOU have ME on IGNORE...Shows that *I* got under your skin...(NOT THAT YOU WILL EVER SEE THIS)...:lol:



I'm afraid that I also will have to put you on "ignore". Your posts are full of personal insults and self-aggrandizing mental masturbation. They do not warrant the dignity of my perusal.

I just heard, "Damn it, stop making points I can't answer!"
"Compromise" in the republican dictionary is to cut $4 billion from the food stamp for the poor program, while keeping the taxes on the rich lower than they have been since before WW2.

"Compromise" in the Democrat playbook - because they don't own dictionaries; that's why they can't define words like "is" - means "Give me everything I ask for, and I'll give you nothing in return except to tell more lies about you".

Which would explain why a fucktard like you thinks he's going to get away with claiming ANYONE has ever cut the Food Stamp program. Please stop thinking everyone is as pig-stupid and gullible as you are. It's offensive.
That's on me? Wrong i am not a lawmaker. I am also not a Dem :lol::lol: I would be a moderate that thinks pulling this stunt is wrong and will backfire horribly.

You support Obamacare don't you? You must be a dem, defending Obama and bashing the conservatives on this board. You're a fucking troll Pasco.

Wrong already posted a million times that i think it needs changes or to be axed completely. If you mean bashing as in defending myself from personal attacks and horseshit like what you dish out you would be correct.

Oh, right. You oppose Obamacare, and you think it should be modified or axed completely . . . but not now. We have to let it take effect, screw up the economy, and THEN try to fix it, when doing so will be the equivalent of changing a tire while the car is barreling down the Interstate at 75 miles per hour.

Do you even fool yourself with this line of bullshit?
Oh Look Cecilie is back still not answering questions eh and can't defend anything you post? Go make me a sandwhich and get off of the computer. :)
Oh Look Cecilie is back still not answering questions eh and can't defend anything you post? Go make me a sandwhich and get off of the computer. :)

Let me refresh the memory your pitiful cowardice seems to have wiped clean.

Wayyy back to page 25, we had this conversation:

Pasco - So whats next defund education? Social security? Military benefits? Where does it end?

Cecilie - Wherever the Representatives of the People, and the people who put them in that position of power, decide it does. What's the matter? You afraid the people are too stupid to run their own government, and need you benevolent elitist shitheads to babysit them?

Pasco - So basically wasting everyone's time? I thought so. Don't be so delusional any bill that the house tries to pass through that affects social services and the healthcare bill will be shot down in the Senente. Just like last time the GOP is pulling this stunt and they are going to back down or they will have it blow up in there face.

Now, as we can all see, your last post in this conversation was a complete non-response, running away from the questions you can't answer and spewing your talking points apropos of nothing in the hopes that it would distract me. It didn't. I told you I would just keep asking until you grew some cojones and answered, or until everyone could see what a chickenshit leftist loser you are.

So you can demand answers to your questions until your ignorant leftist face turns blue, and my answer is, "You first, fuckstain."

Let me clarify the questions you have to answer before you get to ask me anything, since you're clearly too frigging stupid to figure it out:

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?
The People don't want a govt. shutdown.

They don't want a debt default.

CERTAINLY not as a way to defund ObamaCare.

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