GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

The People, are represented by the House AND the Senate, dumbass.

If the House wants to kill ObamaCare but the Senate wants to fund it, that means the view of The People, is split.

they are going to have to come to a compromise.
59% of The People do NOT want the govt. to shutdown, rather than letting ObamaCare get funded or default on the debt.

why don't you listen to The People, GOP?
Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

The People, are represented by the House AND the Senate, dumbass.

If the House wants to kill ObamaCare but the Senate wants to fund it, that means the view of The People, is split.

they are going to have to come to a compromise.

Was I talking to you? Did I wave a Snausage over your nose? No? Then stop interjecting your irrelevant bullshit into the topic in a lame attempt to divert attention from your loser colleague's retreat from his/her/its own words.

To simplify, I was specifically addressing Pasco's idiot statement. I was not asking for a recap of your dipshit talking points. I already know what YOU "think", and the two brain cells it takes to keep track of it are bored shitless.
The extremist/Tea party has ruined the GOP

If the govt. shuts down for even a week, and especially if we come close to not raising the debt ceiling and have our credit rating lowered AGAIN...the GOP is gonna suffer in 2014!!!!!
To add onto it Cecilie people like you are why we haven't touched the white house the past two elections.

"WE"?! There's no "we", fuckstain. You're not even the same SPECIES as me, let alone the same political sphere.

In conclusion, let me just say this:

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

No Shit ya don't say? You and others like you are why the GOP is in ruins. Please tell me you haven't breaded.
Was I talking to you? Did I wave a Snausage over your nose? No?...

this is a public forum, dumbass.

anyone can respond to your silly vomit.


Never said you couldn't. I said your response was irrelevant, unrelated, and even more utterly asinine than everything else that has come out of your keyboard so far.

I'm not surprised to find out that you're a HUGE supporter of the right to make a public fool out of yourself. Hell, if you weren't, you'd probably never leave the house at all.

Now run along and hump someone else's leg. You've gotten all the time out of a conversation you weren't part of that you're going to.
Oh, that reminds me.

Hey, Pasco!

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?
Oh, that reminds me.

Hey, Pasco!

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

Oh this reminds me i have already stated why the House aren't the only representatives dumbass. Americans spoke loud and clear when they voted for Obama Mitt said he was going to repeal and Obama said he was going to keep it Americans chose Obama. America has already spoke sorry you are too stupid to catch on. :cuckoo:
To add onto it Cecilie people like you are why we haven't touched the white house the past two elections.

"WE"?! There's no "we", fuckstain. You're not even the same SPECIES as me, let alone the same political sphere.

In conclusion, let me just say this:

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

No Shit ya don't say? You and others like you are why the GOP is in ruins. Please tell me you haven't breaded.

Wow. You accuse us of being stupid and wanting to shut down the government, yet you are the one who can't spell or grammaticize properly. You make up a word that doesn't exist in the context you used it, "breaded"? Perhaps using the words "don't procreate" or "don't breed" would add some sense to that tripe.

And to think we have people identical to you running this government. I fear for us all.
To add onto it Cecilie people like you are why we haven't touched the white house the past two elections.

"WE"?! There's no "we", fuckstain. You're not even the same SPECIES as me, let alone the same political sphere.

In conclusion, let me just say this:

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

No Shit ya don't say? You and others like you are why the GOP is in ruins. Please tell me you haven't breaded.

No, I usually like my food grilled, rather than fried, so I don't "bread" at all. :lol:
Yeah, all the leftist fuckwits like you are DEFINITELY not going to vote for the Republicans if THAT happens. :cuckoo:

sweety, why you gettin' all butthurt?

Moderate Republicans will reconsider voting Tea-Bagger if they shut down the govt. and let our credit rating go down AGAIN.
Was I talking to you? Did I wave a Snausage over your nose? No?...

this is a public forum, dumbass.

anyone can respond to your silly vomit.


She is too stupid to catch on apparently. :cuckoo:

Gosh, whatever shall my response be? I just had it here a minute ago.

Oh, yeah, I remember.

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?
Oh, that reminds me.

Hey, Pasco!

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

The Senate and the House represent the will of THE PEOPLE.

Deal with it, honey.
"WE"?! There's no "we", fuckstain. You're not even the same SPECIES as me, let alone the same political sphere.

In conclusion, let me just say this:

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

No Shit ya don't say? You and others like you are why the GOP is in ruins. Please tell me you haven't breaded.

Wow. You accuse us of being stupid and wanting to shut down the government, yet you are the one who can't spell or grammaticize properly. You make up a word that doesn't exist in the context you used it, "breaded"? Perhaps using the words "don't procreate" or "don't breed" would add some sense to that tripe.

And to think we have people identical to you running this government. I fear for us all.

One Misspell :cuckoo:

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