GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

Oh, that reminds me.

Hey, Pasco!

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

The Senate and the House represent the will of THE PEOPLE.

Deal with it, honey.

But she thinks just because the GOP control's the house there aren't anymore representatives of the people.
Oh, that reminds me.

Hey, Pasco!

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

Oh this reminds me i have already stated why the House aren't the only representatives dumbass. Americans spoke loud and clear when they voted for Obama Mitt said he was going to repeal and Obama said he was going to keep it Americans chose Obama. America has already spoke sorry you are too stupid to catch on. :cuckoo:

Sorry, dipshit, but your boyfriend doesn't get to come to your rescue with a diversion, and you don't get to hide behind his diversion like the sniveling little girl that you are.

We are specifically talking about YOUR statement of "So whats next defund education? Social security? Military benefits? Where does it end?"

I'll ask you yet again, and I KNOW you're going to answer at some point, because you so bravely demanded that I not "sidestep the question", so I'm certain that YOU wouldn't consider doing so:

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?
No Shit ya don't say? You and others like you are why the GOP is in ruins. Please tell me you haven't breaded.

Wow. You accuse us of being stupid and wanting to shut down the government, yet you are the one who can't spell or grammaticize properly. You make up a word that doesn't exist in the context you used it, "breaded"? Perhaps using the words "don't procreate" or "don't breed" would add some sense to that tripe.

And to think we have people identical to you running this government. I fear for us all.

One Misspell :cuckoo:

No, you suck at English. Go be a dumbass somewhere else, Pasco.
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There is no way the GOP can shift the blame off themselves for this. It's their own CR bill they'll end up having to shut down after the senate amends the ACA part to include funding.

If the GOP shuts down "their own bill" just because the Senate said ACA should get funding, then the GOP-lead house is basically telling the Senate that they have no say in anything and aren't allowed to make any decisions at all, basically saying the democratic majority in the Senate is worthless (it isn't)

Like it or not, the Dems have a majority in the Senate, and they get their voice. They get to have their say with that chamber of congress.

If the GOP is relentless about not letting the senate get a voice and shuts the GOP crafted CR bill down then it is totally undeniable that the GOP is holding the Government hostage with regard to the ACA.

Taken from another thread and it is spot on.
"WE"?! There's no "we", fuckstain. You're not even the same SPECIES as me, let alone the same political sphere.

In conclusion, let me just say this:

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

No Shit ya don't say? You and others like you are why the GOP is in ruins. Please tell me you haven't breaded.

Wow. You accuse us of being stupid and wanting to shut down the government, yet you are the one who can't spell or grammaticize properly. You make up a word that doesn't exist in the context you used it, "breaded"? Perhaps using the words "don't procreate" or "don't breed" would add some sense to that tripe.

And to think we have people identical to you running this government. I fear for us all.

Seems to me that the ONE thing you should be able to do intelligently is insult someone else's intelligence. I'd pretty much call it a requirement, in fact.
Wow. You accuse us of being stupid and wanting to shut down the government, yet you are the one who can't spell or grammaticize properly. You make up a word that doesn't exist in the context you used it, "breaded"? Perhaps using the words "don't procreate" or "don't breed" would add some sense to that tripe.

And to think we have people identical to you running this government. I fear for us all.

One Misspell :cuckoo:

No, you suck at English. Go be a dumbass somewhere elses, Pasco.

Awwwww poor baby getting under your skin? Good i think i will stay and piss off the radicals.
Yeah, all the leftist fuckwits like you are DEFINITELY not going to vote for the Republicans if THAT happens. :cuckoo:

sweety, why you gettin' all butthurt?

Moderate Republicans will reconsider voting Tea-Bagger if they shut down the govt. and let our credit rating go down AGAIN.

Butthurt? Shitforbrains, I'm LAUGHING at you, and the funniest part is that you're too fucking stupid to even realize it.

You're advising a political party you have never voted for on how they should improve themselves to prevent you from not voting for them again. Ringling Brothers can't provide anything that hilarious.
Oh, that reminds me.

Hey, Pasco!

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

Oh this reminds me i have already stated why the House aren't the only representatives dumbass. Americans spoke loud and clear when they voted for Obama Mitt said he was going to repeal and Obama said he was going to keep it Americans chose Obama. America has already spoke sorry you are too stupid to catch on. :cuckoo:

Sorry, dipshit, but your boyfriend doesn't get to come to your rescue with a diversion, and you don't get to hide behind his diversion like the sniveling little girl that you are.

We are specifically talking about YOUR statement of "So whats next defund education? Social security? Military benefits? Where does it end?"

I'll ask you yet again, and I KNOW you're going to answer at some point, because you so bravely demanded that I not "sidestep the question", so I'm certain that YOU wouldn't consider doing so:

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

You Truly are the dumbest of dumb I have never seen someone so clearly tarded before. You are a Radical and will not accept any answer but your own or those that share the same beliefs its becoming really clear. :cuckoo:

Yeah, I have two more questions.

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?
No Shit ya don't say? You and others like you are why the GOP is in ruins. Please tell me you haven't breaded.

Wow. You accuse us of being stupid and wanting to shut down the government, yet you are the one who can't spell or grammaticize properly. You make up a word that doesn't exist in the context you used it, "breaded"? Perhaps using the words "don't procreate" or "don't breed" would add some sense to that tripe.

And to think we have people identical to you running this government. I fear for us all.

Seems to me that the ONE thing you should be able to do intelligently is insult someone else's intelligence. I'd pretty much call it a requirement, in fact.

Pretty much.
Yeah, all the leftist fuckwits like you are DEFINITELY not going to vote for the Republicans if THAT happens. :cuckoo:

sweety, why you gettin' all butthurt?

Moderate Republicans will reconsider voting Tea-Bagger if they shut down the govt. and let our credit rating go down AGAIN.

Butthurt? Shitforbrains, I'm LAUGHING at you, and the funniest part is that you're too fucking stupid to even realize it.

You're advising a political party you have never voted for on how they should improve themselves to prevent you from not voting for them again. Ringling Brothers can't provide anything that hilarious.

Wow you are dumb. :lol::lol: No wonder you usually only do drive byes anymore then that and you look so fuckin stupid as you are right now. :lol::lol:
No Shit ya don't say? You and others like you are why the GOP is in ruins. Please tell me you haven't breaded.

Wow. You accuse us of being stupid and wanting to shut down the government, yet you are the one who can't spell or grammaticize properly. You make up a word that doesn't exist in the context you used it, "breaded"? Perhaps using the words "don't procreate" or "don't breed" would add some sense to that tripe.

And to think we have people identical to you running this government. I fear for us all.

One Misspell :cuckoo:

No, dimwit. Even if you had spelled it correctly, you still would have been using the incorrect conjugation of the word.

Perhaps you should stick to something more simple, like answering my questions.

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?
Wow. You accuse us of being stupid and wanting to shut down the government, yet you are the one who can't spell or grammaticize properly. You make up a word that doesn't exist in the context you used it, "breaded"? Perhaps using the words "don't procreate" or "don't breed" would add some sense to that tripe.

And to think we have people identical to you running this government. I fear for us all.

One Misspell :cuckoo:

No, dimwit. Even if you had spelled it correctly, you still would have been using the incorrect conjugation of the word.

Perhaps you should stick to something more simple, like answering my questions.

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?


Bitches be crazy.

sweety, why you gettin' all butthurt?

Moderate Republicans will reconsider voting Tea-Bagger if they shut down the govt. and let our credit rating go down AGAIN.

Butthurt? Shitforbrains, I'm LAUGHING at you, and the funniest part is that you're too fucking stupid to even realize it.

You're advising a political party you have never voted for on how they should improve themselves to prevent you from not voting for them again. Ringling Brothers can't provide anything that hilarious.

Wow you are dumb. :lol::lol: No wonder you usually only do drive byes anymore then that and you look so fuckin stupid as you are right now. :lol::lol:

Oh, that reminds me.

Hey, Pasco!

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

The Senate and the House represent the will of THE PEOPLE.

Deal with it, honey.

But she thinks just because the GOP control's the house there aren't anymore representatives of the people.

You and your boyfriend can masturbate each other later.

Right now, you need to answer my question, and I've already told you that pretending that it refers to something other than YOUR very own, personal, incredibly revealing remark will not work.

YOU listed a handful of programs that YOU believe to be sacrosanct and unthinkable to defund, assuming that everyone else sees them the same way. And I pointed out that NOTHING is outside the reach of the People if they choose to change or discard it. So the question becomes:

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?
There is no way the GOP can shift the blame off themselves for this. It's their own CR bill they'll end up having to shut down after the senate amends the ACA part to include funding.

If the GOP shuts down "their own bill" just because the Senate said ACA should get funding, then the GOP-lead house is basically telling the Senate that they have no say in anything and aren't allowed to make any decisions at all, basically saying the democratic majority in the Senate is worthless (it isn't)

Like it or not, the Dems have a majority in the Senate, and they get their voice. They get to have their say with that chamber of congress.

If the GOP is relentless about not letting the senate get a voice and shuts the GOP crafted CR bill down then it is totally undeniable that the GOP is holding the Government hostage with regard to the ACA.

Taken from another thread and it is spot on.

So are these questions you've been avoiding for 20-some pages now:

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?
Butthurt? Shitforbrains, I'm LAUGHING at you, and the funniest part is that you're too fucking stupid to even realize it.

You're advising a political party you have never voted for on how they should improve themselves to prevent you from not voting for them again. Ringling Brothers can't provide anything that hilarious.

Wow you are dumb. :lol::lol: No wonder you usually only do drive byes anymore then that and you look so fuckin stupid as you are right now. :lol::lol:


One Misspell :cuckoo:

No, you suck at English. Go be a dumbass somewhere elses, Pasco.

Awwwww poor baby getting under your skin? Good i think i will stay and piss off the radicals.

Okay. If you're staying, you can answer these questions:

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?
Oh this reminds me i have already stated why the House aren't the only representatives dumbass. Americans spoke loud and clear when they voted for Obama Mitt said he was going to repeal and Obama said he was going to keep it Americans chose Obama. America has already spoke sorry you are too stupid to catch on. :cuckoo:

Sorry, dipshit, but your boyfriend doesn't get to come to your rescue with a diversion, and you don't get to hide behind his diversion like the sniveling little girl that you are.

We are specifically talking about YOUR statement of "So whats next defund education? Social security? Military benefits? Where does it end?"

I'll ask you yet again, and I KNOW you're going to answer at some point, because you so bravely demanded that I not "sidestep the question", so I'm certain that YOU wouldn't consider doing so:

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

You Truly are the dumbest of dumb I have never seen someone so clearly tarded before. You are a Radical and will not accept any answer but your own or those that share the same beliefs its becoming really clear. :cuckoo:

Well, we'll never know if I'll accept any other answers until you grow a pair and provide one.

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

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