GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

The People, are represented by the Senate and the House.

Apparently you don't grasp the fundamental concept of bicameralism, Hoffstra. Because this was your original statement:

Hoffstra said:
The Senate represents The People

Go read a book once in your life.
Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

The People, are represented by the House AND the Senate, dumbass.

If the House wants to kill ObamaCare but the Senate wants to fund it, that means the view of The People, is split.

they are going to have to come to a compromise.

Yes....Senate democrats get to compromise on whether they want the whole package and shut down the government or accept the full funding of the government as the CR states and forget about Obamacare.
Those are the choices.
Yes....Senate democrats get to compromise on whether they want the whole package and shut down the government or accept the full funding of the government as the CR states and forget about Obamacare.
Those are the choices.

The Senate wants to fund ObamaCare.

The House doesn't want to fund ObamaCare.

how about the House and Senate come together, and compromise on funding some parts of ObamaCare but not others?
What makes you say that?

You have a Senate and a President who are overtly partisan, who would rather shut down the government than to yield on Obamacare. You have those two not wanting to pass any budgets, spending cuts, or jobs bills; you have a President who is going to pay dearly for his fuck up on Syria--- and you say the Republicans are going to regret this?

By what logic do you discern this?

Threatening to shut down the govt., because you don't have enough votes to kill a major program, isn't very American.

is the GOP gonna do this with the EPA, the DEA, the Department of Education next year?

So, Obama accuses Bush of being "unpatriotic" by spending $5 trillion in his term, but he spends $6.4 trillion in 5 years? And you say this "isn't very American"? Just what was so American about ramming a healthcare overhaul down the throats of the citizenry? Are you really going to play that card, amateur?
Yes....Senate democrats get to compromise on whether they want the whole package and shut down the government or accept the full funding of the government as the CR states and forget about Obamacare.
Those are the choices.

The Senate wants to fund ObamaCare.

The House doesn't want to fund ObamaCare.

how about the House and Senate come together, and compromise on funding some parts of ObamaCare but not others?

If they can't compromise on the economy, jobs, or spending, there is no chance in hell they will agree on Obamacare.
The Senate represents The People.

Oh dear sweet holy son of Moses!

No wonder the Senate "represents the people" they have a Democratic majority! So then, who does the House represent?

So you are saying the Senate doesn't represent the people and only the house does? :cuckoo:

What about the White house? :lol::lol::lol:

What part of "You don't get to hide behind your boyfriend's attempt to deflect" did you not understand?

Everyone here knows that my questions relate to YOUR horror at the idea that some government programs are not inviolate (have someone look it up for you), and your expressed belief that certain things are "too important" to allow the People and their Representatives to defund them if they choose.

So I'll ask it again, and you should keep in mind that every page you spend dodging and diverting and running from addressing these questions is that much more permission to everyone else on this board to completely ignore you.

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

I can keep asking forever. It's up to you how irrelevant you want to be, and whether or not you want other people besides your boyfriend to respond to your posts.
If they can't compromise on the economy, jobs, or spending, there is no chance in hell they will agree on Obamacare.

they don't have to fully agree on ObamaCare.

all they have to do is find a compromise.

fund some parts of ObamaCare, don't fund other parts.

government is about compromise.
Show of hands, everyone who wants to hear Pasco finally answer these questions:

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

The Senate represents The People.
50 Senators.

433 Representatives.

Who represents the will of the people?
Oh and if you liberal airheads didn't already know:

The house already passed a bill funding everything essential for the government to function, except for funding Obamacare. This is being masterfully played. The Republicans are essentially saying: "Hey, we offered to keep the government going, but you chose Obamacare over keeping the government running. How's that going to work out for you?"
Show of hands, everyone who wants to hear Pasco finally answer these questions:

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

The Senate represents The People.
50 Senators.

433 Representatives.

Who represents the will of the people?

None of them.
Oh and if you liberal airheads didn't already know:

The house already passed a bill funding everything essential for the government to function, except for funding Obamacare....

The House wants to not fund ObamaCare.

The Senate wants to fund ObamaCare.

They are just going to have to compromise.

Yes....Senate democrats get to compromise on whether they want the whole package and shut down the government or accept the full funding of the government as the CR states and forget about Obamacare.
Those are the choices.

The Senate wants to fund ObamaCare.

The House doesn't want to fund ObamaCare.

how about the House and Senate come together, and compromise on funding some parts of ObamaCare but not others?

Oh, right, your idea of "compromise" is "The GOP gives the Democrats what they want, and the Democrats promise not to use the sandy lube to fuck them in the ass."

How about "The House and the Senate both want to pass a funding bill, so how about they come together and compromise on which programs get funded and which ones don't"? And since the GOP has already given quite a bit by funding every other leftist boondoggle under the sun, it's now time for the Democrats to give something back.
Yes....Senate democrats get to compromise on whether they want the whole package and shut down the government or accept the full funding of the government as the CR states and forget about Obamacare.
Those are the choices.

The Senate wants to fund ObamaCare.

The House doesn't want to fund ObamaCare.

how about the House and Senate come together, and compromise on funding some parts of ObamaCare but not others?
I have a better idea.

How about the Senate agree to the other 99% of the government funding in the bill and drop support for the 1% that is Obamacare?

Sounds like the Senate comes out the winner.

That is called compromise.
I have a better idea.

How about the Senate agree to the other 99% of the government funding in the bill and drop support for the 1% that is Obamacare?

Sounds like the Senate comes out the winner.

why can't the Senate and House compromise on ObamaCare?

why are you against compromise?

one chamber wants to kill a program, one chamber wants to fund it.

they should come to some middle ground.
50 Senators.

433 Representatives.

Who represents the will of the people?

They all do.
Yet, the Representatives are much more granular with regard to the people. Senators (aside from the fact they are not supposed to represent people to begin with) have half a state to contend with.

Who is more responsive to the people? A Representative who has a smaller district, and familiarity with his or her constituents of their districts, or a Senator who has in his or her head, a faceless sea of people who are considered 'the constituents'?

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