GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

Don't let them bully or beat YOU down people

WE HAVE A RIGHT to ask this monstrosity be DEFUNDED

Contact your REPRESENTATIVES and tell to DEFUND this gross government intrusion on YOUR RIGHTS
The People don't want a govt. shutdown.

They don't want a debt default.

CERTAINLY not as a way to defund ObamaCare.

Lies. We've already had many shutdowns. Shutting it down has nothing to do with making interest payments. Screw Obama and screw you and the dumb ass socialist horse you rode in on.
Don't let them bully or beat YOU down people

WE HAVE A RIGHT to ask this monstrosity be DEFUNDED

Contact your REPRESENTATIVES and tell to DEFUND this gross government intrusion on YOUR RIGHTS

Yes you do

And a majority of Representatives DON'T want the government shut down

We the People have spoken
Don't let them bully or beat YOU down people

WE HAVE A RIGHT to ask this monstrosity be DEFUNDED

Contact your REPRESENTATIVES and tell to DEFUND this gross government intrusion on YOUR RIGHTS

Yes you do

And a majority of Representatives DON'T want the government shut down

We the People have spoken
Says the guy hoping for windfall redistribution from his neighbor's income to his lazy ass self. Get a job stop looking to help yourself at your neighbors expense.
Don't let them bully or beat YOU down people

WE HAVE A RIGHT to ask this monstrosity be DEFUNDED

Contact your REPRESENTATIVES and tell to DEFUND this gross government intrusion on YOUR RIGHTS

Yes you do

And a majority of Representatives DON'T want the government shut down

We the People have spoken

And in rebuttal to your 'we the people', my 'we the people' come to a different conclusion.

Most recent polls on Obamacare:

Rasmussen - Favor 43% Oppose 57%
ABC/WAPO - Favor 42% Oppose 52%
CNN - Favor 39% Oppose 57%
Fox News - Favor 35% Oppose 54%
NBC/WSJ - Favor 31% Oppose 44%
USA Today/Pew - Favor 42% Oppose 53%
Source - RCP 9/23/13​

30 days ago, the polls were pretty consistent that a substantial majority of voters opposed shutting down the government as the means to defund Obamacare. But as of 6 days ago, with more people paying attention and realizing what is at stake, now a narrow majority approve a partial shutdown of government if it will result in defunding Obamacare for now. I expect that percentage to increase.

As of 6 days ago. . .
. . .58% favor a federal budget that cuts spending, while only 16% prefer one that increases spending. Twenty-one percent (21%) support a budget that keeps spending levels about the same.

This helps explain why 53% would rather have a partial government shutdown until Democrats and Republicans can agree on what spending to cut. Thirty-seven percent (37%) would prefer instead that Congress avoid a shutdown by authorizing spending at existing levels as the president has proposed.

Some conservative Republicans in both the House and Senate are refusing to approve a budget unless it slows or stops funding for the health care law, but the president and most congressional Democrats are adamantly opposed to any such cuts. However, 51% of voters favor having a partial government shutdown until Democrats and Republicans agree on what spending for the health care law to cut. Forty percent (40%) would rather avoid a government shutdown by authorizing spending for the health care law at existing levels.
51% Favor Government Shutdown Until Congress Cuts Health Care Funding - Rasmussen Reports?
From 2011? Wanna be more current?

Didn't you just claim taxes are the lowest since WWII? Since they were lower in 2011, you were wrong.

No i didn't dumbass that was another poster :lol::lol::lol::lol:

This wasn't you either?

Oh Look Cecilie is back still not answering questions eh and can't defend anything you post? Go make me a sandwhich and get off of the computer. :)

Let me refresh the memory your pitiful cowardice seems to have wiped clean.

Wayyy back to page 25, we had this conversation:

Pasco - So whats next defund education? Social security? Military benefits? Where does it end?

Cecilie - Wherever the Representatives of the People, and the people who put them in that position of power, decide it does. What's the matter? You afraid the people are too stupid to run their own government, and need you benevolent elitist shitheads to babysit them?

Pasco - So basically wasting everyone's time? I thought so. Don't be so delusional any bill that the house tries to pass through that affects social services and the healthcare bill will be shot down in the Senente. Just like last time the GOP is pulling this stunt and they are going to back down or they will have it blow up in there face.

Now, as we can all see, your last post in this conversation was a complete non-response, running away from the questions you can't answer and spewing your talking points apropos of nothing in the hopes that it would distract me. It didn't. I told you I would just keep asking until you grew some cojones and answered, or until everyone could see what a chickenshit leftist loser you are.

So you can demand answers to your questions until your ignorant leftist face turns blue, and my answer is, "You first, fuckstain."

Let me clarify the questions you have to answer before you get to ask me anything, since you're clearly too frigging stupid to figure it out:

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

Still not answering eh i can go back and multi quote everything for you if you want because you clearly are still side stepping it.
As I listen to all the gloom and doom hysterics about a possible Government shutdown I can't help but recall hearing very much the same stuff about the sequester cuts going into effect yet when they did the country did not collapse and life as we know it did not end. So given the fact if there is a Government shutdown no essential services will not be affected why all the hand ringing? Might it be because some are afraid that people will discover they can actually survive with smaller Government and much like with the sequester cuts the world will not end?
The Senate will not approve the House bill.

so what will the House do? will the House submit a new bill that funds the government and the ACA?

if the House cares about America, they will submit a bill that the Senate will pass.

as for the debt, we must pay our debts.

The House approved spending. They must now approve debt to pay for that spending.

Otherwise we will be a deadbeat nation.

The longer government is shut down the less damage they can do.
The government will NOT shut down. All unnecessary expenditures will be stopped, that's it.

In the event of a shutdown, every government agency is responsible for determining which jobs under their umbrella fit the following criteria for what's absolutely necessary to keep America running:

Providing for the national security, including the conduct of foreign relations essential to the national security or the safety of life and property.
Benefit payments and the performance of certain contract obligations
Medical care of inpatients and emergency outpatient care
Conducting activities to ensure continued public health and safety, including safe use of food, drugs and hazardous materials
Air traffic control and other transportation safety functions
Border and coastal protection and surveillance
Protection of federal lands, buildings, waterways, equipment and other property owned by the United States
Care of prisoners and other persons in the custody of the United States
Law enforcement and criminal investigations
Emergency and disaster assistance
Activities that ensure production of power and maintenance of the power distribution system
Activities essential to the preservation of the essential elements of the money and banking system of the United States, including borrowing and
tax collection activities of the Treasury
Activities necessary to maintain protection of research property.

Employees who get rated "essential" are still allowed to report to work, whereas everyone else is barred from performing their duties, even if they offer to do so for free. Essential personnel get paid, but only retroactively, once funding for their particular agency has been restored.

What's an 'Essential' Government Service? - WNYC
Don't let them bully or beat YOU down people

WE HAVE A RIGHT to ask this monstrosity be DEFUNDED

Contact your REPRESENTATIVES and tell to DEFUND this gross government intrusion on YOUR RIGHTS

Completely aside from that, this thing needs to be defunded because it's a hot mess that isn't even vaguely ready for prime-time. As I've said before, how else can you interpret Obama's illegal rewriting of the thing? Cripes, the government has out-and-out TOLD us that the exchanges aren't ready to go active in October, and that no one is going to have any idea what people actually have to pay. The only responsible thing to do in the face of all the evidence that it's not ready to go is to shut it down until it IS ready.
Oh Look Cecilie is back still not answering questions eh and can't defend anything you post? Go make me a sandwhich and get off of the computer. :)

Let me refresh the memory your pitiful cowardice seems to have wiped clean.

Wayyy back to page 25, we had this conversation:

Pasco - So whats next defund education? Social security? Military benefits? Where does it end?

Cecilie - Wherever the Representatives of the People, and the people who put them in that position of power, decide it does. What's the matter? You afraid the people are too stupid to run their own government, and need you benevolent elitist shitheads to babysit them?

Pasco - So basically wasting everyone's time? I thought so. Don't be so delusional any bill that the house tries to pass through that affects social services and the healthcare bill will be shot down in the Senente. Just like last time the GOP is pulling this stunt and they are going to back down or they will have it blow up in there face.

Now, as we can all see, your last post in this conversation was a complete non-response, running away from the questions you can't answer and spewing your talking points apropos of nothing in the hopes that it would distract me. It didn't. I told you I would just keep asking until you grew some cojones and answered, or until everyone could see what a chickenshit leftist loser you are.

So you can demand answers to your questions until your ignorant leftist face turns blue, and my answer is, "You first, fuckstain."

Let me clarify the questions you have to answer before you get to ask me anything, since you're clearly too frigging stupid to figure it out:

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

Still not answering eh i can go back and multi quote everything for you if you want because you clearly are still side stepping it.

I'm not "sidestepping" anything, chickenshit. I'm outright TELLING you that you have no fucking right to ask me shit, much less to demand answers, until your chickenshit, ball-less weasel self responds to the questions I asked back on page 25. And you can waste all the board space you like spamming my posts until the mods throw your poltroon ass to the curb. It won't matter, because you will get an answer from me when you EARN it, or when Hell freezes over, whichever comes first.

Until then, you deserve nothing from me but this:

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?
To add onto it Cecilie people like you are why we haven't touched the white house the past two elections.

"WE"?! There's no "we", fuckstain. You're not even the same SPECIES as me, let alone the same political sphere.

In conclusion, let me just say this:

Why are you afraid to let the People and their representatives decide for themselves what should be funded? Why do you think you should be able to TELL the People what they do and don't need to pay for in government?

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