GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

You are really special aren't you? Don't have a job and IF you ever get hired it will be for minimum wage.

And here you are defending the ultra rich from having to pay more taxes.

Here's an idea. YOU get a job and worry about paying your taxes. And let the real rich worry about themselves. They can handle things with out your help.

As to the Obamacare. This is how fuking stupid you rethugs have become. Brain dead is the word.

You really seem to think (??) that Obama will gut his signature achievement just because the rethugs in the House (who Obama hates) want it done.

There is a poll I read about this AM that showed that even a goodly number of repubs don't want to shut down the government in the efforts to defund Obamacare.

You have to be crazy to think Obama will go along with this crazy effort. But Tea party types are nothing if not crazy.

Carry on.
Dems say its Obama care or we kill the hostage. Reps say we won't fund it. Dems say look they are defaulting on Americas loans and they want to throw grandma under the bus.

Oddly it's the Dems raiding fed pensions, begging for exemption from Obama care, and threatening to shut down gov if they can't force this pos that no one, not even Dems want.
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You are really special aren't you? Don't have a job and IF you ever get hired it will be for minimum wage.

And here you are defending the ultra rich from having to pay more taxes.

Here's an idea. YOU get a job and worry about paying your taxes. And let the real rich worry about themselves. They can handle things with out your help.

As to the Obamacare. This is how fuking stupid you rethugs have become. Brain dead is the word.

You really seem to think (??) that Obama will gut his signature achievement just because the rethugs in the House (who Obama hates) want it done.

There is a poll I read about this AM that showed that even a goodly number of repubs don't want to shut down the government in the efforts to defund Obamacare.

You have to be crazy to think Obama will go along with this crazy effort. But Tea party types are nothing if not crazy.

Carry on.
Here is how stupid you are.

If Obama won't gut it, then he and the Democrats will be the ones shutting down government.

But here is an idea. why don't you tend to YOUR job and don't worry about how much rich people pay in taxes. The whole world doesn't revolve around your wanting to rob the productive for illicit programs to gain power.
It's not a matter of believing. It's already happening.

is that why Tea Party nominees lost elections?

Keep deluding yourself.
After careful analysis of your posts, I have come to the conclusion that you are bereft of any common sense. You are simply a true believer in 'the cause'..
I will no longer respond to any posts where you offer little or no substance.
If someone is riding in your car to and from work every day but refuses to help pay for gas, chips in nothing in the form of reimbursement for wear and tear and maintenance and demands that you pick him up at his house every morning and drop him off every evening and buy him lunch every day because you own a car and he doesn't......

How long would you put up with that?

Now you understand dimocraps

You are really special aren't you? Don't have a job and IF you ever get hired it will be for minimum wage.

And here you are defending the ultra rich from having to pay more taxes.

Here's an idea. YOU get a job and worry about paying your taxes. And let the real rich worry about themselves. They can handle things with out your help.

As to the Obamacare. This is how fuking stupid you rethugs have become. Brain dead is the word.

You really seem to think (??) that Obama will gut his signature achievement just because the rethugs in the House (who Obama hates) want it done.

There is a poll I read about this AM that showed that even a goodly number of repubs don't want to shut down the government in the efforts to defund Obamacare.

You have to be crazy to think Obama will go along with this crazy effort. But Tea party types are nothing if not crazy.

Carry on.


You really think Obama, or any other PoS Democrat, would consider any form of "compromise"??
HE is the Obamessiah and only Republicans must compromise.

Fucking pathetic
how sick is his base that they will support any piece of crap legislation he passes even though the MAJORITY of the people in the country are against it..and they don't CARE now about how this INFRINGES ON OUR RIGHTS?

it shows where their LOYALTIES are
how sick is his base that they will support any piece of crap legislation he passes even though the MAJORITY of the people in the country are against it..and they don't CARE now about how this INFRINGES ON OUR RIGHTS?

it shows where their LOYALTIES are

dimocraps crack me up. They remind me of the Taliban; who will fight like possessed demons for the right to live in a mud hut and beat their wives.


Just.......... Stupid
If we kill the Department of Defense, we could have a balanced budget.

Or, we could could cut Defense, SS, and Medicare/Medicaid by 33% each.
I see...Leave the Country open to attack. The longer WE go on here? The leaves fall off your tree.

Guess what jackwad? The Congress cannot it would fly in the face of Article 1, Section 8. CONGRESS is obligated to fund it.

READ the damned document.

But then a Jhihadist as YOU doesn't care.


Calling him a Jhihadist just lost you credibility.

I have seen nothing to say he is an Islamic fundamentalist.

He's trying to peg him...ewww.

Apparently the bottom line in this "argument" is that the right wing lunatics feel that it's perfectly okay for the House to not fund parts of the government they it disagrees with based on the fact that there is a new make-up in the House that has a majority GOP. The house was majority Democrat when the ACA was passed.

Basically it is meaning that since Representative Jane Doe wasn't seated when the ACA passed, she needn't vote to fund it.

This is an interesting gambit by the GOP.

So, proceeding with that mantra; the House and Senate should have to re-pass all legislation since 1789. The SEC act of 1934 should have to be re-ratified everytime we get a new member of Congress.

In other words, if a member dies or resigns, and a new rep takes their place they will have to re-pass everything passed before since I guess since, as stated earlier, Rep. Jane Doe didn't vote for the "new" SEC act of 2013.

No adult with more than 2 brain cells would sign on to such a looney plan but this is what the 2013 Congressional GOP has become...a comical sideshow. Jindal's hope that they would shy away from being the "party of stupid" seems to be fading.
how sick is his base that they will support any piece of crap legislation he passes even though the MAJORITY of the people in the country are against it..and they don't CARE now about how this INFRINGES ON OUR RIGHTS?

it shows where their LOYALTIES are

dimocraps crack me up. They remind me of the Taliban; who will fight like possessed demons for the right to live in a mud hut and beat their wives.


Just.......... Stupid

I'm afraid if their Dear Leader proposed it, that's what we would be seeing..

but they can go to the streets to protest a war that didn't INFRINGE PERSONALLY on their RIGHTS...

something twisted about them and shows their party means more than the country or the people in it...sad
I see...Leave the Country open to attack. The longer WE go on here? The leaves fall off your tree.

Guess what jackwad? The Congress cannot it would fly in the face of Article 1, Section 8. CONGRESS is obligated to fund it.

READ the damned document.

But then a Jhihadist as YOU doesn't care.


Calling him a Jhihadist just lost you credibility.

I have seen nothing to say he is an Islamic fundamentalist.

He's trying to peg him...ewww.

Apparently the bottom line in this "argument" is that the right wing lunatics feel that it's perfectly okay for the House to not fund parts of the government they it disagrees with based on the fact that there is a new make-up in the House that has a majority GOP. The house was majority Democrat when the ACA was passed.

Basically it is meaning that since Representative Jane Doe wasn't seated when the ACA passed, she needn't vote to fund it.

This is an interesting gambit by the GOP.

So, proceeding with that mantra; the House and Senate should have to re-pass all legislation since 1789. The SEC act of 1934 should have to be re-ratified everytime we get a new member of Congress.

In other words, if a member dies or resigns, and a new rep takes their place they will have to re-pass everything passed before since I guess since, as stated earlier, Rep. Jane Doe didn't vote for the "new" SEC act of 2013.

No adult with more than 2 brain cells would sign on to such a looney plan but this is what the 2013 Congressional GOP has become...a comical sideshow. Jindal's hope that they would shy away from being the "party of stupid" seems to be fading.

Your back must be aching from all that twisting.
The House has approved funding EVERY SINGLE LINE in the Budget except your Obamessiah's pet Bill.
And, because of that, your party of Lemmings would let everything else collapse.

How about this:

The recently passed American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 and the health care reform law which was passed back in March 2010 have various tax increases on upper income earners. These tax increases are all effective in the 2013 tax year. The five major tax increases are an increase in the Medicare tax by 0.9%, applying a 3.8% Medicare levy to net investment income, reinstatement of phase outs for itemized deductions and personal exemptions, an increase of the dividend and capital gains rate to 20%, and an increase to the top income tax bracket to 39.6%.

Five tax increases effective in 2013 for upper income earners - Managing Your Money
Because government spends more than it collects. That is NOT defaulting on the's just spending us into economic decline.

we will default on the debt if we stop meeting our interest payment obligations.

we have to increase the debt ceiling in order to do that.

even if we forget about paying interest payments on our debt, we still need to increase the debt ceiling or our govt. shuts down.

so we need to increase the debt ceiling to prevent default AND to prevent a govt. shutdown.

The only way we could default on the debt would be if people quit paying their withholding and payroll taxes and businesses quit paying corporate taxes. I recently read that tax collection hit a record high. As long a taxes are collected, there is no possibility of a default.

On edit:

The federal government raked in a record of approximately $2,472,542,000,000 in tax revenues through the first eleven months of fiscal 2013, which ran from Oct. 1, 2012 through the end of August, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement for August. That is up about $285 billion from the approximately $2,187,527,000,000 in taxes the government took in through August of fiscal 2012.

- See more at:
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Calling him a Jhihadist just lost you credibility.

I have seen nothing to say he is an Islamic fundamentalist.

He's trying to peg him...ewww.

Apparently the bottom line in this "argument" is that the right wing lunatics feel that it's perfectly okay for the House to not fund parts of the government they it disagrees with based on the fact that there is a new make-up in the House that has a majority GOP. The house was majority Democrat when the ACA was passed.

Basically it is meaning that since Representative Jane Doe wasn't seated when the ACA passed, she needn't vote to fund it.

This is an interesting gambit by the GOP.

So, proceeding with that mantra; the House and Senate should have to re-pass all legislation since 1789. The SEC act of 1934 should have to be re-ratified everytime we get a new member of Congress.

In other words, if a member dies or resigns, and a new rep takes their place they will have to re-pass everything passed before since I guess since, as stated earlier, Rep. Jane Doe didn't vote for the "new" SEC act of 2013.

No adult with more than 2 brain cells would sign on to such a looney plan but this is what the 2013 Congressional GOP has become...a comical sideshow. Jindal's hope that they would shy away from being the "party of stupid" seems to be fading.

Your back must be aching from all that twisting.
The House has approved funding EVERY SINGLE LINE in the Budget except your Obamessiah's pet Bill.
And, because of that, your party of Lemmings would let everything else collapse.

Why didn't they fund it? Did they forget?

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