GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

Yep...All that would have to be done is to stop baseline budget increases.
Each dept would then have to perform a full accounting review. If a dept ran short on it's budget, it would receive a smaller increase or no increase at all.
All dept heads would be required to come up with a budget that spends the same or less than the year before adjusted for inflation.
All aspects right down to sticky note pads and other ancillary items would be scrutinized. In effect, government would be run like a business.
Very simple.
You defeatist attitude of 'we have to keep spending more because there is nothing that can be done' is pure lunacy...

now you're talking.

but what you gonna do when that doesn't come even close to bringing us back to 2008 spending levels?
The nation suffered greatly just due to the Sequestration.

Cutting another 20% would be disastrous.

I didn't feel a thing.. And that sequestration pain thing was a big fat lie.
$85 billion is less than 0.02% of the total federal budget. What the fuck are you talking about.
The money was not spent. The Sun rises and sets. The Oceans did not dry up into deserts....The government had to make due with 98% of the money...Actually the spending cut was less than half that.
The federal government had every opportunity to make up the entire sequestration in ONE month by ending Quantitative Easing.
The nation suffered greatly just due to the Sequestration.

Cutting another 20% would be disastrous.

I didn't feel a thing.. And that sequestration pain thing was a big fat lie.
$85 billion is less than 0.02% of the total federal budget. What the fuck are you talking about.
The money was not spent. The Sun rises and sets. The Oceans did not dry up into deserts....The government had to make due with 98% of the money...Actually the spending cut was less than half that.
The federal government had every opportunity to make up the entire sequestration in ONE month by ending Quantitative Easing.
BUT YET we were told by the FED this past week BY the FED they aren't comfy with the economy? And Therefore QE was to continue...

WHY does the FED even exist? I'd NUKE them as POTUS. My first TARGET.
Lol Anytime you bring up Defense the Extreme righties lose there minds. But they want to cut through with everything else interesting.

like I said, its a massive tax-payer funded job program for the otherwise unemployable and most likely would-be Welfare-whores.
Hey..THe T says he got under your skin... He's right. He really hit a nerve and you couldn't deal with it.
The nation suffered greatly just due to the Sequestration.

Cutting another 20% would be disastrous.

I didn't feel a thing.. And that sequestration pain thing was a big fat lie.
$85 billion is less than 0.02% of the total federal budget. What the fuck are you talking about.
The money was not spent. The Sun rises and sets. The Oceans did not dry up into deserts....The government had to make due with 98% of the money...Actually the spending cut was less than half that.
The federal government had every opportunity to make up the entire sequestration in ONE month by ending Quantitative Easing.



the horrors.....the memories are....still....too.....fresh

wounds still unheeled
Lol Anytime you bring up Defense the Extreme righties lose there minds. But they want to cut through with everything else interesting.

like I said, its a massive tax-payer funded job program for the otherwise unemployable and most likely would-be Welfare-whores.
Hey..THe T says he got under your skin... He's right. He really hit a nerve and you couldn't deal with it.
LOL. Some Jackasses can't DEAL with pressure. Hoffstra is one of many of my targets. Good to see he capitulated. He remains YELLOW BELLIED COWARD.

Thank YOU.

~T :)
Bullshit! Brown voted against the ACA! (He CAMPIGNED as the 41st vote against Obamacare!) Specter is the one who switched his vote!

Nope...there were only 39 no votes.

Jim Bunning (Kentucky) abstained. All other Republicans voted "no". Fact: Scott Brown voted AGAINST Obamacare.
Point taken..
The fact of the matter though was Scott Brown was an ineffective Senator and such a weak one that he lost to a political nobody. He could not keep a GOP seat for one election.
Brown barely qualified as a republican anyway.
Republicans want to shut down the Federal government and default on our national debt.

I wonder what the financial results of this will be.

I wonder what the election results in 2014, will be.

Gee, seems like the Republicans have become suicidal.

An Opening Post in the Politics section with no supporting link

fucking yay
But HE will defend it to the point to where he IGNORES YOU.

More like fucking GAY...and cowardice.

Be fair, he only ignores the people who disagree with him.
...The goal of the Tea Party is to kick every RINO out of Washington and replace them with House Members and Senators that support American values and conservative limited government principles....


and you believe that????

damn son, you been lied to you and you fell for it!!


It's not a matter of believing. It's already happening.
Yep...All that would have to be done is to stop baseline budget increases.
Each dept would then have to perform a full accounting review. If a dept ran short on it's budget, it would receive a smaller increase or no increase at all.
All dept heads would be required to come up with a budget that spends the same or less than the year before adjusted for inflation.
All aspects right down to sticky note pads and other ancillary items would be scrutinized. In effect, government would be run like a business.
Very simple.
You defeatist attitude of 'we have to keep spending more because there is nothing that can be done' is pure lunacy...

now you're talking.

but what you gonna do when that doesn't come even close to bringing us back to 2008 spending levels?

I never mentioned 2008..
The nation suffered greatly just due to the Sequestration.

Cutting another 20% would be disastrous.

I didn't feel a thing.. And that sequestration pain thing was a big fat lie.
$85 billion is less than 0.02% of the total federal budget. What the fuck are you talking about.
The money was not spent. The Sun rises and sets. The Oceans did not dry up into deserts....The government had to make due with 98% of the money...Actually the spending cut was less than half that.
The federal government had every opportunity to make up the entire sequestration in ONE month by ending Quantitative Easing.



the horrors.....the memories are....still....too.....fresh

wounds still unheeled

That's fucking hilarious.....You get repped!
The GOP must put on their little show for the Tea Party. Afterwards, they can just shrug their shoulders and said, "Well, we tried". After that things will be taken care of, and the government will still be operating as usual. The GOP can not afford to offend anybody else. They have already done that to all minorities, and females. They can't afford to offend everyone who is dependent on the federal government for a livelyhood. In short, It is a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

I do confess, however, that it would be nice to watch them dig their own hole, jump in, and then fill it up.
heads UP Pally...The TEA Party is US...the people.

YOU are excused.

Say hello to Sarah for me!
The GOP must put on their little show for the Tea Party. Afterwards, they can just shrug their shoulders and said, "Well, we tried". After that things will be taken care of, and the government will still be operating as usual. The GOP can not afford to offend anybody else. They have already done that to all minorities, and females. They can't afford to offend everyone who is dependent on the federal government for a livelyhood. In short, It is a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

I do confess, however, that it would be nice to watch them dig their own hole, jump in, and then fill it up.
heads UP Pally...The TEA Party is US...the people.

YOU are excused.

Say hello to Sarah for me!

Say hello to Assad for me!
Calling him a Jhihadist just lost you credibility.

I have seen nothing to say he is an Islamic fundamentalist.

he's just mad I have him on Ignore.

Conservatives get VERY pissed when you ignore their irrational vomit.
Cool...YOU have ME on IGNORE...Shows that *I* got under your skin...(NOT THAT YOU WILL EVER SEE THIS)...:lol:



I'm afraid that I also will have to put you on "ignore". Your posts are full of personal insults and self-aggrandizing mental masturbation. They do not warrant the dignity of my perusal.

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