GOP to shutdown govt. and default on debt

The OP is full of nonsense.

Interest on the Federal Debt is projected at $223B this year. Tax and other receipts are estimated at $2.8T. We can quite easily pay the interest on the debt and not default.

Federal Spending by the Numbers 2013

the debt ceiling reflects total debt, not just debt interest.

The debt ceiling reflects how much money the government can borrow.

Repeat that to yourself 1,000,000 times.
The guy is clueless. And maybe HE can explain WHY Obama voted against the RAISE in it when he was a US Senator? NOW it's a SIN Not to per Obama?
since FY 2009 which began during Bush's term, we've been borrowing more than $1 trillion a year to pay for spending.

if we don't increase the debt limit, we will have to cut spending for FY 2014, by at least $650 billion.

that's the interest on the debt x3!!!!!

Sounds good to me.
The Senate represents the democratic popular will of The People of each state.

The House, however, represents backroom deals of gerrymandering and trying to keep people out of different Congressional districts.

Does the Tea Party represent the will and desire of the American people???

of course not. They are a small minority.
Dear stupid...
The US House of Representatives has 430 members each representing the PEOPLE in their respective districts.
US Senators represent the interests of each respective STATE. This is why each state has an equal number of Senators.
Does the democrat party or the GOP do what you ask?
No....Parties represent themselves. Ultimately, party affiliations offers a reference to the general ideology of each party member.
The tea Party is just another advocacy group.
And BTW, the Tea Party now wields considerable influence in national politics.
That upsets your little apple cart and you can't stand it.
The goal of the Tea Party is to kick every RINO out of Washington and replace them with House Members and Senators that support American values and conservative limited government principles.
Of course defeating lib/progressive/socialism is also a priority of the Tea Party.
Your strawman is burning.

We can pay the interest and stop spending money on crap.

To pay the interest will take less than 8% of what the Feds will collect this year. The problem is, they have no discipline and don't care that they are spending future generations into debt/tax slavery and declining standards of living.

in order to pay the interest on the debt AND keep the govt. funded, we would have to cut spending for FY 2014 by almost 20%....if we stopped all borrowing.

you want to cut Federal spending by 20%?

wow. which programs?

Which will still leave us with a bigger government than Bush had.
...The goal of the Tea Party is to kick every RINO out of Washington and replace them with House Members and Senators that support American values and conservative limited government principles....


and you believe that????

damn son, you been lied to you and you fell for it!!

Because government spends more than it collects. That is NOT defaulting on the's just spending us into economic decline.

we will default on the debt if we stop meeting our interest payment obligations.

we have to increase the debt ceiling in order to do that.

even if we forget about paying interest payments on our debt, we still need to increase the debt ceiling or our govt. shuts down.

so we need to increase the debt ceiling to prevent default AND to prevent a govt. shutdown.

WOW....Just WOW...
Your strawman is burning.

We can pay the interest and stop spending money on crap.

To pay the interest will take less than 8% of what the Feds will collect this year. The problem is, they have no discipline and don't care that they are spending future generations into debt/tax slavery and declining standards of living.

in order to pay the interest on the debt AND keep the govt. funded, we would have to cut spending for FY 2014 by almost 20%....if we stopped all borrowing.

you want to cut Federal spending by 20%?

wow. which programs?

I honestly don't think that is even realistically possible someone even have the numbers to see if that can even be done?

I can lay out a program that would cut government spending by 50%.
Republicans want to shut down the Federal government and default on our national debt.

I wonder what the financial results of this will be.

I wonder what the election results in 2014, will be.

Gee, seems like the Republicans have become suicidal.

An Opening Post in the Politics section with no supporting link

fucking yay
Republicans want to shut down the Federal government and default on our national debt.

I wonder what the financial results of this will be.

I wonder what the election results in 2014, will be.

Gee, seems like the Republicans have become suicidal.

An Opening Post in the Politics section with no supporting link

fucking yay
But HE will defend it to the point to where he IGNORES YOU.

More like fucking GAY...and cowardice.
Your strawman is burning.

We can pay the interest and stop spending money on crap.

To pay the interest will take less than 8% of what the Feds will collect this year. The problem is, they have no discipline and don't care that they are spending future generations into debt/tax slavery and declining standards of living.

in order to pay the interest on the debt AND keep the govt. funded, we would have to cut spending for FY 2014 by almost 20%....if we stopped all borrowing.

you want to cut Federal spending by 20%?

wow. which programs?

Yep...All that would have to be done is to stop baseline budget increases.
Each dept would then have to perform a full accounting review. If a dept ran short on it's budget, it would receive a smaller increase or no increase at all.
All dept heads would be required to come up with a budget that spends the same or less than the year before adjusted for inflation.
All aspects right down to sticky note pads and other ancillary items would be scrutinized. In effect, government would be run like a business.
Very simple.
You defeatist attitude of 'we have to keep spending more because there is nothing that can be done' is pure lunacy...

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