GOP turning "American helping American" into Socialism - Is that a national scandal?

A voucher system is not Medicare. It's something else.

Besides, why won't these right wingers talk about the redistribution of wealth from Blue States to Red States?

privatization is still SS, it's not getting rid of it

Imagine if Social Security were part of the stock market during the last economic meltdown. What would be left?

lets see dean, my investments were part of the stock market during the economic meltdown. I came out fine. i guess what you are trying to tell me is liberals don't know how to invest.
When you get a base of followers who quite frankly aren't very intelligent and you compound that with the fact that they are gullible and anything but open minded, you get the modern day republican base. This is why you hear words like socialism, communism and comparisons made to Hitler on a regular basis. These terms have no relation whatsoever to modern day democats/liberals but these people have been convinced, rather easily, that liberals are actually their enemy and are somehow related to these boogeyman terms they throw around and clearly don't understand.

you get the same shit with a lot of the Far Left....look at Hungover....ever read that assholes threads? many of his threads he sounds just like the people on the right he cant stand....

What is the far left? How do you distinguish far left from just the regular left. I'd love to know who you would consider far left and who is just left.

Dean is far left....RW is not.....Franco is far left....Sallow is not....Jones is far left....Synthaholic is not....Hungover is far left even though he says he is an "Independent Liberal".....he just happens to be so independent he cant find anything to question the Democrats on anything they do.....he spends every waking hour here defending them even though he "claims" he has "issues" with them.....what i dont know.......basically someone who thinks Republicans are the cause of anything negative that happens in this Country....someone who will not question the Democrats no matter what they do or say......a "regular" Democrat or a "Moderate" or a Conservative one....has no problem questioning the party and does not think ALL Republicans are the way your buddy Dean describes them.... ok is that good enough for you?....
A voucher system is not Medicare. It's something else.

Besides, why won't these right wingers talk about the redistribution of wealth from Blue States to Red States?

privatization is still SS, it's not getting rid of it

Imagine if Social Security were part of the stock market during the last economic meltdown. What would be left?

More than what's left now
Americans donating by their choice to private charities,churches,and other groups that help the poor and needy is Americans helping Americans having the government take more and more of what people earn and redistribute it as they see fit is if not actual socialism the beginnings of it.

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.

Republicans don't believe in education. That's why the "hand-outs".

Can't rep you again. That was a bullseye. :thup: They sabotage programs and then say they don't work. When their policies don't work it is the left's fault. Trickle down economics would have worked if the left had not ...
privatization is still SS, it's not getting rid of it

Imagine if Social Security were part of the stock market during the last economic meltdown. What would be left?

More than what's left now

Honestly, I am not that clear on this. The government gives people vouchers to invest in the stock market for their retirement? No restrictions on what one can invest in? You don't realize how stupid that sounds, do you? Elron was hot there for a while. Can one short the market?
The GOP leadership has worked tirelessly to make their base believe American helping American is "socialism" and should be stopped. The very people helped by Social Security and Medicare believe getting government help is the road to disaster for this country. The GOP's misinformation techniques have worked so well, their base doesn't even understand that Medicare and Social Security are government programs and getting rid of government programs means disaster for them.

Republicans say we should look at Blue States to understand how all the welfare has hurt those states. Only the dollar drain from Blue States is going to Red States. The amount of money difference Red States receive from Blue States pales in comparison to what those in Blue States who are on welfare receive and is staggering.

If Red States were so self sufficient, they wouldn't be working overtime trying to lure Blue State workers to their states. They would train their own people. Only that would be (gasp) "socialism".

People don't want charity. Republicans insist they are better people because they imagine they give more to charity. Remember that story Paul Ryan plagiarized? About the little boy who did't want to be given school lunch? Well that's the thing. A little charity does nothing. Without the drain of money from Blue States to Red States, Blue States would have balanced budgets and would still be helping Blue State Citizens. It's because of that aid Blue States are able to give to their citizens that Red States are able to bleed money from those Blue States who earned it.

Perhaps we need some tough love and stop funding Red States. The only problem with that is the GOP leadership would simply let their middle class and poor die. We know that from the millions left off Medicare Expansion. That will probably cost 10,000 deaths a year in Red States.

States shouldn't "train" anyone. This is brought out by the liberal belief that college is the end all be all of everything. it's not.

People helping people isn't socialism, it's when the govt is involved that it is.

Medicare, Social Security and such are all govt programs, none of these are people just going over to their neighbor's house VOLUNTEERING to help...key word volunteer, but liberals prefer coercion
Imagine if Social Security were part of the stock market during the last economic meltdown. What would be left?

More than what's left now

Honestly, I am not that clear on this. The government gives people vouchers to invest in the stock market for their retirement? No restrictions on what one can invest in? You don't realize how stupid that sounds, do you? Elron was hot there for a while. Can one short the market?

Putting money into American businesses if far better than putting money into an account you don't even own, that buys "Securities" that can only be sold to the person that originated them

Yes you can buy ETF's that increase when the market declines...FAZ for example
More than what's left now

Honestly, I am not that clear on this. The government gives people vouchers to invest in the stock market for their retirement? No restrictions on what one can invest in? You don't realize how stupid that sounds, do you? Elron was hot there for a while. Can one short the market?

Putting money into American businesses if far better than putting money into an account you don't even own, that buys "Securities" that can only be sold to the person that originated them

Yes you can buy ETF's that increase when the market declines...FAZ for example

Can I invest in derivatives? Am I allowed to use a stock broker? If he breaks the law whose jurisdiction is it? Am I entitled to a full refund? If so from whom? What if I invest in my cousin's company? I buy preferred stock but the investors contract gives me second rights to funds? Do I get to shoot my cousin? Just asking.
30 years ago, those who are moderately right leaning today would be considered the 'left'. Those who are moderately left today would be considered the fringe left then, and those who are progressive and think in terms of government as mother, would have had their mental stability called into question.

So, to answer your question, just about everyone who is not to the far right of the current spectrum (which would have been a moderate right 30 years ago).
I think that's spot on. JFK was considered liberal back in the day but would barely fit the bill today. The progressives have taken over the party and if you don't agree with them fully, your are a rightwing nut case. If you oppose almost everything and prefer traditional values then you are an extremist rightwing hate monger.

and if you dont agree with the farther righties of today,even if you are a "moderate" get called a "RINO" or a Libturd....the Far Right or Left...same attitude....if you dont agree with them .....fuck you.....
Honestly, I am not that clear on this. The government gives people vouchers to invest in the stock market for their retirement? No restrictions on what one can invest in? You don't realize how stupid that sounds, do you? Elron was hot there for a while. Can one short the market?

Putting money into American businesses if far better than putting money into an account you don't even own, that buys "Securities" that can only be sold to the person that originated them

Yes you can buy ETF's that increase when the market declines...FAZ for example

Can I invest in derivatives? Am I allowed to use a stock broker? If he breaks the law whose jurisdiction is it? Am I entitled to a full refund? If so from whom? What if I invest in my cousin's company? I buy preferred stock but the investors contract gives me second rights to funds? Do I get to shoot my cousin? Just asking.

I'm sure such a plan would have a simple and safe treasury-based stable value fund for people like you, those who clearly know nothing about investments.


Putting money into American businesses if far better than putting money into an account you don't even own, that buys "Securities" that can only be sold to the person that originated them

Yes you can buy ETF's that increase when the market declines...FAZ for example

Can I invest in derivatives? Am I allowed to use a stock broker? If he breaks the law whose jurisdiction is it? Am I entitled to a full refund? If so from whom? What if I invest in my cousin's company? I buy preferred stock but the investors contract gives me second rights to funds? Do I get to shoot my cousin? Just asking.

I'm sure such a plan would have a simple and safe treasury-based stable value fund for people like you, those who clearly know nothing about investments.



So you are saying the government would regulate this correctly?
Can I invest in derivatives? Am I allowed to use a stock broker? If he breaks the law whose jurisdiction is it? Am I entitled to a full refund? If so from whom? What if I invest in my cousin's company? I buy preferred stock but the investors contract gives me second rights to funds? Do I get to shoot my cousin? Just asking.

I'm sure such a plan would have a simple and safe treasury-based stable value fund for people like you, those who clearly know nothing about investments.



So you are saying the government would regulate this correctly?

They do a pretty good job with federal employees' Thrift Savings Plans, so I'd be comfortable with that, yes, assuming that they partner with private companies who actually run part of the program, like the TSP.

Not that I expect this to ever happen.

When you get a base of followers who quite frankly aren't very intelligent and you compound that with the fact that they are gullible and anything but open minded, you get the modern day republican base. This is why you hear words like socialism, communism and comparisons made to Hitler on a regular basis. These terms have no relation whatsoever to modern day democats/liberals but these people have been convinced, rather easily, that liberals are actually their enemy and are somehow related to these boogeyman terms they throw around and clearly don't understand.

A base of followers who quite frankly aren't very intelligent, or open minded, and are very gullible, are rightfully called Democrats. You are the poster child for that group. Proof is in the obvious fact that they not only voter for Obama, but did so twice. I rest my case.

You hear words like socialism, communism, and comparisions made to Hitler, for the simple reason that Liberal/socialists continually espouse the false wisdom enshrined in the concepts of Marx, Lenin and Hitler.

Thanks for proving my point.
privatization is still SS, it's not getting rid of it

Imagine if Social Security were part of the stock market during the last economic meltdown. What would be left?

lets see dean, my investments were part of the stock market during the economic meltdown. I came out fine. i guess what you are trying to tell me is liberals don't know how to invest.

"I got mine, fuck you"

Thanks for summing it up.
you get the same shit with a lot of the Far Left....look at Hungover....ever read that assholes threads? many of his threads he sounds just like the people on the right he cant stand....

What is the far left? How do you distinguish far left from just the regular left. I'd love to know who you would consider far left and who is just left.

Dean is far left....RW is not.....Franco is far left....Sallow is not....Jones is far left....Synthaholic is not....Hungover is far left even though he says he is an "Independent Liberal".....he just happens to be so independent he cant find anything to question the Democrats on anything they do.....he spends every waking hour here defending them even though he "claims" he has "issues" with them.....what i dont know.......basically someone who thinks Republicans are the cause of anything negative that happens in this Country....someone who will not question the Democrats no matter what they do or say......a "regular" Democrat or a "Moderate" or a Conservative one....has no problem questioning the party and does not think ALL Republicans are the way your buddy Dean describes them.... ok is that good enough for you?....

Yeah, thanks for the response!
A voucher system is not Medicare. It's something else.

Besides, why won't these right wingers talk about the redistribution of wealth from Blue States to Red States?

privatization is still SS, it's not getting rid of it

Imagine if Social Security were part of the stock market during the last economic meltdown. What would be left?

More than they have now. Now SS is bankrupt. How many people who lost a bundle in the meltdown are multi millionaires today. And you keep complaining about how rich the Koch brothers are.
I am going to have to carry slackers on my back for the rest of their lives. One third of the "involuntarily uninsured" are high school dropouts, and thanks to Obamacare they will receive insurance subsidies at my expense.

You bet your fucking sweet ass that is a national scandal.

that's rdeans and Democrats idea of, American helping Amercians
BY FORCE through OScamCare or threatened with fines through the IRS
that's not socialism it's FASCIAM
I am going to have to carry slackers on my back for the rest of their lives. One third of the "involuntarily uninsured" are high school dropouts, and thanks to Obamacare they will receive insurance subsidies at my expense.

You bet your fucking sweet ass that is a national scandal.

that's rdeans and Democrats idea of, American helping Amercians
BY FORCE through OScamCare or threatened with fines through the IRS
that's not socialism it's FASCIAM

You're right, it's FASCIAM.

Well said Steph, well said.
I am sick and tyred of these damn liberuls trying to spread there FASCIAM. Enuf is enuf!

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