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GOP & US Chamber of Commerce Threaten The USA

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Interesting how the media are getting around to fact checking Obama's claims:


October 8, 2010
Topic of Foreign Money in U.S. Races Hits Hustings

WASHINGTON — Ever since he raised the issue in his State of the Union speech nearly nine months ago — prompting head-shaking by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. of the Supreme Court — President Obama has been warning about the danger of foreign money creeping into elections as a result of the court’s landmark campaign finance ruling.

In two campaign stops Thursday, Mr. Obama invoked what he portrayed as a specific new example, citing a blog posting from a liberal advocacy group as he teed off on a longtime adversary, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, over its political spending.

“Just this week, we learned that one of the largest groups paying for these ads regularly takes in money from foreign corporations,” Mr. Obama said. “So groups that receive foreign money are spending huge sums to influence American elections.”

But a closer examination shows that there is little evidence that what the chamber does in collecting overseas dues is improper or even unusual, according to both liberal and conservative election-law lawyers and campaign finance documents.

In fact, the controversy over the Chamber of Commerce financing may say more about the Washington spin cycle — where an Internet blog posting can be quickly picked up by like-minded groups and become political fodder for the president himself — than it does about the vagaries of campaign finance...

...Mr. Obama himself faced accusations by conservative opponents in his 2008 campaign that his large online fund-raising efforts may have generated contributions from foreign nationals barred from contributing. No allegations were substantiated.

“People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones,” said Bruce Josten, chief lobbyist for the chamber, as he recalled the 2008 allegations...

Actually the number of credit cards from overseas donations to Obama was quite substantiated last election:

National Journal Online - Common Web Tools Make Tracking Donors Doable
Interesting how the media are getting around to fact checking Obama's claims:


October 8, 2010
Topic of Foreign Money in U.S. Races Hits Hustings

WASHINGTON — Ever since he raised the issue in his State of the Union speech nearly nine months ago — prompting head-shaking by Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. of the Supreme Court — President Obama has been warning about the danger of foreign money creeping into elections as a result of the court’s landmark campaign finance ruling.

In two campaign stops Thursday, Mr. Obama invoked what he portrayed as a specific new example, citing a blog posting from a liberal advocacy group as he teed off on a longtime adversary, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, over its political spending.

“Just this week, we learned that one of the largest groups paying for these ads regularly takes in money from foreign corporations,” Mr. Obama said. “So groups that receive foreign money are spending huge sums to influence American elections.”

But a closer examination shows that there is little evidence that what the chamber does in collecting overseas dues is improper or even unusual, according to both liberal and conservative election-law lawyers and campaign finance documents.

In fact, the controversy over the Chamber of Commerce financing may say more about the Washington spin cycle — where an Internet blog posting can be quickly picked up by like-minded groups and become political fodder for the president himself — than it does about the vagaries of campaign finance...

...Mr. Obama himself faced accusations by conservative opponents in his 2008 campaign that his large online fund-raising efforts may have generated contributions from foreign nationals barred from contributing. No allegations were substantiated.

“People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones,” said Bruce Josten, chief lobbyist for the chamber, as he recalled the 2008 allegations...

Actually the number of credit cards from overseas donations to Obama was quite substantiated last election:

National Journal Online - Common Web Tools Make Tracking Donors Doable

Obama is like Chavez. Anyone with any money who opposes him is automatically an enemy of the state.
When Bob Schieffer calls your BS, you know you're hosed.

Schieffer: Do you have any evidence that it's anything but peanuts?

Axelrod: Can you prove that it's not?

Studio audience: Bursts out in hysterical laughter.

Schieffer: Do you...I guess I would put it this way...If the only charge is, three weeks into the election, that the democrats can make is that this somehow may or may not be foreign money coming into the campaign...uh...Is that the best you can do?

Axelrod: No, I think that...uh-uh...uh...

Studio audience: Rolls in the aisles.

I like this mainstream media interview today by Jake Tapper of ABC with Axelrod:

Axelrod to US Chamber: What Are You Hiding That You Don?t Want the American People to See? - Political Punch

During the course of questioning about the Obama administration's attacks on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, ABC News White House Correspondent Jake Tapper brought up the issue of Barack Obama refusing to release his long form Hawaii birth certificate in an interview with senior White House adviser David Axelrod.

Axelrod said that Obama's birth certificate "has been available to people." When Tapper followed up by asking if the long form version (aka the original with more information than the shorter publicly released version) has been released, Axelrod ducked the question with this bizarre rejoinder, “the only people who want to keep things secret are folks who have something to hide.”

However, Tapper had no problem raising the issue with Axelrod:

TAPPER: But what do you say to people who argue you are demonizing an organization for a charge that nobody knows if it's true or not?

AXELROD: Well I’m not demonizing the Chamber of Commerce. I’m simply suggesting to them that they disclose the source of the $75 million that they are spending in campaigns and put to rest, put to rest the questions that have been, that have been raised.

TAPPER: Isn't that like the whackjobs that tell the president he needs to show them his full long-form birth certificate so he can put to rest the questions that have been raised?

AXELROD: The president’s birth certificate has been available to people.

TAPPER: The long form?

AXELROD: Someone once in the course of this debate about whether we should have a law to force these organizations to disclose where they’re money is coming from in the campaigns, someone said, and I think they’re right – “the only people who want to keep things secret are folks who have something to hide.” If the Chamber doesn’t have anything to hide about these contributions, and I take them at their word that they don’t, then why not disclose? Why not let people see where their money is coming from?
Maybe if leftist wackaloons like you would quit trying to tax and regulate businesses out of business, they'd have more incentive to stay in America.

Just sayin'.

Didn't you mean to say: "Maybe if leftist wackaloons like you would work for Chinese wages, they'd have more incentive to stay in America"?
More total bullshit economic ignorance.

There are numerous reasons for offshoring operations, that have little to do with wages....Excessive employee turnover, like in the field of software troubleshooting phone banks, for one example.

You populists really need a new set of yammering points.


Software engineers in India work for pennies on the dollar.

The "numerous" reasons begin and end there.
Didn't you mean to say: "Maybe if leftist wackaloons like you would work for Chinese wages, they'd have more incentive to stay in America"?

If you let the market regulate itself then things don't cost as much and those wages wouldn't be as big of an issue. When government steps in and says do that and do this then companies have to increase prices to still make money. It's actually a very simple concept but you've been brainwashed into thinking more and more government is the solution. Well guess what? It's not the solution.
"Is this all you got?"

Apparantly it is.

I call it desperation city folks.

Excuse me while I LMAO.
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Um, since when did the U.S. Chamber of Commerce become the "enemy"?

Oh, I guess somewhere around 1/20/2009.
Whoever sincerely thinks the Chamber isn't using foreign money has their head shoved up their ass.

They have spent more than 10 million on ads alone, for nearly all GOP candidates. They are using their general account, which solicits foreign money to fund these attack ads.

Of course they'll claim they have internal safeguards to make sure no foreign money goes to political ads, but of course, money is fungible. In other words, If they say they aren't using foreign money on our elections, they're full of sh-t.

TruthOut has a great article, explaining how they are doing it, and how they are getting away with it.

Of course, the usual RW subjects, Rove and the boys, have instead of adressing the issue, pointed fingers at "Soros" and ThinkProgress. What they fail to mention, is that ThinkProgress doesn't buy political ads. And they fully disclose their mission, instead of lying about it. Greg Sargent did an excellent fact-checking piece on this- The Plum Line - How about some fact-checks of Karl Rove's and right's falsehoods?

With all of these facts standing, only one, GOP candidate, that I know of, have called on the Chamber to disclose exactly who's funding these attack ads- Gloves come off in Senate debate

Everyone should be outraged over this. But instead, righties don't care. The chamber is the exact same lot of people who've funded efforts to block disclosure reform over and over. That oughta tell you something.
The part where you show verifiable evidence, rather than pulling the Axelrod bullshit of making people prove their innocence based upon nothing but the unsubstantiated and spurious charge.

Is this Russia Danny?...No, this isn't Russia....
Whoever sincerely thinks the Chamber isn't using foreign money has their head shoved up their ass.

They have spent more than 10 million on ads alone, for nearly all GOP candidates. They are using their general account, which solicits foreign money to fund these attack ads.

Of course they'll claim they have internal safeguards to make sure no foreign money goes to political ads, but of course, money is fungible. In other words, If they say they aren't using foreign money on our elections, they're full of sh-t.

TruthOut has a great article, explaining how they are doing it, and how they are getting away with it.

Of course, the usual RW subjects, Rove and the boys, have instead of adressing the issue, pointed fingers at "Soros" and ThinkProgress. What they fail to mention, is that ThinkProgress doesn't buy political ads. And they fully disclose their mission, instead of lying about it. Greg Sargent did an excellent fact-checking piece on this- The Plum Line - How about some fact-checks of Karl Rove's and right's falsehoods?

With all of these facts standing, only one, GOP candidate, that I know of, have called on the Chamber to disclose exactly who's funding these attack ads- Gloves come off in Senate debate

Everyone should be outraged over this. But instead, righties don't care. The chamber is the exact same lot of people who've funded efforts to block disclosure reform over and over. That oughta tell you something.

Your side is losing. Deal with it.

Even the predictable softball tosser, Bob Schieffer, doesn't believe you moonbats.


What part of my post did I have wrong?

A complete and total lack of evidence, and expecting the accused to prove they are innocent instead of the accuser proving the accusation.

By the way, were you this upset when Obama took money from a Foreign Oil company, or do you reserve your fuax outrage only for groups that support Republicans?
The C of C has made all the required legal disclosures.

The laws protecting lists of donors came about in the civil rights era when the State of Alabama targeted donors to the civil rights movement.

Obama is doing the same thing Alabama did.
The US CoC has created more Jobs than every politician combined could dream of doing. Yet because of Obama they are now public Enemy number 1.

To funny.

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