GOP Wrecked the Budget - Reagan's OMB Director

Totally pointless. People with triple lobotomies have better time understanding.

Reagan got a compromise! He asked for tax cuts, spending cuts and a military build up, he got 2 out of 3 and changed the course of history.

Blaming GOP for New Deal and Great Society programs that continue to soak 2/3 of the budget, that's fucking classic right there!

So wait, he asked for a military build up that merely helped to put us on the path we are today with a out of control military budget. Way to go Reagan!

Hmm, let's see what Lew Rockwell has to say. After all, he's pretty Libertarian.

Ronald Reagan: An Autopsy by Murray N. Rothbard

Don’t try to get Ronnie off the hook by blaming Congress. Like the general public – and all too many libertarians – Congress was merely a passive receptacle for Ronnie’s wishes. Congress passed the Reagan budgets with a few marginal adjustments here and there – and gave him virtually all the legislation, and ratified all the personnel, he wanted. For one Bork there are thousands who made it. The last eight years have been a Reagan Administration for the Gipper to make or break.

At first, the only "cut" was in Carter’s last-minute loony-tunes estimates for the future. But in a few short years, Reagan’s spending surpassed even Carter’s irresponsible estimates. Instead, Reagan not only increased government spending by an enormous amount – so enormous that it would take a 40 percent cut to bring us back to Carter’s wild spending totals of 1980 – he even substantially increased the percentage of government spending to GNP. That’s a "revolution"?

The much-heralded 1981 tax cut was more than offset by two tax increases that year. One was "bracket creep,

Creative semantics is the way in which Ronnie was able to keep his pledge never to raise taxes while raising them all the time. Reagan’s handlers, as we have seen, annoyed by the stubborn old coot’s sticking to "no new taxes," finessed the old boy by simply calling the phenomenon by a different name. If the Gipper was addled enough to fall for this trick, so did the American masses – and a large chuck of libertarians and self-proclaimed free-market economists as well! "Let’s close another loophole, Mr. President." "We-e-ell, OK, then, so long as we’re not raising taxes."

Is that what the highly touted "Reagan Revolution" amounts to, then? A tripling of the national debt?

Reagan worked to escalate toward infinity the insane "war against drugs." Far from the 1970s movement toward repealing marijuana laws, an ever greater flow of men and resources – countless billions of dollars – are being hysterically poured into combating a drug "problem" that clearly gets worse in direct proportion to the intensity of the "war."

And in the bedroom, too, if Ronnie has his way. Although abortion is not yet illegal, it is not for lack of effort by the Reagan Administration. The relentless Reaganite drive to conservatize the judiciary will likely recriminalize abortion soon, making criminals out of millions of American women each year. George Bush, for less than twenty-four glorious hours, was moved to take a consistent position: if abortion is murder, then all women who engage in abortion are murderers. But it took only a day for his handlers to pull George back from the abyss of logic, and to advocate only criminalizing the doctors, the hired hands of the women who get abortions.

On foreign policy, the best we can say about Ronnie is that he did not launch World War III. Apart from that, his foreign policy was a series of murdering blunders

As we all know only too well, the height of Reagan’s Teflon qualities came with Iran-Contra. At the time, I naïvely thought that the scandal would finish the bastard off. But no one saw anything wrong with the Administration’s jailing private arms salesmen to Iran, while at the very same time engaging in arms sales to Iran itself.

You say you want a Revolution..
The Republican Party is just Keynesianism in drag.

At least the Democrats say that they'll increase government spending AND increase your taxes. You can respect that. The Republicans say they'll cut your taxes but won't cut your spending. It's hard to respect that.
July 6, 2010
RUSH: It is said of Reagan -- I think it's true to a certain extent -- Reagan decided to starve the welfare state by creating deficits and spending
David Stockman ran the Office of Management and Budget for Ronald Reagan.

IF there were such a thing as Chapter 11 for politicians, the Republican push to extend the unaffordable Bush tax cuts would amount to a bankruptcy filing. ... It is therefore unseemly for the Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell, to insist that the nation’s wealthiest taxpayers be spared even a three-percentage-point rate increase.

In 1981, traditional Republicans supported tax cuts, matched by spending cuts, to offset the way inflation was pushing many taxpayers into higher brackets and to spur investment. The Reagan administration’s hastily prepared fiscal blueprint, however, was no match for the primordial forces — the welfare state and the warfare state — that drive the federal spending machine.

......— signing into law $420 billion in non-defense appropriations, a 65 percent gain from the $260 billion he had inherited eight years earlier. Republicans thus joined the Democrats in a shameless embrace of a free-lunch fiscal policy. ...

The day of national reckoning has arrived. We will not have a conventional business recovery now, but rather a long hangover of debt liquidation and downsizing — as suggested by last week’s news that the national economy grew at an anemic annual rate of 2.4 percent in the second quarter. Under these circumstances, it’s a pity that the modern Republican Party offers the American people an irrelevant platform of recycled Keynesianism when the old approach — balanced budgets, sound money and financial discipline — is needed more than ever.

It sounds like Stockman is a Tea Party Member who is an Ex-Republican.

Of course the NYT printed the Op-Ed piece to support Democratic Political Goals, repealing Tax cuts: "It is therefore unseemly for the Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell, to insist that the nation’s wealthiest taxpayers be spared even a three-percentage-point rate increase."

I agree with most of what he's said: There is no difference between the Repubs and Dems in "a shameless embrace of a free-lunch fiscal policy." The Republican Party is becomming Obsolete.

He seems to be making excuses, though, for his own fiscal policy failures "no match for the primordial forces — the welfare state and the warfare state — that drive the federal spending machine;" However he is correct in that we are doomed if spending in these areas does not abate.
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Budget Outlays 1982 billions Party
National Defense 182 GOP
Intl Affairs 12 GOP
Gen Science Tech 8 Dem (94%)
Energy 12 Dem
Natl Resources 14 Dem
Agriculture 5 Dem
Commerce Housing 8 Dem
Transportation 22 Dem
Community Devl 9 Dem
Education training 35 Dem
Health 75 Dem
Income Security 255 Dem
Veterans 24 GOP
Justice 5 Both
Gen Purpose 7 Both
Interest 90 Both
Total 763

One day we'll both charts that look ok.

Basically I took the 1982 Budget of 763B (Obama 2010 DEFICIT is double Reagan's entire 1982 Budget) and assigned it by Party.

GOP gets 100% of the military because Dems want to disarm us and Dems get 100% credit for their stupid social programs (Science is allocated 94% to Dems)

Dems programs are responsible for 60% of the budget, while Int'l affairs, Military and veterans (which Dems loath and consider "right wing extremists") account for 30%.

Tell me again how it's GOP Spending that's the problem.


There's the numbers. Here's the link.

Tell me how the GOP did this
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Read Stockman's book. He will tell you that it was the Republicans who believed this fairy tale that you can cut taxes and the growth will create enough revenue to pay for government spending, and it was the Supply-Siders who argued for it in budget negotiations, not just Democrats.

The Republican Party used to believe in fiscal discipline. Its long past that. Now it believes in All Tax Cuts All the Time, no matter what the fiscal consequences.

When I see the Tea Party people with signs that say "Cut MY Social Security" then I'll know the party is serious. Otherwise, it is merely continuing to perpetuate an intellectual fraud that it has for the past 30 years.

Democrats controlled Congress all those years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How were Republicans supposed to control spending, by mental telepathy?

Reagan mentioned Entitlement reform and the LMSM went Batshit crazy on him

Ah yes, they held a gun to Reagan's head the entire time. He didn't have the power to veto it or anything.

How is veto power the same as controlling Congress, I must have missed something?

Was there supposed to be more to your post?
No takers.

Yeah, I'm shocked.

And Obama 2010 deficit is still DOUBLE Reagan's entire 1982 Budget!
Budget Outlays 1982 billions Party
National Defense 182 GOP
Intl Affairs 12 GOP
Gen Science Tech 8 Dem (94%)
Energy 12 Dem
Natl Resources 14 Dem
Agriculture 5 Dem
Commerce Housing 8 Dem
Transportation 22 Dem
Community Devl 9 Dem
Education training 35 Dem
Health 75 Dem
Income Security 255 Dem
Veterans 24 GOP
Justice 5 Both
Gen Purpose 7 Both
Interest 90 Both
Total 763

One day we'll both charts that look ok.

Basically I took the 1982 Budget of 763B (Obama 2010 DEFICIT is double Reagan's entire 1982 Budget) and assigned it by Party.

GOP gets 100% of the military because Dems want to disarm us and Dems get 100% credit for their stupid social programs (Science is allocated 94% to Dems)

Dems programs are responsible for 60% of the budget, while Int'l affairs, Military and veterans (which Dems loath and consider "right wing extremists") account for 30%.

Tell me again how it's GOP Spending that's the problem.


There's the numbers. Here's the link.

Tell me how the GOP did this


You really believe you can assign budget to one party or the other: That the budget isn't a bipartisan result in which the Republicans can grow their spending, if they go along with Democrats that want to grow their spending?

I see two parties splitting hairs over a 4% tax on the wealthiest Americans, that will add $678 B to the treasury over 10 years, but hear NOTHING from EITHER party about REDUCING GOVERNMENT SPENDING by $678 B over 10 years.
Budget Outlays 1982 billions Party
National Defense 182 GOP
Intl Affairs 12 GOP
Gen Science Tech 8 Dem (94%)
Energy 12 Dem
Natl Resources 14 Dem
Agriculture 5 Dem
Commerce Housing 8 Dem
Transportation 22 Dem
Community Devl 9 Dem
Education training 35 Dem
Health 75 Dem
Income Security 255 Dem
Veterans 24 GOP
Justice 5 Both
Gen Purpose 7 Both
Interest 90 Both
Total 763

One day we'll both charts that look ok.

Basically I took the 1982 Budget of 763B (Obama 2010 DEFICIT is double Reagan's entire 1982 Budget) and assigned it by Party.

GOP gets 100% of the military because Dems want to disarm us and Dems get 100% credit for their stupid social programs (Science is allocated 94% to Dems)

Dems programs are responsible for 60% of the budget, while Int'l affairs, Military and veterans (which Dems loath and consider "right wing extremists") account for 30%.

Tell me again how it's GOP Spending that's the problem.


There's the numbers. Here's the link.

Tell me how the GOP did this


You really believe you can assign budget to one party or the other: That the budget isn't a bipartisan result in which the Republicans can grow their spending, if they go along with Democrats that want to grow their spending?

I see two parties splitting hairs over a 4% tax on the wealthiest Americans, that will add $678 B to the treasury over 10 years, but hear NOTHING from EITHER party about REDUCING GOVERNMENT SPENDING by $678 B over 10 years.

Just a second, the programs didn't just magically appear in the budget like they were left by the Tooth Fairy. The New Deal and Great Society spawned programs that continue to gobble tax payer funds to this day. How can you say these were not Dem Programs?
Budget Outlays 1982 billions Party
National Defense 182 GOP
Intl Affairs 12 GOP
Gen Science Tech 8 Dem (94%)
Energy 12 Dem
Natl Resources 14 Dem
Agriculture 5 Dem
Commerce Housing 8 Dem
Transportation 22 Dem
Community Devl 9 Dem
Education training 35 Dem
Health 75 Dem
Income Security 255 Dem
Veterans 24 GOP
Justice 5 Both
Gen Purpose 7 Both
Interest 90 Both
Total 763

One day we'll both charts that look ok.

Basically I took the 1982 Budget of 763B (Obama 2010 DEFICIT is double Reagan's entire 1982 Budget) and assigned it by Party.

GOP gets 100% of the military because Dems want to disarm us and Dems get 100% credit for their stupid social programs (Science is allocated 94% to Dems)

Dems programs are responsible for 60% of the budget, while Int'l affairs, Military and veterans (which Dems loath and consider "right wing extremists") account for 30%.

Tell me again how it's GOP Spending that's the problem.


There's the numbers. Here's the link.

Tell me how the GOP did this


You really believe you can assign budget to one party or the other: That the budget isn't a bipartisan result in which the Republicans can grow their spending, if they go along with Democrats that want to grow their spending?

I see two parties splitting hairs over a 4% tax on the wealthiest Americans, that will add $678 B to the treasury over 10 years, but hear NOTHING from EITHER party about REDUCING GOVERNMENT SPENDING by $678 B over 10 years.

Just a second, the programs didn't just magically appear in the budget like they were left by the Tooth Fairy. The New Deal and Great Society spawned programs that continue to gobble tax payer funds to this day. How can you say these were not Dem Programs?

Correct, there was no tooth fairy: But there was no Dem Boogy Men either.

Antiquated Government Programs were not conceived, and perpetuated by Democrats Alone, anymore than Republicans conceived and perpetuated a bloated military-industrial complex. The Government is a bipartisan machine.
Democrats controlled Congress all those years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How were Republicans supposed to control spending, by mental telepathy?

Reagan mentioned Entitlement reform and the LMSM went Batshit crazy on him

Ah yes, they held a gun to Reagan's head the entire time. He didn't have the power to veto it or anything.

How is veto power the same as controlling Congress, I must have missed something?

Was there supposed to be more to your post?

So, Reagan couldn't have possibly done anything to stop the budget. Nothing like vetoing it or anything? It's not like the office of President has that power. It's not a check on the legislative branch or anything.
Ah yes, they held a gun to Reagan's head the entire time. He didn't have the power to veto it or anything.

How is veto power the same as controlling Congress, I must have missed something?

Was there supposed to be more to your post?

So, Reagan couldn't have possibly done anything to stop the budget. Nothing like vetoing it or anything? It's not like the office of President has that power. It's not a check on the legislative branch or anything.

Again, am I missing something here? You want Reagan, the Executive, to take over the role of Congress?

You realize that's a Monarchy and not a Republic, right?

Again, did you leave anything out of your post or are you intending to turn the President into a Monarch?

You really believe you can assign budget to one party or the other: That the budget isn't a bipartisan result in which the Republicans can grow their spending, if they go along with Democrats that want to grow their spending?

I see two parties splitting hairs over a 4% tax on the wealthiest Americans, that will add $678 B to the treasury over 10 years, but hear NOTHING from EITHER party about REDUCING GOVERNMENT SPENDING by $678 B over 10 years.

Just a second, the programs didn't just magically appear in the budget like they were left by the Tooth Fairy. The New Deal and Great Society spawned programs that continue to gobble tax payer funds to this day. How can you say these were not Dem Programs?

Correct, there was no tooth fairy: But there was no Dem Boogy Men either.

Antiquated Government Programs were not conceived, and perpetuated by Democrats Alone, anymore than Republicans conceived and perpetuated a bloated military-industrial complex. The Government is a bipartisan machine.

Seriously? What happens when Bush or Reagan even talk about reforming Social Programs?

Anyone remember?

Dubya at least tried to get Fannie, Freddie and SocSecurity on the table to TALK about real reform.

"The Reagan administration&#8217;s hastily prepared fiscal blueprint, however, was no match for the primordial forces &#8212; the welfare state and the warfare state &#8212; that drive the federal spending machine."

How was this the GOP fault again? Does Stockman read this before he published it?

David Stockman was President Reagan's OMB Head from 1981-1984, and the economist who planned Reagan&#8217;s economic policy. Stockman described his plan as a radical economic revolution that would cause short-term pain for some, but produce long-term benefits for all. The revolution failed because political reality got in the way, and because the men he worked with were not policy men or economists, but politicians with constituencies and project preferences of their own. Stockman is an economic and ideological purist. He seems to see numbers as being more tangible than people are, but he is intellectually consistent. He listed a host of corporate welfare giveaways, including the defense budget, with the same tone of outrage that he treated social welfare.
Stockman, David A. The Triumph of Politics; How the Reagan Revolution Failed. 1st Edition. New York, New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1986, 10-14 and 392
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"The Reagan administration&#8217;s hastily prepared fiscal blueprint, however, was no match for the primordial forces &#8212; the welfare state and the warfare state &#8212; that drive the federal spending machine."

How was this the GOP fault again? Does Stockman read this before he published it?

David Stockman was President Reagan's OMB Head from 1981-1984, and the economist who planned Reagan&#8217;s economic policy. Stockman described his plan as a radical economic revolution that would cause short-term pain for some, but produce long-term benefits for all. The revolution failed because political reality got in the way, and because the men he worked with were not policy men or economists, but politicians with constituencies and project preferences of their own. Stockman is an economic and ideological purist. He seems to see numbers as being more tangible than people are, but he is intellectually consistent. He listed a host of corporate welfare giveaways, including the defense budget, with the same tone of outrage that he treated social welfare.
Stockman, David A. The Triumph of Politics; How the Reagan Revolution Failed. 1st Edition. New York, New York: Harper & Row Publishers, 1986, 10-14 and 392

Reagan failed the same way FDR succeeded, because Progressives say so!

Pick any 3 metrics, any 3 metrics at all, you pick it, even including the deficit from when Reagan came into office as opposed to when he left and let's talk about them

"Because I say so" carries no weight with me at all.

You Progressive have been proven liars on FDR Greatness and now let's deal with Reagan's "Failure"?

Oh, by the way, Obama Failed Stimulus DWARFS Reagan 1982 Budget. Bear that in mind when you talk about Reagan's "failures"
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Correct, there was no tooth fairy: But there was no Dem Boogy Men either.
Antiquated Government Programs were not conceived, and perpetuated by Democrats Alone, anymore than Republicans conceived and perpetuated a bloated military-industrial complex. The Government is a bipartisan machine.
Karaagac discussed the conditions that nourished these assumptions and that ended the post WWII compromise between Democrats and Republicans known as the “liberal consensus.” Republicans, until the Reagan Revolution, were silent partners in the Welfare State. Since that time, the programs worked within an expanding economy to increase wealth and economic security, lessen economic shocks caused by unemployment, and expand the middle class. That middle class became more conservative, and economic equality was no longer a pressing concern. Additionally, frustration in the struggles for civil rights and peace led to the rejection of accepted cultrural mores, and when the New Left became more radical, an equally reactionary New Right rose to confront it.
Karaagac, John. Between Promise and Policy: Ronald Reagan and Conservative Reformism. 1st. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2000, 5-6.

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