Gore: Soon we'll all be 30 feet underwater!!!

Ahead of the climate talks, the chief guru of the climate k00ks are out there and once again, they cant help themselves!!!

Al Gore spreads environmental gospel before climate talks

The bombs keep getting bigger and bigger!!! Next year, it will be we are going to be "under 80 feet of water"!!

And these bozo's have always been wrong!!!!

Leave it to this clown to create even more skeptics!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Guess you haven't heard the news out of Alaska and thawing permafrost and Alaska sinking huh? :)

So? Can you link that to the 20PPM added to the atmosphere the past 2 decades?

There's been no warming for 2 decades.
Al is just a pathetic hypocrite, collects the bounty from raping the earth and then attempts to corner the market on saving the earth. His play of course is the carbon credit game.
Skook, why did you lie about Gore? He never said or implied "soon". You just lied outright, and ought to apologize for it.

But then, if deniers couldn't lie, most of them would be unable to speak.

Oh, Gore Rule invoked in the OP. The first person to bring up Gore admits to being a 'tard and forfeits the thread for their side.

Those who can talk about science, do.

Those who can't, they whimper about Gore.
Al Gore spreads environmental gospel before climate talks

On the second day, Gore led a panel discussion with leading scientists, including NASA expert Eric Rignot, who warned that 20 to 30 feet (six to nine meters) of sea level rise is considered inevitable, although it's unclear when this will eventually happen.

Pressed by Gore for a more precise timeline, he said to expect at least 6.5 feet before century's end.

The title to this thread is a lie by indirection. The link directed you to the article above. Note that in the article Gore stated possibly 6.5 feet by this centuries end. So how did you get 30 feet soon out of that?

Our resident idiots then post a whole bunch of silly cartoons. In the meantime, a major drought in Western North America has resulted in huge fires in the west of the US and Canada. And with the temperatures we are seeing this year, we will have two record warm years back to back. And we have had both record drought and precipitation events this year. And, for you on the East Coast, it looks like you may set some new records before Sunday.

Do you denialists really think that the rest of the people in this nation are unaware of what is happening? Given that one political party has made the denialist platform their platform, this is going to be reflected in the voting in 2016.
Also on DRUDGE right now as a top story.............and Im laughing............

Arctic Sea Ice Still TOO THICK For Ships To Regularly Traverse The Northwest Passage

Hey Al............supposed to be clear sailing by 2013!!!:funnyface::funnyface::fu:
Now talk about massively stupid articles!

Arctic Sea Ice Still TOO THICK For Ships To Regularly Traverse The Northwest Passage

For years, scientists and activists have predicted the Arctic would be ice-free during the summers and winter sea ice levels would continue to decline. But what they didn’t count on was sea ice remaining too thick for ships to regularly travel through.

The first-ever study measuring sea ice thickness in the Northwest Passage has found Arctic sea ice is still too thick for ships to safely travel through it year-round. Scientists found that “even in today’s climate, ice conditions must still be considered severe.”

Nobody predicted that the Northwest Passage would be open year round. The prediction was that it would be open for a short period in the summer. And that prediction was made for the end of this century. Yet is has already been open for short periods in several years;

Update on Sea Ice and the Northwest Passage - Climate Change Weather Blog

The Northwest passage has been open for business in recent years during the summer and this includes 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2011. However, it was a different story this summer as much of the passage was clogged with ice, according to the NSIDC.

And now we can add 2015.

I really get tired of assholes making up stories like this for the really stupid.
Even the founder of Green Peace disputes his findings, but heck just think what the government could do with all that money from cap and trade! Maybe Al should take his little lock box and private jet back to the hanger before he is exposed for the charlatan he is.
Silly ass. Al Gore has made no findings. He is just reporting, in layman's terms, what the scientists are finding. Often he phrases those finding awkwardly, or gets the details wrong. However, compared to the outright liars on the deniers side, he is the epitome of accuracy.
Y'all can scoff all y'all want. And I don't really care what Gore says. Proof is in da puddin', so to speak.
For the past week, there has been no low tide. It is extremely HIGH tide. All along the shore where I walk the dogs, home owners are trying to protect the cliffs where the high tide is eating away and putting their homes in danger. I am not talking about a foot of water up higher, either. I am talking about a beach I used to walk the dogs on, no longer walkable because it is under 2 to 3 feet of water.

I have never seen this happen in all the years I have lived here. Neither have the home owners. Sure, storms can cause erosion. And it happens from time to time. But now tide is now HIGH tide...all the time. So now we have a NEW high tide measurement.

Maybe from all that ice melting? Ya think? Nah. Keep scoffing.
Y'all can scoff all y'all want. And I don't really care what Gore says. Proof is in da puddin', so to speak.
For the past week, there has been no low tide. It is extremely HIGH tide. All along the shore where I walk the dogs, home owners are trying to protect the cliffs where the high tide is eating away and putting their homes in danger. I am not talking about a foot of water up higher, either. I am talking about a beach I used to walk the dogs on, no longer walkable because it is under 2 to 3 feet of water.

I have never seen this happen in all the years I have lived here. Neither have the home owners. Sure, storms can cause erosion. And it happens from time to time. But now tide is now HIGH tide...all the time. So now we have a NEW high tide measurement.

Maybe from all that ice melting? Ya think? Nah. Keep scoffing.

You are so full of shit I can smell you from here.

I have family in the Philippines and I've been going back and forth for years. Beaches wash away, and wash right back in with another typhoon.

Y'all can scoff all y'all want. And I don't really care what Gore says. Proof is in da puddin', so to speak.
For the past week, there has been no low tide. It is extremely HIGH tide. All along the shore where I walk the dogs, home owners are trying to protect the cliffs where the high tide is eating away and putting their homes in danger. I am not talking about a foot of water up higher, either. I am talking about a beach I used to walk the dogs on, no longer walkable because it is under 2 to 3 feet of water.

I have never seen this happen in all the years I have lived here. Neither have the home owners. Sure, storms can cause erosion. And it happens from time to time. But now tide is now HIGH tide...all the time. So now we have a NEW high tide measurement.

Maybe from all that ice melting? Ya think? Nah. Keep scoffing.
what ice is melting if I may ask? If you say the Arctic, then ma'am you have no idea what you're talking about since that is sea ice and does nothing to sea level. Did you know that?
Never claimed to be a scientist nor knowledgeable about climate change. What I do claim to know is for some reason...whatever the cause is....the ocean is rising and I see it personally every day since I live 3 blocks away from it. No, I did not know sea ice doesn't contribute to sea level. At least you were polite about it, jc.

We don't get typhoons here Pete, so go fuck yourself. But only after you wash that upper lip of yours since that's what you are smelling since it's closest to your nose.
Amazing what the AGW crowd will say in 2015..........just stuff that doesn't comform with what we know is fact!!!

Al Gore predicted Arctic would be ice free: Ice cap now covers 1.7million square kilometres more than 2 years ago -- Sott.net

Al Gore MOST DEFINITELY did predict there would be no ice in the arctic........yet the religion.......for some reason, now wants to run and hide from that. Just like they want to deny all of the k00k global warming predictions made over the last 15 years that have fallen flat on their face!!!

So......you want to talk about "deniers"............who really are the deniers here???:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::funnyface:
Look.........heres the poop............the global warming OCD nuts need to stop bothering people in 2015. Nobody is caring about their level of hysteria...........NOBODY.:dunno:

Id suggest that if they feel so freaked out by all the science talk, get together and build one of THESE >>>


Above is the Mamooth prototype built in 2013 and believe it or not is actually sea worthy......don't mind him being proud of it as it is a nice first effort for sure!!! If people are going to be that angst about water levels rising, follow his lead.......but please, stop bothering regular folks with this nonsense.:fu:

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