Gorsuch CANNOT be any worse than Scalia

Yeah, you regressives can't continue to legislate through the courts when the judges have fidelity to the law and Constitution.

Sure....you DON'T want a human judge, you want a computer.
Based on the strict reading of the Constitution we would still have segregation.

So what's the purpose of written laws if judges can do anything they want?
Only people like you would think any such thing.

Well child, the law and Constitution aren't open to situational reinterpretation, only a legislature can change the intent of a law and only article 5 procedures can change the intent of the Constitution. Only really unAmerican pieces of shit think otherwise.
Chuckles, you once again give me a chuckle when you interrupt the adults/

Your opinion is only that and worth only that. In this case, the DA charged Slagle. We will have to wait to see what the jury does.
As a liberal democrat, I would still urge the Senate to vote in Gorsuch and pray that both Ginsburg and Breyer live to be 100 years old.

Lets face it, Gorsuch cannot be any worse than Scalia and probably lacks the charm of that departed justice who hid his ultra right wing politics behind an elfin smile.

With Gorsuch, the SCOTUS is split to 4-4, with Kennedy as the swing vote. However, the next open seat will be an all-out war by both sides of the aisle.

You meant better than Scalia...we know.

And you are not a liberal.

You are left winger.

There is a huge difference.
Yeah, you regressives can't continue to legislate through the courts when the judges have fidelity to the law and Constitution.

Sure....you DON'T want a human judge, you want a computer.
Based on the strict reading of the Constitution we would still have segregation.

So what's the purpose of written laws if judges can do anything they want?
Only people like you would think any such thing.

Well child, the law and Constitution aren't open to situational reinterpretation, only a legislature can change the intent of a law and only article 5 procedures can change the intent of the Constitution. Only really unAmerican pieces of shit think otherwise.
Chuckles, you once again give me a chuckle when you interrupt the adults/

Your opinion is only that and worth only that. In this case, the DA charged Slagle. We will have to wait to see what the jury does.

What case, there is no case in this discussion. You've really lots it fakey.
Chuckles, the DA charge Slagle.

Thus, we will see what the jury says. I am willing to give $100 to USMB if I lose for the mods to give to charity.

Put your mouth where your mouth is.

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