Gotta Love It: Trump Would Fine Mexico $100,000 For Each Of The 31 Million Illegal Aliens Here

I found this gem to sum up trump:
Trump is the manifestation of the dogwhistle politics the Republican party has used to maintain the voting bloc of old fearful white people. The disaster is that Trump says out loud the things mainstream Republicans know they must only insinuate.

He simultaneously makes the far right perceive the establishment as weak in contrast to Trump's full-throated xenophobia and nationalism, while reminding the middle and independents who they'd be aligning with should they vote Republican.

For a party that knows it needs to build new coalitions if it wants to be viable in the new demographic makeup of America, he's the worst possible spokesperson.

He's fantastic.
Isn't this great? Off hand that works out to 3.1 trillion and at least it's a start. He'll reinstate President Eisenhowers old government plan he used to deport them called 'Operation Wetback and make Mexico pay for it and build a wall.

Trump Charge Mexico 100 000 for Every Illegal Alien Crossing The Border
Lol you people are so dumb. You really just expect Mexico to roll over and pay up? Your xenophobic arrogance is so nauseatingly stupid. As entertaining as the thought may be to you clowns that the Mexican government intentionally sends illegal immigrants here, it is complete bullshit. It is also bullshit that crime among Mexican immigrants is disproportionate to any other demographic. STFU will you?

Anyone with an independent thought is a phobic of some kind to liberal cookie cutters. Illegals are flooding this country. Liberals view that as a voting block. Trump views that as a violation of the law. He's right. The question is, do enough Americans believe he's right, and the answer is Yes. And those who are unemployed think he's right about jobs. And those tired of Cheap Chinese Crap in our stores, think he's right about fair tariffs.
We're talking about criminal illegal immigrants. Every single one who is in this country who did not go through the legal naturalization process to become an American citizen is a cotton pickin damn criminal. No ifs ands or buts. To deny they are criminals proves who the dumbasses are.
Well you should at least call Trump a moron or liar to generalize them as rapists don't you think?

No, because he didn't say that. He said some are. Some are good people, some are murders. If you think that is incorrect, google the rap sheets on the illegals that Obama keeps opening our prison gates for. I think it's 30,000+ X2. Murderers, rapists, and a variety of other criminals. That is what Trump said.
Cuba emptied it's prisons and sent the criminals floating to the US once before. They'll do it again only this time, they can put them on planes.
We need our immigration laws enforced. Trump is the only candidate willing to do that.
No the only word he used for "some" was good people. And I also posted a study that shows crime among Mexican illegals is statistically low.

He didn't say, all Mexicans are bad. He said the opposite, that some are good. That is a correct statement. Some are good, some are bad. Some are very bad.
And you may want to get a second opinion on the stats. I saw the opposite, and that they have an Obama get out of jail free card, is incredible. They won't be released to commit more crimes under the Trump Administration.
You have to think about this logically all right? Why would a Mexican illegal immigrant who fought like hell to cross the border jeopardize his goal of living in the U.S. by committing a crime? What better way is there to expose your presence to authorities by committing a crime? There is no logic in it. They want to stay low key.

68,000 of them aren't logical according to ICE. That's just one account:

....the aliens ignored by ICE were convicted criminals. In 2013, ICE agents released 68,000 aliens with criminal convictions, or 35 percent of all criminal aliens they reported encountering. The criminal alien releases typically occur without formal notice to local law enforcement agencies and victims
Read more at Report Obama Admin Released 68 000 Illegal Aliens Who Were Convicted Criminals Into US in 2013 - Freedom Outpost

Why do you assume that someone sneaking into a foreign country is logical?
Have you tried to stroll into Mexico lately? Why not?
Isn't this great? Off hand that works out to 3.1 trillion and at least it's a start. He'll reinstate President Eisenhowers old government plan he used to deport them called 'Operation Wetback and make Mexico pay for it and build a wall.

Trump Charge Mexico 100 000 for Every Illegal Alien Crossing The Border

And a foreign country would just pay it, because they're fucking stupid.

What a great plan.
Just shows how stupid these right wingers can be. He will tell them anything, and they lap it up, no matter how stupid and ridiculous it is.
In response to this crisis [Syria], the Obama administration moved to modify the INA to remove restrictions that were preventing Syrian refugees from obtaining asylum in the U.S.

Anne C. Richard, assistant secretary of State for population, refugees and migration, said at a U.N. meeting in Geneva that the Obama administration was going to step up its efforts because the refugee outflow had swelled "to a mass exodus."

She said that the department is considering 9,000 resettlement applications and that "we expect admissions from Syria to surge in 2015 and beyond."

At the Geneva meeting, 28 countries agreed to take in 66,000 refugees. But that was far short of the 300,000 Syrians that officials at the U.N. refugee agency believe need to be resettled
This will stop under Trump.
These people hate our guts. These people have NO documents to prove who they are. ISIS will have cells in every state.
Isn't this great? Off hand that works out to 3.1 trillion and at least it's a start. He'll reinstate President Eisenhowers old government plan he used to deport them called 'Operation Wetback and make Mexico pay for it and build a wall.

Trump Charge Mexico 100 000 for Every Illegal Alien Crossing The Border

And a foreign country would just pay it, because they're fucking stupid.

What a great plan.
Just shows how stupid these right wingers can be. He will tell them anything, and they lap it up, no matter how stupid and ridiculous it is.

They're not stupid, just preoccupied mourning for the sweet girl that was buried in San Francisco. Along with the others...


Looks like one of the TV evangelist christer crusades and just as intelligent too!!
I found this gem to sum up trump:
Trump is the manifestation of the dogwhistle politics the Republican party has used to maintain the voting bloc of old fearful white people. The disaster is that Trump says out loud the things mainstream Republicans know they must only insinuate.

This. Exactly this.
Look, you guys have to think this through.

Your heavy handed methods is going to cause more harm than good!!

For instance, you can't racially profile Hispanics because they are not a race. You probably have to wait until they commit an offense like a misdemeanor before you can do anything about them.

2nd. If you want a nation like Mexico to pay fines, you have to establish they are intentionally sending immigrants here illegally. bombing them when there is no international justification is war---A war we start without justification.

Good luck try to talk sense with these redneck hick mouth breathers.
I found this gem to sum up trump:
Trump is the manifestation of the dogwhistle politics the Republican party has used to maintain the voting bloc of old fearful white people. The disaster is that Trump says out loud the things mainstream Republicans know they must only insinuate.

He simultaneously makes the far right perceive the establishment as weak in contrast to Trump's full-throated xenophobia and nationalism, while reminding the middle and independents who they'd be aligning with should they vote Republican.

For a party that knows it needs to build new coalitions if it wants to be viable in the new demographic makeup of America, he's the worst possible spokesperson.

He's fantastic.

To be expected with the demographic shift rolling over the old white christian uneducated base, Deep down they know its all over for them
I found this gem to sum up trump:
Trump is the manifestation of the dogwhistle politics the Republican party has used to maintain the voting bloc of old fearful white people. The disaster is that Trump says out loud the things mainstream Republicans know they must only insinuate.

He simultaneously makes the far right perceive the establishment as weak in contrast to Trump's full-throated xenophobia and nationalism, while reminding the middle and independents who they'd be aligning with should they vote Republican.

For a party that knows it needs to build new coalitions if it wants to be viable in the new demographic makeup of America, he's the worst possible spokesperson.

He's fantastic.

Adding to this, his rising support among the GOP also demonstrates the stark contrast between what republicans say they believe and what they actually believe. They say they believe in relevant qualification and experience. Trump has virtually none. No executive experience, no military experience, has never run let alone win a campaign, he has no foreign experience, diplomatic experience, has never so much has held an office.

And they don't give a fiddler's fuck. Demonstrating the lie when they lamented about Obama and his lack of experience in 2008.
Doesn't make sense. We don't even know how many illegals are here.
Oh I imagine they know. If not the best thing to do is to profile them on a massive scale across the U.S. in order to catalogue them so they can be documented. Then Mexico can be fined. It's time to put this shadow war to an end and return America to the people the founders designed it for, free White people.

Zieg Heil!!!!
Isn't this great? Off hand that works out to 3.1 trillion and at least it's a start. He'll reinstate President Eisenhowers old government plan he used to deport them called 'Operation Wetback and make Mexico pay for it and build a wall.

Trump Charge Mexico 100 000 for Every Illegal Alien Crossing The Border

And a foreign country would just pay it, because they're fucking stupid.

What a great plan.
Just shows how stupid these right wingers can be. He will tell them anything, and they lap it up, no matter how stupid and ridiculous it is.

They're not stupid, just preoccupied mourning for the sweet girl that was buried in San Francisco. Along with the others...

And you've fallen for the idea that Trump can fix everything.

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