Gotta say I find the consideration of David Petraeus to be hypocritical

plus the guy doesn't take his marriage vows very seriously . Also , he worked for mrobama as a way of avoiding jail from what i have heard . To me he is one of mrobamas boys . He and 'romney' shouldn't be any part of a TRUMP Administration , imo !!
I agree, though at the VERY least, it's not to the degree we know Hillary did it. He's not even 1/10th as corrupt as she is.
Let me get this straight, one is convicted and owned up to his crime, the other, ie Hillary never convicted of anything just accused and you take the convicted one over the one not convicted? You Trump nuts are to far gone for further comment
plus the guy doesn't take his marriage vows very seriously . Also , he worked for mrobama as a way of avoiding jail from what i have heard . To me he is one of mrobamas boys . He and 'romney' shouldn't be any part of a TRUMP Administration , imo !!
I agree, though at the VERY least, it's not to the degree we know Hillary did it. He's not even 1/10th as corrupt as she is.
Let me get this straight, one is convicted and owned up to his crime, the other, ie Hillary never convicted of anything just accused and you take the convicted one over the one not convicted? You Trump nuts are to far gone for further comment
Oh, so many fallacies in one post.

First, I'm not a Trump supporter. I never was. I never will be.

Second, yes, he is convicted. I would take him over Hillary. I'd take nearly anyone over Hillary.

Third, lack of conviction is by NO means lack of guilt. There is OVERWHELMING evidence that Hillary is guilty. For example, if she didn't do it, there was no reason to destroy the evidence and then lie to literally everyone about it. Even if she didn't do it, all evidence to the contrary, she's still an incompetent buffoon who couldn't properly handle classified information after being specially trained to do so.
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petraus cheats on his wife , thats dishonorable , i never compared to 'clinton' . There is no excuse for cheating on a persons wife or the other way around .
They are until a hot babe gets aggressive with them. Women don't usually do that by nature. But when it happens
There is not a woman alive that could entice me to cheat on my wife. Any man cheating on his wife is a low-down worm. If you can't be faithful, get a divorce and don't ever get married again.
Petraeus admitted to and paid for his screwup unlike the psychopath Mrs Bill Clinton.
The woman hitting on Petraeus looked pretty good. He did what any normal man would have done and that is refreshing in this era of rainbows.
He committed a few felonies, and plea bargained for a misdemeanor charge with no jail time.
Let me get this straight, one is convicted and owned up to his crime, the other, ie Hillary never convicted of anything just accused and you take the convicted one over the one not convicted? You Trump nuts are to far gone for further comment
Since HilLIARy is in on the recount, all bets are off on Trump saying he won't sic a prosecutor on her. She will be convicted then.
He committed a few felonies, and plea bargained for a misdemeanor charge with no jail time.


Yep. Had I been a company grade officer serving under him or any general and done the same thing, he and his JAG would have come down on me like the wrath of God, I'd have gotten the maximum sentence and to this day, I'd be in Fort Leavenworth married to the guy with the most cigarettes.

And he walks with a pension.

To consider him for any government post is rank hypocrisy. One set of laws and standards for officers and NCOs. Another set of laws and standards for generals and politicians. How the Hell will that look to the young recruit who is thinking of joining up when the recruiters are pushing that honor and duty sales pitch?

Honor my ass! This would be a slap in the face to anyone who wore the uniform HONORABLY.
They are until a hot babe gets aggressive with them. Women don't usually do that by nature. But when it happens
There is not a woman alive that could entice me to cheat on my wife. Any man cheating on his wife is a low-down worm. If you can't be faithful, get a divorce and don't ever get married again.
You're either Jewish or you haven't been aggressively approached by a hot babe.
Strip clubs for men exponentially outnumber strip clubs for women. Human nature.
Petraeus was convicted and subsequently punished with forced retirement. Once a person's punishment is's done. You don't keep punishing. If Trump wants Petraeus, then he should get Petraeus. I prefer either Petraeus or Giuliani, just not Romney.
Petraeus was convicted and subsequently punished with forced retirement. Once a person's punishment is's done. You don't keep punishing. If Trump wants Petraeus, then he should get Petraeus. I prefer either Petraeus or Giuliani, just not Romney.
I agree once a felon's time is served they no longer should be discriminated against...but should they really hold the second highest position in our govt?


he's still on PROBATION, he has not served his complete time yet....
I do think he has the knowledge and temperament to hold the position....I'm just not certain it would send the right message considering what he intentionally did and considering he is still on probation.
Petraeus admitted to and paid for his screwup unlike the psychopath Mrs Bill Clinton.
The woman hitting on Petraeus looked pretty good. He did what any normal man would have done and that is refreshing in this era of rainbows.

I agree and Petraeus is one very capable guy and would be a good guy to have on Trumps team.

He paid for his crime and its time to move on.

To bad Hillary will never pay for any of her actions.
After months & months of slamming Hillary for her handling of classified materials and threatening to throw her in jail for it, only to now consider someone CONVICTED of that very act?

Come on Trump!

Yes, let's ignore his expertise and qualifications and decades of service to this country... he just made a bad call working on a biography.

Hey, you guys "won". Picking someone like Petreaus would show that the adults are still in charge.
After months & months of slamming Hillary for her handling of classified materials and threatening to throw her in jail for it, only to now consider someone CONVICTED of that very act?

Come on Trump!
Its a slap in the face of Clinton which I find hilarious. Petraeus actually served his time and admitted he did wrong. Clinton refuses to. I see no problem.

So a convict has preference over someone who was never even charged with a crime?
Petraeus was convicted and subsequently punished with forced retirement. Once a person's punishment is's done. You don't keep punishing. If Trump wants Petraeus, then he should get Petraeus. I prefer either Petraeus or Giuliani, just not Romney.
---------------------------------------------------- SURE , Trump gets who he wants . I'm just saying that this guy is one of mrobamas boyz . As far as 'romney' , well , he just can't be trusted LuckyDuck , imo !!
Petraeus was convicted and subsequently punished with forced retirement. Once a person's punishment is's done. You don't keep punishing. If Trump wants Petraeus, then he should get Petraeus. I prefer either Petraeus or Giuliani, just not Romney.
I agree once a felon's time is served they no longer should be discriminated against...but should they really hold the second highest position in our govt?


he's still on PROBATION, he has not served his complete time yet....
----------------------------------------------------------- but i do like the thinking that i see for regular everyday nonviolent felons . After their serving their time i advocate restoration of ALL rights for the nonviolent felons . [off topic comment]
After months & months of slamming Hillary for her handling of classified materials and threatening to throw her in jail for it, only to now consider someone CONVICTED of that very act?

Come on Trump!
Its a slap in the face of Clinton which I find hilarious. Petraeus actually served his time and admitted he did wrong. Clinton refuses to. I see no problem.

So a convict has preference over someone who was never even charged with a crime?
Oh we could do this all day. Once you are honest with yourself you know Clinton didn't get charged because she either paid off the FBI or she threatened Comey. Same way she gets out of everything else. A man served his time and his punishment he can be free to do as he pleases now. I think its a hilarious slap in the face of Clinton by Trump..
After months & months of slamming Hillary for her handling of classified materials and threatening to throw her in jail for it, only to now consider someone CONVICTED of that very act?

Come on Trump!

Yeah...except we don't know why he was actually invited to meet with we? This is just the continuing efforts of the democrat press to attack Trump....

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