Gov Abbot to pardon SGT Daniel Perry

Same type of shooting happened here in Redding ( Guy ( Hobo Bicyclist ) attacked a Guy in a small SUV at an intersection , his vehicle was blocked in so he could not egress , Hobo bicyclist went nuts and tried to drag driver out of his open driver side window so driver Mag dumped him . RPD / Shasta County Sheriff ( CCW issuing agency ) both said justifiable shoot and shooter kept his CCW ( attacker was dead at scene ) so if someone with an AKM attacked a Motorist I would think he coulda shot the attacker from inside Car too even in Ca.
Shasta County is one of the few based places in this state. We also got rid of dominion voting machines
So far, maybe similar.

I admit I've not followed this case 100% -- but unless I missed it, that is not what's been alleged in this case. Perry might have thought he was about to be shot, but the jury weighed the evidence and didn't find a credible threat.
I was using a case in Far Northern California as an example ( though they were not that close in many ways )
I heard you went to the bar they offered you a bud light and you said nah just push my stool in LOL

Haha! You know we all finally figured out why you do early check-out whenever you stay at a hotel: you get your shit packed the night before.
Haha! You know we all finally figured out why you do early check-out whenever you stay at a hotel: you get your shit packed the night before.
See comedy isn't what you're cut out for, you should have been a priest with as much time as you spend on your knees begging for a man to cum a second time
I was using a case in Far Northern California as an example ( though they were not that close in many ways )

But it's not (as I think you acknowledge) really a good analog to this case in Austin. If someone tries to pull you out of a car, yeah, shooting them is in self-defense. You have no duty to retreat because you can't really retreat.

In Texas, I don't think a person even has a duty to retreat, but they have to establish a credible, reasonable fear of bodily harm. Driving by someone who is openly carrying in a state that - hello - allows open carry doesn't meet that threshold. That's not me sayin it, that's the criminal justice system in Texas that says so.

If this case is overturned on appeal, I accept that. That's the system of due process. But having a fucken pathetic corrupt cripple like Abbott use his bag of tricks to pardon this guy...just fuck no.
See comedy isn't what you're cut out for, you should have been a priest with as much time as you spend on your knees begging for a man to cum a second time

Dude, as a progressive, you know religion ain't my thing. Getting butt-shagged at communion is totally your thing, and you know it.
But it's not (as I think you acknowledge) really a good analog to this case in Austin. If someone tries to pull you out of a car, yeah, shooting them is in self-defense. You have no duty to retreat because you can't really retreat.

In Texas, I don't think a person even has a duty to retreat, but they have to establish a credible, reasonable fear of bodily harm. Driving by someone who is openly carrying in a state that - hello - allows open carry doesn't meet that threshold. That's not me sayin it, that's the criminal justice system in Texas that says so.

If this case is overturned on appeal, I accept that. That's the system of due process. But having a fucken pathetic corrupt cripple like Abbott use his bag of tricks to pardon this guy...just fuck no.
So someone in mask approaching your car armed with an AK pointing it at your face isn't a credible threat in your opinion? LOL ok dumbass
So someone in mask approaching your car armed with an AK pointing it at your face isn't a credible threat in your opinion? LOL ok dumbass

Approaching your car?

You stupid motherfucker...
it was the killer who drove into a crowd of people, one of which who was legally carrying a gun, as your stupid red state shit-ass gun laws allow. If a state is going to allow people to carry openly, then they are assuming that carrying - in and of itself - is not threatening behavior.

You really are a fucking moron. Fortunately, jurors aren't.
Approaching your car?

You stupid motherfucker...
it was the killer who drove into a crowd of people, one of which who was legally carrying a gun, as your stupid red state shit-ass gun laws allow. If a state is going to allow people to carry openly, then they are assuming that carrying - in and of itself - is not threatening behavior.

You really are a fucking moron. Fortunately, jurors aren't.
He dropped off a fare as is his job DUMBFUCK protesters shouldn't be in the street or pointing guns at people RETARD your communist buddy fucked around, found out and is now worm food
He dropped off a fare as is his job DUMBFUCK

Not a problem.

protesters shouldn't be in the street

Protesters have a right to be in the street and they can be armed if they want to be, per Texas law. So shove a garden hose up your ass and turn on the water full blast because that's what's happening to you in this debate, fag munch.

or pointing guns at people

And guess what, dick licker: the jury didn't find that this was what happened. Your saying that it did doesn't make it true. Again, the jurors -- 12 of them -- heard the fucking facts and the evidence.

RETARD your communist buddy fucked around, found out and is now worm food

He is but the unlawful killer was convicted for it. Now you want to have some corrupt cripple fuck deny the victim's family the justice they deserve, not because you have any evidence but because you just wanna own the libs. Go stick your dick in a meatgrinder, you soulless fuck.
And he was told NOT TO MENTION EVIDENCE that would have cleared SGT Perry so no they didn't hear it you oxygen thief LOL

That's why we have appellate courses, shitface. If the appeals court agrees with you, then I agree with you. Got it, dipshit?

If they don't, then the guy's conviction stands.

But to pardon someone because reasons is fucking bullshit.

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