Gov Abbot to pardon SGT Daniel Perry

That's why we have appellate courses, shitface. If the appeals court agrees with you, then I agree with you. Got it, dipshit?

If they don't, then the guy's conviction stands.

But to pardon someone because reasons is fucking bullshit.
Guess what the Governor is gonna pardon him he doesn't need the courts now does he? LOLOLOLOLOL

Cry more
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Forty posts a day. He has forty posts a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, every day for more than SIX YEARS. Gator's every waking moment is trolling this forum.

Are you ten years old?

DA needs to go to prison for life.

Let the appeals court - not you or the TX governor - decide if the DA withheld evidence.
And he was told NOT TO MENTION EVIDENCE that would have cleared SGT Perry so no they didn't hear it you oxygen thief LOL

He should have mentioned it anyway. He should also be sanctioned, though nowhere near the public crucifixion the DA deserves.

Let the appeals court - not you or the TX governor - decide if the DA withheld evidence.

Stop talking, boy.
Not a problem.

Protesters have a right to be in the street and they can be armed if they want to be, per Texas law. So shove a garden hose up your ass and turn on the water full blast because that's what's happening to you in this debate, fag munch.

And guess what, dick licker: the jury didn't find that this was what happened. Your saying that it did doesn't make it true. Again, the jurors -- 12 of them -- heard the fucking facts and the evidence.

He is but the unlawful killer was convicted for it. Now you want to have some corrupt cripple fuck deny the victim's family the justice they deserve, not because you have any evidence but because you just wanna own the libs. Go stick your dick in a meatgrinder, you soulless fuck.
Actually they don't dumbass, blocking traffic is ILLEGAL

I didn't say that dummy the LEAD DETECTIVE FILED an AFFIDAVIT saying it

Keep crying about your dead commie and his cripple legless black gf LOL I bet she lost her legs protesting in the streets. You should go play on train tracks faggot LOLOLOLOL
Actually they don't dumbass, blocking traffic is ILLEGAL

You can't just shoot someone who's blocking traffic, dipfuck

I didn't day that dummy the LEAD DETECTIVE FILED an AFFIDAVIT saying it

And the lead detective had his day in court. Let the appeals courts determine if the lead detective is worth listening to.

Keep crying about your dead commie and his cripple legless black widow gf LOL I bet she lost her legs protesting in the streets. You should go play on train tracks faggot LOLOLOLOL

At least we know that you don't care about justice. We've established that fact now. So there's no need now to complain about how unfairly Daniel Perry may have been treated because fairness never mattered to you. What mattered to you is that a person whose worldview is different than yours was killed, and that makes you feel good. That's what you've been wanting to say but didn't because you were trying to masquerade as someone concerned about justice or the miscarriage of it.

Like I said, go shove a garden hose in your ass and turn the water volume up on full blast. You'll enjoy it, I'm sure, knowing the kind of perverse cvnt you are.
You can't just shoot someone who's blocking traffic, dipfuck

And the lead detective had his day in court. Let the appeals courts determine if the lead detective is worth listening to.

At least we know that you don't care about justice. We've established that fact now. So there's no need now to complain about how unfairly Daniel Perry may have been treated because fairness never mattered to you. What mattered to you is that a person whose worldview is different than yours was killed, and that makes you feel good. That's what you've been wanting to say but didn't because you were trying to masquerade as someone concerned about justice or the miscarriage of it.

Like I said, go shove a garden hose in your ass and turn the water volume up on full blast. You'll enjoy it, I'm sure, knowing the kind of perverse cvnt you are.
You can if they approach your car and point an AK in your face

Nope Governor = Pardon

LOL so many salty tears cry about it into your memory foam pillow with perma bite marks in it

Read that for your bedtime story tonight while your crying yourself to sleep

Right, David Fugitt. The sore loser. Like you. Air Force vet gunned down by racist Uber driver. Found guilty by jury of peers provided full access to all the available evidence. Laugh it up, loser. You got a lotta nothin' but smoke.
Right, David Fugitt. The sore loser. Like you. Air Force vet gunned down by racist Uber driver. Found guilty by jury of peers provided full access to all the available evidence. Laugh it up, loser. You got a lotta nothin' but smoke.
David Fugitt is the detective you dumbshit LOL I got plenty. Lets add the score

1 DEAD Commie
1 His legless gf with no one to push her stupid ass
1 Army Veteran about to be pardoned
2 You and Vitamin Man crying

Looks like my side wins LOLOLOLLOL

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