Government, man's replacement for God


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
1. Omnipresent/omniscient. The state is increasingly everywhere and monitoring everything you do so that none of us have any secrets any longer. After all, what do you have to hide?

2. Greatest source of wisdom. This results in the state becoming ever increasingly all knowing, with the assumption that once all knowing, the wisdom to deal with such knowledge will just come naturally because without God, people think that the human being is naturally good, so why worry about it? Nothing in the private sector can even come close to the wisdom of government in dealing with our never ending problems which is why they run the show. And to procure such wisdom, all we need is science. And even though science is not a source of wisdom, man is inherently good so it will naturally come. After all, we are all evolving and all evolution is to our benefit, so history becomes that much less important as a learning tool because we have progressed so far!

3. Omnipotent. The government becomes all powerful. Historically, governments tend to trend towards collectivism. Over time, power is increasingly centralized to the point of one person, or group of people, ruling over everyone else. It is an innate desire to be ruled by a king no matter the objections heard to the contrary because history bears this out. Most governments have been ruled by despotic single rulers, and those that are not have trended towards that, like Caesar declaring himself emperor of Rome to the chagrin of the Roman Senate or the Executive Branch in the US ballooning into the 4rth branch of government, taking over many of the jobs originally done by the Legislative branch and now ruling by Executive edicts, etc.

4. Ineluctably. We have all heard of the long arm of the law. With the government becoming exponentially omnipresent and all powerful, escaping it's clutches is increasingly problematic.

5. Benevolent. The state is looked upon as the only real source for helping those in need. Why without the state, we would all be starving in the streets without health care and with no hope. The state, therefore, is the source of all "love" and only source of hope. The state must continually save us from ourselves, and since they believe human nature is ultimately good, at least in government, there is no reason for concern for the opposite effect.
We don’t get to vote for God
Sure you do.

Will you make him your Lord?

Yes or no?

It's really that easy.

In 1 Samuel 8, we see the Hebrew people cast their vote as "nay" as they insist on a human king instead.

So all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel. They said to him, “You are old, and your sons do not follow your ways; now appoint a king to us, such as all the other nations have.”

6 But when they said, “Give us a king to lead us,” Samuel; so he prayed to the Lord. 7 And the Lord told him: "Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king. 8 As they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you. 9 Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will claim as his rights.”

From there it was a downward spiral till they lost their nation and wound up in the ovens of Nazi Germany.
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governance....size matters...


1. Omnipresent/omniscient. The state is increasingly everywhere and monitoring everything you do so that none of us have any secrets any longer. After all, what do you have to hide?

2. Greatest source of wisdom. This results in the state becoming ever increasingly all knowing, with the assumption that once all knowing, the wisdom to deal with such knowledge will just come naturally because without God, people think that the human being is naturally good, so why worry about it? Nothing in the private sector can even come close to the wisdom of government in dealing with our never ending problems which is why they run the show. And to procure such wisdom, all we need is science. And even though science is not a source of wisdom, man is inherently good so it will naturally come. After all, we are all evolving and all evolution is to our benefit, so history becomes that much less important as a learning tool because we have progressed so far!

3. Omnipotent. The government becomes all powerful. Historically, governments tend to trend towards collectivism. Over time, power is increasingly centralized to the point of one person, or group of people, ruling over everyone else. It is an innate desire to be ruled by a king no matter the objections heard to the contrary because history bears this out. Most governments have been ruled by despotic single rulers, and those that are not have trended towards that, like Caesar declaring himself emperor of Rome to the chagrin of the Roman Senate or the Executive Branch in the US ballooning into the 4rth branch of government, taking over many of the jobs originally done by the Legislative branch and now ruling by Executive edicts, etc.

4. Ineluctably. We have all heard of the long arm of the law. With the government becoming exponentially omnipresent and all powerful, escaping it's clutches is increasingly problematic.

5. Benevolent. The state is looked upon as the only real source for helping those in need. Why without the state, we would all be starving in the streets without health care and with no hope. The state, therefore, is the source of all "love" and only source of hope. The state must continually save us from ourselves, and since they believe human nature is ultimately good, at least in government, there is no reason for concern for the opposite effect.
The state, therefore, is the source of all "love" and only source of hope.

anything less than the state is a cult ... by historical definition a selfserving parasite.
1. Omnipresent/omniscient. The state is increasingly everywhere and monitoring everything you do so that none of us have any secrets any longer. After all, what do you have to hide?

2. Greatest source of wisdom. This results in the state becoming ever increasingly all knowing, with the assumption that once all knowing, the wisdom to deal with such knowledge will just come naturally because without God, people think that the human being is naturally good, so why worry about it? Nothing in the private sector can even come close to the wisdom of government in dealing with our never ending problems which is why they run the show. And to procure such wisdom, all we need is science. And even though science is not a source of wisdom, man is inherently good so it will naturally come. After all, we are all evolving and all evolution is to our benefit, so history becomes that much less important as a learning tool because we have progressed so far!

3. Omnipotent. The government becomes all powerful. Historically, governments tend to trend towards collectivism. Over time, power is increasingly centralized to the point of one person, or group of people, ruling over everyone else. It is an innate desire to be ruled by a king no matter the objections heard to the contrary because history bears this out. Most governments have been ruled by despotic single rulers, and those that are not have trended towards that, like Caesar declaring himself emperor of Rome to the chagrin of the Roman Senate or the Executive Branch in the US ballooning into the 4rth branch of government, taking over many of the jobs originally done by the Legislative branch and now ruling by Executive edicts, etc.

4. Ineluctably. We have all heard of the long arm of the law. With the government becoming exponentially omnipresent and all powerful, escaping it's clutches is increasingly problematic.

5. Benevolent. The state is looked upon as the only real source for helping those in need. Why without the state, we would all be starving in the streets without health care and with no hope. The state, therefore, is the source of all "love" and only source of hope. The state must continually save us from ourselves, and since they believe human nature is ultimately good, at least in government, there is no reason for concern for the opposite effect.
The state, therefore, is the source of all "love" and only source of hope.

anything less than the state is a cult ... by historical definition a selfserving parasite.
The Bible states that the human species is sheep, with wolves mixed in

Looking at human history, it's hard to argue.


But as Jesus once said,

Then Jesus said to them again, 'Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who ever came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. But a hireling, he who is not the shepherd, one who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them. The hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the sheep. I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd. “Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father.”
1. Omnipresent/omniscient. The state is increasingly everywhere and monitoring everything you do so that none of us have any secrets any longer. After all, what do you have to hide?

2. Greatest source of wisdom. This results in the state becoming ever increasingly all knowing, with the assumption that once all knowing, the wisdom to deal with such knowledge will just come naturally because without God, people think that the human being is naturally good, so why worry about it? Nothing in the private sector can even come close to the wisdom of government in dealing with our never ending problems which is why they run the show. And to procure such wisdom, all we need is science. And even though science is not a source of wisdom, man is inherently good so it will naturally come. After all, we are all evolving and all evolution is to our benefit, so history becomes that much less important as a learning tool because we have progressed so far!

3. Omnipotent. The government becomes all powerful. Historically, governments tend to trend towards collectivism. Over time, power is increasingly centralized to the point of one person, or group of people, ruling over everyone else. It is an innate desire to be ruled by a king no matter the objections heard to the contrary because history bears this out. Most governments have been ruled by despotic single rulers, and those that are not have trended towards that, like Caesar declaring himself emperor of Rome to the chagrin of the Roman Senate or the Executive Branch in the US ballooning into the 4rth branch of government, taking over many of the jobs originally done by the Legislative branch and now ruling by Executive edicts, etc.

4. Ineluctably. We have all heard of the long arm of the law. With the government becoming exponentially omnipresent and all powerful, escaping it's clutches is increasingly problematic.

5. Benevolent. The state is looked upon as the only real source for helping those in need. Why without the state, we would all be starving in the streets without health care and with no hope. The state, therefore, is the source of all "love" and only source of hope. The state must continually save us from ourselves, and since they believe human nature is ultimately good, at least in government, there is no reason for concern for the opposite effect.
Well,blame the absent sky daddy for doing such a shitty job that we had to invent government in the first place.

Or be reasonable and put away these childish, iron aged toys and accept that the world and its governments are precisely as good as we make them. And sky daddy isn't coming back to mommy, ever.
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1. Omnipresent/omniscient. The state is increasingly everywhere and monitoring everything you do so that none of us have any secrets any longer. After all, what do you have to hide?

2. Greatest source of wisdom. This results in the state becoming ever increasingly all knowing, with the assumption that once all knowing, the wisdom to deal with such knowledge will just come naturally because without God, people think that the human being is naturally good, so why worry about it? Nothing in the private sector can even come close to the wisdom of government in dealing with our never ending problems which is why they run the show. And to procure such wisdom, all we need is science. And even though science is not a source of wisdom, man is inherently good so it will naturally come. After all, we are all evolving and all evolution is to our benefit, so history becomes that much less important as a learning tool because we have progressed so far!

3. Omnipotent. The government becomes all powerful. Historically, governments tend to trend towards collectivism. Over time, power is increasingly centralized to the point of one person, or group of people, ruling over everyone else. It is an innate desire to be ruled by a king no matter the objections heard to the contrary because history bears this out. Most governments have been ruled by despotic single rulers, and those that are not have trended towards that, like Caesar declaring himself emperor of Rome to the chagrin of the Roman Senate or the Executive Branch in the US ballooning into the 4rth branch of government, taking over many of the jobs originally done by the Legislative branch and now ruling by Executive edicts, etc.

4. Ineluctably. We have all heard of the long arm of the law. With the government becoming exponentially omnipresent and all powerful, escaping it's clutches is increasingly problematic.

5. Benevolent. The state is looked upon as the only real source for helping those in need. Why without the state, we would all be starving in the streets without health care and with no hope. The state, therefore, is the source of all "love" and only source of hope. The state must continually save us from ourselves, and since they believe human nature is ultimately good, at least in government, there is no reason for concern for the opposite effect.
Government isn’t God. It’s the devil Lucifer.
1. Omnipresent/omniscient. The state is increasingly everywhere and monitoring everything you do so that none of us have any secrets any longer. After all, what do you have to hide?

2. Greatest source of wisdom. This results in the state becoming ever increasingly all knowing, with the assumption that once all knowing, the wisdom to deal with such knowledge will just come naturally because without God, people think that the human being is naturally good, so why worry about it? Nothing in the private sector can even come close to the wisdom of government in dealing with our never ending problems which is why they run the show. And to procure such wisdom, all we need is science. And even though science is not a source of wisdom, man is inherently good so it will naturally come. After all, we are all evolving and all evolution is to our benefit, so history becomes that much less important as a learning tool because we have progressed so far!

3. Omnipotent. The government becomes all powerful. Historically, governments tend to trend towards collectivism. Over time, power is increasingly centralized to the point of one person, or group of people, ruling over everyone else. It is an innate desire to be ruled by a king no matter the objections heard to the contrary because history bears this out. Most governments have been ruled by despotic single rulers, and those that are not have trended towards that, like Caesar declaring himself emperor of Rome to the chagrin of the Roman Senate or the Executive Branch in the US ballooning into the 4rth branch of government, taking over many of the jobs originally done by the Legislative branch and now ruling by Executive edicts, etc.

4. Ineluctably. We have all heard of the long arm of the law. With the government becoming exponentially omnipresent and all powerful, escaping it's clutches is increasingly problematic.

5. Benevolent. The state is looked upon as the only real source for helping those in need. Why without the state, we would all be starving in the streets without health care and with no hope. The state, therefore, is the source of all "love" and only source of hope. The state must continually save us from ourselves, and since they believe human nature is ultimately good, at least in government, there is no reason for concern for the opposite effect.
Maybe none of this would be an issue if we ensure our government represents people and not money.
1. Omnipresent/omniscient. The state is increasingly everywhere and monitoring everything you do so that none of us have any secrets any longer. After all, what do you have to hide?

2. Greatest source of wisdom. This results in the state becoming ever increasingly all knowing, with the assumption that once all knowing, the wisdom to deal with such knowledge will just come naturally because without God, people think that the human being is naturally good, so why worry about it? Nothing in the private sector can even come close to the wisdom of government in dealing with our never ending problems which is why they run the show. And to procure such wisdom, all we need is science. And even though science is not a source of wisdom, man is inherently good so it will naturally come. After all, we are all evolving and all evolution is to our benefit, so history becomes that much less important as a learning tool because we have progressed so far!

3. Omnipotent. The government becomes all powerful. Historically, governments tend to trend towards collectivism. Over time, power is increasingly centralized to the point of one person, or group of people, ruling over everyone else. It is an innate desire to be ruled by a king no matter the objections heard to the contrary because history bears this out. Most governments have been ruled by despotic single rulers, and those that are not have trended towards that, like Caesar declaring himself emperor of Rome to the chagrin of the Roman Senate or the Executive Branch in the US ballooning into the 4rth branch of government, taking over many of the jobs originally done by the Legislative branch and now ruling by Executive edicts, etc.

4. Ineluctably. We have all heard of the long arm of the law. With the government becoming exponentially omnipresent and all powerful, escaping it's clutches is increasingly problematic.

5. Benevolent. The state is looked upon as the only real source for helping those in need. Why without the state, we would all be starving in the streets without health care and with no hope. The state, therefore, is the source of all "love" and only source of hope. The state must continually save us from ourselves, and since they believe human nature is ultimately good, at least in government, there is no reason for concern for the opposite effect.
Maybe none of this would be an issue if we ensure our government represents people and not money.
Human nature is corrupt and the more power a person becomes the more corrupt they become.

Have you ever seen the movie Lord of the Rings? It is a movie that represents my point about human nature. In the movie, a ring gives you all kinds of powers, so when you use them, you become addicted to it and the longer you have the ring the more sick and twisted you become in your obsession with the ring. Even the most mild mannered and "good" person who has the ring will undergo a change if they wear the ring and if they wear it too long they reach a point of no return.

This is the problem with government, and the more centralized and powerful it becomes, the worse the condition of those who wear the ring.

The US was based upon a limited government where states ran their own affairs. Now it has been transformed by the Progressive era into a centralize Leviathan where the states bow to the Federal government as the Federal government now dictates everything from what doctor you see to who will educate your first grader and how and what kind of toilet you will flush.

The system, as a result, is unfixable and inherently corrupt and is only getting worse.

So do yourself a favor, turn on Netflix and watch the movie.
1. Omnipresent/omniscient. The state is increasingly everywhere and monitoring everything you do so that none of us have any secrets any longer. After all, what do you have to hide?

2. Greatest source of wisdom. This results in the state becoming ever increasingly all knowing, with the assumption that once all knowing, the wisdom to deal with such knowledge will just come naturally because without God, people think that the human being is naturally good, so why worry about it? Nothing in the private sector can even come close to the wisdom of government in dealing with our never ending problems which is why they run the show. And to procure such wisdom, all we need is science. And even though science is not a source of wisdom, man is inherently good so it will naturally come. After all, we are all evolving and all evolution is to our benefit, so history becomes that much less important as a learning tool because we have progressed so far!

3. Omnipotent. The government becomes all powerful. Historically, governments tend to trend towards collectivism. Over time, power is increasingly centralized to the point of one person, or group of people, ruling over everyone else. It is an innate desire to be ruled by a king no matter the objections heard to the contrary because history bears this out. Most governments have been ruled by despotic single rulers, and those that are not have trended towards that, like Caesar declaring himself emperor of Rome to the chagrin of the Roman Senate or the Executive Branch in the US ballooning into the 4rth branch of government, taking over many of the jobs originally done by the Legislative branch and now ruling by Executive edicts, etc.

4. Ineluctably. We have all heard of the long arm of the law. With the government becoming exponentially omnipresent and all powerful, escaping it's clutches is increasingly problematic.

5. Benevolent. The state is looked upon as the only real source for helping those in need. Why without the state, we would all be starving in the streets without health care and with no hope. The state, therefore, is the source of all "love" and only source of hope. The state must continually save us from ourselves, and since they believe human nature is ultimately good, at least in government, there is no reason for concern for the opposite effect.
Government isn’t God. It’s the devil Lucifer.

No other institution has been responsible for more death and murder and genocide than human government, and the more religious and fanatical it becomes the more harm it inflicts.

However, they also do some "good". Of course, even Al Capone ran soup kitchens. It gave him an air of credibility.
1. Omnipresent/omniscient. The state is increasingly everywhere and monitoring everything you do so that none of us have any secrets any longer. After all, what do you have to hide?

2. Greatest source of wisdom. This results in the state becoming ever increasingly all knowing, with the assumption that once all knowing, the wisdom to deal with such knowledge will just come naturally because without God, people think that the human being is naturally good, so why worry about it? Nothing in the private sector can even come close to the wisdom of government in dealing with our never ending problems which is why they run the show. And to procure such wisdom, all we need is science. And even though science is not a source of wisdom, man is inherently good so it will naturally come. After all, we are all evolving and all evolution is to our benefit, so history becomes that much less important as a learning tool because we have progressed so far!

3. Omnipotent. The government becomes all powerful. Historically, governments tend to trend towards collectivism. Over time, power is increasingly centralized to the point of one person, or group of people, ruling over everyone else. It is an innate desire to be ruled by a king no matter the objections heard to the contrary because history bears this out. Most governments have been ruled by despotic single rulers, and those that are not have trended towards that, like Caesar declaring himself emperor of Rome to the chagrin of the Roman Senate or the Executive Branch in the US ballooning into the 4rth branch of government, taking over many of the jobs originally done by the Legislative branch and now ruling by Executive edicts, etc.

4. Ineluctably. We have all heard of the long arm of the law. With the government becoming exponentially omnipresent and all powerful, escaping it's clutches is increasingly problematic.

5. Benevolent. The state is looked upon as the only real source for helping those in need. Why without the state, we would all be starving in the streets without health care and with no hope. The state, therefore, is the source of all "love" and only source of hope. The state must continually save us from ourselves, and since they believe human nature is ultimately good, at least in government, there is no reason for concern for the opposite effect.
Well,blame the absent sky daddy for doing such a shitty job that we had to invent government in the first place.

Or be reasonable and put away these childish, iron aged toys and accept that the world and its governments are precisely as good as we make them. And sky daddy isn't coming back to mommy, ever.

Talking down to those of faith generally ends badly. The Bible is a book with a lot of historical accounts of leaders and people gone astray.

Funny thing is, when people abide by the Laws of God that nation prospers. For us, as humans, we have rejected God as a nation. People like you mock God and when your favorite candidates are in charge, they deliberately run the country into the ground.

The Republicans have not been good servants and their leaders say pleasing things to itching ears, but the leaders prove to be hypocrites and reprobates. That whole separation of church and state thing people like you find so attractive has separated the people from the values that America was founded on. And so, government - evil as it is, is a manifestation of who, we the people have become (as a nation of course.) People who think like you are the majority and we're going down the crapper. Funny how that worked out.
1. Omnipresent/omniscient. The state is increasingly everywhere and monitoring everything you do so that none of us have any secrets any longer. After all, what do you have to hide?

2. Greatest source of wisdom. This results in the state becoming ever increasingly all knowing, with the assumption that once all knowing, the wisdom to deal with such knowledge will just come naturally because without God, people think that the human being is naturally good, so why worry about it? Nothing in the private sector can even come close to the wisdom of government in dealing with our never ending problems which is why they run the show. And to procure such wisdom, all we need is science. And even though science is not a source of wisdom, man is inherently good so it will naturally come. After all, we are all evolving and all evolution is to our benefit, so history becomes that much less important as a learning tool because we have progressed so far!

3. Omnipotent. The government becomes all powerful. Historically, governments tend to trend towards collectivism. Over time, power is increasingly centralized to the point of one person, or group of people, ruling over everyone else. It is an innate desire to be ruled by a king no matter the objections heard to the contrary because history bears this out. Most governments have been ruled by despotic single rulers, and those that are not have trended towards that, like Caesar declaring himself emperor of Rome to the chagrin of the Roman Senate or the Executive Branch in the US ballooning into the 4rth branch of government, taking over many of the jobs originally done by the Legislative branch and now ruling by Executive edicts, etc.

4. Ineluctably. We have all heard of the long arm of the law. With the government becoming exponentially omnipresent and all powerful, escaping it's clutches is increasingly problematic.

5. Benevolent. The state is looked upon as the only real source for helping those in need. Why without the state, we would all be starving in the streets without health care and with no hope. The state, therefore, is the source of all "love" and only source of hope. The state must continually save us from ourselves, and since they believe human nature is ultimately good, at least in government, there is no reason for concern for the opposite effect.
Maybe none of this would be an issue if we ensure our government represents people and not money.
Human nature is corrupt and the more power a person becomes the more corrupt they become.

Have you ever seen the movie Lord of the Rings? It is a movie that represents my point about human nature. In the movie, a ring gives you all kinds of powers, so when you use them, you become addicted to it and the longer you have the ring the more sick and twisted you become in your obsession with the ring. Even the most mild mannered and "good" person who has the ring will undergo a change if they wear the ring and if they wear it too long they reach a point of no return.

This is the problem with government, and the more centralized and powerful it becomes, the worse the condition of those who wear the ring.

The US was based upon a limited government where states ran their own affairs. Now it has been transformed by the Progressive era into a centralize Leviathan where the states bow to the Federal government as the Federal government now dictates everything from what doctor you see to who will educate your first grader and how and what kind of toilet you will flush.

The system, as a result, is unfixable and inherently corrupt and is only getting worse.

So do yourself a favor, turn on Netflix and watch the movie.
Human nature is corrupt and the more power a person becomes the more corrupt they become.

seems your condition in a nutshell -

The US was based upon a limited government where states ran their own affairs ...The system, as a result, is unfixable and inherently corrupt and is only getting worse.

your first assertion is incorrect, that was the articles of confederation - get over it, you lost. your second assertion is just stupid, fit only for a whimpering cultist.
1. Omnipresent/omniscient. The state is increasingly everywhere and monitoring everything you do so that none of us have any secrets any longer. After all, what do you have to hide?

2. Greatest source of wisdom. This results in the state becoming ever increasingly all knowing, with the assumption that once all knowing, the wisdom to deal with such knowledge will just come naturally because without God, people think that the human being is naturally good, so why worry about it? Nothing in the private sector can even come close to the wisdom of government in dealing with our never ending problems which is why they run the show. And to procure such wisdom, all we need is science. And even though science is not a source of wisdom, man is inherently good so it will naturally come. After all, we are all evolving and all evolution is to our benefit, so history becomes that much less important as a learning tool because we have progressed so far!

3. Omnipotent. The government becomes all powerful. Historically, governments tend to trend towards collectivism. Over time, power is increasingly centralized to the point of one person, or group of people, ruling over everyone else. It is an innate desire to be ruled by a king no matter the objections heard to the contrary because history bears this out. Most governments have been ruled by despotic single rulers, and those that are not have trended towards that, like Caesar declaring himself emperor of Rome to the chagrin of the Roman Senate or the Executive Branch in the US ballooning into the 4rth branch of government, taking over many of the jobs originally done by the Legislative branch and now ruling by Executive edicts, etc.

4. Ineluctably. We have all heard of the long arm of the law. With the government becoming exponentially omnipresent and all powerful, escaping it's clutches is increasingly problematic.

5. Benevolent. The state is looked upon as the only real source for helping those in need. Why without the state, we would all be starving in the streets without health care and with no hope. The state, therefore, is the source of all "love" and only source of hope. The state must continually save us from ourselves, and since they believe human nature is ultimately good, at least in government, there is no reason for concern for the opposite effect.
Maybe none of this would be an issue if we ensure our government represents people and not money.
Human nature is corrupt and the more power a person becomes the more corrupt they become.

Have you ever seen the movie Lord of the Rings? It is a movie that represents my point about human nature. In the movie, a ring gives you all kinds of powers, so when you use them, you become addicted to it and the longer you have the ring the more sick and twisted you become in your obsession with the ring. Even the most mild mannered and "good" person who has the ring will undergo a change if they wear the ring and if they wear it too long they reach a point of no return.

This is the problem with government, and the more centralized and powerful it becomes, the worse the condition of those who wear the ring.

The US was based upon a limited government where states ran their own affairs. Now it has been transformed by the Progressive era into a centralize Leviathan where the states bow to the Federal government as the Federal government now dictates everything from what doctor you see to who will educate your first grader and how and what kind of toilet you will flush.

The system, as a result, is unfixable and inherently corrupt and is only getting worse.

So do yourself a favor, turn on Netflix and watch the movie.
If we were made in God's image, doesn't our nature reflect God's nature? At any rate, as the Creator made us what he wanted us to be, so to call his creations corrupt sounds almost blasphemous. BTW, maybe you should get your morality from the real world and not from Hollywood.
1. Omnipresent/omniscient. The state is increasingly everywhere and monitoring everything you do so that none of us have any secrets any longer. After all, what do you have to hide?

2. Greatest source of wisdom. This results in the state becoming ever increasingly all knowing, with the assumption that once all knowing, the wisdom to deal with such knowledge will just come naturally because without God, people think that the human being is naturally good, so why worry about it? Nothing in the private sector can even come close to the wisdom of government in dealing with our never ending problems which is why they run the show. And to procure such wisdom, all we need is science. And even though science is not a source of wisdom, man is inherently good so it will naturally come. After all, we are all evolving and all evolution is to our benefit, so history becomes that much less important as a learning tool because we have progressed so far!

3. Omnipotent. The government becomes all powerful. Historically, governments tend to trend towards collectivism. Over time, power is increasingly centralized to the point of one person, or group of people, ruling over everyone else. It is an innate desire to be ruled by a king no matter the objections heard to the contrary because history bears this out. Most governments have been ruled by despotic single rulers, and those that are not have trended towards that, like Caesar declaring himself emperor of Rome to the chagrin of the Roman Senate or the Executive Branch in the US ballooning into the 4rth branch of government, taking over many of the jobs originally done by the Legislative branch and now ruling by Executive edicts, etc.

4. Ineluctably. We have all heard of the long arm of the law. With the government becoming exponentially omnipresent and all powerful, escaping it's clutches is increasingly problematic.

5. Benevolent. The state is looked upon as the only real source for helping those in need. Why without the state, we would all be starving in the streets without health care and with no hope. The state, therefore, is the source of all "love" and only source of hope. The state must continually save us from ourselves, and since they believe human nature is ultimately good, at least in government, there is no reason for concern for the opposite effect.
Maybe none of this would be an issue if we ensure our government represents people and not money.
Human nature is corrupt and the more power a person becomes the more corrupt they become.

Have you ever seen the movie Lord of the Rings? It is a movie that represents my point about human nature. In the movie, a ring gives you all kinds of powers, so when you use them, you become addicted to it and the longer you have the ring the more sick and twisted you become in your obsession with the ring. Even the most mild mannered and "good" person who has the ring will undergo a change if they wear the ring and if they wear it too long they reach a point of no return.

This is the problem with government, and the more centralized and powerful it becomes, the worse the condition of those who wear the ring.

The US was based upon a limited government where states ran their own affairs. Now it has been transformed by the Progressive era into a centralize Leviathan where the states bow to the Federal government as the Federal government now dictates everything from what doctor you see to who will educate your first grader and how and what kind of toilet you will flush.

The system, as a result, is unfixable and inherently corrupt and is only getting worse.

So do yourself a favor, turn on Netflix and watch the movie.
Human nature is corrupt and the more power a person becomes the more corrupt they become.

seems your condition in a nutshell -

The US was based upon a limited government where states ran their own affairs ...The system, as a result, is unfixable and inherently corrupt and is only getting worse.

your first assertion is incorrect, that was the articles of confederation - get over it, you lost. your second assertion is just stupid, fit only for a whimpering cultist.

The Articles of Confederation lasted how long? LOL. It was considered to be a failure because it did not empower the Federal government enough, so then they passed the Constitution a decade later. And it worked just fine until the Progressive era. It began as an era when the Federal Income tax was struck down by SCOTUS at the turn of the 20th century, so the Progressives just added it to the Constitution instead. LOL. Oh, and creating your own bank to print fund you could not collect via taxes out of thin air was great too. Just look at all the debt we have now thanks to the Progressive era. Why without all this debt, the nation may have reached 300 years or more instead of less than 300 years before fiscally imploding.

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