Government Overreach


Gold Member
Apr 19, 2021
All in the name of Darwin's Cold

Even my somewhat liberal adult daughter was shocked about the eviction moratorium. The CDC used a small ruling that was intended to fumigate small areas like an apartment building but kicked it into over drive across the country and the result are higher rent and higher home values than ever before. Seriously, how was that going to help? Oh, you can spread covid faster if you have to pay rent. Our house has nearly doubled in value and my step son sold the house he bought just 2 years ago for an additional 40%

And now it goes beyond what I ever thought possible. I just got the announcement today that the company that I work for will follow the new OSHA rules concerning mandatory covid vaccinations. Nearly two years into this.

I need you to fully grasp this. So far, around 80% of all of the deaths from covid have been for people over the age of retirement. Not covered by OSHA because, well, they are retired. And again, not exactly because of covid. That could be cancer, stroke, heart attack,... If they had covid at the time of death, it is a covid death. The rest can generally be fitted into a 400 pound person who smokes 3 packs of cigs a day. I work in a large office with around 150 people and there are another 1850 people who work in 12 different states.

Vaccine passports are another holy crap moment that people need to wake up from.

Why is all of this happening? My theory is that the people making these mandates are all past retirement age and are terrified but fail to take in account that the majority of society doesn't fit into that category. Even my Republican Governor, whom I personally know [he goes to our church and my wife has been friends with him and his wife for many years] has grown soft on this.
Because he is old [other theories are that he wants to be on the Walmart board...]. Another theory is that the communist left just wants to have more control over our lives. The media hasn't lead with a non covid story since March of 2020. But then again, the media are just an extension of the wacky left.

I have looked at the numbers. I have dumped the data into a database and converted it to an OLAP for deep dive analyst.
If you are still scared, you are just ignorant of the actual facts. Or you are a chain smoking 400 pound person on social security who has been knocking at deaths door for a while now.
All in the name of Darwin's Cold

Even my somewhat liberal adult daughter was shocked about the eviction moratorium. The CDC used a small ruling that was intended to fumigate small areas like an apartment building but kicked it into over drive across the country and the result are higher rent and higher home values than ever before. Seriously, how was that going to help? Oh, you can spread covid faster if you have to pay rent. Our house has nearly doubled in value and my step son sold the house he bought just 2 years ago for an additional 40%

And now it goes beyond what I ever thought possible. I just got the announcement today that the company that I work for will follow the new OSHA rules concerning mandatory covid vaccinations. Nearly two years into this.

I need you to fully grasp this. So far, around 80% of all of the deaths from covid have been for people over the age of retirement. Not covered by OSHA because, well, they are retired. And again, not exactly because of covid. That could be cancer, stroke, heart attack,... If they had covid at the time of death, it is a covid death. The rest can generally be fitted into a 400 pound person who smokes 3 packs of cigs a day. I work in a large office with around 150 people and there are another 1850 people who work in 12 different states.

Vaccine passports are another holy crap moment that people need to wake up from.

Why is all of this happening? My theory is that the people making these mandates are all past retirement age and are terrified but fail to take in account that the majority of society doesn't fit into that category. Even my Republican Governor, whom I personally know [he goes to our church and my wife has been friends with him and his wife for many years] has grown soft on this.
Because he is old [other theories are that he wants to be on the Walmart board...]. Another theory is that the communist left just wants to have more control over our lives. The media hasn't lead with a non covid story since March of 2020. But then again, the media are just an extension of the wacky left.

I have looked at the numbers. I have dumped the data into a database and converted it to an OLAP for deep dive analyst.
If you are still scared, you are just ignorant of the actual facts. Or you are a chain smoking 400 pound person on social security who has been knocking at deaths door for a while now.

Show your bosses this video.

Why is the CDC issuing blanket public policy?

That just goes to show you how politically illiterate most people are.

The fucking CDC can't direct anyone to do shit.
Why is the CDC issuing blanket public policy?

That just goes to show you how politically illiterate most people are.

The fucking CDC can't direct anyone to do shit.

............Unless no one stops them and enough people willingly comply.

we are transitioning to Socialism then on to Communism. Few are willing to admit it yet. They still cling to a false hope in elections.There is only ONE path back to sanity...and unfortunately it involves a particular Constitutional amendment and something about watering the tree of liberty
............Unless no one stops them and enough people willingly comply.

we are transitioning to Socialism then on to Communism. Few are willing to admit it yet. They still cling to a false hope in elections.There is only ONE path back to sanity...and unfortunately it involves a particular Constitutional amendment and something about watering the tree of liberty
Too bad Americans are too fat and comfortable to do anything but talk shit on the internet.
All in the name of Darwin's Cold

Even my somewhat liberal adult daughter was shocked about the eviction moratorium. The CDC used a small ruling that was intended to fumigate small areas like an apartment building but kicked it into over drive across the country and the result are higher rent and higher home values than ever before. Seriously, how was that going to help? Oh, you can spread covid faster if you have to pay rent. Our house has nearly doubled in value and my step son sold the house he bought just 2 years ago for an additional 40%
The eviction moratorium was a big mistake.

This is going to end very badly.

The renters are accumulating crippling debt. They are going to have to pay all that back rent sooner or later. They are going to end up homeless when the moratorium ends. The Democrats are delaying the inevitable and destroying property owners in the process. The longer this moratorium drags on, the more small business owners will be plowed under.

Individual landlords are going broke. They will go out of business and their properties are going to be hoovered up by LLCs and LLPs who will then drive up rents which the current soon-to-be homeless renters won't be able to afford.

The winners in this rolling train wreck will be rich investors.

I need you to fully grasp this. So far, around 80% of all of the deaths from covid have been for people over the age of retirement.
Here's an even bigger number. 96% of those dying from Covid are unvaccinated.

I am very left wing, progressive, liberal, and think the vaccinations are just for profiteering and make no sense.
We could have ended it last March with a one month quarantine or variolation of the young who were not at risk.
Flattening the curve for years, makes no sense.
I am very left wing, progressive, liberal, and think the vaccinations are just for profiteering and make no sense.
We could have ended it last March with a one month quarantine or variolation of the young who were not at risk.
Flattening the curve for years, makes no sense.
It could have been ended early last year if Trump had taken it seriously.
It could have been ended early last year if Trump had taken it seriously.

Trump went with the CDC on flattening the curve, and that was the mistake.
Flattening the curve can NEVER end any epidemic.
By stretching it out forever, by preventing herd immunity, it kills the maximum number of people.
It could have been ended early last year if Trump had taken it seriously.
Trump was taking it seriously--hence why there are vaccines now. Hence why he didn't want the infected traveling to the US as the dems called him racist for banning chinese traveling here.
Trump was taking it seriously--hence why there are vaccines now. Hence why he didn't want the infected traveling to the US as the dems called him racist for banning chinese traveling here.
Trump called it a political hoax. He did not want testing. He actually believed that testing would reveal how many cases there were and make his numbers look bad. It just does not get more negligent or stupid than that.

He refused to allow sick Americans to come home because it would make his numbers look bad.

He totally ignored the threat and went golfing and rallying.
Here's an even bigger number. 96% of those dying from Covid are unvaccinated.

Only if you count the deaths that happened before the vaccine. Remember, it hasn't been out all that long now.
Only if you count the deaths that happened before the vaccine. Remember, it hasn't been out all that long now.
No, those are the current figures. The unvaccinated are dying at a far, far higher rate than the vaccinated.
No, those are the current figures. The unvaccinated are dying at a far, far higher rate than the vaccinated.
All covid death numbers are cumulative since March 2020.
Old people, people with preexisting medical conditions, people who are unfit - those are the ones who are dying.
............Unless no one stops them and enough people willingly comply.

we are transitioning to Socialism then on to Communism. Few are willing to admit it yet. They still cling to a false hope in elections.There is only ONE path back to sanity...and unfortunately it involves a particular Constitutional amendment and something about watering the tree of liberty

No one really wants this.
It can happen, tho'.
Check out Bosnia.
Sarajevo used to be pretty and modern.

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