Government Policy and Multiculturalism


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. A recent, interesting, observation from one of our community, Misty…

“And once schools were desegregated, they remained segregated inside and I believe they still are to this day. Whites hang together, Hispanics hang together, Asians hang together, and blacks hang together. Rarely some will mix but generally each race hangs with other people of the same race.”

Perhaps there is something else, in addition to folks feeling comfortable with like kind. Has government policy made it beneficial to do so?

2. Not only do we accept diversity, but we accept government policy based on various differences. What is the proper role of government in multiculturalism, e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexuality, language….or any other specific characteristic?

3.If our nation is circumscribed by “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,” why do we endorse the separation of individuals by single characteristics, group rights, group abilities?

4. David Mamet has written: “If “fairness” is associated with group-identity, with all of the associated accommodations, law will be reduced to constant petition of government for special and specific exemptions from justice. Law, to be just, but be written and carried out in ignorance of the identity of its claimants. Is it not absurd that six or seven decades after the West defeated Nazi Racism we are still considering making government decisions based on genetics?

To indulge in any racial preferences is not to award to a race, but, rather, to the state the power to created different classes of citizens, and to rule on who shall belong to each class. This does not serve any desire for justice.”

5. Our government should foster a diverse meritocracy blind to the color of one’s skin, the categorization of one’s gender, the nature of one’s religious beliefs, or the orientation of one’s sexuality. Society should promote a notion of equality that guarantees to treat all individuals fairly and justly, and any policy that subjectively places individuals into categories based on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexuality, language….undermines the very richness of our nation’s diversity.
John Amble, “Reinventing the Right,” p.79.

a. Democracy is the freedom to risk, to try one’s hand in the free market. It has nothing to do with the traits that separate us.

6. We frequently see groups try to define themselves by some characteristic, creating a de facto segregation, as in the opening quote. The reason is that government policies have made this beneficial, and allow such associations to achieve favored status. This contradicts the spirit of America; it is at odds with blind meritocracy.

a. We have an education system that twists multiculturalism to discount our American heritage. A Kansas teacher was dismissed based on his school-affiliated website, which included links to a US Army website and historical sites, being “too patriotic.”
Kansas Teacher With Conservative Views Gets Job Back | Fox News

7. After spending over a decade in this system, the student’s admission to a university comes down to racial identification.

a. African-American students with scores of 1100 had the same chance of getting into an elite school as white students who had a score of 1410…but Asian-Americans needed a 1550 SATscore.

8. [Saul] Alinsky, echoing Lenin, justifies almost any immoral act, especially dishonesty and hypocrisy: “…a true community organizer "does not have a fixed truth... truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and changing. He is a political relativist.”
Is there a Saul Alinsky Portrait in the White House?

a. “To see the secular socialist building of [Saul Alinsky’s] machine, one need only note the appeal to the self-interest of each of their various interest groups rather than appealing to any unifying vision for the future of the nation. The reason for ‘identity politics’ is that the intellectual mindset of the Leftists is hardly the same as that of the vast majority of Americans.”
Gingrich, “To Save America,” chapter two.
Multiculturalism doesn't work. That's why people self-segregate into ethinc groups. That's why court ordered integration didn't work and why the more multicultural a school is the more violence it has. All men might be created equal before the law, but they are absolutely not created equal before one another.

The concept of multiculturalism is that if raised together everyone would just get along and create a whole new race of people composed of genetic material from all. Time magazine had a story on it in the 60s, the new American. Except it didn't happen. If anything the racial and ethnic divides have only gotten bigger.
Multiculturalism doesn't work. That's why people self-segregate into ethinc groups. That's why court ordered integration didn't work and why the more multicultural a school is the more violence it has. All men might be created equal before the law, but they are absolutely not created equal before one another.

The concept of multiculturalism is that if raised together everyone would just get along and create a whole new race of people composed of genetic material from all. Time magazine had a story on it in the 60s, the new American. Except it didn't happen. If anything the racial and ethnic divides have only gotten bigger.

Multiculturalism doesn't work when group identity is placed above national identity....
Multiculturalism doesn't work. That's why people self-segregate into ethinc groups. That's why court ordered integration didn't work and why the more multicultural a school is the more violence it has. All men might be created equal before the law, but they are absolutely not created equal before one another.

The concept of multiculturalism is that if raised together everyone would just get along and create a whole new race of people composed of genetic material from all. Time magazine had a story on it in the 60s, the new American. Except it didn't happen. If anything the racial and ethnic divides have only gotten bigger.

Whether it works or doesn't work, it has no business being government policy.

Freedom of association or the absence of association is the option of the individual.

I see a lot of folks association based on similar socio-economic situations.
Perhaps leaning toward the economic.....
Multiculturalism doesn't work. That's why people self-segregate into ethinc groups. That's why court ordered integration didn't work and why the more multicultural a school is the more violence it has. All men might be created equal before the law, but they are absolutely not created equal before one another.

The concept of multiculturalism is that if raised together everyone would just get along and create a whole new race of people composed of genetic material from all. Time magazine had a story on it in the 60s, the new American. Except it didn't happen. If anything the racial and ethnic divides have only gotten bigger.

Multiculturalism doesn't work when group identity is placed above national identity....

You've got a really good point....exactly the opposite of what the Left wants.

1. The documents that memorialized what America was meant to be are the Declaration, and the Constitution. The language therein is neither casual, nor random. They speak of “one people,” and “We the people.”

a. American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.” Liberty refers to personal freedom, based on small government , a free economy, and a God-based society. ,” “In God We Trust,” proceeds from the moral values axiomatic with the Founders. “E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.
Prager, “Still The Best Hope,” chapter one.

2. Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization.
Anti-Americanization - Society and Culture - AEI

3. The multicultural project and the National History Standards were major ideological assaults on our nation’s mission. Besides an emphasis on group consciousness over individual citizenship, and on ethnic subcultures over national identity, the standards described the Cold War in terms of moral equivalence (e.g., the “sword play of the US and the USSR”) and actually reversed our history (“Americans believed in the perfectibility of man”). They rejected, and indoctrinated our children in beliefs inimical to the design of our nation. Where was the belief and emphasis on equality of individual citizenship, strong American identity, anticommunism, and they faith of the Fathers of our Nation?

4. Substituted was the progressive utopianism of the Soviet-leaning Vice-President Henry Wallace. No wonder sentient Liberals such as Arthur Schlesinger, jr. launched vigorous attacks on multiculturalism in his book “The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society.”
Fonte, “Sovereignty of Submission,” p.79

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