Government shut-down. Isn't it clear who is right and who is full of BS?

I told y
If you ca
Nope. Technically and in reality Drumpf has it shut down. He is the one that wont sign the spending bill so the budget can become law. :rolleyes:

Todays MSN poll shows that 51% blame the Democrats for the shutdown, while 44% blame Trump.


If you can't link to to check, then I don't know what to tell you. Right now, 44% blame Trump, 52% blame the Democrats.

You made the claim. Provide the evidence. Link?

I told you where it is, you simply don't want to look.

Are you really afraid to find out?

Your friends at 538 have a handle on it.

The Public Blamed Trump For The Shutdown — But That May Be Changing
You lied. That's why you can't link to your made up MSN poll.

You lied.

Not even the 538 link backs you up.

You're busted, troll.
If Drumpf wants funding for the wall why doesnt he get it from Mexico like he promised?
I'm going to go out on a limb here and posit he was full of shit, and he's knows that by and large the american public is as well.
Trump's Chumps deserve to be lied to. They BEG to be lied to.

And they model him and lie, too.
Trump wants funding for a wall. Everyone knows walls are effective, and those who don't are just taking the Democrat's word for it, meaning they're victims of pure BS.

A wall is say 5-10 billion, while illegals cost us over 50 billion ANNUALLY. You shouldn't need a finance degree to recognize which is the better option, bu t many progs agree it's a waste of money, because that's what they've been told.

So we end up in a quandary as progs position themselves politically against common sense. What do progs do when they can't defend themselves? I say, what do progs do when they can't defend themselves? WTF DO PROGS DO WHEN THEY CAN'T DEFEND THEMSELVES?

They pull the wild card that stands for race, women etc., and builds division they desire so they can cast blame. It's a primary prog function..............They pulled this race card straight from the mouth of the most powerful woman in the USA, being Nancy Pelosi Pepto-Bismol required. You see, a wall is now IMMORAL. So since walls are immoral, I'm sure I'm not alone wondering if progs can clue us in on what else is immoral, such as.........

A. Building walls. That's right, we have some walls already supported by Democrats. I suppose old walls are moral, but new ones are immoral.

B. Fence. Democrats want fences but no walls. Hmmmmm. Pretty please describe how fences are within the moral boundary (pardon pun) and walls are not.

C. Separating illegal children from their illegal parents, such as was done under the Obama admin.

D. Check points at the border on highways supported by Democrats.

E. Electronic surveillance supported by Democrats.
as another poster posted in another thread...... "It's true I am utterly American. I have no use for the histrionics and hyperbole used by Progs. Compulsion is not compassion, it is a weapon people like you use to force everyone to do the things THEY think we should do."

There is certainly a compulsion afoot to build walls and enclose an ostensibly free people/society into a police state. Do bear in mind that these police can already murder unarmed citizens in the streets with impunity simply if they are afraid. Your police are afraid of you the people. Your militarized police are being trained by the Israeli military in how to subjugate a population, oddly enough like they do, inside walls and with check points "for safety". You are under constant corporate state surveillance. You military has a global occupational footprint, the cost of which economically cannibalizes your "homeland". Your informational machine once tethered to journalism has been deregulated, monopolized and is run by the corporate state. Your society has THE most expansive incarceration apparatus humanity has ever know, with a for profit enslaved labor component. The power structure is constructing interment camps you believe could never be leveraged toward you yourself as the military gets deployed onto US soil "for safety".

Surely a free fearless people require concentrated wealth and power build a wall around them.
So why didnt you link to the poll? :rolleyes:

Poll: Voters blame Trump, GOP for shutdown

"Nearly half of voters, 47 percent, say Trump is mostly to blame for the shutdown, the poll shows, while another 5 percent point the finger at congressional Republicans. But just a third, 33 percent, blame Democrats in Congress." is the homepage. Its about in the top middle of the page.

Nothing there. Please supply the link to the actual poll not their home page. For example here is a link to the story about Eric Reid.

NFL, NFLPA deny impropriety in Eric Reid PED testing is the page its on. There is no other link. Surely you know of MSN??

Not familiar with MSN but youre wrong. Every thing on the home page has its own link. Thats how the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol works. My background is in IT so I know these things. All you have to do is click on the poll and then copy the link that appears in your browser just like I did with the story about Eric Reid. :rolleyes:

When I click on the link, is in my browser. Hard to believe that you have never heard of MSN if you are in IT.

Its harder to believe you think stalling is going prove you were telling the truth. No link means you have no credibility. :rolleyes: is the homepage. Its about in the top middle of the page.

Nothing there. Please supply the link to the actual poll not their home page. For example here is a link to the story about Eric Reid.

NFL, NFLPA deny impropriety in Eric Reid PED testing is the page its on. There is no other link. Surely you know of MSN??

Not familiar with MSN but youre wrong. Every thing on the home page has its own link. Thats how the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol works. My background is in IT so I know these things. All you have to do is click on the poll and then copy the link that appears in your browser just like I did with the story about Eric Reid. :rolleyes:

When I click on the link, is in my browser. Hard to believe that you have never heard of MSN if you are in IT.

Its harder to believe you think stalling is going prove you were telling the truth. No link means you have no credibility. :rolleyes:
I find it completely unsurprising in a topic about "who is full of BS" that a Trumpie would make up a lie just to make his idol look good.

I've also gotten used to idiots completely destroying their credibility in front of everyone. Though I have no idea for what reason someone would do that. This still baffles the shit out of me.
The cost of the wall is immaterial considering the vast amounts of money our government squanders.

I'll also note that as of now, no Federal employees have actually missed a paycheck. It's rather unseemly to see so much hyperventilation over people who are basically getting a FREE VACATION (as they will receive full backpay for time they didn't work) and who make far more than the average person paying taxes to fund their phoney baloney jobs.
That makes sense. The govt. wastes money so lets allow Trump to waste some more.
And Americans get murdered. So let's not build a wall so more Americans can get raped and murdered by illegal aliens - right?
Once again "Mr. Art Of The Deal" fails to negotiate a "deal". Is there anything your boy can get right?

Trump could fuck up a one car funeral.
Hey dingus, it was your sweetie Fancy Pelosi that said "NO". It's the worthless leftist traitors that are refusing to negotiate.
Nothing there. Please supply the link to the actual poll not their home page. For example here is a link to the story about Eric Reid.

NFL, NFLPA deny impropriety in Eric Reid PED testing is the page its on. There is no other link. Surely you know of MSN??

Not familiar with MSN but youre wrong. Every thing on the home page has its own link. Thats how the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol works. My background is in IT so I know these things. All you have to do is click on the poll and then copy the link that appears in your browser just like I did with the story about Eric Reid. :rolleyes:

When I click on the link, is in my browser. Hard to believe that you have never heard of MSN if you are in IT.

Its harder to believe you think stalling is going prove you were telling the truth. No link means you have no credibility. :rolleyes:
I find it completely unsurprising in a topic about "who is full of BS" that a Trumpie would make up a lie just to make his idol look good.

I've also gotten used to idiots completely destroying their credibility in front of everyone. Though I have no idea for what reason someone would do that. This still baffles the shit out of me.

I come here for honest discussion, and instead I get this crap.

As of now, the poll vote is 647,538 votes. Trump at 45% to blame, Democrats at 52%

Trump is negotiating,
The cost of the wall is immaterial considering the vast amounts of money our government squanders.

I'll also note that as of now, no Federal employees have actually missed a paycheck. It's rather unseemly to see so much hyperventilation over people who are basically getting a FREE VACATION (as they will receive full backpay for time they didn't work) and who make far more than the average person paying taxes to fund their phoney baloney jobs.
That makes sense. The govt. wastes money so lets allow Trump to waste some more.
And Americans get murdered. So let's not build a wall so more Americans can get raped and murdered by illegal aliens - right?
Once again "Mr. Art Of The Deal" fails to negotiate a "deal". Is there anything your boy can get right?

Trump could fuck up a one car funeral.
Trump is negotiating, the Dems aren't. Trump offered to open the government and asked for wall within 30 days and Pelosi said NO. Why should Trump give anything to the Dems when they won't give anything to Trump. is the page its on. There is no other link. Surely you know of MSN??

Not familiar with MSN but youre wrong. Every thing on the home page has its own link. Thats how the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol works. My background is in IT so I know these things. All you have to do is click on the poll and then copy the link that appears in your browser just like I did with the story about Eric Reid. :rolleyes:

When I click on the link, is in my browser. Hard to believe that you have never heard of MSN if you are in IT.

Its harder to believe you think stalling is going prove you were telling the truth. No link means you have no credibility. :rolleyes:
I find it completely unsurprising in a topic about "who is full of BS" that a Trumpie would make up a lie just to make his idol look good.

I've also gotten used to idiots completely destroying their credibility in front of everyone. Though I have no idea for what reason someone would do that. This still baffles the shit out of me.

I come here for honest discussion, and instead I get this crap.

As of now, the poll vote is 647,538 votes. Trump at 45% to blame, Democrats at 52%

Oh...magod. You mean to tell us you have doubled down on your tard and are talking about an ONLINE poll!?!?


"And the winner of our online poll for your favorite dog is...Goofy!" is the page its on. There is no other link. Surely you know of MSN??

Not familiar with MSN but youre wrong. Every thing on the home page has its own link. Thats how the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol works. My background is in IT so I know these things. All you have to do is click on the poll and then copy the link that appears in your browser just like I did with the story about Eric Reid. :rolleyes:

When I click on the link, is in my browser. Hard to believe that you have never heard of MSN if you are in IT.

Its harder to believe you think stalling is going prove you were telling the truth. No link means you have no credibility. :rolleyes:
I find it completely unsurprising in a topic about "who is full of BS" that a Trumpie would make up a lie just to make his idol look good.

I've also gotten used to idiots completely destroying their credibility in front of everyone. Though I have no idea for what reason someone would do that. This still baffles the shit out of me.

I come here for honest discussion, and instead I get this crap.

As of now, the poll vote is 647,538 votes. Trump at 45% to blame, Democrats at 52%

Well the polls I have looked at says Drumpf is the blame.....and I have a link to them. :rolleyes:


A growing number of Americans blame Trump for shutdown: Reuters-Ipsos poll | Reuters

"The national opinion poll, which ran from Jan. 1 to Jan. 7, found that 51 percent of adults believe Trump “deserves most of the blame” for the shutdown, which entered its 18th day on Tuesday. That is up 4 percentage points from a similar poll that ran from Dec. 21 to 25.

Another 32 percent blame congressional Democrats for the shutdown and 7 percent blame congressional Republicans, according to the poll. Those percentages are mostly unchanged from the previous poll."


Poll: Voters blame Trump, GOP for shutdown

"Nearly half of voters, 47 percent, say Trump is mostly to blame for the shutdown, the poll shows, while another 5 percent point the finger at congressional Republicans. But just a third, 33 percent, blame Democrats in Congress."
BEFORE: I will repeal and replace Obamacare.

AFTER: Just kidding. I'm only going to sabotage it and make it even worse.

BEFORE: I will make Mexico pay for the wall!

AFTER: Just kidding. I'm going to make you pay for it.
BEFORE: I will repeal and replace Obamacare.

AFTER: Just kidding. I'm only going to sabotage it and make it even worse.

BEFORE: I will make Mexico pay for the wall!

AFTER: Just kidding. I'm going to make you pay for it.
BEFORE: We were just talking about how best to adopt kids with cancer.

AFTER: Just kidding. We were sharing poll data with the the Ruskies.
Nothing there. Please supply the link to the actual poll not their home page. For example here is a link to the story about Eric Reid.

NFL, NFLPA deny impropriety in Eric Reid PED testing is the page its on. There is no other link. Surely you know of MSN??

Not familiar with MSN but youre wrong. Every thing on the home page has its own link. Thats how the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol works. My background is in IT so I know these things. All you have to do is click on the poll and then copy the link that appears in your browser just like I did with the story about Eric Reid. :rolleyes:

When I click on the link, is in my browser. Hard to believe that you have never heard of MSN if you are in IT.

Its harder to believe you think stalling is going prove you were telling the truth. No link means you have no credibility. :rolleyes:
I find it completely unsurprising in a topic about "who is full of BS" that a Trumpie would make up a lie just to make his idol look good.

I've also gotten used to idiots completely destroying their credibility in front of everyone. Though I have no idea for what reason someone would do that. This still baffles the shit out of me.

I come here for honest discussion, and instead I get this crap.

As of now, the poll vote is 647,538 votes. Trump at 45% to blame, Democrats at 52%

BEFORE: I will repeal and replace Obamacare.

AFTER: Just kidding. I'm only going to sabotage it and make it even worse.

BEFORE: I will make Mexico pay for the wall!

AFTER: Just kidding. I'm going to make you pay for it.

Before: Obamacare will reduce insurance premiums

After: Just kidding, they will be much worse

Before: If you like you health plan, you can keep your health plan

After: Just kidding. You'll take what we give you


Trump wants funding for a wall. Everyone knows walls are effective, and those who don't are just taking the Democrat's word for it, meaning they're victims of pure BS.

A wall is say 5-10 billion, while illegals cost us over 50 billion ANNUALLY. You shouldn't need a finance degree to recognize which is the better option, bu t many progs agree it's a waste of money, because that's what they've been told.

So we end up in a quandary as progs position themselves politically against common sense. What do progs do when they can't defend themselves? I say, what do progs do when they can't defend themselves? WTF DO PROGS DO WHEN THEY CAN'T DEFEND THEMSELVES?

They pull the wild card that stands for race, women etc., and builds division they desire so they can cast blame. It's a primary prog function..............They pulled this race card straight from the mouth of the most powerful woman in the USA, being Nancy Pelosi Pepto-Bismol required. You see, a wall is now IMMORAL. So since walls are immoral, I'm sure I'm not alone wondering if progs can clue us in on what else is immoral, such as.........

A. Building walls. That's right, we have some walls already supported by Democrats. I suppose old walls are moral, but new ones are immoral.

B. Fence. Democrats want fences but no walls. Hmmmmm. Pretty please describe how fences are within the moral boundary (pardon pun) and walls are not.

C. Separating illegal children from their illegal parents, such as was done under the Obama admin.

D. Check points at the border on highways supported by Democrats.

E. Electronic surveillance supported by Democrats.
as another poster posted in another thread...... "It's true I am utterly American. I have no use for the histrionics and hyperbole used by Progs. Compulsion is not compassion, it is a weapon people like you use to force everyone to do the things THEY think we should do."

There is certainly a compulsion afoot to build walls and enclose an ostensibly free people/society into a police state. Do bear in mind that these police can already murder unarmed citizens in the streets with impunity simply if they are afraid. Your police are afraid of you the people. Your militarized police are being trained by the Israeli military in how to subjugate a population, oddly enough like they do, inside walls and with check points "for safety". You are under constant corporate state surveillance. You military has a global occupational footprint, the cost of which economically cannibalizes your "homeland". Your informational machine once tethered to journalism has been deregulated, monopolized and is run by the corporate state. Your society has THE most expansive incarceration apparatus humanity has ever know, with a for profit enslaved labor component. The power structure is constructing interment camps you believe could never be leveraged toward you yourself as the military gets deployed onto US soil "for safety".

Surely a free fearless people require concentrated wealth and power build a wall around them.
here that at?

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