Government to Shut Down Legal Businesses for Political Reasons

If all they were doing was shutting down shady businesses, they wouldn't need Operation Chokepoint. There are plenty of existing laws to do that. The intention of Chokepoint is to close businesses that the regime just doesn't like.

If these idiots keep defending it they will see Republicans using it to shut down abortion clinics, Planned Parenthood, and all sots of other legitimate and legal business the right doesn't like.
So the government shouldn't keep an eye on businesses and make sure they are following the rules?

So I should work myself up into a frenzy because the predators have become the prey?


Should the government be sending subpoenas to banks when they have absolutely no evidence that a business is breaking a law? Should the government be engaged in deciding who can, and cannot, have a bank account based on nothing more than whether they make porn?

You can't win this argument, so I suggest you go play in the kiddie pool with the rest of your intellectual equals.
So the government shouldn't keep an eye on businesses and make sure they are following the rules?

So I should work myself up into a frenzy because the predators have become the prey?


the right yammers about being accountable and transparency .... ok, when?

I would suggest you join your buddy in the kiddie pool, the government is flat out wrong. Why else would they have backed off when their abuse came to light?

FDIC Backpedals On Operation Choke Point As Victims Fight Back | The Daily Caller
But that's not even what is happening.

OP is not honest at all.

As you say, the predatory businesses are being tightly regulated and watched VERY closely under this program. All this scrutiny makes a lot of banks nervous, so they quit doing business with them and THAT shuts them down.

NOT the government.

Yeah, the government sending letters to banks that tell them they will be held responsible for the legal actions of their customers has nothing to do with the banks not letting business open an account.

If you actually believe that you are dumber than the poster you quoted who thinks that the government is right about targeting businesses without actually charging them with breaking a law.

Advising folks of their legal liabilities is a bad thing?

yeah - good argument.

Banks are not liable just because a customer breaks the law, oh he who thinks he has all the answers.

Feel free to keep digging a hole for yourself.
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Fraudulent and predatory businesses should be shut down.

Did you miss the designation legal? How do fraudulent business fall into the legal modifier used in the story? Why does the government get to decide, without a trial, that a business is predatory? What the fuck happened to due process in your universe?

Can we assume that you also object[ed] to BushII's shutdown of legal offshore betting houses by targeting banks that transferred money from US customer's accounts to and from the offshore betting houses?

I did. And, I'd agree that if we want to shut down predatory pay day lenders, it should be up to legislators, state or federal, to enact laws.
If all they were doing was shutting down shady businesses, they wouldn't need Operation Chokepoint. There are plenty of existing laws to do that. The intention of Chokepoint is to close businesses that the regime just doesn't like.

LOL - except the government isn't shutting anyone down.

No, they are bullying the banks to cease doing business with them, and that shuts them down. The Dodd/Franks bill allows the government to take over any bank that makes too many risky loans, so banks, especially small banks, are scared shitless of the regulators.
Fraudulent and predatory businesses should be shut down.

Did you miss the designation legal? How do fraudulent business fall into the legal modifier used in the story? Why does the government get to decide, without a trial, that a business is predatory? What the fuck happened to due process in your universe?

Can we assume that you also object[ed] to BushII's shutdown of legal offshore betting houses by targeting banks that transferred money from US customer's accounts to and from the offshore betting houses?

I did. And, I'd agree that if we want to shut down predatory pay day lenders, it should be up to legislators, state or federal, to enact laws.

Don't assume, Bush was wrong.
Did you miss the designation legal? How do fraudulent business fall into the legal modifier used in the story? Why does the government get to decide, without a trial, that a business is predatory? What the fuck happened to due process in your universe?

Can we assume that you also object[ed] to BushII's shutdown of legal offshore betting houses by targeting banks that transferred money from US customer's accounts to and from the offshore betting houses?

I did. And, I'd agree that if we want to shut down predatory pay day lenders, it should be up to legislators, state or federal, to enact laws.

Don't assume, Bush was wrong.

I didn't. I just asked.
Fraudulent and predatory businesses should be shut down.

Did you miss the designation legal? How do fraudulent business fall into the legal modifier used in the story? Why does the government get to decide, without a trial, that a business is predatory? What the fuck happened to due process in your universe?

Can we assume that you also object[ed] to BushII's shutdown of legal offshore betting houses by targeting banks that transferred money from US customer's accounts to and from the offshore betting houses?

I did. And, I'd agree that if we want to shut down predatory pay day lenders, it should be up to legislators, state or federal, to enact laws.

Denying credit to the least creditworthy, how liberal of you. Once again you know what's better for them over their own lives. How do you get your head through doorways?
Did you miss the designation legal? How do fraudulent business fall into the legal modifier used in the story? Why does the government get to decide, without a trial, that a business is predatory? What the fuck happened to due process in your universe?

Can we assume that you also object[ed] to BushII's shutdown of legal offshore betting houses by targeting banks that transferred money from US customer's accounts to and from the offshore betting houses?

I did. And, I'd agree that if we want to shut down predatory pay day lenders, it should be up to legislators, state or federal, to enact laws.

Denying credit to the least creditworthy, how liberal of you. Once again you know what's better for them over their own lives. How do you get your head through doorways?

JesusfckingtapdancingChrist. Kaz, if a majority of citizens want to elect legislators who will make pay day lending illegal, just as usury (charging interest above a rate set by govt) is illegal in every state I know of, what biz is it of mine, or YOURS, to say citizens can't do what they want?
Can we assume that you also object[ed] to BushII's shutdown of legal offshore betting houses by targeting banks that transferred money from US customer's accounts to and from the offshore betting houses?

I did. And, I'd agree that if we want to shut down predatory pay day lenders, it should be up to legislators, state or federal, to enact laws.

Denying credit to the least creditworthy, how liberal of you. Once again you know what's better for them over their own lives. How do you get your head through doorways?

JesusfckingtapdancingChrist. Kaz, if a majority of citizens want to elect legislators who will make pay day lending illegal, just as usury (charging interest above a rate set by govt) is illegal in every state I know of, what biz is it of mine, or YOURS, to say citizens can't do what they want?

So you want to protect the right of citizens to force other citizens to do their bidding.


OK, that is liberal, I get it now. You just care about people...
This piece should worry everyone. If it is true, it is a political attack of epic portions. The regulatory force of government is frightening and something every American must be aware of.

Will they come after YOUR business next?

Read story @ Doug Ross @ Journal: OPERATION CHOKE POINT: Shutting Down Perfectly Legal Businesses for Political Reasons

And, there's this: Unions for Big Businesses: Why the NLRB is attacking America's franchises @ Unions for Big Businesses | National Review Online

Haven't we already been over this?

Fraudulent and predatory businesses should be shut down.

And that's what this is about. No legitimate business will go under.

What Do Chase Bank, Condoms, The Tea Party, And Petty Fraud Have In Common?

But banks, payment processing firms and a relatively new lobbying group called the Third Party Payment Processors Association have been going wild on Capitol Hill in recent months over a pretty conventional law enforcement effort with a salacious name: Operation Choke Point. The project attempts to curb money laundering by scrutinizing banks and payment processors that facilitate transactions with illegal businesses -- petty fraudsters running payday lending scams, sham telemarketing operations and other shady groups.

It's Money Laundering 101, but the program's detractors have portrayed it as a vicious government effort to dictate what kinds of companies banks can do business with.

The most extreme element of the movement comes from the anonymous, conspiratorial website, a site that features an image of President Barack Obama as Godzilla "destroying America" and warns that guns, ammunition, pharmaceuticals and other whole industries may soon be eliminated. The site has developed a bit of a following on Facebook, with more than 37,000 likes.
Government to Shut Down Legal Businesses for Political Reasons
Why do USMB conservatives feel compelled to lie.

Are they even aware of the fact that they're lying.

Or is it that they just don't care.


What crimes were these businesses accused of? Where is the record of their trial and conviction? What the fuck happened to due process?

Tell me again that I am lying and I will expose you to everyone as the hack you are.

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