Governor McDonnel and wife found guilty on multiple counts

There's one in mine. Care to address it?

  • You complain about the revolving door
  • I give you an example
  • Instead of condemning the example, you want to criticize me for mentioning it

Yup - you're a Right-Winger!

You're the one trying to make this a party issue, so that makes you the hack.

The real issue isthat we have self-perpetuating cronyist government system. You'd rather have your panties in a GLEEFUL twist over McDonnel's rather cheapskate bribery ($200K), while ignoring the Trillions of money our government plunders.

Up your medication if it helps you stay focused.

I was talking about Cantor, and the revolving door, and the fact that conservatives don't seem too outraged by his new gig on Wall Street.

Why not?
I don't know why you liberals think this is just a republican's not..Careful.. I'm willing to wager just about every politician is guilty of the same.


are you a troll now?

Come Steph...they all do it. The Dems and the Reps. They are all scuzzy and shiftless and have their hand out. McDonnell just was one who was brazen at it.,,,making it worse. He is married to a lunatic.
Or maybe she is.
Sadly, at some point, fines are not much of a deterrent. There are just too many people in positions of power who, when push comes to shove, are willing to take the chance at taking bribes and betraying the public interest if paying fines is the worst that can or will happen to them. Unfortunately, losing their freedom is the kind of warning shot across the bow of all politicians' bows that will get their attention and make them think twice before agreeing to sell their office for profit.

Politics pretty much almost requires that you do this stuff.

It's ridiculous. You MUST get donors if you are not independently wealthy.

There were no state laws against what McDonnel did..however there were some Federal Laws.

Either way? When you have a situation where your position requires that you gladhand and smooze, either remove that requirement or amend election financing laws such that politicians don't need to be in fund raiser mode all the time.
Sallow, this is not about donors. This is brazen.

This is also a grown man who has been in big league politics. There was no way he didn't know it was wrong to accept so many gifts, loans, and perks.

This is also a man who came up through the Moral Majority school system, graduating from Pat Robertson's Regent University. He can't claim he doesn't know right from wrong.

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