Governor of California begs Trump admin for federal help.

They are the ones entertaining secession. Texas did it during the Obama years and you people screamed NO!!.

I would have sent a hefty donation to help their "cause" if Texas wanted to secede. Take out Austin and San Antonio, and the rest of Texas is the shits.
California just like Texas not going to secede, just kicking up there heels. Feds will help because that's part of there job. quality of help depends on quality of leadership.
They are the ones entertaining secession. Texas did it during the Obama years and you people screamed NO!!.

I would have sent a hefty donation to help their "cause" if Texas wanted to secede. Take out Austin and San Antonio, and the rest of Texas is the shits.

We are an oil-driven economy and need Texas badly so that liberal elitist can be limo'd and yachted to the next event.
They are the ones entertaining secession. Texas did it during the Obama years and you people screamed NO!!.

I would have sent a hefty donation to help their "cause" if Texas wanted to secede. Take out Austin and San Antonio, and the rest of Texas is the shits.

We are an oil-driven economy and need Texas badly so that liberal elitist can be limo'd and yachted to the next event.
You are not aware that CA has oil too?
Great! I expect Trump to deny funding and I think It's a wonderful thing to give the finger to the 4,483,000 Trump voters who all live mostly in disaster areas.

I find it humorous that you think Trump supporters would want Federal bailouts for any state.

You really think that, don't you?

Funny, really funny.
What do you think those people in the Louisianna flooding you conservatives were flipping out about right before the election got?

Strawman argument. Trump voters are not calling for federal bailout of states.
Neither is Jerry Brown, dummy.

He sure is begging for a handout. Close enough.
I find it humorous that you think Trump supporters would want Federal bailouts for any state.

You really think that, don't you?

Funny, really funny.

You do know (I doubt it but you should) that the MOST dependent states on federal funds are those nitwit states that actually voted overwhelmingly for the orange clown.

Yes, we all are aware that the wealthy, those you pretend to abhor, live overwhelming in the coastal big cities that voted for Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton. The candidate so bad she couldn't defeat did you say it, 'orange clown'.

Yes, we' re all aware.

We're also well aware that it was you and your coastal elites that put middle America in the state she's in. Outlandish taxes, regulations and meddling at all levels of government have done their evil, forcing untold millions on the dole.

Yes, we're all aware.
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Hillary Clinton. the candidate so bad she couldn't defeat did you say it, 'orange clown'.

Amazing, isn't it? you well know....DID manage to democratically "defeat" Trump in popular votes, BUT could not defeat the "orange clown" in the somewhat outdated but still used EC.
Great! I expect Trump to deny funding and I think It's a wonderful thing to give the finger to the 4,483,000 Trump voters who all live mostly in disaster areas.

I find it humorous that you think Trump supporters would want Federal bailouts for any state.

You really think that, don't you?

Funny, really funny.
What do you think those people in the Louisianna flooding you conservatives were flipping out about right before the election got?

Strawman argument. Trump voters are not calling for federal bailout of states.
Neither is Jerry Brown, dummy.

He sure is begging for a handout. Close enough.
No he's not dummy. Learn what a disaster declaration is. Lots have been declared this year alone already.
Hillary Clinton. the candidate so bad she couldn't defeat did you say it, 'orange clown'.

Amazing, isn't it? you well know....DID manage to democratically "defeat" Trump in popular votes, BUT could not defeat the "orange clown" in the somewhat outdated but still used EC.

So we're changing the subject now? Okay. I'm used to that with lefties.

Of course, I do remember your outrage when Clinton didn't win the popular vote.

Hypocrisy, thy name is liberal.

But seriously, thanks, I never imaged your butthurt would continue to escalate after the election. You've been an constant stream of entertainment. More liberal tears please!
I find it humorous that you think Trump supporters would want Federal bailouts for any state.

You really think that, don't you?

Funny, really funny.
What do you think those people in the Louisianna flooding you conservatives were flipping out about right before the election got?

Strawman argument. Trump voters are not calling for federal bailout of states.
Neither is Jerry Brown, dummy.

He sure is begging for a handout. Close enough.
No he's not dummy. Learn what a disaster declaration is. Lots have been declared this year alone already.

You're big on the logical fallacies I see. You should work on that.

Anywho, the fact many beg for the handouts does not change the fact your boy is doing so, the same guy that previously fought against immigration, who now faces losing funding for his stance against immigration.

Again, I'm convinced all lefties are irony impaired.
What do you think those people in the Louisianna flooding you conservatives were flipping out about right before the election got?

Strawman argument. Trump voters are not calling for federal bailout of states.
Neither is Jerry Brown, dummy.

He sure is begging for a handout. Close enough.
No he's not dummy. Learn what a disaster declaration is. Lots have been declared this year alone already.

You're big on the logical fallacies I see. You should work on that.

Anywho, the fact many beg for the handouts does not change the fact your boy is doing so, the same guy that previously fought against immigration, who now faces losing funding for his stance against immigration.

Again, I'm convinced all lefties are irony impaired.
When disasters happen, states ask for disaster declarations. This is not new, and it is not begging.
Yep, Jerry Brown, the same sackless governor who has consistently given the Trump admin the middle finger is now begging for federal help...hahaha
Good luck to you Jerry Brown.

Gov. Jerry Brown asks President Trump for a disaster declaration after winter storms

Say it ain't so!!! We've been completely assured by the Gimps Against Trump that California is so Magnifilessly Wonderful and has such a huge internal economy that it's completely self-sufficient n stuff, huge real estates prices, etc., that it would get by great without the Feds.

Can't the Facebook guy and Apple take care of these problems for them?
Amazing, isn't it? you well know....DID manage to democratically "defeat" Trump in popular votes, BUT could not defeat the "orange clown" in the somewhat outdated but still used EC.

lol ... Obviously you've been hypnotized, she didn't defeat Trump in popular votes; it's just seriously stupid to keep trying to peddle that silly propaganda. It's only for internal consumption by your cult, not released to the general public.
Hillary Clinton. the candidate so bad she couldn't defeat did you say it, 'orange clown'.

Amazing, isn't it? you well know....DID manage to democratically "defeat" Trump in popular votes, BUT could not defeat the "orange clown" in the somewhat outdated but still used EC.

You can't keep bringing up the same old canard without being called out on it; at least by me. So once again:

There was no race for the popular vote. The race was to see who could harvest the most electoral votes. Popular vote doesn't mean squat because nobody won anything with the popular vote, and nobody strategized to win the popular vote.

Nobody won the popular vote.
Yes, we all are aware that the wealthy, those you pretend to abhor, live overwhelming in the coastal big cities that voted for Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton. The candidate so bad she couldn't defeat did you say it, 'orange clown'.

Like it or not........Hillary had MORE people wanting her in the oval office (despite Comey's and Putin's efforts) than your orange clown......Yes, she lost the EC, but more Americans wanted her.

Dispute it all you want, but facts are facts......and now, the biggest losers are you morons who hated Hillary more than using whatever brain cells you may have left and instead voted for what is regarded as a joke to most Americans and the world.

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