Governor of California begs Trump admin for federal help.

Wow! It took Obama 13 days to declare for the CA Butte fires, but Trump is given less than 24 hours and you scream to high heaven (or maybe that should be hell). Lol
California Valley Fire and Butte Fire |

Did you raise a stink when Obama waited 2 months for declaring in Tx?
I noticed you ignored that post.
Yep, Jerry Brown, the same sackless governor who has consistently given the Trump admin the middle finger is now begging for federal help...hahaha
Good luck to you Jerry Brown.

Gov. Jerry Brown asks President Trump for a disaster declaration after winter storms

Right wing morons, have a difficult time with the English language; for example, "asking" and "begging" to them are synonyms.

Check out how much California contributes to the national treasury versus....oh, lets say, Alabama?

Jerry's next letter reads like this:

Dear Mr Trump,
Please, please, please send me cash now. In exchange I'm prepared to give you at least 3.5 million wetbacks.

Sincerely from my death bed,
Jerry Brown

More likely,

Dear Mr President,
California is filing an Eminent Domain suit for Camp Pendleton tomorrow. We will be building condos, schools, shopping centers, libraries, and business. Our agents will contact you to discuss a negotiation for a fair price.
Sincerely, Jerry Brown

Did you notice that FEMA had already committed $23 million in aid and that's why the declaration came later?
Wow! It took Obama 13 days to declare for the CA Butte fires, but Trump is given less than 24 hours and you scream to high heaven (or maybe that should be hell). Lol
California Valley Fire and Butte Fire |

Did you raise a stink when Obama waited 2 months for declaring in Tx?
I noticed you ignored that post.
Right wing morons, have a difficult time with the English language; for example, "asking" and "begging" to them are synonyms.

Check out how much California contributes to the national treasury versus....oh, lets say, Alabama?

Jerry's next letter reads like this:

Dear Mr Trump,
Please, please, please send me cash now. In exchange I'm prepared to give you at least 3.5 million wetbacks.

Sincerely from my death bed,
Jerry Brown

More likely,

Dear Mr President,
California is filing an Eminent Domain suit for Camp Pendleton tomorrow. We will be building condos, schools, shopping centers, libraries, and business. Our agents will contact you to discuss a negotiation for a fair price.
Sincerely, Jerry Brown

Did you notice that FEMA had already committed $23 million in aid and that's why the declaration came later?

I'm not the author of this thread and am not screaming about anything. Maybe you should take a nap now.
According to the world bank, the EU is at $16,311
It does not, it still leaves us at $16. On par with the EU. And you remove the U.K., we are well ahead. We are also well ahead do China.
No, you didn't.
I posted the links to the sources themselves for such official information
Honey, I went to the source. It is right there. No arguing to it.

So? I went to three independent sources that agree with my conclusion.

Do you think that somehow makes it more official? Sorry, if you remove California from the U.S.equation the bottom drops out for the rest of the country.
The EU is at $17 trillion you would not be on par and the UK hasn't left yet it will be at least three years before they can accomplish a move.
Liberals are the true heros of America. We will defeat conservatism and deliver America from the fascist tyranny of Donald Trump and his knuckle-dragging band of right-wing thugs.

Very true...Liberals are noble as fuck...when armed with my check book. They are heroes to all illegals, criminals, whack-jobs and bottom feeders. They will fight hard to to keep all the entitlements you amazing contributors deserve.
The citizens of California provide more in tax revenue to the federal government than the state receives back. If making demands, it is a good position to be in.
Wow! It took Obama 13 days to declare for the CA Butte fires, but Trump is given less than 24 hours and you scream to high heaven (or maybe that should be hell). Lol
California Valley Fire and Butte Fire |

Hey, moron, someone within YOUR ilk started the post declaring that Brown was "begging" for federal help, while Brown just "asked" for the federal government to do its duty........Take it up with the O/Poster's half brain.
According to the world bank, the EU is at $16,311
It does not, it still leaves us at $16. On par with the EU. And you remove the U.K., we are well ahead. We are also well ahead do China.
No, you didn't.
I posted the links to the sources themselves for such official information
So? I went to three independent sources that agree with my conclusion.

Do you think that somehow makes it more official? Sorry, if you remove California from the U.S.equation the bottom drops out for the rest of the country.
The EU is at $17 trillion you would not be on par and the UK hasn't left yet it will be at least three years before they can accomplish a move.
According to the IMF they are at $17,110, the UN pegs it at $18,518
So you would have praised Obama if he had denied all federal aid to the states he didn't win.


California constantly tells US they can survive on their own. Their economy is larger than that of France. Let'em.

Then just give California back the federal taxes they pay every year.

Haha..... California takes as much as it gives. It's a wash. Ever try to buy gas from big oil while in the Bay Area? They tax the shit out of gas.
California constantly tells US they can survive on their own. Their economy is larger than that of France. Let'em.

Another moron chimes in.........The MOST dependent states of federal government funds are MS. AL, TN, LA, etc.....ALL red states that love the Trumpster.......

The LEAST dependent states are Delaware, MD and California.......

They are the ones entertaining secession. Texas did it during the Obama years and you people screamed NO!!.
Liberals are the true heros of America. We will defeat conservatism and deliver America from the fascist tyranny of Donald Trump and his knuckle-dragging band of right-wing thugs.

Very true...Liberals are noble as fuck...when armed with my check book. They are heroes to all illegals, criminals, whack-jobs and bottom feeders. They will fight hard to to keep all the entitlements you amazing contributors deserve.
And this is coming from Broke Loser?
According to the world bank, the EU is at $16,311
It does not, it still leaves us at $16. On par with the EU. And you remove the U.K., we are well ahead. We are also well ahead do China.
No, you didn't.
I posted the links to the sources themselves for such official information
So? I went to three independent sources that agree with my conclusion.

Do you think that somehow makes it more official? Sorry, if you remove California from the U.S.equation the bottom drops out for the rest of the country.
The EU is at $17 trillion you would not be on par and the UK hasn't left yet it will be at least three years before they can accomplish a move.

Liberals are the true heros of America. We will defeat conservatism and deliver America from the fascist tyranny of Donald Trump and his knuckle-dragging band of right-wing thugs.

Very true...Liberals are noble as fuck...when armed with my check book. They are heroes to all illegals, criminals, whack-jobs and bottom feeders. They will fight hard to to keep all the entitlements you amazing contributors deserve.

According to the world bank, the EU is at $16,311
It does not, it still leaves us at $16. On par with the EU. And you remove the U.K., we are well ahead. We are also well ahead do China.
No, you didn't.
I posted the links to the sources themselves for such official information

Do you think that somehow makes it more official? Sorry, if you remove California from the U.S.equation the bottom drops out for the rest of the country.
The EU is at $17 trillion you would not be on par and the UK hasn't left yet it will be at least three years before they can accomplish a move.
According to the IMF they are at $17,110, the UN pegs it at $18,518

You know, you gotta love the lefts fantasyland narratives. They have got to give themselves something to cheer and believe in, because if not, they would be forced to face the reality that they are SOL for the minimum of 4 years, but probably longer.

1. California wants to secede, lololol. OK, lets just go along with the leftist argument, and they are going to try. The leftist mantra is that California will do its own thing. Yes it will, because if it did, it would not go by state, it would go by congressional district-) OH, THAT HAS GOT TO HURT! And, it would be done by vote. So lets see, the libs get LA, San Fran, and maybe Sand Diego and their surrounding areas. The United States gets the rest! SOUNDS FAIR TO ME LIBS, GO FOR IT-)

A new State of California would be created by the districts that wanted to stay within our jurisdiction, and you could join MEHHHHHHICOOOOOOO, or Cuba........or maybe become your own country, and now YOU get to take care of the illegals all by yourselves, AND they get to vote and run the new GUADALAHARA, hehehehehehehehehe, while taking your money. Sounds like a plan to me, and it is an easy way in one fell swoop for us to get rid of millions of illegals. They will be all yours, just keep them within your new COUNTRY'S BORDERS-)

And we get------> all the national parks, all of the mountains, and all of the redwoods. I like it lefties, you are talking us into it! We get a NEW Golden state, and we get to give you the proverbial.....GOLDEN SHOWER! What a deal.

OK Fuca, or Fuku, do it, we want our congressional districts, and you get your cities-)
I didn't start it. But you all came screaming why hasn't he declared it when it was started.
Moron, used by those without anything else.
Wow! It took Obama 13 days to declare for the CA Butte fires, but Trump is given less than 24 hours and you scream to high heaven (or maybe that should be hell). Lol
California Valley Fire and Butte Fire |

Hey, moron, someone within YOUR ilk started the post declaring that Brown was "begging" for federal help, while Brown just "asked" for the federal government to do its duty........Take it up with the O/Poster's half brain.
World bank pegs it at $16,311.

The IMF and the World Bank: How Do They Differ?
International Monetary Fund › pubs › exrp
The Bank and the IMF are twin intergovernmental pillars supporting the structure of the world's economic and financial order. That there are two pillars rather than one is no accident.

So why differing figures?
According to the world bank, the EU is at $16,311
It does not, it still leaves us at $16. On par with the EU. And you remove the U.K., we are well ahead. We are also well ahead do China.
No, you didn't.
I posted the links to the sources themselves for such official information

Do you think that somehow makes it more official? Sorry, if you remove California from the U.S.equation the bottom drops out for the rest of the country.
The EU is at $17 trillion you would not be on par and the UK hasn't left yet it will be at least three years before they can accomplish a move.
According to the IMF they are at $17,110, the UN pegs it at $18,518
According to the world bank, the EU is at $16,311
It does not, it still leaves us at $16. On par with the EU. And you remove the U.K., we are well ahead. We are also well ahead do China.
No, you didn't.
I posted the links to the sources themselves for such official information

Do you think that somehow makes it more official? Sorry, if you remove California from the U.S.equation the bottom drops out for the rest of the country.
The EU is at $17 trillion you would not be on par and the UK hasn't left yet it will be at least three years before they can accomplish a move.

Liberals are the true heros of America. We will defeat conservatism and deliver America from the fascist tyranny of Donald Trump and his knuckle-dragging band of right-wing thugs.

Very true...Liberals are noble as fuck...when armed with my check book. They are heroes to all illegals, criminals, whack-jobs and bottom feeders. They will fight hard to to keep all the entitlements you amazing contributors deserve.

According to the world bank, the EU is at $16,311
It does not, it still leaves us at $16. On par with the EU. And you remove the U.K., we are well ahead. We are also well ahead do China.
Do you think that somehow makes it more official? Sorry, if you remove California from the U.S.equation the bottom drops out for the rest of the country.
The EU is at $17 trillion you would not be on par and the UK hasn't left yet it will be at least three years before they can accomplish a move.
According to the IMF they are at $17,110, the UN pegs it at $18,518

You know, you gotta love the lefts fantasyland narratives. They have got to give themselves something to cheer and believe in, because if not, they would be forced to face the reality that they are SOL for the minimum of 4 years, but probably longer.

1. California wants to secede, lololol. OK, lets just go along with the leftist argument, and they are going to try. The leftist mantra is that California will do its own thing. Yes it will, because if it did, it would not go by state, it would go by congressional district-) OH, THAT HAS GOT TO HURT! And, it would be done by vote. So lets see, the libs get LA, San Fran, and maybe Sand Diego and their surrounding areas. The United States gets the rest! SOUNDS FAIR TO ME LIBS, GO FOR IT-)

A new State of California would be created by the districts that wanted to stay within our jurisdiction, and you could join MEHHHHHHICOOOOOOO, or Cuba........or maybe become your own country, and now YOU get to take care of the illegals all by yourselves, AND they get to vote and run the new GUADALAHARA, hehehehehehehehehe, while taking your money. Sounds like a plan to me, and it is an easy way in one fell swoop for us to get rid of millions of illegals. They will be all yours, just keep them within your new COUNTRY'S BORDERS-)

And we get------> all the national parks, all of the mountains, and all of the redwoods. I like it lefties, you are talking us into it! We get a NEW Golden state, and we get to give you the proverbial.....GOLDEN SHOWER! What a deal.

OK Fuca, or Fuku, do it, we want our congressional districts, and you get your cities-)

You write like a 10 year old.
World bank pegs it at $16,311.

The IMF and the World Bank: How Do They Differ?
International Monetary Fund › pubs › exrp
The Bank and the IMF are twin intergovernmental pillars supporting the structure of the world's economic and financial order. That there are two pillars rather than one is no accident.

So why differing figures?
According to the world bank, the EU is at $16,311
It does not, it still leaves us at $16. On par with the EU. And you remove the U.K., we are well ahead. We are also well ahead do China.
Do you think that somehow makes it more official? Sorry, if you remove California from the U.S.equation the bottom drops out for the rest of the country.
The EU is at $17 trillion you would not be on par and the UK hasn't left yet it will be at least three years before they can accomplish a move.
According to the IMF they are at $17,110, the UN pegs it at $18,518

Different ways of measuring wealth is all.
According to the world bank, the EU is at $16,311
It does not, it still leaves us at $16. On par with the EU. And you remove the U.K., we are well ahead. We are also well ahead do China.
Do you think that somehow makes it more official? Sorry, if you remove California from the U.S.equation the bottom drops out for the rest of the country.
The EU is at $17 trillion you would not be on par and the UK hasn't left yet it will be at least three years before they can accomplish a move.

Liberals are the true heros of America. We will defeat conservatism and deliver America from the fascist tyranny of Donald Trump and his knuckle-dragging band of right-wing thugs.

Very true...Liberals are noble as fuck...when armed with my check book. They are heroes to all illegals, criminals, whack-jobs and bottom feeders. They will fight hard to to keep all the entitlements you amazing contributors deserve.

According to the world bank, the EU is at $16,311
It does not, it still leaves us at $16. On par with the EU. And you remove the U.K., we are well ahead. We are also well ahead do China.
The EU is at $17 trillion you would not be on par and the UK hasn't left yet it will be at least three years before they can accomplish a move.
According to the IMF they are at $17,110, the UN pegs it at $18,518

You know, you gotta love the lefts fantasyland narratives. They have got to give themselves something to cheer and believe in, because if not, they would be forced to face the reality that they are SOL for the minimum of 4 years, but probably longer.

1. California wants to secede, lololol. OK, lets just go along with the leftist argument, and they are going to try. The leftist mantra is that California will do its own thing. Yes it will, because if it did, it would not go by state, it would go by congressional district-) OH, THAT HAS GOT TO HURT! And, it would be done by vote. So lets see, the libs get LA, San Fran, and maybe Sand Diego and their surrounding areas. The United States gets the rest! SOUNDS FAIR TO ME LIBS, GO FOR IT-)

A new State of California would be created by the districts that wanted to stay within our jurisdiction, and you could join MEHHHHHHICOOOOOOO, or Cuba........or maybe become your own country, and now YOU get to take care of the illegals all by yourselves, AND they get to vote and run the new GUADALAHARA, hehehehehehehehehe, while taking your money. Sounds like a plan to me, and it is an easy way in one fell swoop for us to get rid of millions of illegals. They will be all yours, just keep them within your new COUNTRY'S BORDERS-)

And we get------> all the national parks, all of the mountains, and all of the redwoods. I like it lefties, you are talking us into it! We get a NEW Golden state, and we get to give you the proverbial.....GOLDEN SHOWER! What a deal.

OK Fuca, or Fuku, do it, we want our congressional districts, and you get your cities-)

You write like a 10 year old.

Hey, but it is factual if you people in California try it, and succeed! Don't like it? Don't blame me, I am just giving you the scenario you wish.

By the way-----> I like Yosemite and the redwoods, and we thank you very much-)
Nah.......Brown just needs to suck it up. I believe he's threatened succession, it's time he puts his actions into words as opposed just a major liberal pussy. It's going to be fun watching California conquered by Mexico. They won't have the Navy or Air force to protect them either. Those belong to the USA.
While I certainly have issues with some of the insanity that comes out of California, natural disasters are natural disasters and Californians are still my fellow citizens, well most of them anyway. The fed govt should take the appropriate measures.

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