Governor of California begs Trump admin for federal help.

So you would have praised Obama if he had denied all federal aid to the states he didn't win.


Didn't Obama deny Texas aid when it was having all those forest fires?

Obama admin. denied Texas' request for disaster declaration to help fight wildfires

From your own link:

"But the statement leaves out a crucial relevant fact. FEMA has not denied federal aid for the Texas wildfires; it’s approved fire-fighting grants adding up to $23 million — far more than Oklahoma’s approximate $3 million in disaster aid."

How much have the Feds FEMA spent on paying out for those wealthy idiots who keep rebuilding their $10 million dollar houses that slide down hills in waves of mud about every three years, or subsidizing morons who repeatedly build on earthquake prone fault lines, and yes, people who build in wildfire prone areas in Cali? Most of California is a disaster area, so your 'point' here is just idiotic. $23 mil for a comparatively rare occurrence in Texas or $3 mil in Okie is nothing. Try to come up with some intelligent 'point' at least once in a while.

The claim was that Obama denied Texas aid. Texas got 23 million in aid.

Now who was right and who was wrong?

The topic is California, not Texas; you can babble and make these lame attempts at changing the topic all you want, it just proves you're desperate. Try addressing what I said instead of gibbering and whining and deflecting.

Fun Facts re California and disaster relief from FEMA, beginning with a history lesson for the clueless astro-turfers::

Table 1
Total FEMA Disaster Expenditures by State - 1991 to 1999
Top & Bottom Ten States
State Expenditures (in millions)

California $8,871.5
Florida 2,594.0
North Carolina 950.3
Illinois 686.6
Georgia 640.5
North Dakota 590.5
Minnesota 510.7
Texas 506.2
New York 502.8
Louisiana 426.2
Nevada $38.3
New Hampshire 30.7
Connecticut 28.7
Colorado 28.6
Delaware 24.3
Rhode Island 19.2
Montana 15.8
New Mexico 10.5
Utah 1.8
Wyoming 1.1

Notes: Data obtained from FEMA and is converted to real 1996 dollars.

Now, need we continue down this tour of the facts? Anybody here feel like claiming any other state has come anywhere near those totals since 1999?
So you would have praised Obama if he had denied all federal aid to the states he didn't win.


Wow you are clueless. If they are a sancuary atare, no fed cant tell the feds to fuck off and expect fed money
Didn't Obama deny Texas aid when it was having all those forest fires?

Obama admin. denied Texas' request for disaster declaration to help fight wildfires

Read and COMPREHEND your own cite above.......

FEMA has not denied federal aid for the Texas wildfires; it’s approved fire-fighting grants adding up to $23 million — far more than Oklahoma’s approximate $3 million in disaster aid.

lol .. another loser attempting to spin something. Hilarious.
To help with climate disasters IS the president's job you assholes.
What do you think he's only supposed to watch Tv and tweet all day?
Wander around the White House at night in his bathrobe?
Do your fucking job you wasteful piece of shit.
Get rid of your sanctuary cities get the funding. Easy peasy.
So you would have praised Obama if he had denied all federal aid to the states he didn't win.


Didn't Obama deny Texas aid when it was having all those forest fires?

Obama admin. denied Texas' request for disaster declaration to help fight wildfires

From your own link:

"But the statement leaves out a crucial relevant fact. FEMA has not denied federal aid for the Texas wildfires; it’s approved fire-fighting grants adding up to $23 million — far more than Oklahoma’s approximate $3 million in disaster aid."

How much have the Feds FEMA spent on paying out for those wealthy idiots who keep rebuilding their $10 million dollar houses that slide down hills in waves of mud about every three years, or subsidizing morons who repeatedly build on earthquake prone fault lines, and yes, people who build in wildfire prone areas in Cali? Most of California is a disaster area, so your 'point' here is just idiotic. $23 mil for a comparatively rare occurrence in Texas or $3 mil in Okie is nothing. Try to come up with some intelligent 'point' at least once in a while.

The claim was that Obama denied Texas aid. Texas got 23 million in aid.

Now who was right and who was wrong?

The topic is California, not Texas; you can babble and make these lame attempts at changing the topic all you want, it just proves you're desperate. Try addressing what I said instead of gibbering and whining and deflecting.

Fun Facts re California and disaster relief from FEMA, beginning with a history lesson for the clueless astro-turfers::

Table 1
Total FEMA Disaster Expenditures by State - 1991 to 1999
Top & Bottom Ten States
State Expenditures (in millions)

California $8,871.5
Florida 2,594.0
North Carolina 950.3
Illinois 686.6
Georgia 640.5
North Dakota 590.5
Minnesota 510.7
Texas 506.2
New York 502.8
Louisiana 426.2
Nevada $38.3
New Hampshire 30.7
Connecticut 28.7
Colorado 28.6
Delaware 24.3
Rhode Island 19.2
Montana 15.8
New Mexico 10.5
Utah 1.8
Wyoming 1.1

Notes: Data obtained from FEMA and is converted to real 1996 dollars.

Now, need we continue down this tour of the facts? Anybody here feel like claiming any other state has come anywhere near those totals since 1999?

I didn't bring up Texas. Go whine to the poster who did.
Didn't Obama deny Texas aid when it was having all those forest fires?

Obama admin. denied Texas' request for disaster declaration to help fight wildfires

Read and COMPREHEND your own cite above.......

FEMA has not denied federal aid for the Texas wildfires; it’s approved fire-fighting grants adding up to $23 million — far more than Oklahoma’s approximate $3 million in disaster aid.

lol .. another loser attempting to spin something. Hilarious.

What's the spin?
Oh, boy. Really? Lol
Liberals are the true heros of America. We will defeat conservatism and deliver America from the fascist tyranny of Donald Trump and his knuckle-dragging band of right-wing thugs.
It true. You guys are total fascist pigs. If I were you, I'd switch over to our side while you still can because we are going to KICK ASS!
What planet are you living on?
The same Jerry Brown that fought against illegal immigration back in the day?

In 1975, Jerry Brown complained, that the federal government wanted to “dump Vietnamese on” California. “We can’t be looking 5,000 miles away and at the same time neglecting people who live here,” Newsweek reported at the time.

That Jerry Brown?

I swear all lefties are irony impaired.
Confusing Union dues with merely public policies that are subject to pandering and political passions of the moment?
Great! I expect Trump to deny funding and I think It's a wonderful thing to give the finger to the 4,483,000 Trump voters who all live mostly in disaster areas.

I find it humorous that you think Trump supporters would want Federal bailouts for any state.

You really think that, don't you?

Funny, really funny.

The evidence will show in their 2020 vote if the floods haven't washed them and their property away.
maybe if California hadnt been so ignorant with their sanctuary state status for the filthy sub humans, they wouldnt be so broke right now.
Brown is asking U.S citizens to reach in their pockets and cover the cost of allowing those parasites to stay in and live in this country.
Not to mention that millions of votes cast by those uneducated pieces of shit that openly walk into California and demand their "rights"
I would be all for bailing out California if not for their love for those leaches that are invading our country.
I would say, get rid of the vermin, then we can discuss federal aid.
Great! I expect Trump to deny funding and I think It's a wonderful thing to give the finger to the 4,483,000 Trump voters who all live mostly in disaster areas.

I find it humorous that you think Trump supporters would want Federal bailouts for any state.

You really think that, don't you?

Funny, really funny.
what is even funnier, is when that comes from, welfare queen red States.
It would appear that you are the one hiding behind a vote total that means nothing whatsoever.

Once again proving my theory that leftists are irony impaired.

Indeed, does a majority vote in congress ALSO mean nothing?
Clinton 19 states to
Trumps 31 states
Hillary Clinton. the candidate so bad she couldn't defeat did you say it, 'orange clown'.

Amazing, isn't it? you well know....DID manage to democratically "defeat" Trump in popular votes, BUT could not defeat the "orange clown" in the somewhat outdated but still used EC.
Clinton 19 states to
Trumps 31 states

Another right wing idiot who compares Mississippi's influence, population and industry, with California's........STAY STUPID, we need you as an example for our kids as to why they should get an education or grow up stupid like YOU.
So you would have praised Obama if he had denied all federal aid to the states he didn't win.


Didn't Obama deny Texas aid when it was having all those forest fires?

Obama admin. denied Texas' request for disaster declaration to help fight wildfires

From your own link:

"But the statement leaves out a crucial relevant fact. FEMA has not denied federal aid for the Texas wildfires; it’s approved fire-fighting grants adding up to $23 million — far more than Oklahoma’s approximate $3 million in disaster aid."

How much have the Feds FEMA spent on paying out for those wealthy idiots who keep rebuilding their $10 million dollar houses that slide down hills in waves of mud about every three years, or subsidizing morons who repeatedly build on earthquake prone fault lines, and yes, people who build in wildfire prone areas in Cali? Most of California is a disaster area, so your 'point' here is just idiotic. $23 mil for a comparatively rare occurrence in Texas or $3 mil in Okie is nothing. Try to come up with some intelligent 'point' at least once in a while.

The claim was that Obama denied Texas aid. Texas got 23 million in aid.

Now who was right and who was wrong?

The topic is California, not Texas; you can babble and make these lame attempts at changing the topic all you want, it just proves you're desperate. Try addressing what I said instead of gibbering and whining and deflecting.

Fun Facts re California and disaster relief from FEMA, beginning with a history lesson for the clueless astro-turfers::

Table 1
Total FEMA Disaster Expenditures by State - 1991 to 1999
Top & Bottom Ten States
State Expenditures (in millions)

California $8,871.5
Florida 2,594.0
North Carolina 950.3
Illinois 686.6
Georgia 640.5
North Dakota 590.5
Minnesota 510.7
Texas 506.2
New York 502.8
Louisiana 426.2
Nevada $38.3
New Hampshire 30.7
Connecticut 28.7
Colorado 28.6
Delaware 24.3
Rhode Island 19.2
Montana 15.8
New Mexico 10.5
Utah 1.8
Wyoming 1.1

Notes: Data obtained from FEMA and is converted to real 1996 dollars.

Now, need we continue down this tour of the facts? Anybody here feel like claiming any other state has come anywhere near those totals since 1999?

DUH, did you forget the almost $12 billion spent on Katrina? Your numbers are skewed to the state with the biggest emergency in a time period whether that be Loma Prieta, Sandy, or WTC.
Honey, keep it up. That is exactly the elitist attitude that got the Dems/progressives into their pickle of today. Let's hear more!
Clinton 19 states to
Trumps 31 states

Another right wing idiot who compares Mississippi's influence, population and industry, with California's........STAY STUPID, we need you as an example for our kids as to why they should get an education or grow up stupid like YOU.

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