Governor Palin: An AR-15 Is A Great Gift For Those You Love

Again she is right on the money. I bought my nephew one right after Sandy Hook and gave him a 840 round ammo box of .223's I had in my gun vault. The rifle could come in handy someday to save his life by using suppressive fire in case he had a home break in or carjacked by intruders. It is also a good weapon to hunt with. I've killed around 5 bucks with mine over the years as well as coyotes and feral hogs. This is why Palin is liked so much. She is a down to earth person who is not of the elite class who frowns upon average voters. The AR-15 is a great innovation as stated in the link.

Sarah Palin: An AR-15 Is a Great Gift for Those You Love

Just had to rub people's noses in those children's deaths, didn't you. Let us all know that real men mind that children get slaughtered. Hell, they were just in the wrong place at the wong time, isn't that right

And, "suppression fire" in your home?

Makes me think you don't know much at all.

"killed around 5 bucks"

Again, you don't know much. Including how many deer you've killed but by gawd, they weren't any little sissy does, right? They were "bucks".

You're an idiot.

And a joke who probably can't even handle a .22.

All wrong. I bought the rifle due to the fact that Sandy Hook caused a massive buying spree of the gun and since my nephew didn't have one in his collection, I went down to the local sporting goods store and purchased one before they were all sold out. We didn't know if there would be a ban put on them. Lucky I got it. I have no shortage of collectable guns.
I agree. But I have never met a hunter who would do that... We want the meat & skins.

Amen! Plus, most hunters want adult deer bigger than Bambi - which is about all the .223 Bambi is good for.

Not true. My younger brother killed a 9 point in one shot last year weighing 238lbs with a .223 Ruger Mini-14. He was a hoss.

Good for your brother - but was it ethical and humane? Was the deer standing still or running? Distance? Was the buck calm or pumping adrenalin when shot? A pellet gun or .22 rimfire can kill a deer - but that doesn't mean it's ethical or humane. I could kill an elephant with a .223 Bambi if I was willing to let it suffer and wait for it to die - but why would any ethical hunter want to?

BTW, I wouldn't want to live near anyone who would seriously consider laying down a spray of "suppressive fire" to repel an unauthorized home invasion.
Amen! Plus, most hunters want adult deer bigger than Bambi - which is about all the .223 Bambi is good for.

Not true. My younger brother killed a 9 point in one shot last year weighing 238lbs with a .223 Ruger Mini-14. He was a hoss.

Good for your brother - but was it ethical and humane? Was the deer standing still or running?

It was ethical and humane. He was hunting on a highline cut in a swamp basin and the buck walked out and stopped as he was crossing it. My brother hit him right behind the shoulder dropping him instantly. I think it was at about 100yrds. Was a clean shot and didn't tear him up. Hard part was getting him out of there due to rain the day before. Got stuck many times in the Rhino bringing him out.
I have zero respect for anyone who brags about hunting deer with a .223. It isn't ethical or humane - and illegal in many states. Deer should not be needlessly tortured.

You know...I felt the same way, but the more I read about MODERN .223 bullet/powder combinations...the more I am force to come around to this new way of thinking.

Like I said, I'm not there yet...the .243 win 95 grain is the lightest round I currently feel comfortable with...BUT, I'm open minded.

If the evidence is conclusive that 70 grain high expansion bullets driven by modern faster burning powder can ethically harvest whitetail is possible I will become a convert.
Suppression fire in your own home? Fumbling with a rifle during a carjacking? Have you thought any of those situations out?

What is the point of having an assault rifle to defend your home if all you're going to do with it is destroy your home with "suppressive fire"? Let me guess. "It's either that or get raped and murdered", right? You have a semi-automatic rifle used by soldiers in war to defend the television that you just filled with holes. Great plan.

And do you think that any long rifle is convenient during a carjacking? Krav Maga would be faster than an AR.

no we want em for a secret militia orginization to take over the world. Our name is a type of snake, but thats all i can give away.......and i think ive said too much.
Suppression fire in your own home? Fumbling with a rifle during a carjacking? Have you thought any of those situations out?

What is the point of having an assault rifle to defend your home if all you're going to do with it is destroy your home with "suppressive fire"? Let me guess. "It's either that or get raped and murdered", right? You have a semi-automatic rifle used by soldiers in war to defend the television that you just filled with holes. Great plan.

And do you think that any long rifle is convenient during a carjacking? Krav Maga would be faster than an AR.

no we want em for a secret militia orginization to take over the world. Our name is a type of snake, but thats all i can give away.......and i think ive said too much.

And LONG May It Wave In Freedom!
I have zero respect for anyone who brags about hunting deer with a .223. It isn't ethical or humane - and illegal in many states. Deer should not be needlessly tortured.

You know...I felt the same way, but the more I read about MODERN .223 bullet/powder combinations...the more I am force to come around to this new way of thinking.

Like I said, I'm not there yet...the .243 win 95 grain is the lightest round I currently feel comfortable with...BUT, I'm open minded.

If the evidence is conclusive that 70 grain high expansion bullets driven by modern faster burning powder can ethically harvest whitetail is possible I will become a convert.

Well said. However, why try to transform a varmint cartridge into a deer cartridge?
An fight off a carjacking?

Are you a freaking idiot?

Are you gonna carry the rifle on your lap while you drive? (Wait...some RW'ers are that crazy)
If not, you'll get shot while reaching for your AR15.

AND...the carjacker is probably gonna approach from the driver side. And if you point a 16 inch AR15 on the driver side, your muzzle will hit the window and you may not even be able to get a shot off, and the blast will shatter glass into your own eyes you idiot.

Again, that's if he doesn't shoot you while you reach for your rifle in the back seat. Unless you drive around with an AR15 on your lap. Which some RW'ers may do, and if so, they're even more batshit nuts than I thought.

Sarah didn't mention carjacking.
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If the dude is cranked out on something, he might not NOTICE #3 from a 20-gauge!

It will penetrate six inches of flesh at 50 feet. There's no need for more. If their heart has a big hole in it, it doesn't matter whether or not they felt it. Anything that exits is wasted energy, and a threat to everyone else in the neighborhood.
A better gift would be an AK 47, .30 love and reliability.

M1A. 'Nuff said.

For those who can afford one – Americans who work for a living will do just fine with an AK at less than half the price.

Most AK-47's have abysmal accuracy. I once bought a Chinese version it was so off that even with the sights all the way maxed out I was still hitting a good 6 inches to the side.

The Soviet and Chinese weapons that are most of the available ones were not built for accuracy but for suppression fire. AN AR is built for accuracy.
I like guns, and like pulling liberal chains. Especially the gun control freaks.

Gun Control is the ability to hit what I'm aiming at.


Today I took my 5-year-old son shopping. I bought him a toy gun.

You leftists may now commence frothing at the mouth until your heads explode. You sane people may return to your regularly-scheduled conversation.


Did he want a toy gun, or did you want to buy him a toy gun?


I promised that if he was well-behaved during our shopping trip, he would be able to pick out the toy of his choice. He picked the gun.
I like guns, and like pulling liberal chains. Especially the gun control freaks.

Gun Control is the ability to hit what I'm aiming at.


Today I took my 5-year-old son shopping. I bought him a toy gun.

You leftists may now commence frothing at the mouth until your heads explode. You sane people may return to your regularly-scheduled conversation.


You are a disgrace to gun-nuts, Sarah Palin and the the NRA. A real gun owner would have bought your 5 year old an AR-15, or at the very least, a Glock. Shame on you!

He's not strong enough to handle the kick yet.
Again she is right on the money. I bought my nephew one right after Sandy Hook and gave him a 840 round ammo box of .223's I had in my gun vault. The rifle could come in handy someday to save his life by using suppressive fire in case he had a home break in or carjacked by intruders. It is also a good weapon to hunt with. I've killed around 5 bucks with mine over the years as well as coyotes and feral hogs. This is why Palin is liked so much. She is a down to earth person who is not of the elite class who frowns upon average voters. The AR-15 is a great innovation as stated in the link.

Sarah Palin: An AR-15 Is a Great Gift for Those You Love

Just had to rub people's noses in those children's deaths, didn't you. Let us all know that real men mind that children get slaughtered. Hell, they were just in the wrong place at the wong time, isn't that right

And, "suppression fire" in your home?

Makes me think you don't know much at all.

"killed around 5 bucks"

Again, you don't know much. Including how many deer you've killed but by gawd, they weren't any little sissy does, right? They were "bucks".

You're an idiot.

And a joke who probably can't even handle a .22.

All wrong. I bought the rifle due to the fact that Sandy Hook caused a massive buying spree of the gun and since my nephew didn't have one in his collection, I went down to the local sporting goods store and purchased one before they were all sold out.

Sure you did. Just like those quotes in your sigline are real.

You did that because you're too stupid to see past the mentality of "the answer to guns is -- more guns!"

Please. You're as transparent as a new pane of glass.

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