Governor Palin: An AR-15 Is A Great Gift For Those You Love

I can't believe you people buy into her grandstanding bullshit so easily. Do political statements like this get more transparent? No, because Palin is the worst of the worst.

If she cared about our country so much she wouldn't even be talking about this issue. Congress nor the president are even debating the issue of gun control. There are much more pressing issues at hand.

I like guns, and like pulling liberal chains. Especially the gun control freaks.

Gun Control is the ability to hit what I'm aiming at.


Today I took my 5-year-old son shopping. I bought him a toy gun.

You leftists may now commence frothing at the mouth until your heads explode. You sane people may return to your regularly-scheduled conversation.


My son had tons of toy guns that I buy for him.

Try again?
For dealing with home invasion or carjacking nothing beats a glock.

For dealing with a home invasion, nothing beats a shotgun!

Cant argue that though a shotgun will do some extra damage to your house a handgun won't. Ironic you brought up shotguns I was going to add a side topic to the thread regarding them pump action or auto loader which do you prefer or does it matter to you?
Again she is right on the money. I bought my nephew one right after Sandy Hook and gave him a 840 round ammo box of .223's I had in my gun vault. The rifle could come in handy someday to save his life by using suppressive fire in case he had a home break in or carjacked by intruders. It is also a good weapon to hunt with. I've killed around 5 bucks with mine over the years as well as coyotes and feral hogs. This is why Palin is liked so much. She is a down to earth person who is not of the elite class who frowns upon average voters. The AR-15 is a great innovation as stated in the link.


Sarah Palin: An AR-15 Is a Great Gift for Those You Love

Look it really doesn't bother me this weapon exists. I'm okay with it, but I'm sorry, you and Palin's grandstanding on the issue is painfully nauseating dude.

I bought my nephew one right after Sandy Hook
Sandy Hook. You just had to throw that out there huh? You thought to yourself "how can I can I get the liberals on this board all riled up? Ill say something blatantly partisan."

I really don't care you bought an AR-15 for your nephew after Sandy Hook. I just find it both pathetic and hilarious you would mention it just to piss liberals off. You're so transparent.

As for Palin, this is text book grandstanding for the 2016 election. See I doubt she even believes the AR-15 makes a good gift. She just knew republican pawns would eat it up by saying it is. In reality, Palin has ZERO chances of ever becoming president.
Now this is what I call a funny post.
Again she is right on the money. I bought my nephew one right after Sandy Hook and gave him a 840 round ammo box of .223's I had in my gun vault. The rifle could come in handy someday to save his life by using suppressive fire in case he had a home break in or carjacked by intruders. It is also a good weapon to hunt with. I've killed around 5 bucks with mine over the years as well as coyotes and feral hogs. This is why Palin is liked so much. She is a down to earth person who is not of the elite class who frowns upon average voters. The AR-15 is a great innovation as stated in the link.


Sarah Palin: An AR-15 Is a Great Gift for Those You Love

If Sarah Palin was such an expert on gift giving she'd have gotten Bristol a birth control pill prescription for her 16th birthday.
Palin's biggest USMB fan is also USMB's most openly and unreservedly racist poster. An interesting coincidence.
...if all you're going to do with it is destroy your home with "suppressive fire"?
Thank you for helping tp rpove the premise that anti-gun loons can onl;y argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Carry on.
You should spend less time shooting at things and more time proofreading, because someone who can't see spelling errors in their own words are not smart enough to determine when a gun should be used.

Dingleball was talking about using an AR-15 w/ 30-rd mag to defend his home with suppressive fire, as if an entire company of liberal Muslims are going to lay siege to his castle.

If most mass shootings are done with handguns then what's the point of a 30-round magazine? Especially during a carjacking?
It is a great gift. I don't own one (hint hint) but the guy I go shooting with does and I shoot it a lot. It's accurate and smooth operating. And best if all, some would argue, it has a look that makes liberals soil their panties.

"the guy I go shooting with"...

Palin's biggest USMB fan is also USMB's most openly and unreservedly racist poster. An interesting coincidence.

What ever happened to that guy who used to prance around in a Superman costume?
He could give Steve a run for the money... then there was Iceman... guess they don't last too long among humans.
Thank you for helping tp rpove the premise that anti-gun loons can onl;y argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Carry on.
You should spend less time shooting at things and more time proofreading, because someone who can't see spelling errors in their own words are not smart enough to determine when a gun should be used.

Dingleball was talking about using an AR-15 w/ 30-rd mag to defend his home with suppressive fire, as if an entire company of liberal Muslims are going to lay siege to his castle.

If most mass shootings are done with handguns then what's the point of a 30-round magazine? Especially during a carjacking?

More proof that M14 can only argue from ignorance, dyslexia and fumblefingered illiteracy.

It does make ya wonder, a guy who can't handle a simple keyboard putting the same fingers on a trigger.... :eusa_think:
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Given that I can hit what I aim at, I don't need "suppressive fire" like poor shaky Steve. A basic 20 gauge shotgun with #3 buckshot is great for home defense. Youth model, for the shorter barrel that's easier to handle in hallways. Yeah, 20 gauge is called a ladies gun, but that's the point, everyone can use it. Already having a penis, I don't need a substitute.
Palin's biggest USMB fan is also USMB's most openly and unreservedly racist poster. An interesting coincidence.

How much you bet that the racist twit Steve_McGarrett is also a proud, card-carrying member of the NRA?

If that stands for National Racist's Association it's a lock. :thup:

And it makes the bogus quotes in his sigline all the more hypocritical.
What does it matter what the former governor thinks of the 2nd Amendment? She is a pretty, articulate woman and the radical left hates pretty smart women more than they hate the 2nd Amendment.
Who wouldn't want an AR-15?

Home defense, long distance marksmanship, plinking, hunting.

It's modular, so you can work on it yourself and customize it to your preferences.

Best coyote gun I've ever owned.

There is even a school of thought (of which I am not yet a member) that the MODERN .223 70 grain bullet is suitable for deer hunting.

I'm not totally convinced that this is ethical yet, but I know that a .223 is capable of taking deer sized game.

That said, it is legal in my state.

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